Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 26, 2014
Fabiola Santiago
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st street
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Will there ever be an end to troubled days? – Some comments on your column of the woes of Ferguson and how they may come here.

Sra. Santiago,

As a “white non-Hispanic” – to paraphrase the New York Times, still the proud home of Walter Duranty – I have to watch what I say lest the Word Police think ill of me.

Let us stipulate that any man’s death diminishes us. Further, a parent burying a child upsets the harmonic balance of the universe

Let me jump ahead.

“True, during the past 30 years caring people have rolled up
their sleeves and come together to work on race relations…”

Exactly what did these “caring people”, sleeved or sleeveless, do? What was the formula that produced whatever racial progress was made here? Is it replicable?

Page 1 of the Herald tells of “unrest in Ferguson”.

Page 3 of the second section reports the arrest of Fredderick Parks for the murder of Khambrell Manning and the attempted murder of Trannard Gray at Carol city High School.

Since this was a Black on Black crime it made nary a ripple on the media’s perpetually roiling sea of race relations in America. [Even mentioning Black on Black crime will raise the dudgeon of the PC adjudicators. vide Mayor Giuliani]

Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager who was shot and killed by a policeman, is going to be dead for a very long time. Dillon Taylor, another unarmed teenager who was shot and killed by policeman, is going to be dead just as long.

Why is there not comparable outrage?

Would I be branded with “R”, the new Scarlet Letter, the one standing for Racist, if I were to point out that Michael Brown was an unarmed Black teenager who was shot and killed by a White policeman while Dillon Taylor was an unarmed White teenager who shot and Killed by a Black policeman.

For reasons incomprehensible to me the New York Times, the Keeper of the Seals of Journalistic Propriety, thought it was fit and proper to publish the home address of the White policeman who shot and killed the unarmed Black teenager. Somehow the term “community activist” belongs in there.

The home address of the Black policeman who shot and killed the unarmed White teenager is unknown and likely to stay that way.

You say that while “we are proud of our own multi-racial, multi-ethnic city, there’s still a black and white divide, a class divide, and a political divide…”

Would convening a cadre of “caring people” close those divides? Although we have a President who said last year “I am not an Emperor”, this year he acted like he was one, and not one of the good ones either, by ignoring the Law and operating under “Caesar dixit” fiat rules.

Why doesn’t the President just issue an edict, via an Executive Order, and outlaw, ban and banish the ‘’black and white divide”? If you can think of one law that would do so how could any man of good will oppose it? Besides, if it didn’t work the Boss could change it.

This I know.

I cannot be made to give something I do not possess.

Kevin Smith
November 26, 2014
Albert R. Hunt
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC 20005

RE: Who says all turkeys are foul? – Some comments on your achingly modern American Liberal column on “the triumph of hope over experience” in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Bloomberg,

‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house not a creature was stirring….except for the literate curmudgeon who reads and remembers.

It’s been a while since I’ve written you about your philosophical and ideological shortcomings. You have, so far, a remarkable talent for misstating the obvious and how proud you are to be an alumnus of the Gruber School of Reporting.

I was watching the 6:00 News. Don’t ask. Of course it was Fox. I chose to switch from political absurdity to cinematic absurdity. The only choice was “Seinfeld” since Professor Irwin Corey and Beckett were not renewed. I marvel, even in reruns, how George Costanza avoids very serious beatings, real Texas-sized ass kickings, and then repeated defenestration from progressively higher floors until his mug has the texture of warm tapioca and his joints feel like oatmeal.

Alas, even alack, but it was not sufficient

The last choice was your column


The two most prominent turds in your punch bowl are:

#1 – “major infrastructure spending” – Am I the only one left in America who remembers “Shovel Ready Jobs”? I recall $900,000,000,000 – that’s nine hundred billion – being the magic number that would lead us to a never ending “Summer of Recovery”. The Mandarin money lenders, the ones that Hillary Clinton warned us about for her 8 years in the Senate, want to know how their loan is doing.

#2 – “We need to tilt the playing field in favor of rather than against unions”- I was a Teamster. I paid dues to Anthony Provenzano, AKA Tony Pro. Whatever else he may have been he was a man who knew the buttered side from the dry, a man about whom it could be said that he had a moral clarity shining around him.

That brings me to the goons from SEIU and the goons from AFSCME. They would toss a coin to see who would first get to greet a female Wisconsin legislator with “Good morning, cocksucker” or “Good morning, you fucking cocksucker”. Wouldn’t Samuel Gompers be proud.

If memory serves the point of contention was Governor Scott Walker and his attempts to enforce the laws surrounding gravity. If memory further serves he won 3 elections in 4 years

Game, set, and match.

And these are the people you want to tilt the playing field in favor of?

On a more personal note…is your wife only paid 77% of what her male counterparts earn? If that is the case you need to get down to the studio and kick some serious ass. Please don’t let Nancy Pelosi know that she only makes 77% of what John Boehner makes. If she finds out she will make all the other shrews in D.C. turn into Mary Poppins. I mean that vixen sneezes bile. Her dandruff is venomous.

You say, without a hint of sarcasm, that the Democrats would have held the Senate if they had gotten more votes. That’s like saying the Syrian Air Force would be better than the Israeli Air Force is they didn’t keep getting its planes shot down. I search for an appropriate epitaph for Marion Barry other than quoting him saying “If you forget the murder rate Washington is a safe city”. Cuba has been an OK place to live since the Castros took over. They have 3 continuing problems; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

There is no sense in being a half-assed modern American Liberal horse’s ass when you can be a modern American Liberal horse’s ass of gargantuan proportions.

You cite Professor Alan Krueger, a true fiend of the blue collar worker, a man who would need instructions on which is the business end of a shovel, a man who has never signed the front of a paycheck, who cites German models for increasing worker participation – German models? Didn’t they get the trains, the express trains to Auschwitz, to run on time? – in the new economy, an economy based on the Solyndra model, Cash for Clunkers, with input from Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Then I switched back to TV to watch Duck Dynasty in Scotland. The entire Robertson family – and may I say that I love Uncle Si but God Bless Phil – went to Scotland to sell their duck calls.

God Bless America! As the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne still says, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”.

George Costanza, you, Cajuns in Caledonia. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Not so fast.

People in Ferguson, Missouri are so pissed off that they are burning their town down. It’s the last piece of the puzzle.

The boobies are running the hatch.

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity

“I’ll retire to Bedlam” where Kramer makes perfect sense.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kevin Smith
November 25, 2014
W. Tandy Grubbs, PhD – Department of Chemistry
Stetson University
421 N. Woodland Blvd.
DeLand, FL 33273

My dear Professor,

The first thing that leaps out of your musings on “Reaping the Benefits of Green Power will require personal Sacrifice” is that you should stick to polymers.

The reason is empirically self-evident.

“The real significance of this non-binding agreement:
China is finally at the negotiating table.”

I don’t know if History is taught at Stetson. If it isn’t, Google “Munich”. Using your criterion the world is still rejoicing because “Nazi Germany is finally at the negotiating table”.

How did that work pout?

[Here’s a negotiating tip from my Uncle Adam, the noted tax collector and philosopher: Never rely on the other guy’s better nature. He may not have one.]

The next clue to your leading role in the Gruber School of Directing the untermenschen is your use of the words “sacrifice” and “mandate”.

Part and parcel, warp and woof pf modern American Liberal academics is when they call on someone else to give something up. [I’ll offer an alternative in a bit] Further, it is quickly followed by “If you don’t do what’s best for you we’ll make you”.

One of the dirty little secrets of modern American Liberalism, both in the political arena and academia, is that they are all wanabee Fascists. [Has Stetson sponsored a reprise of the Mohammed cartoons, the ones showing him as a goat humping paedophile? Free speech and universities are synonymous, aren’t they?]

“We” know better. “We” are blessed with “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” without which we would be unable to tell you what to do. It enables you, a la Professor Gruber, to lie, cheat, steal, swindle, bamboozle, hornswoggle, euchre – Did I say lie? – the American public.

“We” silently offer a te deum because, without us all the knuckle dragging, Fox News fanatical Wal-Mart shoppers wouldn’t have the sense to come in out of the rain.

When you say “there is not enough arable land…” I reached for my PROUD GLOBAL WARMER ball cap.

See if you can follow this. I will type slowly.

Global Warming ended the last Ice Age. Too bad for the mastodons but it sure as helped all those struggling bi-peds who were finally figuring out what to do with their thumbs. When temperatures climb land, previously barren, becomes more arable. More protein becomes more available to more people. They get smarter. There was an upward spike in temperature in Europe 10 centuries ago. We wound up with the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Dante? Sorry about that. Do you know who Dante is?

He wrote

“Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”

That may have been a good line in 1300 but it doesn’t apply here, what with all the science being “settled”, right?

In the end you call for “heavy government subsidies” to help us reach the horizon where the Land of Milk, Honey, Rainbow Stew, and Balloon Juice sits calling us. Would it would be impolite to point out that the foetid, Gehenna-like, dung heap behind the tree of all knowledge is what is left of Solyndra, speaking of “heavy government subsidies”?

How we are to pay for theses blessing is left blank but true to the canons of modern American Liberalism can a “fairer tax code” be far behind?

You ask with nary a hint of mirth or we “must sacrifice” by “accepting a lower standard of living” so that we can keep Venice from being totally underwater, to “undrown” baby seal killing polar bears….

“Such stupidity, sir, is not to be found in nature’

There is one thing you can do. It is squarely in the 10 ring of “Think Globally;
Act Locally”.

Give up air conditioning. Give it up in your house. Give it up in your car. Most importantly, give it up where you work. As Chairman of the Chemistry department just turn them off. Dispose of them in an environmentally sensitive manner. Artificial reefs, perhaps. Then turn them off in your classrooms. Open the windows and praise Gaia. Your classes will be overflowing.

Get back to me.

Kevin Smith

PS – I must tell you that back in the late’70s, back when Global Cooling was the churl that was used to scare small children, I used to spray Right Guard deodorant out my bathroom window. “Damn the Ozone Layer”, I yelled every AM. Thank God Vice President Alpha Gump saved it and us.

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014
Donna Shalala - President
The University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124

RE: Overcoming the perpetual lack of a prostate gland - Some comments on your thoughts on Common Core educational standards becoming the starting line for gender equity, particularly the gender pay gap.

Madame President,

Is Logic still taught at the University of Miami? [Logic is the capstone of the Trivium and why do I think that it is an alien word in Coral Gables?]

I do not know the salaries of the Presidents of Stanford University, Rice University, Northwestern University, or New York University. I pledge that if we take the average salary of those 5 CEOs, and you are paid 77% of that number, I will lead a fund raising drive to make up the difference.

Was Janet Reno paid 77% of what Eric Holder was paid when they were Attorneys General of the United States?

Is Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz paid 77% of what Congressman Alcee Hastings is paid?

Was Condoleeza Rice paid 77% of what John Kerry is paid when both were Secretaries of State? Did she take a further hit because she is a Black female? 77% of 77%, perhaps.

Are female astronauts – astronettes? – paid 77% of what their male contemporaries earn?

My mail is usually late when it is delivered by my non-male mail man. Would the 77% pay gap be a mitigating factor? And speaking of male/female conundrums, do you think it is time to change man hole cover to person hole cover? Would person/person be an acceptable replacement for mail man, particularly if there is a preponderance of male mail men?

PI is 3.1416. If we were to make it 3.0 would that make it easier for girls to become hedge fund managers, Oval Office interns, and “lawyers and doctors and such”?

Are you telling me that as of today gender discrimination starts in early grammar school?

If you are not familiar with it Post Hoc Propter Ergo Hoc is not, never was, and never will be an acceptable answer, even to those who are unfamiliar with critical thinking.

You may want to brush up on your Logic.

Forgive me but I can’t resist the siren-like allure – Is that sexist per se? - when you say “glass ceiling”? How did it feel to be paid only 77% of what your predecessor made when you were a cabinet officer under President Clinton? [Do you remember telling the nation in 1997 that we would all die from AIDs in 10 years? My calendar says 2014. I like playing with house money, don’t you? It gives new meaning to the term “borrowed time”.]

When Bill Clinton was elected Attorney General of Arkansas his wife was hired by the largest law firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. When he was elected Governor of Arkansas she was made a partner by the largest law firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. When she was made an outside director of Wal-Mart it was the largest employer in Arkansas. I suppose it was just a coincidence that her husband was Governor of Arkansas, don’t you think? When her husband got to the White House he gave her the health care system of the United States to tinker with. It kept her occupied when he was mentoring interns on how to play “Hide the Salami”. Is that what you mean when you mention “eliminating the glass ceiling”?

Kevin Smith

PS – Could you find out if Wordsworth is still on the chick-lit shit list? If he is I won’t plant any daffodils.

Monday, November 17, 2014

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014
Robert Steinbach
The Sun Sentinel

Mr. Steinbach,
I am facing a dilemma.
The Great Reagan used to say that it was not so much that Liberals were stupid as it is it that there’s so much that they don’t know.

The obverse is that when I finished one of my Socratic tutorials Amy, my wife of late and happy memory, would say “That’s why people never ask us back”.

#1 – Wikipedia is a jumping off point. It is not a place of critical thinking. It is, however, a place where it can begin. The Congressional Record has similar status. When C-Span shows a member of Congress seeking approval to revise and extend his remarks he is saying that to get a true account of the what he said you ‘ll have to go to the video tape. I mean who knows what all those great Democratic Senators said during the debates in the ‘60s over the voting law?

#2 – If, as you say, I engage in argumentum ad hominen I can answer – shades of tu quoque – that Occupy Wall Street is a classic, straight from central casting, example of argumentum ad invidiam. If History is a guide, the coming – How to say this gracefully? – “unpleasantness” in Ferguson will be argumentum ad captandum to the nth degree. I like to use argumentum ad absurdum to make a point for the simple reason that a pie in the face tends to make a point – you guessed it – absurdly. The point, having been made that way, tends to stay made. Think of Swift’s recipe for boiling Irish babies.

#3 – Logical fallacies are eternal. They are immortal. They are the only thing that will outlive a Congressional committee. E.G. – I heard President Clinton give a press conference in the Rose Garden in August, 1998. I have been to DC in August. There are 2 types of weather there. A – Friggin’ hot and – B - unbelievably friggin’ hot. He then proceeded to tell us that it was hot because of Global Warming. He then told us that swelteringly hot August days give us, honest Injun, Global Warming. What leaps to mind – think of the Jetsons wearing 7 League boots – is what would modern American Liberals do without tautologies? Correlation is not causation. When feelings are conflated into ideas and then into public policy we are on a short route to chaos. I suggest res ipso loquitur would be an acceptable argumentum ad rem for a criticism of public poverty policies, particularly those of the last 50 years.

I look forward to Senator PrincessSummerFallWinterWarrren [D-MA] telling me that POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC has replaced “Happy Days Are here Again” as the official theme song of the Democratic Party. I mean, after all, how can anyone be “Happy” when the Koch Brothers are out and about despoiling the common weal?
Is it possible that the horizon can’t be reached because “stones are hard and water is wet”?

Modern American Liberals regularly and routinely dismiss empirical evidence, evidence that is as real as your boot, because it runs contra to their angelic expectations. Just because something doesn’t work doesn’t mean that it won’t work if enough well intentioned people work really, really hard to make it work. In the 1970s I was an expert witness on Federal Housing Authority financing. Can you find someone, anyone, anywhere who would voluntarily move into Section 8 housing? Send up a big flare when you do.

Godot will be arrested twice for loitering and for failure to give a good account of himself before the Summer of Recovery gets here. I guess you haven’t noticed.


PS – You may want to brush up on a priori/a posteriori. Also, if the world is flat will the King’s command make it round? If it is indeed round can he make it flat? I am sure you heard of the unemployed teacher who, when asked his opinion on the subject, said he wasn’t sure, what with the science not being “settled”, but that he was prepared to teach either or both ways, depending on the syllabus.

“And having turned to the Government for bread, on the very first
sign of scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that feeds them.”
November 15, 2014

Mitchell Berger, Esq.
350 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Liar, liar. Pants on fire. Or how to be a modern American Liberal

Mr. Berger,

“…we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes,

I find it fascinating that thousands of trial lawyers with thousands of court room hours – hopefully all billed and collected – have never been sworn in and asked questions by someone who is not asking them to forward their cause.

“…he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

When President B.O. twice took the oath of office he accepted the language of the Constitution. Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t he bill himself as a “Constitutional scholar”? As I read it there is no wiggle room for personal favorites. It says, in magnificent declarative sentences, that there are no exceptions. None.

You may recall – Forgive me for assuming that you have specific knowledge of American History, a knowledge that your public statements screams you do not - that Democratic President Andrew Jackson said, “John Marshall made the law. Let him enforce it”. In the end, possibly because he got tired of slaughtering Native Americans, he enforced it. Score one for the Constitution.

[As an aside, wouldn’t Logic dictate that if modern American Liberals have their knickers in a knot over the inherent racism of the name of the NFL team playing in Washington, they should burn all their $20 bills to show their solidarity with the displaced sons of Sagamore and Geronimo? I can come by next week and pick up your entire firm’s offending currency. I guarantee that I will destroy each one individually in an environmentally sensitive manner. Who says it doesn’t pay to go green?]

“A man up on oath holds his soul in his hands as if it was water.

There is a case – Halbig v Burwell - currently on the docket of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is about ObamaCare. One of the questions to be decided is whether or not members of the Death Panels must be employees or can they be independent contractors. I understand that Professor Jonathan Gruber, the paradigmatic template for the serial lying on which modern American Liberalism is predicated, has filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of usurpation of individual freedom, that is to say, in favor of the death grip called ObamaCare.

I am not an officer of the court. You are. Isn’t it incumbent on you to inform the Court that a scroyle of biblical proportions, a man who couldn’t lie straight in bed, is defiling its sacred chambers?

“At long last, sir, at long last,

Wait a minute.

Isn’t that where I came in?


Kevin Smith


Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 12, 2014
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
350 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Congratulations and a non-denominational secularized Season’s Greetings to you.

Mr. Berger,

Being named modern American Liberal piñata of the year is no mean feat. That you did it in your first year of contention speaks volumes for your, doubtless, Kipling inspired dream seeking persistence.

The prize, a year’s supply of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” in the delivery system of your choice – oral or anal – delivered as often as required in a plain brown envelope, may, in your case, be redundant. You seem to have access to an Old Faithful geyser that enables you to quaff deeply and daily of the most important elixir in the alternative universe occupied by gravity defying modern American Liberals. It enables you to possess the rare ability to ask, after you have pissed on somebody’s back, why they haven’t burst out in a chorus of “I’m Singing in the Rain”.

I could have picked Congresschick Debbie Wasserman-Schultz [D-FL] but she’s too busy trying to hang on to her job. Chances are she will since expectations, not results, are what counts for modern American Liberal scorekeepers.

II could have picked Senator Diane Feinstein [D-CA] who recently said “all veterans are a little bit nuts”. Honest. You could look it up. If I did that it would piss off Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] She is still mad at me for not giving her the attention she earned when she said in re Obamacare “We’ll have to pass it to see what’s in it”. Honest. She said that. You could look it up.

She was just picking up the Democratic torch that was first lighted in 1864 when George McClellan, the Democratic candidate for President, referred to Abraham Lincoln as a “baboon”

In 1916 President Wilson [D-NJ] said he would “never send American boys to fight in foreign wars”. That was so popular that President Roosevelt [D-NY] said it in 1940. No to be outdone, President Johnson, [D-TX], AKA “Landslide Lyndon”, a name decidedly not given to him by his trusted vote counter and recounter, Abe Fortas. Johnson also gave us the hugely popular War on Poverty

Some thought was given to Professor Gruber of MIT. He was paid almost $400,000 by the tax payers of America to advise the government on how to pass ObamaCare. After the checks cleared, his counsel was tersely spot on. He told the modern American Liberal cabal of rotters both in the White House, the Congress, and, most importantly, in the ass kissing media, to lie to the American people. He said that because he believed it. He believed it because, deep down in his modern American Liberal heart, he knows that the American people are “too stupid to know any better”. Honest. He said that. You could look it up.

Gaffes happen when people accidentally tell the truth. If there is one thing central to the core of true modern American Liberals is that the untermenschen - “bitter clingers” all – are too stupid to govern themselves. If they were smart they would know that raising taxes and the minimum wage is the one sure way to jump start the economy. And, since the Koo-Aid of this Fatal Conceit enables them to say even if it isn’t, it Damn well should be.

The next time these closet Fascists want to tell some whoppers call me. I’ll do it for a couple of hundred bucks and a case of Tullamore Dew. I’ll also need 60 pounds of Waygu Beef Tartare If you can’t get Waygu I’ll settle for Kobe. I’ll need that to reach out to my PETA pals. PETA pals? I have many pals who list themselves as “People Eating Tasty Animals”.

I picked you because you’re a local guy.

I don’t know why your firm hasn’t announced that it will no longer handle any real estate transactions involving water front property. You alerted us to the seas rising inexorably due to Global Warming [I guess when Candidate Obama promised to “cool the planet and calm the oceans” he hadn’t figured on the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers. Is that promise still “operative”?] I know by now – I hope, I hope – that in addition to mandating that your associates use hybrid public transportation to get to and from work you have turned off all the A/Cs in your office.

If you have not done so it would make you a lower than eel shit hypocritical bastard. The uptick is that it will make you this year’s first winner of another much coveted award. I hereby name you


But I have another reason for picking you

You entered the 10 ring when you and your wife hosted - I am incapable of making this up, it being quite past the parameters of my ken – a vegan dinner for her classmate, gazillionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer. He, having gotten his pelf and swag the old-fashioned way, that is to say, by mining and selling dirty coal to emerging nations who burned it to make electricity to lift them from the depths of Socialism, has found the Baby Jesus. He is a lot like an aging hooker whose siren’s call is losing its allure.

[I would be remiss if I failed to point out that Hitler was the 20th century’s first great vegan. I could use the “correlation is causation” warped Logic used by Sophist mountebanks who preach the false gospel of man caused climate change and hint that your wife is a goose stepping, brown shirted, Todt Juden, SS Death’s Head Ladies Auxiliary Frau Oberst but I won’t.

The other reason I chose you is because Ft. Lauderdale has an image problem.

A 90 year old veteran – Remember what Senator Feinstein said about them? –wants to feed the homeless. The problem is that it is against the law. Gandhi used to tell the Judges presiding over his trials that they had no choice but to sentence him to jail. History would suggest that this will end with an enthusiastic policeman Macing him, Tazing him, and, for good measure, “putting the boot in” a few times.

Not good. Not good at all. Shades of Spring Break! Think what it will do the LGBTQ market that the city is soliciting. Not good.

Herewith a potential solution.

Jack Seiler, Mayor of Ft. Lauderdale, and soon to be this century’s first Bull Connor [Connor was a delegate to the 1964 Democratic Convention in 1964. Look it up] was a guest at your home for the Tom Steyer magic lantern show cum vegan meal

Why not have a dozen non-gas powered hybrid buses on hand the next time he rings the dinner bell.

Load the buses and bring them all to your house

Chilled pine nut and kudzu soup, kale soufflé laced with dandelions, and finished off with your wife’s legendary endive and arugula sorbet with either white or black shaved truffle. The homeless feeding problem will be solved.

I have spoken - unofficially and deep throat back channel – to the Mayor. He nodded so violently he threw his back out.

I hear people criticizing the 1% because in addition to being undertaxed they never “give something back”.

Here’s your chance.

Your wife can have Wagner playing in the background.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 7, 201
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
350 E. Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “… a dish best eaten cold” – Some comments on a few tumescently rich upcoming moments in the United States Senate.

Mr. Berger,

One of the joys of reading the Constitution – the one from Philadelphia in 1787 – as a non-lawyer is that there is no need to find a peripatetic penumbra or an ethereal emanation on which to hang a brief on for the latest appeal of Jarndyce v Jarndyce.

I wrote that I heard President B. O. and may I say that he is the best President that we have say that 5 states had approved increases in the minimum wage. As usual, his cavalier treatment of facts, particularly the inconvenient ones, was, as Bob Uecker says, “just a bit outside”. It was 4 states but “Come on, dude”, it’s close enough for government work, right? Besides, didn’t he tell us that there were “57 or 58 states”?

It’s a reason to cheer.

All hail James Madison and George Mason!

You may wish to consult the above-mentioned Constitution. For you, as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, a type of individual whose favorite color is plaid, it may well be the first time. Pay particular attention to the Ninth Amendment. Then try to gulp the 10th. Admittedly they will be a tough swallow for people who regard the Constitution as a roadblock on the path to social justice, receding sea levels, and gluten free tofu farms. The thought of enumerated powers, thus powers that are precisely defined and limited, must be like finger nails on the black board, for which I add a jubilant Deo Gratias.

I have some bad news for you on the dead polar bear front.

Senator James Inhofe will be the next Chairman of the Senate committee in charge of finding the Bermuda Triangle, capturing Big Foot, and determining whether or not Atlantis is where the Loch Ness monsters go to breed.

All hail the triumphant return of the scientific method, of critical thinking, perhaps even reasoned discourse.
In addition to taking the regular oath required of testifying expert witnesses they will have to supply short essays on why correlation is not causation and why the words science and consensus must never be allowed to appear in the same sentence.


I have irrefutable empirical evidence of climate change from a confidential source on Bruce Avenue in Edina, MN. The Zip code is 55424

A quick pre-dawn glance out the window revealed that it was snowing. That this phenomenon was caused by gas-guzzling SUVs, the increasingly prolific use of plastic, the deadly cabal of the Koch Brothers and Wal-Mart that was spawned in the American heartland when no one was looking to become a coven of warlocks dedicated to the destruction by petrocarbons of the idyllic life dreamed of by wingnut moonbat ohmadahns who believe that tofu and range free kale will cure teenage bullying and obesity, there can be no doubt. I will keep you posted about this anomaly. Imagine! Snow in Minnesota. What have we done to our planet? Dies irae…de profundis…where is former Vice President Alpha Gump when we really need him? The short hand for the above is how about a more equitable distribution of seasonally adjusted Global Warming.


When the first session of the Judiciary Committee of the new Senate convenes there will be a spectre hanging over it. It will be time to put paid on the bill owed to Robert Bork. Let me add Clement Haynesworth, Clarence Thomas, and Charles Pickering to the pay back list. If Senator Lard Kennedy can conduct himself as a meaner than cat shit toss pot so can the farmer from Iowa.

I can’t wait for the venom and vitriol to drip voluminously from the next judicial nominee who thinks that the Constitution should be updated every year, just like the LL Bean catalog.

I end with a personal plea. I started a PAC with the fetching name of


I am surrounded by too many women with whom I share much DNA to ever suggest that I would “give her the back of my hand”. Also, I wouldn’t “drag her by the hair” for fear that I would cut my hands. She ain’t called MS Medusa for nothing.

Whom would you replace her with?

The Witch from the Wizard of OZ is retired.

The harlequin bruja from the Disney Dalmatian movie is tied up in sequels.

Bella Abzug is still dead.

You may as well keep Little Debbie.

Besides, I would have to make more environmentally insensitive t-shirts while disposing of the ones with her mug on them in a way that would increase my carbon footprint exponentially.

Kevin Smith

PS – One more thing of a personal nature. President B.O. told me I would save $200 a month once Obamacare was up and running. It is; I am not; it is costing me more. The facts, those damned inconvenient things that modern American Liberal treat as dog dirt, would support the interpretation that he is rotten, low down, stinking liar. It you were to send me a $50 pre-paid Visa card I would conveniently forget those lies. Honest.
November 10, 2014
Congresswoman Debbie Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Pembroke Pines, FL

RE: An apology…of sorts

Dearest Darling Debbie,

When I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

For this I apologize, not in the traditional modern American Liberal way “I’m sorry if what I said offended you” but, rather, because what I said and wrote was wrong. Further, there was information that would have mitigated the really dumb and nasty things you have said. If I had known I would have used a different tone, one perhaps with a tinge of sympathy for all that you have gone through, for all that you have had to endure.

I can imagine gut wrenching feeling of betrayal, of outrage, of gender based shock when you found out that you were only being paid 77% of what male members of Congress were paid. I can imagine the flagrant abusion when you found out that for every dollar that Congressman Alcee Hastings earned you only earned 77%. Hastings, you may recall, had his Black robed felonious ass impeached and tossed off the Federal bench. I’m not even sure if this ex-con can vote. Then, in a cavalier manner predicated on majority guilt a special district was created for him to run for Congress. It would have sent Willie Horton, Step-n-Fetchit, or OJ Simpson to Congress.

Every time the eagle lands, that’s real world lingo, a place and tongue of which modern American Liberals are clueless, for pay day. It must make you feel worse than if you were handcuffed to a canoe with Rush Limbaugh with the only paddle and his favorite mink glove ready to examine you for ticks. “This cur makes 30% more than I do: would drive me nuts too.

Anyway I am sorry for picking on you, for making fun of you, for not being sensitive to the gender issue that causes 24 hour, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, permanently screeching over the top PMS.

Coca Cola, both regular and diet and M&Ms, both plain and peanut have proved to be of help. As always, consult with your certified ObamaCare medicine man.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 2, 2014
Joy-Ann Reid
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Obama Agonistes– Some comments on your alas and alack but why are “they” throwing stones at “him” column on Halloween in the Miami Herald.

Ms. Reid,

A device, used by people who know the parameters of Rhetoric, to refocus the conversation, is known as “denying the major premise”.

Without exception, none seen, none unseen, modern American Liberals explain the ordure surrounding the clusterflubbed Obama administration as being caused by the Devil, or, worse, the Koch Brothers, the Tea Party, Wal-Mart, some combination of Rush Limbaugh, the NRA, Fox News, and former Democrats turned racist, rascally, rat bastard Republicans.

Here is an alternative explanation.

I’ll combine Dickens and Johnson – Samuel, not Lyndon
“The man is a ass and that’s an end to it”

Jesse Jackson said, just before announcing in front of 5,000,000 witnesses, that he “wanted to cut Obama’s nuts off” and that “the only thing he ever run was his mouth”.

[As an aside, and forgive me for plucking low hanging fruit, but what would have happened in the universe of POO – Perpetually Offended and Outraged – modern American Liberals if that had been said by – pick one or pick all – any White cleric, rabbi, or imam, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, the ghost of Charlton Heston, any Global Warming heretic, inter alia?]

Why Black Americans don’t vote in mid-terms and why there is a never ending appeal to racial identity and self-interest which never seems to succeed thus guaranteeing continued employment to registration hustlers, AKA political activists, is beyond me. I am, to slightly paraphrase the New York Times, a “white non-Hispanic” who has never missed an election, be they national, state, or local.

I had to use a photo-id twice today – 10/31. Is that proof of racism per se?

Why does President B.O. think that making rich people poorer will make poor people richer? [Let me add Senator Princess SummerFallWinterWarrren and Grammy Clinton to that list of boobs, jackasses, mountebanks, and scroyles.]

The only possible explanation is that intellectually disabled modern American Liberals, and I quickly add that there are no other known types, believe that there is a lock box hidden away somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle and fanatically guarded by knuckle dragging Tea Party goons that contains all the wealth that ever was or ever will be “created”.

Laying aside all other things, modern American Liberals believe that they have been anointed by a diverse secular pantheon to see that the contents of said box are distributed more “fairly”, particularly to those who are “unlucky in life’s lottery”.

Pray tell but why, six years into the glorious reign of Obama the First, has the horizon not only not been reached but still sits out there mocking those who believed that hope and change could undo the laws governing gravity? Why are Happy Days still not here? Tell me again how raising taxes and the minimum wage will get us to the Land of Milk and Honey. If raising the minimum wage to $10.10 is good wouldn’t raising it to $21.10 be better? Why not $31.10? At that rate the “single moms, usually women of color”, will have chance to fart through silk like the rich White folk do?

Imagine a man standing in a bucket. Imagine a man standing in a bucket trying to pick it and him up by lifting its handle. Imagine trying to tax yourself to prosperity. The next time it works it will be the first.

Honest. Look it up.

Other than the lower case fascists who curry favor in the Oval Office in hope of advancing their shareholders’ interest – How do you think the Bismarck and Treblinka got built? – he has had no contact with what is still known as “the real world”.

The only economic achievement of his life, other than getting other people to pay for 11 years of tuition, room, and board for him, was getting his wife a $4,000 a week raise. Let me repeat that. He got his wife a $4,000 a week raise. In a story that endears the rest of the country to how Cook County operates she was in charge of sensitivity training for the mid-day, low fat culinary providers at the University of Chicago Hospital. Within hours of him being sworn into the United States Senate he got her employer a $1,000,000 earmark. By the time her next paycheck was printed her pay scale had jumped by $4,000 a week. Absurd as it may have been it was business as usual in Chicago. Her job was so important that since she left it to go live rent free in public housing in Washington it has remained vacant.

You end by saying that Republicans “controlling the mechanisms of voting” is bad and presumptively racist.

Thank God for Google

Take a peek at “Landslide Lyndon”, his pal Abe Fortas, Duvall County, TX, and its resident Duke, and how all those absentee ballots not only suddenly appeared but they suddenly appeared in alphabetical order so as to make the recount easier. Memories are fading but it all happened in 1948 and there wasn’t a Republican anywhere near the scene of the crime.

Take a peek at the Democratic Presidential primary in West Virginia in 1960. That’s the one where Joe Kennedy, AKA Poppa Doc, told his votaries to buy a win, not a landslide. Hubert Humphrey is still trying to get the number of the truck that hit him.

Take a peek at the Chicago recount in November, 1960. The City Hall gang counted and counted and kept counting until they got enough votes counted to overcome the down state Republican vote.

I am from Hudson County, NJ. I had an uncle who was such a devout Democrat that he did not let death interfere with his election-day duty. Even though he died in 1956 he voted until 1971. That’s why people will die to get to get to this country.

As to which party is best for which particular group it may be wise to consult Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell, a man who carried political correctness to its logical conclusion, would snarl at Parliament, “I beseech you in the bowels of Christ to consider that you may be wrong”.

Please tell me of one social program that worked, “worked” being defined as the problem was noted, the solution was devised and implemented, and the problem was solved, since the War on Poverty was declared?

It strikes me as passing strange and offensive to Logic that modern American Liberals take a bilge-laden gimcrack 2 legged stool that has been labeled as being “for the children” and judge it solely on its intentions while secretly knowing and hoping that no one else notices that the damn thing could never work. Vide the never ending Summer of Recovery and, lest we forget, Cash for Clunkers.

Modern American Liberals rely on the votes of groups who have forgotten everything while learning nothing. Perhaps it’s time for these groups to stop eating their own feet. Perhaps it’s time for something different.

How much worse could it be?

Kevin Smith

PS – I voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. I believed that if I didn’t we would wind up with 2,000,000 men in Vietnam and a wall with 58,839 names of dead GIs on it. Also, America would have never ending race riots. It was Burke who said “Experience is the only school where some people can learn”. As much as he liked America he never lived here.

November 6, 2014
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “For the children” – Shibboleths raised to an art form – some comments on your opinion piece - Winners and Losers – in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Mayo,

I am opposed to any and all public bind issues because they are in open violation of Federal law. I would back a bus up to the Board of Education and fill it with several dozen “alleged perpetrators” for immediate arraignment before the nearest Federal magistrate.

After them, a convoy of buses for the lawyers, the bankers, and the brokers who advance, perpetrate, aid, and abet this fraud

Further, you say that more money for schools is “good for kids”.

Following your premise to its Logical conclusion, a simple step that is alien to practicing modern American Liberals, public education in Washington, DC should be the best in America, indeed in the known universe. Depending on which flexible accounting method is used, similar to Social Security, expenditures are ca. $35,000 per pupil.

Forget about National Merit Scholars and Ivy League recruiters bribing their way into the senior lunch room the place should be spinning out a few Noble Prize winners each year.

My question is simple.

Since public education in D.C. meets or exceeds all modern American Liberal hopes and expectations why aren’t all the President’s daughters in public school?

Get back to me please. After all, it’s for the children.

Kevin Smith
November 5, 2014
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
350 E. Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Enough with the weather

Mr. Berger,

I am listening to President Obama say that 5 states with minimum wage increases on the ballot approved them.

I shan’t bother you with the story of Initiative and Referendum in this country. More than a century ago it was a favorite of the Progressive movement. The double helix, the DNA, the warp and the woof of modern American Liberalism, is a straight line from when Woodrow Wilson ran for Governor of New Jersey. I can’t mention Wilson without recalling that Justice Marshall called him the most bigoted and the most racist President of the 20th century. Specifically, bigoted toward Jews and racist to what were then called Colored people.

President Obama says the vox populi on the minimum wage from 5 states can be used as proof of the soundness of the proposal and why it should be become the law. It is interesting to note that wherever same sex marriage has appeared on a ballot, including Florida and California, it has been overwhelmingly defeated.

Who gets to pick which vox populi is the good one, the one that all modern American Liberals can eclectically support? Would not Logic dictate, and here you can fill in the blanks, that the goose and the gander should sip from the same trough?

I know that mALs have 24 hour chiropractors on speed dial. 4 sided triangles, squared circles, political flummery with all its attendant reversals and soul emptying sellouts are Hell on the vertebrae, both lumbar and thoracic.

I appeal to you in a sort of local hands across the aisle for you to tell me how the ukases and fiats that modern American Liberalism imposes on its votaries are assembled and then dissembled and, when their usefulness is gone, how they get sent down the memory hole.

Hope to hear from you before it gets warm[er] again.

Kevin Smith