Monday, January 17, 2011

William V. Gibson The Sun-Sentinel

January 12, 2011

William V. Gibson
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Los Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

RE: To drill or not to drill in the Gulf? That is the question raised in article about same. And will there be a follow up article on whether or not we can depend on Hugo Chavez to help us in our time of need?

Mr. Gibson,

Senator Graham, Co-Chairman of the Woe is Us ‘Cuz We Still Burn Fossil Fuels and Let’s Bring Ned Lud Back Committee, said

“We’ve been wise enough not to drill in our own
property and politically able to maintain a
buffer in terms of federal water.”

Would not Logic dictate that as soon as Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama discover this they will demand the same protections for their tourist and fishing industries?

It is always an inconvenient truth but facts are hard things.

25% of the gasoline used in this country comes from the Gulf of Mexico. Florida is getting a free ride. We share in the harvest without having to worry about the planting and tending. Until bovine eructations, manatee musk, or excess Sheep Dip become a fuel that is an economically viable way of getting people from Point A to Point B we are going to have live with gasoline and the consequences thereof.

Perhaps Floridians will be made so mad by an excess of “Rainbow Stew” that they will give up their cars for one week a month. Perhaps a fifth Gospel will appear. Perhaps men will become angels.

Senator Graham, in a stirring tribute to the empirically self evident, said, “I don’t believe that anybody can say categorically that any set of recommendations, if totally adopted, would give us zero risk that this would occur again”.

Harland & Wolf, the company that built the R.M.S. Titanic, would agree with that statement. Ditto for the people who built the Challenger.

Tell me. Do they still put erasers on pencils?

“Man was not made for safe havens.”

Senator Graham proudly proclaimed in his long weekend run for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency that he was a product of the public schools of Florida. Res ipso loquitur. They were bad then too. It’s good to know that it didn’t start with Governor Bush.

Your article does not mention whether or not Senator Graham addressed the problems of Cuba drilling off its coast. Would I be thought a cad if I were to mention that the United States affirmed the right of a sovereign nation, in this case the fun loving Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Cuba, to drill in international waters contiguous to the United States? Further, this treaty was signed by Democrat Jimmy Carter and ratified by a Democratic Senate.

BP is an entity subject to the Secretary of the Interior putting his “boot on its neck”. The President of the United States, a man whose thin CV lists him as a former teacher of Constitutional Law, came down squarely for the Rule of Law by saying as soon as he found the proper ass to kick by God he was going to kick it.

Does that border on retroactive corporate hate speech?

Absent the forcible entry of the United States Navy how does this administration, or any administration, intend to keep Florida oysters, sword fish, stone crabs, and various sun lovers free from the perils of petroleum and its bastard spawn, petrochemicals, spewing from Cuba? Que paso if the Chinese are doing the drilling? It is true that there is no limit to the madness and lunacies that modern American Liberals can bring forth given an unlimited budget, a word processor, and no one saying “Liar, liar pants on fire”.

Shouldn’t the Sun-Sentinel show us the way to energy independence or energy altruism by promising not to use any air conditioning in its World Headquarters this summer? Think of how those saved polar bears will be able to protect the fragile Arctic environment by eating more of those pesky baby seals.

Deo gratias for mush brained modern American Liberals. Who else can make us feel warm and fuzzy about our inner selves?

Kevin Smith

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