Thursday, January 31, 2019

anuary 30, 2019 While I was momentarily enraptured by a picture of David “Little Boss” Hogg,

January 30, 2019

While I was momentarily enraptured by a picture of David “Little Boss” Hogg, the chinless little shit who was not shot at Margery Stoneman Douglas High School – 2 things: - #1 – Yes, I have been in a gunfight. June 3, 1993. Essex County Courthouse. One dead Newark Detective, one grievously wounded Sheriff’s Deputy whose life I saved and who, 2&1/2 years later, danced at my daughter’s wedding, and #2 – Not enough attention has been paid to Marjory Stoneman Douglas, noted Public Nuisance and doyenne/docent who successfully changed the name of the swamp between Fort Lauderdale and Naples to the Everglades. When she died, at the age of 108, I lobbied unsuccessfully to continue her legacy of giving to and helping to preserve the swamp creatures that she tended to in a most Assisi-like manner. I wanted her to be strapped to a motorized raft, perhaps festooned with a few cadaverous hindquarters of “Mad Cows” from England, to attract the man-threatened but still noble, Florida Panther [Panthers are cursory hunters and need moving targets] to give her a half-assed Viking funeral. Alas, it failed to gain a foothold. I am used to that since my plan to Cuisinart a dozen manatees a day to make sausage for the homeless has remained traction less – when I caught a glimpse of an article written be Alicia Colon. Its title was simple and direct.

Catholic Church Leaders Are a Bunch of Cowards.

The Catholic Bishop of Kentucky apologized yesterday for condemning the students of Covington Catholic for being intolerant turds and, in particular, intolerant White Catholic prep school, anti-Injun MAGA hat wearing – and you know what that means – turds. He said he was “pressured” into so doing. “Pressured”? By whom? Here is a man who can dispense 6 of the 7 Sacraments, a gift from God [Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build my Church, remember?]  shared by fewer than a thousand people and he felt “pressured”? I guess Henry the Second was right when he said “wearing purple does not make you a king”] 

The above is another example of why the epitaph of Vatican still rankles. Mater si, magistra no. But that’s not why I write.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, of Archbishop Malloy High School and Fordham University, like his father Mario before him is a public Roman Catholic, picking and choosing which doctrinal tenant to embrace or reject. He tumescently signed into law a bill that would have permitted babies to be aborted up to the end of their Baptismal receptions. [To show we are truly catholic, substitute briss for baptism]

I asked Governor Cuomo pere, after he gave his famous commencement address at Notre Dame University, the Catholic school, the one where he said that while he was opposed to abortion personally, he would permit, indeed encourage it, because it was the law of the land.

The Supreme Court ruled that fugitive slaves, Dred Scott for instance, must be returned to their owners. That made it the Law of the Land, didn’t it? I asked both father and son if they would have put his felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia if he had been captured in a pre-Sanctuary City in New York. [As an uncomfortable aside, and as an inconvenient truth but it is empirically self-evident that the philosophical and judicial forebear of Sanctuary Cities, Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, is the same one that clashed with reality at Fort Sumter. Modern American Liberals always find this hard to believe but there it is, like an unsinkable turd in Grammy’s pretty punch bowl.]

Neither answered.

          Governor Junior still hasn’t answered form when I asked him in 1999 if HUD, he was the Secretary, ever got any of the 200 air conditioners he “lent” to the Section 8 tenants in Pompano Beach in the famous heat wave of 1998. That was where, so help me God, Handsome Billy Clinton, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes, and in between hummers from the zoftig intern perjuring himself, said that it was hot in August in Washington, DC because of Global Warming which was caused, and isn’t it obvious so why would you ask, by hot days. Quod erat demonstratum, but if it weren’t for tautologies moronic modern American Liberals, screaming mimi assholes all, would never have to use their brains. Big Bill made this announcement at the same time that Donna Shalala told us in 1998 that we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years. That was in 1998. 21 years ago. At least she’s back in DC where we can best keep an eye on her.

And, also inconveniently, it was Global Warming that ended the last Ice Age and it was the last mini Ice Age that gave us the wood in the Mediterranean that Stradivarius used to make Bach sound almost divine. Which is why, when my dermatologist demanded that I wear a hat, I have one that says PROUD GLOBAL WARMER.

In the article, Sra Colon says that New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says “it would make no sense to excommunicate him”. 

As a Roman Catholic I say, yes, it would

I learned the difference between de facto and de jure when Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe. A famous person, by reason of his notoriety, is de facto excommunicated, if he commits a public sin and causes the Church to suffer public scandal. A court need not be convened. 

There will be no trial, public or private, of Cuomo fils, the public sinner. The Church has no stomach for it.

When a Roman Catholic goes to the front of the church to receive what is still nostalgically called by several hundreds of millions of people Holy Communion, the priest says “Body of Christ”. At the very least, this public display should be denied to Cuomo until he makes a public confession.

People may have the “right” to unfettered entry to this country. People who exercise the “right” may have an additional right to premium Cable but the “right” to membership in the Catholic Church still requires an invitation and acceptance. Part of this process, for one not born into the Faith, requires adult acceptance of certain rituals and rules. If you find these unacceptable, don’t join. If you are a member by birth and you find something unacceptable, have the good grace to leave before you piss in the Church’s soup and then expect ecclesiastical approbation, sort of like a lay man’s nihil obstat plus imprimatur. 

Nobody is making you stay.

Pass this on to Pelosi, la bruja.

Kevin Smith

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 27, 2019 Tom Moran The Star Ledger RE: Squaring the circle of free speech, maybe rape, and making disparate facts fit the agreed upon narrative of White privilege in matters sexual and political in today’s unlinkable Star Ledger.

January 27, 2019

Tom Moran
The Star Ledger

 RE: Squaring the circle of free speech, maybe rape, and making disparate facts fit the agreed upon narrative of White privilege in matters sexual and political in today’s unlinkable Star Ledger.

Mr. Moran, 

Now that you have identified the reason – secret money, doubtless from hated special interests with those interests being defined as being inimical to the Kumbaya “Imagine” agenda so beloved by modern American Liberal opinion shpkers – why government, any government, at any level, works as well as a stopped watch does when it’s right twice a day, I can get on to the real reason I am writing.

It is not 4 months since an attractive college professor went on national TV and told us that she had been to a party 35 or 36 years ago in a house that she wasn’t sure where but it wasn’t Section 8 housing and maybe she drank some beer but so was everybody else and somebody tried to get a leg over on her kind of but she was sure he was White and went to all male Catholic prep school and that he had a frat boy name and that he was now a Judge and wanted to be a Justice on the Supreme Court and the vipers on the modern American Liberal press – both electronic and print – said she’s telling the truth and he’s lying so let’s insult his wife and scare his 2 pre-teen daughters because he has not bent his knee to the one sacrament of the Church of Secular Humanism with that being no opposition to 4th trimester abortion, got it?

Men were told to “sit down and shut up” because she who must be believed has spoken and due process is not for lechers and men are all lying dogs, right? [I wonder if Meryl Streep still thinks “Harvey Weinstein is God” and if Roman Polanski inspired Bill Cosby?]

I’ll bet you’ve guessed that I am talking about Judge Kavanaugh becoming Justice Kavanaugh and why all women must be believed all the time and every time they say “He did it”, right?

Here comes shoe #1 followed closely by shoe #2 to which is tied a flaming bag of cat shit. 

Pray tell but why hasn’t True Blue modern American Liberal New Jersey believed like they believed the half a bubble off plumb, slightly wing nut moon bat who spoke so well about Brett Kavanaugh? Why aren’t people talking about Governor Murphy, and how he may make the electorate miss another Goldman, Sachs alumnus, Jon Corzine, and how he gives a perfect imitation of Jimmy Durante when, having been caught trying to steal an elephant, asks the investigating constable, “Elephant? What elephant?”
Katie Brennan says she was raped. Not groped 4 decades ago, before there was an Internet for which I can never thank former Vice President Alpha Gump enough, but raped with all that entails in the dawn of the “Me Too” age.

I could mention “eclectic indignation” but that might reveal my all-male Catholic prep school background so I won’t. All I can say is, “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.”  

Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of dark money, money given confidentially wrapped in the concupiscence that banal “special interests” are notorious for, Michael Gallagher, played by Paul Newman, tells a crusading U.S, Attorney that he gave the money confidentially because he wanted to keep his donation confidential. No crime there, right? If there is, wouldn’t Logic dictate that secret ballots get the chop?
I don’t know if you are old enough to remember when all the White Democrats who ran Mississippi sued every civil rights organization for their donor rolls. The purpose was to find out which groups of outsiders were funding these uppity Nigrahs. Juxtapositioned, and ain’t that a great verb, with the inconvenient truth that 4 Democratic Presidents and 14 Democratic Congresses had given short shrift to each and every Federal Anti-Lynching bill that was introduced, you can see why some donors gave confidentially because they wanted their contributions kept confidential.
Forget about “slippery slopes” and its evil twin, “chilling effects” but is your life or that of the common weal made better by knowing who gave to NARAL or MAGA?
Do you remember the little ditty that includes the lines “The wind and the rain may enter but the King may not unless invited? A man’s home is his castle.” Maybe that’s gone down the modern American Liberal memory hole too.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 25, 2019 “Disparate” and “Pink” are 2 of my favorite words.

January 25, 2019

“Disparate” and “Pink” are 2 of my favorite words.

“Pink”, being one of my favorite colors, and yes, real men do wear pink, means I have many cute and cuddle pink things. I have, inter alia, a V-neck pink cashmere sweater, vintage N. Peal at the Burlington Arcade, over which adult women have savagely fought.

This week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Archbishop Malloy High School and Fordham University, and truly his father’s son, ordered that all public buildings, including the World Trade Center, which I did not know was state property, to be swathed 
and swaddled in nocturnal pink. This was to show solidarity – and please forgive me oh great Polish Pope, now a Saint to many – with the recently passed universal New York state abortion law. That’s the one that allows abortion from before conception to either the briss or the baptism, whichever comes last. Plus, it need not be done by a physician, a nurse, an EMT, or a candy striper. It can be performed by a drum beating Indian stumble bum who did not go to Vietnam, a Black Israelite who doesn’t like finnochios, any community activist in training, or mad cap Congresschick Chiquita Cortez, named for a genocidal Abo killer, who couldn’t find her shapely ass using both her hands. At least Cuomo fils kept the Draconian laws regarding street corner pedicurists and floral arrangers in place. “Untimely ripping babies from their mothers’ wombs”, to cite Shakespeare, will soon be a TV reality show.

A society that sees no difference between shaping the pink to and ending the life of a bit of “straw into which God has breathed” is on the fast track, all high ball green lights, to Avernus. Solzhenitsyn said, after the Great Patriotic War but before he went into the Gulag for 10 years, that “all this happened when man turned away from God”.

Can this be made worse? Indeed, it can and it has.

Rich White people, 1%ers all, countenance the death of 2,000,000 sub-Saharan Black and Brown, and specifically non-White babies each and every year from malaria because they outlawed DDT. [Full disclosure: I saw an infant die of malaria in Mexico in 1963. Its stomach was so distended that it was buried without being able to distinguish its gender. And that was when DDT was legal.] It doesn’t happen in Malibu or Cambridge or where people who shop at Zabar’s live. Maybe Bernie the Bolshie and Senator SummerFallWinterWarren and Congresswoman Chiqjuita Cabeza de Caca are right. If we make the rich poor all those Brown Babies will grow up to be SJWs all. 

Speaking of genocide, as if air-borne diseases weren’t bad enough, since Roe v Wade freed us to commit state sanctioned murder, between 35% and 40% of all abortions in this country have been performed on Black women. Talk about Affirmative Action on steroids! Talk about the Rooney Rule ad absurdum, 1/16th of the population has participated in 3/8ths to 2/5ths of all the abortions since 1973. And no photo ID was required. 

“Free at last?”

From “pink” to “disparate” and, yes, there is a connection.

When Justice Thurgood Marshall wrote an assenting opinion in Roe v Wade, he went outside the edges of the envelope marked judicial reasoning. He said that Blacks should favor unlimited abortion because, if they escaped the butcher’s scythe, they would have to face the rigors of Black life in America. Which means, ad absurdum, if Planned Parenthood had been around before Fort Sumter was bombed there would have been no need for the 13th Amendment or my father’s father’s uncle, a member of the Irish Brigade, to have died at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. And here’s the typical tragic Irish side, did I just repeat myself, he came here from Ballyglass to free the slaves.

“Shoulda, woulda, coulda”, as Mr. Moose, Esq. used to say, “It’s always the same on instant replay.”

Catholic schools

I did not send a check to Marist High School in Bayonne, New Jersey last Christmas. That breaks a streak begun in 1975. The reason was easy. They wished me “Happy Holidays” in their year end message. “Happy Holidays” and from a Catholic school! Not quite blasphemy but surely approaching the pale. 
I suggest, as a reasonable alternative, the following mendicants, for your consideration:
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters – The Pink Nuns
2212 Green Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Whatever they do, they do as Catholics.

Which brings us to the sad, sorry spectacle of Notre Dame University covering the murals of Christopher Columbus. 
When red was introduced as a primary color in the early Renaissance, mitred heads were turned. 
Goya and Picasso shocked with pictures of men dying, not because of their deaths, but because, the action was frozen. Forever. When you opened your eyes, they were killed again. And again.
Catholics were deemed “deplorable” because they objected to “Piss Christ”.
We pooh-poohed the destruction of 2500 year old Buddhas by Taliban WOGs because Western Whites had to cut them some slack. Which is why Mohammed cartoons were verboten. 
DuChamp was criticized because his nudes weren’t nude enough.
And, if we cover Columbus murals becaust they upset American Abos, what should we do about Kateri Tekawitha? Even though she was a bona fide Native American and not an Iron Eyes Cody wanabee, she pissed off the Mohawks, the Iroquois, and even the doomed Mohican before the Catholic Church canonized her. Is there a ritual, hidden deep in the bowels of the Vatican, for uncanonizing a true “Redskin”?

The point is simple. The nexus of art and culture and popular passions is impossibly difficult at best. But when elders “forgo their private conscience for their public duties…they lead us by a short route to chaos.” 

Fling Kelly - bring back defenestration - as violently as possible from the Golden Dome? Si! Cover the Columbus muras?, No! 2 of the most famous South Bend coaches, Rockne & Parseghian, were not Roman Catholics. Maybe there is a Bush Baptist or a Satmar out there who can handle business. Find him. Or maybe her. The rule of de gustibus or ars gratia artis outranks attacking a 2-deep zone.

Before Cuomo fils used a tsunami of pink light to celebrate infanticide Cuomo pere gave a speech in South Bend in 1990 that caused the Trivium to tremble. It should have caused members of at least 3 departments to disembowel themselves in protest. The joint is committed to multi-culturalism and diversity, ain’t it?

Mario the Elder, the Hamlet of the Hudson, solemnly told the graduates that while he personally opposed abortion he had no choice but to uphold it because it was the law of the land. I didn’t ask him if the station master loading the high-ball express to Auschwitz was so bound. I did ask him if would have put Dred Scott’s felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia if he had been caught in Sag Harbor. He never answered. Neither did his son. And Poppy Cuomo still has his degree. And they will cover up Columbus murals because Senator SummerFallWinterWarren has some upset lanschmen? 

“The center cannot hold”
Bedlam awaits

Kevin Smith

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 22, 2019 Not quite 100 years ago...

January 22, 2019

Not quite 100 years ago – a bit less than a century – radical Protestant terrorists, taking a page from their ideological predecessors, radical Islamic terrorists, remembered for their attempted slaughter and mayhem at Tours in 732, at Lepanto in 1571, at Vienna in 1683, and at Omdurman in 1898, tried to kill my father’s 2 first cousins at Baytown, Texas. To my family’s everlasting credit and honor, they did the one thing men are bred to do, and they did it superbly well. “Men without chests” will toss the term “toxic masculinity”, into Gehenna. They, as their heretofore mentioned forebears did, fought back.

“And how can men die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers 
And the temples of his Gods?”

A century ago, in this country, Roman Catholics, my lanschmen, re-learned a valuable lesson. Shoot back. Shoot first. The Klan never came back.

It seems that Roman Catholics have forgotten this lesson.

It seems that, since Roman Catholics have become officially
deplorable, they have become easy targets for modern American Liberals. Let the record show that mALs regard us the way a gentleman regards dog shit on his boot.

I am sure there were many judicial and philosophical reasons why Judge Kavanaugh should not have become Justice Kavanaugh. A dialogue on Alexander Bickel, A.V. Dicey, and John C. Calhoun would have been noteworthy.

That he went to a male only, Catholic prep school, has a frat-boy first name, likes beer, and used to be pretty good at producing artificial sounds mimicking eructations were not subjects for Senate interrogation.

Justice Breyer’s wife’s family was/is a name at Lloyd’s. Thus, every case involving banks, insurance companies, or disputed contracts with financial consequences would have a direct impact on him. The subject never came up.

Justice Black, the hero of free speech, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Today we have 3 Senators, Hecates all, who while they may not be “feckless cunts”, to quote Samantha Bee, most assuredly are miserable cunts and friggin’ morons, who say membership in the Knights of Columbus should be automatically non-negotiable grounds for disqualification for seats on any Federal Bench. Knights of Columbus? Bad. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan? The subject never came up.

Would Judge Kavanaugh have been asked prep school behavior questions if his first name had been Mordecai or Abdul? Don’t be silly. 

Now comes the confluence of Covington Catholic High School, the D.C March for Life, the Black Israelites who don’t like finocchios, an Iron Eyes Cody type beating what looks like a bodhran – Look that one up all you professional Irishmen – and a toxic, venomous media that is on constant watch for something, anything that fits their pre-determined narrative of White is bad and even marginally religious Whites are malum per se, execrable, and must be smashed and destroyed. Vide the Duke lacrosse team and the UVA fraternity rape case.

That the story was both untrue and false has become irrelevant. As Dan Rather proved in 2004 with the Bush 43 fake memos, a story can be “fake but accurate”. What does accuracy have to do with a story whose noble goal was to rid the nation of a public, pestilential pox? All the recipes for omelets begin with romper huevos. Like Buzz Feed last week, it has become an integral double-helixed part of the warp and the woof of the DNA of modern American Liberal journalism. Investigative journalists, and is that now a 4-letter word, work backwards from the agreed upon conclusion that Trump is Hitler and that Catholics should be disenfranchised and that those Kentucky kids should be keel-hauled with what’s left being flayed as partial atonement for all the sins committed by evil White folk. If we gave the “Trousered Apes”, universally known as our betters, their druthers, there wouldn’t be enough left for a decent chum basket.

As Ambassador Moynihan said at the UN to the Israeli Ambassador when the General Assembly voted to make Zionism the same as racism, “Fuck ‘em”.

This Catholic will not go gently to the back of the bus.

Kevin Smith

PS – Florida State University, aka “The Seminoles”, and why do they get to keep a per se racist Abo name while Podunk A&T, located in Bug Fug, Arkansas, has to give up a century old Noble Savage mascot because someone’s knickers got knotted, has abjectly, profoundly, and profusely apologized for doing a harmless parody on MLK, Jr, and on his birthday to boot. Maybe Alice was right when she said “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean.” I turn to the envelope marked free speec., the one where the fading spirit of Orwell lingers. “All speech is free but some speech is freer than others and some free speech isn’t free at all and if you don’t like that, shut up.”

Square this circle.

It is politically incorrect to have gone to an all-male prep school with the only thing that could make it worse would have been if it were also Roman Catholic. [BTB, don’t look for “Curly” Biden, aka “Cheese Dick”, to play up that part of his extensive working-class BIO.] Membership in or allegiance to the Knights of Columbus will soon be akin to having belonged to the Waffen SS. Don’t even ask to see cartoons of Muhammed as a goat humping paedophile but you must be happy to subsidize with your taxpayer dollars the production of Corpus Cristi, a play whose basic premise is that Christ was crucified because he and Judas had a lovers’ quarrel and Judas dropped a dime on him.

And to quote, as the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne, “This is some country. That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba!”

How about a Go Fund Me page to keep Congresschick Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez in the public eye? What a friggin’ moron! She just gave us 12 years before old terra firma goes belly up. She joins a distinguished line of modern American Liberals all of whom share certified friggin’ moron status. Margaret Sanger, Rachel Carson are emeritus friggin’ moron status. Paul Ehrlich, who said we would either starve or freeze to death and blamed it on the Catholic Church; former V.P. Alpha Gump who 30 years ago gave us no more than 10 years before we were sunburned to death and 20 years ago gave us 10 more years before we drowned and 10 years ago gave us 10 more years before he became a “sex poodle” and sold his TV network to the WOGs and Donna Shalala who, 21 years ago, gave us 10 years before we all died from AIDS. Talk about an A-Team. She’s got some big shoes to fill. BTB, all her shoes have a note stitched in them which says, “Toes to the front and go in first.” Also, some money will be set aside for a hysterectomy. Her line must end. The Buck v Bell rule applies, no?

Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019 Leonard Pitts The Miami Herald

January 20, 2019

Leonard Pitts
The Miami Herald

RE: In how your unlinkable column in today’s Miami Herald, the one sub-titled “Their silence is their approval” does great damage to both Rhetoric and Logic, 2/3rds of the Trivium no less, and in 2 languages.

Mr. Pitts

In its original DWEM – That’s Dead White European Male, in case it’s a new term for you – language, try to guess which one, it is Qui tacet consentire. It, silence gives consent, was used, spectacularly unsuccessfully I must add, by Thomas More. Thomas More? Send a SASE.

The damage to Logic, and since Logic is not a parabolic curve, is both minimal and easily ignored and repaired by the Gods of the Copybook Headings who sit by the side of the mountain quietly keeping score, is an error common to partisans of passion over thought, of people who confusingly conflate feelings with ideas. 

The axiom post hoc ergo propter hoc stands like a perpetual Horatius at the gates, protecting us from the “Off with their heads” brigade of which you are the RSM.

Your last sentence, “If you are good, yet silent, you’re not as good as you think”, reeks so much of ideological and racial hubris – “racial hubris?” make that a big SASE –
That you have stretched the envelope marked “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” beyond recognition there is no doubt. But it enables me to speed up what usually takes a year. Accordingly, I name you


Kevin Smith

PS – A recently elected Congresswoman, and to state the obvious, not a big fan of DWEMdom, with a name that is as unwritable as it is non-euphonic called the President of the United States a “motherfucker”. Since there is no record of you objecting to her statement can we assume that you believe that the President is a “motherfucker”? Maxine Waters, and let us stipulate that since Congressman Livingstone is no longer in Congress, she is the member most likely to be caught stealing a hot stove, once described a TV scene showing her constituents looting and pillaging a 7-11 as “alternative shopping”. Since the pictures showed only Black people stealing can we assume that, since you said nothing, White looters are bad while Black looters are, at worst, morally neutral and, under certain circumstances; e.g. nasty White people doing shitty things to irenically idyllic Black folk, morally superior? BTB, rape is the logical codicil to looting and pillaging and, since there is no record of you saying Nay, would it not be Logical – there’s that White Privilege
Again – to conclude that you are in favor or rape? And, if rape is a conclusion too far to reach, can I say that you are at least in favor of Bedlam?
PPS – Would you know if Verbum Dei High School is still in South Central Los Angeles? Also, is Holy Angels Grammar School still in Chicago? As a not quite guilt-ridden White guy, a guy I might add with impeccable liberal credentials, including being a civil rights activist who got smacked in the head by a policeman on the steps of the court house in Newark, NJ, a lay missionary, and a Peace Corps Volunteer, a product of my age, I like to keep track of all those checks I wrote a long time ago.
PPS – I am writing this before the sun is up. I am watching Channel 10 report on several hundred Black men riding motorcycles and ATVs in a reckless fashion to celebrate MLK Day. Could you tell me, using declarative sentences, how feral Black youth disobeying the law in a way that MLK, Gandhi, and Mandela probably would not understand, celebrates his life or his work? Also, how does it advance the Kumbaya cause of “We Shall Overcome”, followed by a serene chorus of “Imagine”, accompanying the reading of the collected wit and wisdom of Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Mikey Dukakis, and John Edwards and How I Was Able to Find My non-Rubenesque Ass Using Only One Hand written by Chiquita Octavio Cortez and whether or not Barack Obama has found those elusive 7 or 8 missing states?

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 13, 2019 Leonard Pitts, Jt. The Miami Herald RE: “The right-wing has gotten panicky and petty. It’s pathetic, isn’t it?” Some comments on your surprising column in today’s Miami Herald.

January 13, 2019

Leonard Pitts, Jt.
The Miami Herald

RE: “The right-wing has gotten panicky and petty. It’s pathetic, isn’t it?” Some comments on your surprising column in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Pitts, 

Why “surprising”?

Because it is the first time in this century, and as far as I can tell, the last century also, that your one size fits all answer of – Surprise! – White racism – as if there could be any other kind – for low inner-city reading scores, the heartbreak of psoriasis, and the extremely low percentage of non-drug dealing 1%ers in Opa-Locka, Watts, and East New York. Is not central to your thesis.  Couple that with the absence of Black quantum physicists and that is all the prof that I need that the inherent racism of Wilson, Garner, Barkley, Sparkman, Russell, Ervin, and Gore still lives.

And yes, I know that you won a Pulitzer Prize but so did Walter Duranty and Janet Cooke. Besides, it was “time”, wasn’t it?

Anyway, speaking of “panicky, pathetic pettiness”, can we not stipulate that whatever Alexandria Cortez Ocasio – I like calling her Chiquita – is – and I find it unintentionally ironic that no one other than me has yet to comment that she is named after one of History’s great practitioners of genocide, by virtue of empirically self-evident stuff and all White privilege DWEM stuff that that implies is that she is not now, nor could she ever be a ‘motherfucker”? Also, after justifiably criticizing Senator Joseph Lieberman of being an old White Jew Democratic politician there is no photographic evidence of her walking around carrying his severed head. That alone will disqualify her from being labeled a “miserable cunt”. 

That she is a moron of Homeric, Herculean stature, there can be no doubt. Soon, she shall exceed Brobdanaglian proportions. She is Joyce-like in that she will stretch the envelope of language to catch up with her public displays of shitheadedness. 

I want her out front every night in time for the 6:00 news. I want her hectoring the nation on why the Electoral College should be tuition-free, on why Roe v Wade must be protected because that’s how most Mexicans get onto this country. May her tribe increase!

Kevin Smith

PS – I wonder if you, as the chief dispenser of Black indulgences to properly contrite White people, could grant me a fungible, tradeable, carry forward tax loss? My father’s father had 2 uncles who came from Ballyglass, Galway, Ireland to the United States in 1863 to fight slavery. They both joined the New York 69th Infantry, The Irish Brigade, “The Fighting 69th.

They found themselves at the eastern edge of the Wheat Field at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. It is easily recognizable because there is a statue there of an Irish wolf hound in repose at the base of a Celtic Cross. The inscription is, at once, irenic and fierce. “Gentle when stroked; fierce when provoked”.

One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.

Even using the less than sharp angles of Affirmative Action that is worth something, isn’t it?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 6, 2019 I’m baaack!

January 6, 2019

I’m baaack! And since modern American Liberals have declared the end of hate speech, the gloves are off.

George Carlin, late of Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, reminded us that there were 7 words, one of which was motherfucker, that cannot be said on national TV. The ironic beauty of his telling us this was that the told us on national TV.

Speech is either free or it isn’t.
The rabbit died or it didn’t.
The biopsy is malignant or it is isn’t
If comedy, or politics, consist of yelling Fuck you! the loudest, maybe it’s not funny.

The ancient line from Sophocles – Free men speak with free tongues – to James Madison – Congress shall make no law…. – to Congresswoman Pottymouth Tlaib – Trump is a motherfucker – is straight, plumb, and true.

By allowing modern American Liberals to expand, eclectically, the edges of the envelope labeled free speech we have become less free.

Maybe Trump is a motherfucker who stops at his daughter’s White House office for a hummer int the AM but why can’t I say that Barney Frank is a fat, cocksucking Jew who ran a male-only Knocking Shoppe cum ticket fixing bordello in this DC townhouse? He was.

If miserable skank looking, crack whore wanabee Kathy Griffin can walk around with a severed Trump head, I can say, that for her, the back-alley humping scene from Les Miserables would have been a day at the beach for her. 

By allowing modern American Liberal “Trousered Apes” to eclectically expand the edges of the envelope labeled free speech we have become less free. Burke, of course, was right. We either control our passions or they control us. 

Senator Barbara Mikulski was so ugly that she could make my cat shit. Donna Shalala hung out with her because she made her look like someone out of a Botticelli catalogue. The loser in the haunted house contest got to spend the weekend with Janet Reno. BTB, MS Shalala told us in August, 1998 that we would all be dead in 10 years from AIDS. 11 years of playing with house money with gas at $2.09 on Federal Highway they’re all starting to look good and it’s not even sundown.


News Flash!
It was suggested on pre-dawn local TV that Maduro, El Jefe Supremo de Los Cabezas de Ca-Ca [Caracas Branch] be allowed to show his support for Democracy.
Talk about Jumbo Shrimp!

How can you support something that never was? 

Empirical date show that while Democracy may have strong roots it has, always has, always will have, a troubled future. Quick! List 2 examples of successfully ongoing representative Democracies in Latin-American countries. I can’t either. I think it is safe to say today that Bolivar was right, is right, will be right, when he said, almost 200 years ago,


If we are “free” enough to call the President of the United States a “motherfucker” shouldn’t we be “free” enough to see cartoons of Muhammed? How about a discussion of whether he was or he wasn’t a goat humping paedophile? Shouldn’t the fatwa against Salman Rushdie be cancelled? It’s been 30 years since “The Satanic Verses” threatened Little Mo and Allah, the big guy himself. Both seem to have survived. Rushdie, the author, survived because Lady Thatcher commanded the SAS and the SBS to kill anyone who threatened him. If Samantha Bee, and send up a flare when she says something funny, can call Ivanka Trump a “miserable cunt”, what can I call Wide-Bottomed Hillary? How about Justice Ginzburg? I know modern American Liberals no longer regard anti-Semitism as a “hate crime” or even a crime at all but would I get some sneers from the shtetl If I were to suggest that she stay home at this year’s State of the Union address?  That way she can drink a lot of wine, soil her knickers, and tell Trump to fuck off before she falls down and nods off dreaming of Scalia’s hard salami. I’ll leave Nancy Pelosi out of this for 2 reasons: #1 – If I upset her, she may get another face lift despite the plastic surgeon telling her that one more and she’ll be peeing through her nipples and - #2 – out of respect for Dante. She will no longer be listed with the run of the mill miserable cunts. Her Patrician !% status demands that she be called fica miserabile. Send a SASE.
Maybe Yeats was right.
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
But then Eliot reminds us not to
 concern ourselves with the harvest
“but only of perfect sowing.”

Or maybe we can shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater?

Kevin Smith