Monday, January 27, 2020

January 24, 2020 That former Vice President, Alpha Gump,

January 24, 2020
That former Vice President, Alpha Gump, aka Albert Arnold Gore, Jr, is the modern American Liberal accepted universal working model of the paradigmatic template of a HORSE’S ASS there is no doubt. He’s too stupid – Do you know anyone else who flunked out of 2 graduate schools in the same semester? I don’t know either, - to be even considered a SMARMY BASTARD. It’s tough to call him a POMPOUS FART ‘cuz he was born that way and how many times can you pick low hanging fruit?

The head Gumpster, slum lord, serial polluter, tobacco grower, heir of Armand Hammer, the fountainhead of Russian collusion, a man who did not recognize Benjamin Franklin, head of the growing Gumpster clan – Thumper gump and all the baby Gumpsters, not one of whom went to any of the really fine public schools in DC, remember? – a man who, when he talks – “No controlling authority”, “sex-crazed poodle” - made your hair hurt 


Enough with rich White people going to Switzerland to talk to other rich 
White people about how tough it is to be rich and White and, other than not being ‘rich and White’ they were working on changing it; Macroeconomics writ large.
Microeconomics writ in blood:
PUBLIX on 17th Street just close 3 checkout counters and replaced 
Them with self-checkout kiosks
My first salary check was from the A&P on 53rd Street in Bayonne in 1961.
 It was also the first time I was fired

I just came across cockwomble, a noble word that will enable me to stop writing about Gump. Not really; he’s still a fucking moron.

RIP – Frieda Kaplan – She gave us the word kiwi which had nothing to do with New Zealand. 

Fat Jerry Nadler, who gives “New York lawyers” a bad name, insulted his jury over and over. Who says “New York lawyers” are smart? The last time I was on a jury in New Jersey was on June 3, 1993. One police officer was killed, I saved the other police officer’s life, Room 1104, Essex Cou9nty Courthouse. Judge Leonard Ronco. Look it up. I save a police officer’s life. He was center shot by a .357 Magnum. 2 and ½ years later he danced at my daughter’s wedding

“Medicare For All” should take a peek at the flashing sign on Federal Highway. It reads “Road Work to Begin on DECEMBER 3, 2019. These signs are usually rented by the day. This one went up before Thanksgiving. The only work being done as of this AM was rent generation.

What a wicked web we weave…..

Carter Page, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, had his life turned upside down and inside out because the vipers who make up the elite of the modern American Liberal ruling clique, the ones who know their shit doesn’t stink, couldn’t stand the thought that Donald Trump could or would become President. 

“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”

The idea of it was so deplorable that they lied, over and over and over and over to a Federal Court to get a warrant to take Cater Page’s life apart. The nobility of the goal – getting Trump – made the means of doing it irrelevant. And who say Machiavelli died with the Medicis? The Kulaks died because it was a very big omelet going into the pan plus it was time to cull the herd of some stiff-necked Jews, right?

It turns out that the FBI lied on at least 2 of the applications “….and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or application and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons things to be seized.”

Pretty good language from a Dead White Guy more than 230 years ago.

That hum you hear it the background is from word processors going at warp speed preparing appeals and motions to invalidate a lot of shit that the oleaginous Swamp denizens foisted on us. 

I was on trial for 7 years in 3 different Federal Courthouses, not counting a useless side trip to the United States Supreme Court. I was made constantly aware of what “raising my right hand” means. I ask if I knew what it means why didn’t Toad James  Comey know. How about all the turd lawyers he sent into the courthouse to swear to his lies? How many of them knew or should have known? Will they use the Nuremberg defense of ‘I was just following orders’ when they go before the various  Bar committees who will turn their lives upside down and inside out?

“The sins we do two by two we pay for one by one.”

‘When we first we practice to deceive.’

When proponents of Article 1 get into t pissing contest with patrons if Article 2 usually the guys and gals from Article 3 try to work it out. Why didn’t that happen this time? One valid answer, one that the facts would support, is that the moon bats from #1 so hate #2 that they became fucking morons.

I am told by the same people who told me to get my affairs in order and get a DNR card but not a DNR tattoo – bad for my health, honest - that since I owe them so much money that my month to month lease on life has been extended. Thus, my trip to the “undiscovered country” has been delayed. 

3 things:

A – My tip to the boatman is non-refundable.
B – How do I unburn a burned bridge?
C – Still no green bananas

Kevin Smith

PS – Bernie, promise me free beer and I’m yours. Also, will it be the Cuban model or the Venezuelan model if you win? Plus, do you still think that the Kulaks got what they deserve and that Bukharin was really guilty?

PPS – Looking back, the first crack in the Berlin Wall was caused by Chernobyl. It may be the same with the Chinko virus. The Spanish Flu killed mor people in WW1 that the Maxim gun and phosgene. 

January 26, 2020 Rosie O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor\ The Sun Sentinel RE: A comment or two on your unlinkablle editorial on the death penalty – agin, of course, agin, as if any other choicer could have been possible.

January 26, 2020

Rosie O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor\
The Sun Sentinel

RE: A comment or two on your unlinkablle editorial on the death penalty – agin, of course, agin, as if any other choicer could have been possible.

Rosie, sweet heart,

Ah, but the scope of your offenses – egregious, of course egregious. How could they be otherwise? – against the Trivium on general and Logic, its crowning jewel capstone – is boundless.

You achingly familiar modern American Liberal- based opposition to the death penalty – Does it extend to Bukharin, Julie & Ethel, Adolf Eichmann, Ted Bundy, John McVeigh or does it just extend to a feral urban youth – forgive the euphemism - who was raised by a single Mom in Section 8 housing – is noted.

You say that “repeal [of the death penalty] became morally urgent.”

Does that go past a convicted felon or does it extend to a 4th trimester partially born human being? Or, as Maritain said,” A bit of straw into which God has breathed life.”

You say “It is fundamentally wrong to stack a court with people plainly disposed to any particular outlook.”

Really? And let us be thankful for large blessings but if, God Forbid, Wide-Bottomed Hillary had become President we can assume, safely, that Judge Gorsuch and Judge Kavanaugh would still be on the Appellate Court? How do we know that? Because she told us when she ran for office. 

Other than the election of Trump, the Vulgarian, are there any other parts of voting that you object to? If I campaign for office promising to nominate a certain type of Judge don’t the people who voted for me have a marker, a chit, on my keeping the promise mad as a debt unpaid? 

Appellate Court Judge RBG, while never commenting directly on whether she favored or was opposed to Roe v Wade, did say it was a shame that the pollical process of approving or disapproving of abortion was never allowed to play out. That is the one where people are allowed to vote, not Judges ruling.

Then you say, “The death penalty is perpetrated in the name of the people of Florida, so it is their option to stop it.”

A few years back, the populi of Florida voxed their opposition to same-sex marriage. In fact, nowhere and no time has it ever been voted on favorably anywhere, any time it has been presented to the public. Why then is it the law of the land?

The last 2 Supreme Court nominations gave us the rare opportunity to be ring-side observers to modern American Liberals hectoring us on the sanctity of stare decisis. Would it be unfair of me to mention Plessy v Ferguson? How about Dred Scott?

Are there are there are any other decisions the people, and God Bless’em, should overturn?

Would not Logic dictate, particularly when it is molded by mAL wing nuts and ohmadhauns who couldn’t tell a writ from a rite from a right, people who would chose plaid as the color of choice for Judicial robes, robes such as my father wore.

Plato warned us about political whims such as these and the charlatans of those who pander to them 25 centuries ago. 

How about we have the next high profile paedophile trial on the steps of the Courthouse? 

Let the people decide!

Kevin Smith

PS – Resident Boob, Randy Schultz, whose buffoonery is boundless plus borderless. Rales against therapies for supposedly trans-gendered children. Is there an age – After successful toilet training? After nocturnal emission? After first menses? Before being able to enter into a contract? – where the child will be consulted on whether or not to get the chop? Also, Howard Simon, retired head of the Florida ACLU, a man whose entire adult life was predicated on whether or not the constable had blundered, gave a back handed mAL smarmy compliment to Senator Rubio, whom he does not name, for keeping his own counsel on the impeachment question. Dies that same faint praise extend to Senator Schumer [D-NY] or Senator Durbin [D-Il]? Who decidedly have not buttoned their respective lips or does it only apply to Republicans? 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

January 22, 2020 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel Rosie!

January 22, 2020

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel


How cold was it this morning?

Back in my other life, when I was in the gold mining business in Timmins, Ontario, a place known for polar bears and Robert Service-type men, I learned to appreciate the term “colder than a witch’s tit.”

It wasn’t that cold.

I am still comfortable with my decision to offload my extensive cashmere collection.

But it sure brings out the best in you, yours, and the Sun Sentinel as it disappears, glacier-like, before our eyes.

Not since Maverick told Goose, tumescently, in “Top Gun”, “This is a target-rich environment.”

Let’s start with Page 1.

“Weather to thaw out as temperatures rise.” What were the runners-up in that contest?
“Light to come after sunrise?”
“John Garfield Still Dead?”
“Liz Wants Dick?”
“Headless Body in Topless Bar?”
“Storm in the Channel, Continent Isolated?”

My favorite is still

“Meteor Strikes Earth, Women & Minorities Suffer Disproportionately.”

Page 4A tells us that  
“Mexico Returns hundred” of migrants to Honduras”
Would not Logic dictate that Mexico, where I was a lay missionary doing construction work, teaching,  and coaching 57 years ago, following Trump’s lead, is now a xenophobic, racist, meaner than cat shit country just like ours?

Page 7A tells us that “Van Gogh self-portrait is genuine, experts say” Hire the handicapped was good advice then and good advice now.
Page 10A shows us a picture of a nutless iguana, laying nits back in either hypothermia or hydrothermia, doubtless caused by Trump when he pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord. You missed a chance to pole-ax him, in typical preordained modern American Liberal style since you blame him for everything else, right?

January 23, 2020 – Predawn – McDonald’s – 17th Causeway

Unexpected consequences

I went inside for the first time in a year. 4 fully automated kiosks for ordering, 4 fewer counter employees for taking orders. And black unemployment is down.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 18, your Opinion section, issues the prototypical modern American Liberal Jeremiad about GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClikmateDestruction. It does not address a burning question, - burning? - one that Climate Luddites tip-toe around. Did Global Warming end the last Ice Age and, all things being equal, was that good or bad?

I am glad you used the new non-Rasputin photo of Paul Krugman. Yes, I know he won a Nobel Prize but so did Yasser Arafat and a Portuguese MD named Moniz who perfected the lobotomy. I did take his advice about the effects of Trump winning in 2016. He said the market would go into a permanent shit hole from which it would never emerge and that the economy would, hopefully, only go back to a pre-Hunter/Gatherer stage. Naturally, I sold all my investments and liquidated my designated benefit retirement plans. 
Thanks, Paulie.

I just watched Maria Bartiromo let Ray Dalio, another filthy lucre seeking son of Mammon, off the hook on the question of more than a million Muslim Uighurs stashed away in Chinese Gulags. I am willing to bet hates Chick-fil-a and crappers in his HQ for at least 6 genders.

Back to Krugman.

Thanks to him, my Super Bowl party will feature fish heads and rice, 2 Buck Chuck, and at least 2 kinds of Spam. Go Chiefs!

Your letters to the editor features “Dixie” and why it should or shouldn’t be banned as a hate crime.  Don’t forget that the Taliban banned balloons and whistling the last time they ran Kafiristan. Also, they blew up 2500-year-old Buddha statues.

How about the Russell Senate Office Building?
How the USS Vinson? 
How about the USS Stennis? 
How about Plantation High School? 
How about Plantation, Florida?
How about forbidding any county or municipal vehicle, specifically emergency vehicles, from using or crossing Dixie Highway?
How about burning all of Stephen Foster’s music?
I have a copy of “Little Black Sambo” and “Song of the South”. Am I in really deep doo-doo?

Page 19A plumbs but doesn’t reach the nadir of Randy Schultz’s vincible ignorance. 

In the oh so typical modern American Liberal tradition of confusingly conflating causation and correlation he insults the Trivium by blaming President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs for causing Columbine.

Fucking moron.

Kevin Psmith

PS – I was just told that the ominous Phalanx of carcinogenic IEDs has not begun its forced march to my brain.  


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

January 20, 2020 So tell me again. Exactly why did the Patriots trade Garappolo?

January 20, 2020

So tell me again. Exactly why did the Patriots trade Garappolo?

And Lieawatha Warren is still a foetid bag of eel shit who couldn’t lie straight in bed while shrouded in plaid sheets.

But wait, there’s more. The New York Times just endorsed Lieawatha Warren after they endorsed Amy Klobuchar. It leaves one unanswered question. Who’s on top? 

How much did CNN pay to the MAGA hat wearing kid from Covington Catholic? 

He had just come from a Pro-Life rally in DC – there were no Pro-Death rallies there that day, save in the abortion abattoirs – when he was confronted by foul-mouthed apes espousing Black Israeli jabberwocky. Then a native American toss pot, about a point of Ripple short of a full load, began to beat a tom-tom in his face. Naturally, CNew he was a deplorably racist White power elitist who was learning to appreciate DWEMs. Naturally, they ran with their story. And, although it’s been a while since Macey’s told Gimbel’s anything, they got the Washington Post to go along with their blood libel. [The Post will always be remembered for its apocryphal headline “Earth Slammed by Comet. Women & Minorities Suffer Disproportionately”]

The Pos twill shortly be showing up, hat in one hand, money in the other, t6o save their sad-sacked, sorry modern American Liberal ass. 

Good. If we follow the Bolshie Bernie and Lieawatha rule Bezos has too much money anyway. And besides, he didn’t build it anyway.

I used to think that Great Thunberg was abused. I figure that grim visage, pickle weaning look came from Uncle Olaf playing “stinky finger” with her way back when. She walked to Davos, thereby undrowning hundreds of polar bears plus planting organic tofu vines in the Alps to prevent the planet from bombing a la Professor Krugman, the Tonight Show’s Johnny Carson; science side-kick, always told us beginning 50 years ago.

Greta became a shitty little snot all on her own.  

She is staying at the only Motel 6 in Davos. Is that far from where the Swiss used to burn people for being public nuisances?

For 2 years Congressman Adam Schillforbrians told us he had seen the evidence of Donald Trump, il magnifico to his nearest and dearest, coming and going in Moscow, at 13 Dherzinsky Square, where he got his marching orders from Beria’s heirs. Now that the trial has begun, will we get a chance to see it?

I have chosen Plan B.

Plan A was going to the Section 8 B&B run by Mother Teresa, where Kipling spoke for all.

Plan B has me going to Texas on 2/8/ or 2/9 where my Texas Ladies will tend to me. Truth be known, Florida wasn’t big enough for me, too confining.

Waxy’s in San Antonio is too far for a daily dram and Caffe Europa will not be opening a branch in Muleshoe, and yes, there is a Muleshoe, Texas and, as Texas goes, I t’s fairly close to Deaf Smith [no relation] Texas. Submit all past dues for prompt consideration and quick disposition. 

Attention must be paid to the Beatification of Brother Henri Verges, FMS. He was martyred, literally hacked to death by a machete-wielding, radical Islamic terrorist, a true WOG, decidedly not one the idyllic proselytizers who were at Tours, at Malta, at Lepanto, at Vienna, at Omdurman, at the World Trade Center, at the cartoon place in Paris, at the kosher butcher shop in Jersey City, shouting Allah Akbar.

I mention him because he was a Marist Brother. They taught me in Bayonne from 1957 to 1961. The same revised Order of Saint Benedict that they lived under, the same rubrics and protocols that governed their quotidian duties, he lived under. Thus is formed a common bond, an eternal bond 

47 Marist Brothers, possibly some of the same Brothers who taught Picasso, Dali, and DeGaulle, were martyred in Barcelona on October 31, 1936. It is known that they were not killed by Franco; it is not known if the Lincoln Brigade has a hand in it. It is also known that neither Orwell nor Hemingway wrote about it. 47 in one day. 47.

After 66 years the Brothers have left Bayonne. They will be remembered.

Kevin Smith

Thursday, January 16, 2020

January 12, 2020 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: As the Maine cow said to the farmer, “Thanks for the warm hand on a cold morning.” Some comments on target-rich but unlinkable editorial section.

January 12, 2020

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: As the Maine cow said to the farmer, “Thanks for the warm hand on a cold morning.” Some comments on target-rich but unlinkable editorial section.

As the sands running through the hour glass pick up speed it is time to put away the blunderbuss and go for one shot kills. 

Any chance you get to combine “What a putz!” with George Orwell must not be wasted.

Orwell said that some things are so dumb that only really, and I mean really, really smart people can believe such inane, vacuous bullshit. Fred Grimm and Randy Schultz stretch the gravity defying envelope things that modern American Liberals know, if taken seriously, would surely put them all on the one-way express train to the Valhalla called Solyndraville. 

Exit, stage left, not “pursued by a bear”,   to the emergency room
Dodged another bullet

The new official cartoon policy of the New Yorker
#1 – Trump is evil.
#2 – He must be destroyed.
#3 – Funny is optional
#4 – #3 does not supersede #1 & #2.
Would Mitch McConnell be criticized if he were to keep the Articles of Impeachment in the cooler, so to speak, like Nancy Pelosi did? Is the Pope Catholic? That’s a segue into the arena of “Bash the Catholics. They’re “deplorable”, aren’t they?” 

It’s not like Salami, the WOG terrorist who Trump blew up. CNN & MSNBC already rate him up with Mandela and Mother Teresa. Senator Feinstein, who looks like she has already been autopsied, criticized a Federal Judge nominee because he was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Catholics stayed in their bunker. AG Barr was criticized as a “cult Catholic”. It seems the only public figure willing to defend Catholics was Meir Kahane and. lately, Dennis Prager. Would I shock you if I told you that both were Jews?
January 20, 2020 

Dear Rosie, 

I’ll say one thing for your paper, even the part that is produced in Orlando’s Disneyworld. 

Your Wednesday edition forces me to get up pre-dawn, cross the bridge in my gas-guzzling, polar bear killing SUV, purchase same prior to my morning cocktail – now numbering 9 – of non-Bernie “Medicare for All” drugs. In fact, I believe that your editorial insistence on buttressing the prescient Orwellian point of controlling both the present and the future by controlling the past, made the drugs work better. May I suggest that since Orwell, like the great Lord Keynes, is also more quoted than read that, a good starting point is “Why Orwell Matters” by the late Christopher Hitchens? No mention of Hichens is possible without mentioning that he almost came to blows with Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s most oleaginous butt boy, over the fact that he despised Wide-Bottomed Hillary because she had no one left to lie to. 

Some particular editorial points to ponder.

#1 – “Why do Florida’s teacher salaries rank 46th out of 50 states?”

Like Ockham, the obvious is too obvious. 

Thank God there are only 50 states. Also, until the teachers’ salaries are established by the Post Office - one size fits all – there will be discrepancies. The Post Office reference is simple, A universal salary would mean that in addition to everybody being tied for first, everybody would everybody would be tied for last, right? What could be “fairer”?

Florida’s salaries average $47,000. Chicago salaries average $97,000. Would not a rational person ask why the nearest Greyhound terminal is not overrun by sad sacked, sorry assed Florida teachers buying one-way tickets to Chicago, aka “the Athens of Illinois”? Would doubling the salaries of Florida’s teacher make then make twice as good? Should Florida try to follow Chicago’s teen murder rate? And – Don’t worry. Orwell frequently started non-fiction sentences with ‘and’ – why do I think that kids shooting kids has nothing to do with SAT stress?

After all, didn’t some wise guy rorm Chicago tell us never to bring a knife to a gun fight?

Using your Logic – and, as a fan of the Trivium I tremble at that thought – shouldn’t Washington, DC, the political entity that spends the most per pupil than anyplace in the country, the hemisphere, the continent, the world, and the entire galaxy and all that Hubbell , Pioneer, and Cellini have allowed us to see, be turning out Nobel Prize winners every graduation? If money equals excellence why did the 8 combined Obama, Gore, and Clinton children attend non-Blue collar, atrociously expensive, mostly all White save for the acceptable tokens, private schools? 

#2 – You say, at the end of today’s editorial, that “so many” of Florida’s incoming tsunami of American citizens will be on Medicaid, and ergo, wards of the state. Would it identify me as a deplorable anti-immigrant and Tr ump supporter if I were to ask for a term more quantifiable than “so many”? I am a bit spoiled but a first down is 10 yards, not “about” 10 yards. “Par” is precise. Not one over or one under. Its why leases say the rent is due “on or before the first of the month”, not a day after.

Perhaps you are suggesting a means test for American citizens from, let’s say, Edina, Minnesota where yesterday’s temperature was 2 degrees below zero. Their desire to move is 

Turning quickly to Maureen Dowd, she commits an egregious error, one typical of card carrying modern American Liberals. She refers to George the Third as a late 18th century “corgi-and-gin loving” racketeer. Leaving the dog out of it, no member of an English Royal family, indeed no member of the British landed gentry drank gin until 100 years later and that was due to condiments, with ice being excluded, only available from the far reaches of the Empire. It is easy to criticize the swine eating German louts now sitting on the English throne but facts are hard and inconvenient.

Turning to Randy Schultz, who I still in first gear in his quest to overtake Professor Stevie Goldstein as the resident editorial whackamole wing-nut moon bat but he is gaining on it.

This week’s target of contumely is Florid Power & Light [FPL] Alas, he “eclectically” forgets the History of modern American Liberalism and its ideological forebear, Progressivism. 

History demands that when I mention its paladin, its champion, T. Woodrow Wilson, a quasi-Jersey guy, that I include Justice Marshall saying that he was the vilest, most bigoted, most racist, most anti-Semitic President of the 20th century but by God, he carried a lot of water for Norman Thomas and his ilk in that he favored initiative, referendum, and the regulation of utilities. [When I was defiling Gaia and destroying the earth by producing oil and gas in New Mexico. I purchased electricity from the REA, the Rural Electrification Authority. It wasn’t the model for the Marine Silent Drill Team or the guard at Arlington.]

Any mention of Wilson must include that he was the first President to say that he would not send American boys to fight in foreign wars. He did it in 1916, just after he had the Klan into the White House to watch “Birth of a Nation”. Another President said it in1940, And, surprisingly, another President said it in1964. It goes without saying, which is why I must say it, they were all Democrats. 

Utility regulation was a triumph of the First Amendment. Lobbying is the only profession protected by the Constitution. The people shall have the right “to petition the government for a redress of grievances”.

In return for getting a monopoly the utilities agreed to have their rates regulated. It guaranteed them a fair rate of return. Utilities and legislators have been arguing over the meaning of “fair” for over a century. If you wonder why utilities are debt-laden it is because it enables them to argue for a higher rate of return on their equity. I fear I may be going too fast for you.

 Incidentally, the same Frist Amendment that protects utilities also protects the NARAL and Planned Parenthood murderers, the SEIU thugs, and George Soros who went from a Nazi commando to being an operative of Stalin before becoming a skilled capitalist who puts his money where his mouth is. And, by the by, it is owed to the ledger to point out that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was Hitler’s favorite American until Poppa Joe Kennedy showed up in London.  

Finally, and it is the lowest hanging fruit but it is the one that vacuous modern American Liberal pundits always reach for.  Randy hints that FP&L has bought and paid for the Florida legislature.

 I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. I grew up in the land of bulging White Envelopes changing hands in the parking lot .In fact, Senator Menendez, surprisingly from Hudson Country and a Democrat, was known as both a pitcher and a catcher when he was in college, such was his reputation for personal probity, honor among thieves, so to speak.

Anyway, Randy, “if you see something, say something”.  

Of course, if you think Trump has gotten to every US Attorney and DeSantis has corrupted every state’s attorney the we’re fucked.

 If James Joyce can say it so can I. 

Kevin Smith

PS – The is voting on Articles of Impeachment. Congressman Nadler, “Fat Jerry” to his NYC pals, is one of its managers. Either get 10 strong guys with a sedan chair or drop his ass, an ass equaled only by Bella Abzug, and ass that could be described as ‘Rubenesque’, and drop him directly on to the Senate floor. Stick him into an industrial size Cuisinart and he could feed Haiti for 2 or 3 days.
I am looking at a note from Brother Patrick McNamara, FMS. He is the Provincial of the Marist Brothers in North America. He is celebrating the Beatification of Brother Henri Verges, FMS, who was martyred in Algeria by a machete wielding radical Islamic terrorist shouting Allah Akbar. He died at an age where he might have known some of the Brothers who taught me. RIP

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 8, 2020 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Judges – Some comments on your unlinkable editorial this day about the evils of the populi voxing when the results are not to your liking. The answer will be given at the end of my screed.

January 8, 2020

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Judges – Some comments on your unlinkable editorial this day about the evils of the populi voxing when the results are not to your liking. The answer will be given at the end of my screed.


The only thing worse than picking Judges is electing them.

I share the aversion first voiced by Plato, then by Marcus Aurelius, by Thomas Aquinas, by Edmund Burke, by all the Founders, particularly James Madison, our little giant of governance, towards the ill-named bete-noire known as participatory democracy.

[Reductio ad absurdum but did FDR give a fireside chat asking for national support when he ordered the assassination of Admiral Yamomoto in 1943?]

Full disclosure requires me to reveal that, despite not having gone to high school until he was 26, he was appointed to the New Jersey Bench by his law school classmate. He served honorably and is a DNA joy unto his 3rd generation. 

If membership in the Federalist Society – again full disclosure  requires me to say that my son Sean, when he was in law school, was not only a member of the Federalist Society but was an officer in his law school’s chapter – is, per se, grounds for Senate rejection,  what would membership in the Southern Poverty Law Center imply? How about Black Lives Matter? Fair Play for Cuba? NARAL?

Guilt by Association is OK when the other side is occupied by the Right, right? 

And, by the bye, Apples v Oranges is disposed of by the ancient Rhetorical device known in the public arenas “My Ass”

As a further aside, Logical constructs are not parabolic curves. That’s why Logic is the capstone of the Trivium.

Now it is time for today’s History lesson.

It is the least that I owe to Clio. 

Your mention, in the typical preordained modern American Liberal fashion, the Bush v Gore dustup in 2000. You should have mentioned that the 7 - 2 vote that made Bush President 43 was cast when the Democratic Senate rejected Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court in 1987.
If you raised an eyebrow at the 7 – 2 vote, you are reacting in typical, preordained modern American Liberal fashion.

The vote to accept the case was 5 – 4.

The deciding vote was 7 – 2.

If Bork had been confirmed, the vote would have been 5 – 4 against accepting the case. It would have sent back to Tallahassee after a quick stop in Atlanta and, in short order, VP Alpha Gump, notorious slum lord, serial polluter, tobacco farmer and Senate cat’s paw for Armand Hammer, Lenin’s and Stalin’s butt boy in DC, would have been President. That would have meant that Thumper Gump and all the baby Gumpsters could have entertained all the radcial WOG terrorists that Big Gump did business with in the White House. 

As if any more reason was needed to reject Bork, he was a disciple of Alexander Bickel.

 Look him up.

Trial Judges on the county and state level  in Florida are elected. On the Appellate level, they are appointed by the Governor, subject to legislative approval.

The one sure way to guarantees that only George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, SEIU and NARAL approved Judges sit on Florida Appellate benches is to unelect the Republican scoundrels and replace them with Democratic scoundrels.

     Kevin Smith

PS – As bad as governor DeSantis is when he appoints Appellate Judges who knew that, in addition to being a gizmo/gadget store in the airport, Blackstone knew his way around the Justice system. DeSantis appoints them to Florida Appellate Courts and Trump appoints them to the Federal Bench. It’s like taking the show on a quick road tour before bringing it to Broadway. You would think that Trump’s plate would be quite filled what with getting 200 Aussies to set their country on fire and using fracking to make America the #1 oil producer in the world that he would have no time to remake the Federal Judiciary. But, Deo volente and Deo Gratias, he has and he will. So far he has 187 Federal Judges approved with 2 on the Supreme Court and 2 Appellate Divisions flipped and one more, the notorious 9th Circuit ready to go. And it all happened because Russia was able to convince Wide-Bottomed Hillary not to campaign in Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?