August 19, 2015
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394
RE: History, burdened by some inconvenient facts – Some comments on your editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel supporting the Obama/Iran treaty.
Ms. O’Hara,
I forgot to put a soupcon of reverse anti-Semitism into my introduction. I’ll include it in the body of my note.
“Nobody trusts Iran. That’s why the deal is so important.
It will force Iran to dramatically reduce the number…”
[italics mine]
Permit me a personal aside.
Despite the Washington Naval Arms treaty and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, events that led to a distribution of Nobel Prizes unmatched until the Nobel committee fell in love with modern American Liberals, the Japanese Navy and the German Navy tried to sink the ship in which my wife’s father served.
2 oceans, 3 years, 7 submarine attacks, daily General Quarters on a thin skinned cruiser. He left the United States Navy as a Lieutenant Commander to resume the practice of medicine as a surgeon. I mention this because despite the efforts of really bright, really peace yearning people, the agreements didn’t work. One of the reasons they didn’t work was because the guys on the other side of the table were using a 2 headed coin when it their turn at pitch and toss.
Forget what the treaty “says”. The only way we can “force” Iran is if they believe that we will “force” them be good citizens of the world. Why should they?
20 years ago we guaranteed the sovereignty and the borders of Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons. They did; we didn’t. If I were to find myself on Avenue E in Bayonne I am sure I would find some Slavish classmates who would say “Reset” my ass.
Poland and the Czech Republic were denied the defensive missiles that they had contracted for. Defensive missiles were the ones that Premier Kosygin told President Johnson at Glassboro that every nation had the right to have. Hillary Clinton stood by the caskets of 4 murdered Americans and lied about why they were killed. Worse, we did nothing to avenge their deaths. We would have given Miami to Cuba last month if they asked for it.
The world sees things like this.
No wonder modern American Liberals and the servy boys and gals who make up the decidedly non-Humphrey, non-Jackson, non-Moynihan Democratic Party support unlimited abortion. If they were women they would always be pregnant. QED the Cuban giveaway.
As to “snap back sanctions”, anyone who believes that the commercial beaks of Europe and Asia, having been whetted by a new market with $150,000,000,000 to spend, will “snap back” at a violation should not be allowed to handle heavy equipment or play with sharp objects. Florida low tide land and a bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn are next on the menu.
But the high light of your editorial is your “stiff necked” appeal to the Florida members of Congress who are Jewish. You seem to be saying that they should vote for it because they are Jews. You cite the support of Congressman Sandor Levin, the longest serving Jewish member of Congress, for the agreement – If I were to call it a treaty it would be subject to a 2/3rds vote for rather than a 2/3rds vote against – as reason for them to support it. Perhaps Congressman Levin, like George Soros, has the heart of a zonderkommando. Perhaps he gives lie to the shibboleth that all Jews are smart.
I am not a Jew but the Man who founded my Church was.
If the conversation begins with “Death to America”, “Death to Israel”, “Kill the Jews because they are pigs and monkeys” I think Logic would dictate that I give some credence to the possibility that these feral WOG bastards really mean it.
Churchill stood alone in Parliament after Chamberlain returned from Munich with a “Peace in our time” agreement. He said that we had to choose between shame and war. “We chose shame; we will have war.”
Do you get to say KADDISH for yourself while you are living? Next year in Jerusalem….maybe. Will the last Jew in Tel Aviv please turn out the lights?
Reject this evil pact.
Kevin Smith
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