Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9, 2015
Len Boselovic
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
34 Blvd of the Allies
Pittsburgh. PA 15222

RE: “Coal Wars” – Some comments on your review of – you guessed it – Big Coal in the Richard Martin book “Coal Wars” in today’s unlinkable Miami Herald.

Mr. Boselovic,

First, before I write anything else, please tell me that you and the author have turned off all your A/Cs.

Follow the bouncing ball. I’ll type slowly.

Half of the electricity produced in this country is used to run A/Cs. Approximately 40% of the power comes from burning coal. [With the exception of the high Sulphur coal mined by Tom Steyer, coal that could not be burned in this country, all coal, all the time is “dirty”. His coal is clean because of the eclectic indignation that is genetically encoded in modern American Liberals enables them to say without wetting their pants that Koch Brothers coal is dirty and Tom Steyer coal is clean because he is opposed to the Keystone pipeline. It sure as hell beats thinking.]

Thinking globally but acting locally, and with Logic as an unforgiving task master, please tell me that you have given up the temporary, totally narcissistic, pleasure of  artificial cooling, man-made and thus destructive and anti-polar bear, on a hot, humid, August day.

You have, haven’t you?

Thank God terms such as “hypocritical bastard” are still in vogue just in case.

As to solutions…

“- that China is a more dynamic, energetic
society accustomed to upheaval and is not
 encumbered by Democratic considerations.”
The Miami Herald
Page 7M

An absolutely mind-boggling statement that is etched on the foreheads of modern American Liberals who wear it proudly like the mark of Cain.

Think Stalin. Think Hitler. Think Mao. 
They were all “unencumbered by Democratic considerations”, weren’t they?

You say “dinosaurs still walked the earth, gazing contentedly” as if no one who read it would Have heard of Jurassic Park – Parts 1 to 5.

There is no screen time for Elsie the Cow as a lovable 4 leaf clover munching ruminant going about the fromage making business. Just beyond the tall grass, down by the river in the bottom land sits a big assed, sharply toothed, fiercely fanged, feral predator that is looking for its next meal.

50 years ago this country started 2 wars. One ended 10 years later. It is remembered by a wall in Washington, DC.

The other one was started in Appalachia in coal country. If but a small portion of the money spent on that one had been spent on nuclear energy we could look at the troubles in the Middle East with a xenophobic indifference. 

We didn’t. If we had Black Lung would be remembered only in text books, just like leprosy and small pox. Plus, there would be a surfeit of polar bears trying to get into our country form the North in a most undocumented manner. 

Next on the list are cars and plastics.

Stay tuned.

Kevin Smith

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