Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 30, 2019 Don’t you love a man in uniform?

October 30, 2019

Don’t you love a man in uniform?

This time, the reptilian coven of spineless ink-stained wretches and wenches who make up the modern American Liberal media, a group whose favorite color is plaid who couldn’t lie straight in bed, do.

Army Lt. Colonel Arthur Vindman, who has “seen the elephant”, testified behind closed doors, protected by a ack of wild dogs lest he be subjected to the cruel and unusual punishment of being cross examined by, God forbid, opposition counsel, told about  a phone conversation between 2 Presidents, both of whom were consenting adults intent on bettering their respective countries

That he did so in full dress uniform made his story, according to the snarling anti-Trump press, all the more believable.

One of the many reasons why I am a much sought-after dinner guest or pub companion is because I remember things like the snide comments made by the same press 32 years ago when Marine Lt. Col Oliver North, who also had “seen the elephant”, testified before a joint Congressional Committee with all the doors and windows open and bathed in God’s blessed sunshine.

One of the highlights of said testimony was House Majority Lawyer Nields truly embarrassing interrogation of Colonel North. He asked him what he did with the paper shredder. “I shredded paper.” “Why,” he was asked. “All the documents we received were classified. When we finished with them it was safer to shred them than to retain them.” He also had no knowledge – zero - of military nomenclature. He asked him what the number 2000 meant. Colonel North had to explain that it meant ‘twenty hundred” or, in non-military terms, 8:00 PM. 

Colonel North pitched a 3 hit shutout and executed the best play in baseball, a 3 run home run.

The press did not like that, particularly since it was delivered by a man in uniform.

A conclusion that can be Logically drawn is that the modern American Liberal press is in favor of uniformed military men testifying when it is against a Republican President but not when it is for a Republican President.

The facts would support, indeed strongly support, that interpretation.

California, the land of fruits and nuts, asks people to come to its state so they can become homeless. Once they are settled into their homelessness, they are asked to take down their pants and shit in the street, on the sidewalks, on driveways, on lawns but not in Koi ponds because Koi only like their own shit and, sometimes, duck shit.

Gaia, the earth Goddess and Mother of us All, has a non-racist photo license which tells us her real name is Mother Nature. And we all know it Is not nice to fuck around with Mother Nature. I have been told by confidential sources, sources because of their confidential nature must remain, you know what I’m sayin’, confidential, that Gaia set all those fires to burn the public shit and save the planet from a return to the Black Death of an otherwise happy and contented Europe in Medieval times.

“If I have to, I’ll burn the place down, particularly if you fuck with me. It’s the only planet I have.”

T.S. Eliot, the only American Ivy League varsity letter winner to be buried in Poets’ Corner wrote that “the trouble with Socialism is that it is an attempt to design a system so perfect that no one will have to be good.” Lieawatha, are you listening?

Still more good news about Slow Joey Biden, aka “Cheesedick” to his rich, elite White Catholic prep school pals, and “Plugs” to the guy who put in his hair. I reported yesterday that he was denied Holy Communion Sunday by a parish priest in Florence, South Carolina. The good news is that he was also denied in Scranton, Pennsylvania, not but by a village curate but by the Bishop. As Bill Belicheck tells his players, “Just do your job.” Perhaps the long-caged Hound of Heaven has been released and is just doing his job. Biden, Pelosi, Casey, Durbin inter alia are also waiting with heavy hearts for the redeeming sound of Hound’s bark. As is said in “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, my favorite Christmas Carol, “God and sinner reconciled.”

The President quoted Dickens when he said that the WOG terrorist was “as dead as a door nail”. “A Christmas Carol” opens with “Marley was as dead as a door-nail”. It is appropriate that this chapter of the 14-century struggle against these murdering bug-eyed apes begins with end of one of the big ones includes a reference to the enduring treasures of the Western Canon. Would I be revealing the innate prejudice of a legatee of DWEMdom if I were to point out that after 14 centuries there is no Muslim Canon. Look at the list of this year’s Nobel Prize winners. Anybody who burns POWs alive as this most recently killed radical Islamic terrorist did usually don’t get to give an acceptance speech in December. Faulkner was right when he said “Man will not only endure; he will prevail.”
Maybe we should put a bounty on them.

Perhaps the next time, and if History is a guide there will be a next time, we should follow the Duke’s lead from “The Searchers”. In the John Ford classic movie “The Searchers”, John Wayne shoots out a dead Commanche’s eyes. Old Mose tells us, “that way he can’t enter the spirit world.” Kind of like bad Injun karma, only forever.

The next time we kill one of those murdering bastards we should cover him with lard and wrap him in a pig skin. Put it on Facebook. Let the undecided bastards think about spending eternity with a hog.



PS -  No sense being a lying bucket of Abo shit when you can be a hypocritical bucket of same. If Lieawatha Warren is an Injun I play the cello in Whirling Dervish costume. She ain’t and I don’t. She sent her son, Alexander, to the Kirby School, a snotty, all White elitist prep school in Austin, Texas when she was polishing and fabricating her resume at the nearby UT Law School. I have no problem with private schools. I went to them, as did my children. My problem, as my Aunt Rose from Hester Street so profoundly put it, is simple. “Do not piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.” She routinely denounces private schools because they are not much liked by various Teachers’ Unions. She also promises to legislate against Federal aid for children, mostly inner-city children, to attend them. Dante is working on a special place for this bruja cuno.

“Inner city children” is an euphemism for non-White children of single Moms who live in Section 8 housing on public assistance without the beneficial effects of “Midnight Basketball”, in need of a good Ritalin program. I don’t know what the Noble Savage Lieawatha has against these unfortunate “losers in life’s lottery” but there it is.  



Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 29, 2019 Leo Handel, of late and happy memory, was a community activist from West Orange, NJ.

October 29, 2019

Leo Handel, of late and happy memory, was a community activist from West Orange, NJ. He was also a Semitic saloonkeeper whose last bar was a big one in Newark. Those 2 decidedly uncomplementary facts speak volumes about the man.

He was also the poster boy, the caricature, the prototypical paradigmatic template of modern American Liberalism long before I copyrighted that term. That also speaks volumes about the man.

At his Florida funeral, a service that became a rally for abortion rights, I wondered why a lot of people were waving at me. Alas, it was because I was sitting in front of Michael Satz, the state’s attorney in Broward County. That didn’t stop me from waving back.

I remember a serious conversation with Leo just after “Losing Ground” by Charles Murray came out.

 Murray’s major premise, that government attempts to solve social problems only make them worse, is daily buttressed by empirical data; real stuff, observable and recordable things. It’s what makes Murray resemble a hot tub filled with holy water into which modern American Liberals must be dunked. It is why Murray is scorned, cursed, and threatened by the masked Anti-Fa brigade of Speech Stiflers of modern American Liberalism. It’s why Dracula is always traveling West. Anything to beat the sun coming up.

Leo, God Bless him, was many times in error but he was never in doubt.

We owe them.”

Which leads us to Beethoven.

I watched “Copying Beethoven” this morning. Who could resist 10 minutes of his 9tth Symphony? Which leads me to another, older, unanswered question. Bach, Handel, Mozart, Hayden, Beethoven and it all wound up in Dachau. How in the Hell did that happen?


It is a straight line from Rousseau to the left side of the tennis court to Beethoven;  to Socialism in all its perverse forms, to the still being fought, casualty strewn War on Poverty, to Lard Kennedy, not quite dancing around Madison Square Garden in 1980, declaring the “the dream will never die” to Lieawatha Warren saying that 2 + 2+= 5 or 6.5 if that’s the number you Pecksniffian critics need. 

I am told that the average salary of a Florida teacher is not quite $48,000 per annum. [That’s Latin] The average salary of a Chicago teacher is about $79,000, also per annum. [Still more Latin] The Chicago teachers have been on strike for a week. The last offer they turned down would have raised their average pay to $99,000 per annum. Some people just can’t take yes for an answer

Several things are certain:

#1 - The Chicago salaries have not produced a slew of Nobel Prize winners 
#2 – Chicago has produced a generation of feral gunfighters who can’t read.
$3 – Modern American Liberals continuously and confusingly conflate causation and correlation.
#4 – Only a Sophist would conclude that #2 was caused by #1.

The beauty of socialism, like all things dear to the heart of modern American Liberals, is that nobody ever keeps score, that it is judged on its expectations and never on its results – Pop Quiz – What was the official name of the Nazis, the guys who put 12,000,000 people into the ovens? Give up? The National Socialist Party.

Bernie and Lieawatha will be able to give us Medicare for All only when they take private health care away form 160,000,000 Americans. The iron fist in the iron glove. Hayek was right. 

Come back anyway, Leo. See if you can bring Max Katz with you, maybe Al Nechemie. I need to have some true believers explain things to me.  

      Kevin Smith

PS – As a SRRC – Semi-Retired Roman Catholic - I was beyond words, entering into near rhapsody, when I learned that Slow Joe Biden who was graduated from 2 Catholic schools in Wilmington, Delaware, was denied Holy Communion, one of the 7 Sacraments, the one with the bread, water, wine and a seldom used word, Transubstatation, tied into it because the priest, Father Morey,  thought he was not worthy of it because of his Mario Cuomo stance on abortion. It began, begins with :Yes,but…” 

In baseball, it’s 3 strikes and you’re out. In football it’s first down one way or it’s first down the other way. In cancer, the slide is either malignant or it’s not.  When you wear the uniform and “ride for the brand”, you ride for the brand or you don’t ride for the brand. Roman Catholics can’t have it both ways. Abortion is an infamia, it is malum per se. You can only ride one horse, Curley. Pick him.  

October 29, 2019 Ninhal Krishan The Washington Examiner 1152 15th St NW Washington, DC 20005 RE: Should tax cuts pay for themselves? Some comments on your heretofore thought invincibly ignorant article in today’s Washington Beacon.

October 29, 2019

Ninhal Krishan
The Washington Examiner
1152 15th St NW 
Washington, DC 20005

RE: Should tax cuts pay for themselves? Some comments on your heretofore thought invincibly ignorant article in today’s Washington Beacon.

Mr/Ms/? Krishan,

One of the secret delights of an elitist education is that you get to use phrases such as “Deny the major premise” as throwaway lines. It is a Rhetorical device used by fans of the Trivium.

Where does it say, whether in the Torah, any of the Gospels, the Magna Carta, Canon Law, the Federalist Papers, or even any Democratic Platform of the last 50 years that tax cuts have to “pay for themselves”?

When taxes are raised do they have to “pay for themselves”?

If the Fire Department buys a new pump truck do they set a house on fire so the truck can “pay for itself”?

The Great Reagan beat the Russkies without firing a shot. He bought a lot of guns, planes, boats, and some cool space stuff, none of which he had to use. Can we consider that the coming down of the Berlin Wall and the raising of the Iron Curtain as justifications for those expenditures?

Take your time. There will be a test.

Next time we get to prove and disprove negatives simultaneously..

Kevin Smith

PS – Do umbrellas cause rain?

Monday, October 28, 2019

October 26, 2019 John Brennan, and, dear reader, you are commanded to look up the meaning of the word Ananais, and I share a few common traits.

October 26, 2019

John Brennan, and, dear reader, you are commanded to look up the meaning of the word Ananais, and I share a few common traits.

#1 – We were both born Irish-Catholic.
#2 – We are both from Hudson County, New Jersey
#3 – We both went to Catholic schools.
#4 – To borrow a term from James Joyce, another Irish-Catholic, albeit not from County Hudson, who was also schooled by nuns, priests, and brothers, Brennan and his faithful companion Ballast Clapper, are about to enter the treacherous “snotgreen sea, the scrotumtightening sea” of oath taking, of lawyers with serpents’ fangs, and a mob who will not succour piss on you when you go ablaze.

I don’t know what your feelings are on cocaine but Brennan is addicted to one of the cardinal sins of modern American Liberalism. “I’m good, the other guy is not just bad but evil. Thank God for the hubristic narcissism that allows me to become 10 feet tall and bullet proof as I go about Allah’s work and slay the infidel.”

Soon to be a game changer, and one that will evoke Cain and Abel stories, will be when your faithless companion, the spineless Clapper,  a minor  league Munchausen, aka “Cheese Dick”, turns on you so fast – or perhaps you on him, whatever – that the maneuver will be used to cure tinnitus and vertigo. And then we will learn that one of the bed rock principles of Hudson County will be observed in the breach. 

Once you stop being a “stand-up guy” nothing is lost save honor.

Dante is working on a 10th, and even an 11th Circle for you and your weasel pal.

Bend a knee to the perpetually prescient Samuel Beckett/George Costanza School of What’s Happening Now. Today is both National Pumpkin Day and the oxy/fentanyl themed Take Back Your Drugs Day. The deal with the drugs, I think, has Federal money behind because, after winning the 120-year war against illegal substances – and you thought the successful War on Poverty was long, you ninny you – they had to spend the leftover money. 

Having saved the Feds a lot of money by pointing out that indeed it takes longer to evacuate a crowded plane than it does a plane that only has 12 people on it, particularly  if the crowded plane is either on fire or sinking or, God forbid, sinking while on fire, I offer this money saving idea that may have the serendipitous result of you not having to hire competent defense counsel.

The government wants you to gather up all your unwanted drugs, be they from CVS or Carlos Danger or Pierre Delecto, and bring them to a designated drop off spot. That’s about as smart as the combined energy/tax policies of Bolshie Bernie and Lieawatha Warren.
Here’s my idea. 

Gather up all you little green and blue friends, particularly the ones that either have no name on the bottle or come in tiny plastic bags. Go to the smallest room in the house. Lift the top of the only seat in the room. Dump the contents into the not quite-Halusian Gap. Flush. Flush again. The third time is still a charm.

You’ll feel a whole lot better plus, you won’t have to make bail.

I don’t know what you did that you hope lives on but my attention to the ozone layer more than 35 years ago is one thing less on my bucket list. Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. slum lord, serial toxic waste polluter, and tobacco advocate, and before he became known as Vice President Alpha Gump, used to lecture/harangue/carp/bellyache and hector everybody, and I mean everybody, about how the loss of the ozone layer was going to kill us all. I read this week that the people who measure such things are reporting that the hole is the smallest it has ever been. Doubtless it is Gaia, the Great Goddess Gaia, giving us one last chance to get our shit together and save the planet. And to quote the late, great George Carlin, with whom I shared an English teacher, “Where do we get the balls to say we can save the planet?”

Anyway, back in the glory days of the Carter fiasco – he was the worst, hands down, the worst President of the 20th century – I would every morning after finishing my AM ablutions, open the bathroom window and discharge a healthy dollop of Right Guard spray deodorant skywards. Obviously it worked because the dreaded ozone hole is pretty much all closed up.

I spoke to a pollster this morning who asked me about the LQBTUU community. I said Allah ain’t so Akbar if he wants his votaries to duck-tape all finochios, be they Sunni or Shia, and see if they can fly by chucking them off the roof of a 9-story building. 

As reparations for daring to question the ideological hegemony of the meretricious Mandarin moneylenders, and why haven’t they taken down their own Goddamn wall knowing that walls are malum per se and scream White Power, will the NBA be required to reserve a roster spot and guaranteed minute for One Hung Low, the bastard child of Chucky Chan’s #1 son?

How did Harvey Milk, who using the Brett Kavanaugh model of the more serious the allegation the less due process is due him, a potentially serial paedophile, wind up on a stamp while George Moscone has yet to have a bus stop named by the Presidio named after him?

I’m confused about the lynching kerfuffle.

 Democrats in general and FDR in particular were opposed to Federal anti-lynching laws. Everybody loves “The Ox-Bow Incident”. It’s OK for Fat Jerry Nadler and Slow Joe Biden to use, repeatedly, the word “lynching” during the Clinton impeachment dust-up. It was, at best, morally neutral, for Clarence Thomas to use “lynching” to describe what modern American Liberals were trying to do to him during his confirmation hearings. So it’s OK for today’s Democratic pols to talk about lynching but not a Republican. And speaking of words that mean all things to all people what was the name of their political party that gave us Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Dachau? Give up? The National Socialist Party. Perhaps you know them by their more popular name, Nazis? Perhaps not.

Hayek told us that the aim of Socialism is not social justice. The aim of Socialism is power, total power. Once they have to total power – Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Mugabe, Chavez – they can scratch the itch of their “Fatal Conceit” and try to make the vison of Solzhenitsyn and Orwell come true. Think of an upturned face with a boot on it. Absent that and there is no chance that the tried and failed head up their ass balloon flies. 

I know that Angelo Mozilla – Countrywide mortgage, remember? – gave Senator Christopher Dodd a “special” mortgage deal, a deal that many U.S. Attorneys would empanel a Grand Jury to consider bribery charges – pushed the edges of the envelope marked Politicians and Ethics to oblivion but I did not know that he hired Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul as his private bag man. “Bag Man”? A Hudson County term made famous by now Senator Menendez in the 1970s. Send a SASE.

Kevin Smith

PS – Good news form the Fertile Crescent. There is one less feral WOG. A Muslim killer named Baghdad Alkazeeri Saladin or something like that got to his private stash of infidel virgins early. He got his ass blown up so that it resembles a pint of hummus. One of the more famous sons of New Jersey, Admiral Halsey, said on various band and chats with his troops that the “Only good Jap is a dead Jap”. The same rule ap[plies here.
Speaking of Halsey, we are within the octave of the 77th anniversary of the most glorious year of any navy in the History of navies. Let me include Salamis, Lepanto, and Trafalgar. They were battles. I speak of a year. The American Navy sailed to Japan just after Pearl Harbor and bombed Tokyo, bloodied their yellow noses at Coral Sea, kicked their Shinto asses at Midway, and then went toe to with them in Iron Bottom Sound and emerged victoriously triumphant. And Halsey was there.
All hail Kanye West! Not only has he come to know the Baby Jesus, he has come to be a most effective spokesman for DWEMs everywhere. 25 centuries ago, Sophocles said,”Free men speak with free tongues”. West said, “I am a free man speaking”. He objected to being told he could not speak well of Trump. Then he was told that religion had no place in American life. He told them to fuck off.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 24, 2019 Our President called anyone who opposes him “human scum”. He did not invent the term.

October 24, 2019

Our President called anyone who opposes him “human scum”.  He did not invent the term.

I was both the General Partner and Tax Matters partner of a New York State Limited Partnership called Trinity Associates. Its registered address was 70 Edgewood Avenue, West Orange, New Jersey, 07052. I had 6 others, all of which were in the coal business in Kentucky. They were all named after subway stops in lower Manhattan/

One of my limited partners was Jack Brooks, who was listed on my Schedule A as an owner of 2.857%. His address, the one to which I sent the annual report, the Partnership tax return, and his K1, was 1029 East Drive, Beaumont, Texas 77706.

He was a Marine veteran of Guadalcanal who was graduated from the University of Texas and the University of Texas School of Law.

He also lived in Washington, DC where he was a Democratic member of the House of Representatives, serving as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee until he was unelected in the Gingrich putsch in1994.

On at least 3 separate occasions he told me that he considered Ed Rollins, a former Reagan operative, to be “pond scum”.

So there.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 22, 2019 What happens when you combine Al Czervik, the funny parts of Antigone, a really juiced Sam Kinison, The Ox-Bow Incident, a modern American Liberal yearning for the good old days of the Star Chamber, The Crucible, a bit of Breaker Morant, and then top it off with a bevy of “men without chests”?

October 22, 2019

What  happens when you combine Al Czervik, the funny parts of Antigone, a really juiced Sam Kinison, The Ox-Bow Incident, a modern American Liberal yearning for the good old days of the Star Chamber, The Crucible, a bit of Breaker Morant, and then top it off with a bevy of “men without chests”?

Before you answer, pause and mourn the loss of Charles Krauthammer while asking if George Will will ever find his way?

When did the haunting riffs of the George Costanza School of Private Probity and Public Policy become the tunes to which we must all dance?

For 2 years we have waited and waited for Congressman Adam Schiff – and I must add that he took quite a few well-earned beatings when he was in high school – to release the secret evidence that he alone has seen of Trump working to overcome his bladder infection at the Duranty-Hiss Collective Holistic Spa of Wellness located in a better mannered Gulag. 

Godot will show up wearing a lighted busker suit before it does.

Meanwhile, in a bow to reality, Lieawatha Warren will have to dig up the big bag of wampum that her family has hidden in Superstition Mountain. That’s the bag that has Custer’s heart and Uncas’s will, inter alia. She said that the initial investment of $800,000,000,000 – eight hundred billion dollars – to close the educational equity gap that has survived Johnson’s War on Poverty, Carter’s Department of Education, changing pi from 3.1416 to 3.0 to build the esteem and self-image of inner city youth, particularly the ones who because of a lack of cheap public transportation have been denied the benefits of “Midnight Basketball”. I must add, for the record, that they are being raised by single MOMS, women of color, who can’t afford, despite ObamaCare saving everyone in America $200 a month, a good Ritalin/Dilantin program. Justice Marshall was right when he said in his assenting opinion to Roe v Wade that Black folk favored abortion as a viable alternative to facing the rigors of Black life in America.

$800,000,000? Chump change

She is uncertain whether to tax people for letting the sun shine in their houses or giving them tax credits for not drowning polar bears. Her energy plan calls for cutting a foot off the top of the blanket and sewing it to the bottom if your feet are cold. The heart of a Capitalist writ large! Una cabeza de ca-ca.

I am glad the DWEM shibboleth, the more than 2 millennia-old example of Raw White Privilege, the notorious POST HOC PROPTER HOC Logical construct, is to be universally applied. Confidential sources tell me that the number of physical assaults on EMT/Paramedics almost doubled during the reign of Barack the Benevolent. What do you make of that? I could connect the dots and tie to, and in a most convincing manner, to the persistent penchant of modern American Liberals to be fervent fans and cacophonous cheerleaders for anti-nomianialism but I won’t.

Justin Trudeau, Liberal Prime Minister of Canada, will form a new government with a somewhat diminished majority despite being photographed wearing Black face, and in a reach to the undecideds, Brown face. He was endorsed by Barack Obama.

Casey Stengel always said that 5 guys on his team hated him, 5 guys loved him, and that his toughest job was to keep the haters away from the undecideds. Fish stink form the head plus, you can’t fire all the players which is why you fire the manager.

The Florida Senate Committee, in an unsurprising vote on strict party lines, voted to uphold the suspension of former Broward Sherriff Scott Israel. In Florida a Sherriff is directly elected by the voters and is a separate Constitutional office as is the Superintendent of Elections. He can be removed from office by the Governor for doing his job poorly. The full Senate will vote tomorrow.

The conflict of rights is obvious. Removing an elected official for any reason is, and should be, a difficult task. Let the record show that on his watch Broward County had 2 mass shootings. One was at the airport with the other being at MSD High School in 2018. From the latter, 2 commandants have resigned along with 6 patrol officers, one of whom was indicted for dereliction of duty, said dereliction being his showing of the white feather.
Balancing the conflict should be easy. Why the son of a bitch wasn’t run out of town on a rail is beyond me.

Alas, for the 2nd time in ¾ months I had a light bulb die on me. Before I disposed of it in an environmentally sensitive manner, I inspected the corpus. The bulb was made in India. Using the Logical fallacy, the one mentioned earlier, can I blame the Macaca dot heads or will I have to promise to denounce Kipling if Obama forgives me?

Perhaps it is onset senescence but when did Houston get into the American League when die Washington get into the National League?

I am late to the NYC/Mother Cabrini statue dustup but I am coming down with the nun. Mayor DeBlasio, and what a friggin’ ohmadan he is, a man who is so jealous of San Francisco being “the take down your pants and shit in the streets” capitol – and why do I think that they don’t do that in front of the Fairmount, yet? – that he provides shuttle buses for emigres who want to empty bowel and bladder by Father Duffy’s statue – took issue with his former Lesbian wife and vetoed her committee’s near unanimous vote to honor the Saint who was known as the Guardian of Immigrants, particularly the tired, the poor and those poor souls waiting to be hugged by one of God’s good people?

I remember when Senator Alpha Gump, and if ever the term friggin’ moron needed  face, told us in 1991 that, forget about the big bad wolf, the hole in the dike, and the heartbreak of psoriasis, the real villain, perhaps the first climatological existential threat, was the closing of the ozone layer. Like a sphincter opening and shutting just before your IRA audit, the damn thing was going to doom us all. And worse, women and minorities would suffer, as always, disparately and disproportionately.

I hate to piss in anybody’s soup but “the consensus of scientists” tells us that the hole is now tighter than a clam’s ass. And that’s waterproof. My grandfather, Jack Smith, the one who had one of his 2 uncles die who were there on July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, with both wearing Blue, was always fascinated with the empirically self-evident truth – sometimes an inconvenient one – that here were more horses’ asses than horses’ heads. 

Confidential sources, who must remain confidential, tell me that Congressman Schiff, who will soon be wearing a black mask, is searching for any survivors of Andrei Vishinski for the upcoming Washington, DC show trial. And we all know who will play the role of Bukharin. 

The obverse of that coin is simple: Should the need arise will there be a Senator Ross?

Kevin Smith

PS – Is it scrotum scrunching tine for the dynamic duo of Clapper and Brennan, the Scylla and Charybdis of the deep diving denizens of the modern American Liberal swamp? I know, don’t ask how, that they both have urologists on speed dial.
Please Hillary, please, please, I am available for Chardonnay sessions cum senior citizen sexual encounters – memories of Vince /foster, no? -  but only if you decide to run.

The Dolphins are in danger of becoming mediocre, tilting towards almost respectable.

October 23, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Scott Israel and the high dudgeon he has caused to the ruling class in Broward County as expressed in your unlinkabe editorial in today’s paper.

October 23, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Scott Israel and the high dudgeon he has caused to the ruling class in Broward County as expressed in your unlinkabe editorial in today’s paper.

Ms O,

Your oh so predictable editorial supporting the return of Scott Israel to his elected job of being the High Sherriff of Broward County is predicated on one word, with said word being pique. You qualify it by saying, naturally, that it is Republican pique because Democrats are, by nature, piqueless. There is scant mention that maybe he lost his job because fish stink from the head. However many times you go to the video tape you can’t hide the fact that the 2 mass shootings happened on his watch.

Rutgers and the Washington Redskins – I can still say “Redskin” in your paper, can’t I? – fired their head coaches because of their failure to perform. The Republican Governor looked at the accounts of his stewardship and fired his grossly incompetent ass. There may have even been some mention of the common good, even, forgive me, the collective good.

[Another Republican Governor fired the duly elected Broward County Supervisor of Elections, and I must add that she was a beautiful, multi-degreed Black woman who, when she opened her mouth, made 2 things happen: #1 – Instantaneous confirmation that she was dumber than a box of hammers and #2 – She could not find her lovely ass using both of her hands. That she sent a policeman, a man with a badge and a gun, Broward Deputy Sherriff Joe Kesseling, to my house because of something I wrote to her, is a subject for a different time. The first thing he said to me was “You are not in trouble”. I said, “You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I’m not in trouble?” Let the record further show that she was continuing the Broward modern American Liberal tradition of sending policemen, men who are now urged to swear allegiance to John C. Calhoun’s incorrect Theory of Nullification when it comes to enforcing Federal law, to harass, intimidate, and silence their critics like then State Senator Little Debbie when she Sent 2 Florida Department of Law Enforcement deputies, also “men with badges and fucking guns” because of something I wrote. If a play and a movie can be made about an Argentinean putan maybe one can be made based on reformed modern American Liberal author Nat Hentoff who published a book with the intriguing title “Free Speech for Me but not for Thee. Let the record show that I did not walk around with a severed head of Debbie, Debbie nor did I call her a “feckless cunt”.]

Speech is either free or it isn’t. You’re either pregnant or you’re not. It’s either Strike 3 or Ball 4. The biopsy slide is either malignant or it is not.

While it is true that Congress is our only “protected criminal class” it is also true that they are immune from the negative consequences of what they say. At least Sullivan v the New York Times got into several courtrooms before the Supreme Court tossed it. The Founders, in their ultimate wisdom said that whatever members of Congress say, however egregiously libelous, cannot be reviewed in any other place. Talk about an unfettered soap box! I spent a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon in Hyde Park trying to convince my listeners about the many sterling qualities of the Great Reagan. The weather was so bad that even my family left me. 

Which brings us to the soon to be fired Boca Raton high school principal. He committed the unpardonable sin of questioning whether German Socialists, aka The Nazis, killed 6,000,000 Jews. [Barry and Lieawatha, call your offices] Would it bring my toes to the line of anti-Semitism if I were to ask if a lot of Jews lived in Boca Raton? If there are isn’t it be time to get rid of Shylock?

There is an untenured professor at the University of Virginia, the one that T. Jefferson started, who was fired for saying, based on empirical data observed, surveyed and recorded by an arm of the Canadian government, that its polar bears are not only “enduring but prevailing”..

Alas, that did not fit the modern American Liberal narrative – Narrative? Tawana Brawley. The 1980 Bush October Surprise that was investigated in 1990 by then Speaker 
Foley because, as he said, “there was no evidence”. Bush 45 going to war to secure Bush 43’s gas pipe line rights. The Duke lacrosse rape case. The UVA fraternity rape case. Russian collusion. The incredibly shrinking, non-shrinking ozone layer that dictates that polar bears are drowning because of aggressive A/C practices by people who were “lucky in life’s lottery” and gas guzzling SUVs. Is there a better example of White Privilege than having your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter by having unregulated thermometers and an Escalade screaming at 7,000 RPM? 

And of course, Wogette Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib can call the President a “motherfucker” and nobody says Jack Shit.

Does that mean, and I am “bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden”, since you ended your screed with the ominous term “shivers” that we are headed to the notorious “slippery slope” reached by continuous exposure to the fatal “chilling effect”?

“Free men speak with free tongues”

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 20, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald RE: Thank god modern American Liberals never let you down! A brief reprise of my temporary return to the Sunday Herald.

October 20, 2019

Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald

RE: Thank god modern American Liberals never let you down!  A brief reprise of my temporary return to the Sunday Herald.

Ms. Ancrum, 
Your editorial today, the one that asks but doesn’t follow up with another question the poser “Politicians Lie, But Facebook Just Shrugs”, doesn’t dig a bit deeper.

Where was Zuckerberg in 1916, in 1940, and in 1964 when in the short span of 48 years, 2 years less than Sirhan Sirhan has been locked up in California and isn’t time to pardon him and send him back to the West Bank as a good will gesture and to show that we are fair and balanced in the hell hole briar patch of the Middle East, 3 American Presidents, coincidentally all of whom were Democrats [Is that a coincidence or a conspiratorial collusion?]]  said that they would not send American boys to fight in foreign wars.

Where in the name of Izzy Stone, a champion whistle blower who, like Walter Duranty, believed deeply in Russian interference in our elections, were the “whistleblowers” then? Where were your forebears?

Or is OK for Democrats to lie?

At least Leonard Pitts was up to par in completing his appointed task, his only task.

It’s been a while but I guess his surgery went well and that his rehab has been successfully completed. Thanks to ObamaCare, he had his non-writing hand removed and replaced with a 9-pound hammer, [I used to work with 9-pound hammers. The only good thing you can say about them is that that they are not 20-pound hammers. Trust me on that one.] the better to pound the nail into the eye of racism and White insensitivity the combination of which, as he tells us over and over and over and again and again is the only problem this country has.

I wonder what he would do for material if this White country elected a Black President? Wait a minute. It did. He promised the “fundamentally transform the nation” and, in 8 years, he couldn’t even shut down Guantanamo prison.

A this point I like to point out that if I am guilty of collective racism for being White shouldn’t that be some of the glory of having 2 uncles who came from Ballyglass, Galway, Ireland to free the slaves just like their ancestors did in the 7th century? On the afternoon of July 2, 1863, as up close and personal members of the Irish Brigade, the 69th New York Infantry Regiment, that’s one with the big dog and the skirling pipes playing “Garryowen”, they stepped in to the Wheat Field. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”. Won’t that get me some fungible tax credits should we ever go to slave reparations?

Kevin Smith

PS – I am glad to see that you are doing your part to mitigate the refugee problem. Your headline “Peacekeeping Mission is Finished in Haiti, But UN Commitment to the Country Remains Strong.” Obviously, some imprisoned headline writers from The Onion were able to escape. I am glad to see that you hired them. I smell Pulitzer. Maybe Nobel.

October 20, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Congratulations on your first news story from your “My lips to God’s ears” ink stained wretch”. In its entirety, I present the unlinkable offending member for your further consideration.

October 20, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Congratulations on your first news story from your “My lips to God’s ears” ink stained wretch”. In its entirety, I present the unlinkable offending member for your further consideration.

“There is lingering trepidation in the Democratic Party of a 
repeat of the 2016 presidential race, when Russia
interfered in the U.S. election in an effort to help 
Donald Trump defeat Clinton.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 3A
Hunter Woodall

First, aren’t all “trepidations”, per se, “lingering”? Don’t you have style books anymore? That’s a question that reveals my Elitist, DWEM driven, White Privilege genetic disposition.. Of, course, if any of the Moon-Bat, Wing-Nut loons who are running for the Democratic nomination for President gets to the White House the first thing he/she/it will do is to outlaw all gender-based pronouns. And by fiat/executive order, don’t you know?

That being settled we will now move on to the main course.

As the son of a Judge, as someone who spent 7 years in a Federal Court Room – with a side trip to the Supreme Court, the big one in D.C.- I like to see all accusations loaded and liberally larded with facts. Facts, particularly those that are as real as your boot, even to cite former Vice President Alpha Gump, the “inconvenient” ones.

Other than convincing her to avoid Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin just before the election, I see no evidence of any interference, particularly from Russia’

I was born and raised in Bayonne, N.J. My had many relatives in Chicago. If you want evidence of election interference send me a SASE.

BTB, do you mean ‘interference” like the Obama White House sent political operatives to work for opponents of Israel PM Netanyahu or do you mean like when Obama went to the UK and tried to convince its voters to reject BREXIT? Or maybe both?

I think the combination of tuns of cheap Chardonnay, enemas cum gelato combined with the tiramisu and crème brulee IVs may have finally gotten to Wide-Bottomed Hillary. Her reputation as one of America’s “smartest” lawyers took a hit when she defended a rapist pro se before hooking up with her favorite broker, Red Bone. All this while waiting for Governor/President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs to get home with a new explanation of why his underwear looked like he spit shined 40 miles of bad road with them and managed to get them on backwards yet again.

Whatever Tulsi Gabbard is, she ain’t Ethel Rosenberg or Alger Hiss.

As “sisters under the skin”, and as true modern American Liberals, please reach out to Chelsea Mezvinsky and see if she can have her Mom Baker Acted. 

Kevin Smith

PS – On Page 10A, you have a small headline saying, in its entirety, “FAA to Test whether Packed Planes Affect Evacuation”. As a disabled senior citizen, with has the 18th flag clearly in sight, I offer one last gift to my country. Whatever the coast involved with an agency of the Federal Government conducting a study, any study, of things real or imagined, I will do it for half. Better yet, I’ll do it for free. It will be my gift to introduce this “shining city on the hill” to the joys of household husbandry. As my Uncle Adam once said, “What is wise in running the affairs of a small family can scarce be folly in running the affairs of an empire”. I have been flying since 1962, DC3s, PBYs, one of which was a year older than I was when I flew in it [and as a bow to George Carlin with whom I shared one English teacher, not “on it”], the Concorde, inter alia, and as a veteran of 2 emergency landings, one at EWR and one at BOS, I can state with 100% metaphysical certitude that it takes a long time to get off a packed plane. If you add to that fact that if the plane is either on fire or sinking or sinking while it is on fire, it will take longer. Much longer. And I did not buy your paper this morning, it was a gift.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 16, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Randy Schutz get’s week’s reprieve ...

October 16, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Randy Schutz get’s week’s reprieve from spending well-earned, no Affirmative Action here, by golly, time in the barrel. Some comments, not on POO Randy – POO? Perpetually Outraged and Offended – Shultz, your resident Jeremiah, about the evils done, being done and, based on last night’s half-assed raree, to be done for the next 6 years of governance not seen since the glory days of the 5 Emperors. As it appears in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Ms O, 

Brother Schultz got a week off from his well earned pole-axing from me, not because I now believe in Midnight Basketball or that good programs administered by men, ladies, and unknown genders of good will, can change human nature, reach the horizon and leap over it into the Workers’ Paradise of Utopia, but because his column on the White Judge in Palm Beach not being nice to the Black defendant reminded me of my father, the legendary Judge Smith.

I remember, “with advantages”, bringing my 6-year-old son into his courtroom, particularly on sentencing day. [Late in the last century, when the Broward Courthouse resembled a judicial Animal House, your paper published a brief reminiscence of him written by me.

I would remind my father, usually over a large whisky – I say “large” out of respect for his father who did not believe that any whisky could be “large” – that while he was enjoying a jocular side bar with the prosecutor and defense counsel, the defendant, the “alleged perpetrator”, the one presumed innocent, was sitting alone with his balls on the block asking himself what the Hell was so funny? I would bring in the 8th Amendment which would always require a refill.

And that’s why Randy gets the day off.

That leaves you and you paper. 

Underneath Randy’s offering is a column written by a modern American Liberal. I know that because its headline reads “Improving Mental Health for Minors Remains a Top Priority”. I know that Representative Silvers believes that Trump, the Climate Change Denying anti-Christ, is in favor of minors going bat-shit bonkers.

Fess up. You believe it too.

Your editorial on political satire leaves a few gaps.

You say that although Trump “appears to have no role” in preparing the video, a video that features wholesale violence led by Trump, your hazy use of litotes suggests that maybe, possibly, probably, definitely he did a Mel Gibson “Braveheart” reprise. Wrote it, directed it, and starred in it. Dawn will slip past the rooster before that gets past your mAL gimlet eye

Does anyone remember the last scene of Hamlet? How about Romeo and Juliet? Anything to do with Oedipus? Is it still dangerous to be an infant in Swift’s Dublin? Was Chinko Premier Xi setting new boundaries for a Mandarin version of Billingsgate when he promised the protestors “bones and blood” would be on the streets or is that just Cantonese hyperbole?

Quis custodes custodiet or is that too elitist? Does it reek of White Privilege?

Page 20A tells us that “Haiti’s Leader Refuses to Resign Amid Unrest”. When did you hire headline writers from The Onion?

Page 12A proclaims that “Hunter Biden Rejects Doing Anything Wrong in Dealings.” Other than being President of the Fighting Blue Hen chapter of the Lucky Sperm chapter, he’s right.

Page 2B tells us that the Hitler model of governance works. It was the model that Papa Francisco, the current Pope, grew up under. It picks which friend to back in business. That’s how the Autobahn and Auschwitz got built. In Fort Lauderdale, former Senator Christopher Smith, still Black, got a “forgivable loan of $100,000” to go with the original loan of $350,000 to open a wings and rib restaurant on Sistrunk Boulevard. The still Black Smith – no relation - got a “No” vote from Mayor Trantalis. That prompted Commissioner McKinzie to accuse the Mayor of “borderline racism”. [I have a pathology report with 2 words on it that are important to me. #1 – My name and #2 the word malignant. Like the word “unique”, malignant can’t be modified. It either is or it isn’t. I thought it also applied to a few other words; viz. pregnant, strike 3, and racism. Can a restaurateur on Las Olas, who has a thriving business selling Eye-Tie food, dip his beak in the same trough that the Brothers do?

Senator Smith – still Black and still no relation – said, “I put skin, blood, bones, sweat and tears” into the dal. That, plus $450,000 of Fort Lauderdale taxpayer money, is a good start. I am not sure what Churchill has to do with it but that’s OK by me. I don’t know how the city secured its loan but if all goes well, they will get our money back. Maybe. The word “forgivable” is a delight to borrowers. If all goes well does the city have an equity kicker in the deal or is that question presumptively over the line “racist”?

Page 1 says “Medicare for All Proves Divisive”. P.J. O’Rourke, noted sag and pundit, says he was a Socialist until he saw how much various governments took out of his first pay check in New York City. He also said, “If you think medicine is expensive now wait until it’s free.”

170,000,000 Americans have private medical insurance provided through their employers. Most of the candidates want to stop this and replace it with a plan run by the Post Office, the IRS, and the besot of the state-run DMVs. And that is going to beat Trump? 

It is, as the great Dr. Johnson said, “the triumph of hope over experience.”

Kevin Smith

PS – Addendum – Page 27A tells us about Trump’s “baseless charges” about Hunter Biden. Further on, you say that “without providing evidence, Trump has repeatedly said that Biden’s son improperly profited….” with the inference being that if his name were Hunter Slojanowski, he’d still be playing pocket ball. Other than having no experience in the gas business or the pipe line business and getting a less than honorable discharge from the navy because of a cocaine habit $50,000 to $80,000 per month for the son of a sitting Vice President is about what the market could bear. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 9, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: Some comments on your unlinkable Sun Sentinel column on what a rat bastard Trump is, particularly if you are “unlucky in life’s lottery”, and depend on smiling faces from DC to get you through the day.

 October 9, 2019

Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some comments on your unlinkable Sun Sentinel column on what a rat bastard Trump is, particularly if you are “unlucky in life’s lottery”, and depend on smiling faces from DC to get you through the day.

Mr. Schultz,

One of the highlights of my pre-dawn trip to get the Wednesday Sentinel is that I know that you will never let me down. The anticipation comes from which irreversible path to Avernus will you uncover. Today it is healthcare.

Speaking of which, let me extend to Bernie the Bolshie a hearty Yom Kippur zigazundt. The only good thing about his myocardial infarction is that he got before his Medicare for All Death Panels became law. If he had had his face plant with his namesake law in place his triage would have been simple and unappealable. How old is he? That old? Adios, boychick. You’ve had a good run. At his age and condition, “it’s better to die and decrease the surplus population”, no? Besides, if he rolls a 7, it will free up more government dough to provide medical care for all undocumented illegal alien invaders. [Did I just repeat myself?]

Kaddish, anyone?

Just a few questions.

Will Medicare for All recruit the best of the Post Office, the IRS, and in bow to diversity and states’ rights, the A-Team from DMVs? Somebody’s got to helm the Rube Goldberg healthcare vessel, right?

The UAW is on strike. One of their demands is for better and cheaper health care. For 70 years Unions have fought for this. [I negotiated with the United Mine Workers for 5 years. I know how important this is to them.] Bernie and Lieawatha Warren and Mayor Bootygoo support them. 160,000,000 Americans are insured under private plans. All the Democratic candidates, all, no exceptions, will take this away form them. In addition to doing the Joe Hill Two-Step and condemning the Triangle Shirt fire, why don’t they tell the strikers that their health care plan will be toast?

How is that, to use the favorite word of card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals in general, and in particular, the reptiles occupying the viper pit of “woke” journalists, be they electronic or print, “fair”?

If no one is looking, you’re saying, “It ain’t.”

Would it be fair to say that whatever plan emerges – remember the connection between laws and sausages – “we will have to pass it to see what’s in it?” 

Kevin Smith

October 3, 2019 Let’s start with Heraclitus.

October 3, 2019

  Let’s start with Heraclitus.

I’ll get to James Madison later.

It looks like it’s dog track time for Bernie the Bolshie. And, the ambulance pulled dup to a Medicare for All hospital he would be in the basement, on a slab, wearing a toe tag. 

Maybe, Deo volente, Wide-Bottomed Hilary will interrupt next week’s kaddish to say that she will start her 2020 campaign in Michigan or Wisconsin, maybe Ohio or Pennsylvania.

  But the spotlight now falls on Senator Lieawatha Warren. Who said chicks don’t have balls? She parlayed high cheekbones into tenured positions at 2 Ivy League law schools. What’s the word in Cherokee for big brass ones? Holy Geronimo, but she’s lucky she can stand up, what with the 4 stone gonads that she got the old fashioned, by lying.

Such was her hubris that she actually submitted a recipe to a redskin cook boob figuring no one would pay attention. After all, she was 10 feet tall and bullet. The recipe began with a pound of cold crab meat, some etouffee, a bit of remoulade and a jug of Corton Charlemagne. It’s what all the Plains Indians ate on the trail. Honest Injun.

For years, as she plotted and schemed her way to the top of her profession, she kept her tribe secret. Abenaki? Fugowi? Mohican? Only Manitou knew and she wasn’t talking. Tighter than a clam’s ass. 

“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”

At some point, filling out the applications for Penn and Harvard, there was a line above where her signature went, that warned about perjury. “Nothing lost save honor.”

But here comes Heraclitus, one of the older examples of White Privilege. He said, “Character is destiny” which brings us up to James Madison who said, when asked what was the most important thing to look for in a candidate for any public office, “Character, character is all.” 

Notwithstanding that Lieawatha Warren’s public policy pronouncements are ludicrous, asinine, gravity-defying, and based on blivit which is defined as 3 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag, she fails the basic honesty test. Could she lie straight in bed, even if the bed was in a teepee. The answer is no.

Too bad flogging was outlawed. 2 dozen, well laid on, for that modern American Liberal lying sack of eel shit, for starters. Next stop, strapado. She’s earned it.
One homeless man in NYC, and let me make it clear that the he did not take his pants down and shit in the street, knifed and killed 4 other homeless men. At this time there is no apparent Trump connection but it’s early.

In a bow to jabberwocky, Professor Irwin Corey, and just to prove, however unintentionally, that Orwell still matters, the spokesperson for the NYC Police Department called the alleged knifer “undomiciled”. I guess that means “homeless” also.

I began listening to Rush Limbaugh when Ronald Reagan was President – He called him Ronaldus Magnus – and he was beating the Russkies and saving the Western World. A bit later, the sound of Beethoven’s 9th filled the air when the God Damn Berlin Wall was torn down. Majestic, divinely inspired, remember? 

There are certain parts of Manhattan where Rush is a 4-letter-word. Those people don’t know why Oedipus went to Colonnus; I do. They don’t know about the 4 Source Theory of Pentateuch Composition; I do. None of them was ever banned from a NYC saloon for winning all the trivia contests entered; I was. Also, locally, The Sly Fox,, hwne Danny Chichester was running it.

I say this because “Modesty is an overrated virtue and I will have nothing to do with it.” Therefore, I will not tolerate condescending smirks from people who believe in Midnight Basketball and the perfectibility of man. 

I believe it was Rush who compared Trump to Rodney Dangerfield in “Caddy Shack”. Al Czervik, remember? Let me add Sam Kinison to that Honor Roll. 

Senator Lieawatha Warren? Mayor Pete Bootygoo? Are you serious? My brother the hunchback will straighten up first. He might carry, using Obama’s Newly Revised Atlas, 54 or 55 states. 

You heard it here first. 

Keith Ellison, former Democratic Congressman, and current Minnesota Attorney General, is card carrying, fire breathing Muslim – whether or Shiite or Sunni is irrelevant, kind of like the difference between a cobra and a viper, if you get my drift – whose co-religionists, when sheltered by Sharia law, regularly bind up finochios and fling them from the roofs of 10 story buildings . I must add violently to flinging to show the tumescent joy that the actual flingers feel when they are doing the actual flinging. Nevertheless, Ellison – Yusif the Goat Humper and latent radical Islamic terrorist to his pals in the soon to be formed Sharia Death Squads – has adopted a “Minnesota Nice” attitude to befuddle the addle-brained modern Americn Liberals who believe, still, that Muslims are peace loving, except for the “ones who did something “ on 9/11, folks who can’t wait to be members of the Rotary Club if the rat bastard Jews, all of whom are “descended from pigs and monkeys”, let them. O Yes, and “Death to Israel”.

He says that he will not enforce a decision from the 10th circuit Court of Appelas in re religious freedom. John C. Calhoun, long thought to be dead, along with his Theory of Nulllification, once thought to having been interred with a stake through its evil heart at Appomattox, is back like Dracula. This time a probably filthy WOG, one still pissed of because of Tours, Lepanto, Vienna, and Omdurman, is leading the charge on Christianity and Western Civilization.  And you thought it was about “Live and Let Live”. Normally, that would fall under the category of “Silly you!” but this time there is a beast at the gates and there is no smile on its lips. 

Advance at your own peril.
47 years after China was “opened”
People are being shot in Hong Kong, 
1,000,000 people are in adult sleepaway camps, 
and they are atheists.
This guy believes.

Kevin Smith

PS – Tell my why, if this country is so bad and Trump is such a shit, are people coming from all over the world and dying, literally dying, to get into it?

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

October 2, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: Not so fast on canonizing Janny Reno ‘cuz a Devil’s Advocate has just entered the lists, stage Right, pursued by a Bear, bent on bringing a bit of History to the fore. Some comments on your pant wetting, sloppy kiss of Janny, aka “The Butcher of Waco”, in your unlinkable column in today’s Sun Sentinel fails to mention.

October 2, 2019 

Randy Schultz 
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Not so fast on canonizing Janny Reno ‘cuz a Devil’s Advocate has just entered the lists, stage Right, pursued by a Bear, bent on bringing a bit of History to the fore. Some comments on your pant wetting, sloppy kiss of Janny, aka “The Butcher of Waco”, in your unlinkable column in today’s Sun Sentinel fails to mention.

Mr. Schultz,

Of course, in re Janny, the rule of de morituis should apply. I chose however to issue an exception to this rule for 2 reasons: #1 – Modern American Liberals are bound neither by law, custom, nor tradition. Mentioning the permanent things to them is like surrounding the blood bank by a moat filled with holy water, crucifixes, and pecks of ripe garlic, the better to keep the vampires at bay.  #2 – If they can pick and choose which laws to obey, a condition better known as eclectic indignation, so can I. I know it sets tu quoque on its arse but since your favorite color is plaid, you’ll get used to it right quick.

A – Florida – Janny was the state’s Attorney in Broward County. 2 things distinguish her tenure. Every case of child abuse case that resulted in a guilty verdict, each and every one, no exceptions, was overturned on appeal. Her record is matched only by Maurice Nadjari, special prosecutor/hired gun for the Knapp Commission, the entity that pursued police corruption in NYC. All of his convictions, no exceptions, were overturned. Who says my contempt is sexist?
She also pre-dated the brouhaha of Sanctuary Cities by adopting Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, the one that all good men thought was done in at Appomattox, the one that said that non-Federal entities – states, counties, cities – could pick and choose which Federal laws to obey. She did this by claiming that local jurisdictions preempted Federal jurisdiction on any drug deal involving gun fire in Miami/Dade County. It made for some interesting late-night confrontations by heavily armed evidence gatherers. The result was that during the reign of the Cocaine Cowboys and Miami Vice there was zero cooperation between state and Federal cops.

The term “fucking moron” would fit comfortably within her bio envelope. “Fucking” too harsh a term for you? I am not a member of Congress and I doubt I will win an Academy Award but if it’s OK for them to say “fucking” it’s OK for me, right?

B – Federal – Janny began her illustrious Federal career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens. I say “some 7 dozen” because my double-degreed daughter did some post-autopsy research when she was at Baylor University. One of her teachers told her that 84 autopsies were performed, not counting the unaccounted-for femur.

Let me back this up a bit. 

President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs tasked the AG job to his long-suffering spouse, soon to be known as Wide-Bottomed Hillary, the bane of travel agents and channeler of Eleanor Roosevelt. It can be revealed now that she sang “Ghost Riders in the Sky” whenever she walked past a picture of her. She soon replaced her as the most shit upon First Lady. I’ll say this for her husband. When he was getting his knob polished by the zoftig non-shicksa in the Oval Office, he did not as Yeats did not suffer le grand mort while enjoying le petit mort like FDR did.

It must be noted that she was the third choice for the A/G job. The first kept indentured servants in the broom closet of her carriage house. The second one, a Federal Judge who flashed her yoo-ha at some defense lawyers to signal her intent for some late afternoon interpersonal, really up close and personal, ex parte communications.

It was thought that Janny lived in one previous owned Air Steam and had taken a vow of chastity when she was 3. Maybe 2. 

She was the phantom “controlling legal authority” that Vice President Alpha Gump cited when the fix was in on him getting $300,000, all of which was by credit card, from a dozen discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns, all of whom had taken a vow of poverty. 

As to her “Profile in Courage” moment, I never said she couldn’t do math. Unless video tape evidence of Big Bill sniffing Mother Teresa’s bicycle seat or taking a run at Rosalyn Carter there was no way the Democratic Senate was going to convict him.

Ending on a positive note, I liked her appearance on Saturday Night Live. I didn’t say she was Michelle Pfeiffer. She did not tip her side of the canoe, the one with such stout paddlers as Donna Shalala, Rosa DeLaura, and Barbara Mikulski.

Even though she hasn’t earned it, RIP.

Kevin Smith

PS – She went so far into the tank for the Clintons she should have worn a SPEEDO. That would have been some picture, right?

Goodbye New York Times. This time forever.

October 1, 2019

If you want to know how “Medicare For All” will work, and you jolly may not, take a peek at San Francisco. Let the record show that people come to San Francisco – sounds almost like a song title, doesn’t it? – from all over the country. When they get there, they scout around for a favorite spot where they take their pants down, non-gender specific, and shit in public, usually on the sidewalk. I suppose there is something liberating in taking a dump in public. I’m willing to learn.

Unanticipated consequences, collateral damage if you will, are the appearance of microbes and germs not seen since the Black Plague. The screaming meemy, evil dudes don’t have Latin names because the last time they were here all books were hand written by guys with tonsures without microscopes.

Stop the Presses!

Luxury Real Estate is Weak
IPOs Stink and the market is tanking
Manufacturing is Weak
It’s not because Trump is a “motherfucker”
It’s called the business cycle.
It happens.
Just like King Tides in the fall
I just saw pictures of Chinese cops beating the shit out 
of Chinese peace-loving, street activist, Social Justice
Mandarin demonstrators.
Didn’t Thomas Friedman, NYT columnist and 3 x Pulitzer Prize winner, 
tell us that China should be our role model? At least Walter Duranty
 won only one Pulitzer Prize.
Please Hillary, please run. One last gift 
for an old curmudgeon

Anyway, crazy is not stupid. Some of the homeless San Francisco shitters – and why doesn’t Tony Bennett sing about them? – rolled the boulders into the street, blocking the cable cars. One of them put one on E-Bay. It is rumored that the Medicare For All Death Panels will be chosen from these seasoned street warriors. They will be mentored by the best of the US Post Office, exceptional DMV clerks, and for customer assistance, we will import the best guys and gals from Mumbai call centers. No tea breaks; grog. What could go wrong? “Put it on E-Bay?” What the Hell is a homeless shitter doing with a smart phone? Just asking.

Now comes the fun part.

Hey, only Allah can weave a perfect rug. I forgot the coo du grass when I said goodbye to the New York Times yesterday.

I think one of the reasons why they won’t disown Walter Duranty, their Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, a toad who was a bought and paid for agent of the KGB, the wet work arm of the USSR. John LeCarre notwithstanding, who do you think put the pick ax into Leon Trotsky’s brain? Who did the necessary pre-trial intervention with Bukharin? Usually, pre-trial intervention and the KGB in the same sentence means a small Stilson spanner, a lighted cigar, and an exposed scrotum. 

I mention the above for the same reason Solzhenitsyn would drop 100 Russian names into “The Gulag Archipelago”. They were men who had been killed in the name of Communism for no other reason than whim. If he didn’t mention their names, who would? If their names were forgotten, they were truly dead. As in forever

If I don’t mention the ‘30s, all those dead Kulaks, Duranty and the Times, who will? 

I believe one of the reasons the Times refuses to say mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, is because, like Lysenko, like all true believers, they believe in the perfectibility of man.

Beginning with choosing sides at the tennis court, the one constant, the one common thread of progressives who, before morphing into modern American Liberals, decide to give Socialism a try – “I’ve been over to see the future and it works” – and such was their love of the not quite noble experiment  that they all thought – lemming like because, as Whittaker Chambers told us, “When the collection plate is passed in this church the only acceptable contribution is your soul.” – that Hitler, friggin” Adolph Hitler, was OK, was that human nature could be changed, that man could be conditioned, like Lysenko convinced Stalin that potatoes could be conditioned into growing like watermelons. 

If were to mention Kipling and the leopard changing its spots would you think me racist, misogynistic, sexist, militaristic, xenophobic, jingoistic, – have I left any of the Left’s favorite sins out? – anti modern?

It is a risk I am willing to take. 

In the Sunday NY Times, the International section, page 29, there is a story about income inequality, class divisions, and rich/poor tensions. And no, it is not about Blue/Red divisions and MAGA hats causing mass shootings and King Tides and meaner than cat shit Republicans being abnormally mean spirited.

It’s about South Africa. Specifically, it’s about Soweto, the Blackest of the Black, the Holiest of the Holy, the most “woke” place ever, the place where Mandela still performs miracles, the place where Tutu occasionally walks on water,

One headline and small quote say it all.

“The tree of liberation that we watered with our blood –
we’re not enjoying the fruit of that tree.”


But Mr. Mazibuko said the economic dividends of this
 freedom have been shared far less equally than he had hoped.

There is a story told about a time of limitless peril, early 1942, when first the Australians and then the Americans were truly Horatius, the Captain of the Gate. The Japanese, not yet even challenged after 10 years of land war in China, were coming over the mountains in New Guinea to capture Port Moresby. From there, they would take Australia. End of war. 

That the Jappos were defeated by Australians and Americans is a story not told enough. Let the record show that every time this country took up arms in the 20th century and, so far, the 21st century we have always had the Australians on our flank. Advance Australia Fair. Unlike the British we never stuck them with a Gallipoli. 

American planes soon began supplying the troops there. Certain indigenous peoples began a lucrative – for them – trade of being “dog nappers”: for the air crews. They were paid in merchandise not declared on the plane’s manifest. It became known to the Abos as “cargo”. They waited at the end of the runway for the planes to come back.
It is said that one elder waited until the early ‘60s for the return of his “rice bowl”

Thus, the difference between macro-economics and it’s not quite opposite doppleganger, micro-economics is made painfully clear.

Almost 30 years after Mandela showed them the way, after decades of altruistic indoctrination, the lessons of Utopia, of endless pots of gold under eternal rainbows, of 2 + 2 equaling 5, of perpetual free lunches, of rainwater turning into beer – if Soweto had sidewalks would the inhabitants shit on them? – water still does not run uphill.

I am sure there is no one left on the editorial board of the Times who thinks that Vishinsky was a fair prosecutor. But is man “perfectible”? Absolutely. That’s where the Green New Deal comes in. If we could only get those cows to stop farting, we could all be farting through silk. Maybe. It’s worth a try on somebody’s dime

Goodbye New York Times.
This time forever.

Kevin Smith