Monday, June 30, 2014

June 28, 2014
Nezar Hamze
@ Howard Saltz – Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Ramadan and other things from your op-ed in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel

Mr. Hamze,

The blessings of God, by whatever name is used, be upon you.

This is the 6th time I have written to someone from CAIR the Council of American-Islamic Relations.

I have yet to receive the courtesy of a reply.

Who knows, but in the holy month of Ramadan, are not all things possible?

I have some observations and some questions.

#1 – I am, as you say, an infidel who has been – so far – a Roman Catholic. There is a very big church in Rome that is the physical center of my religion. One of your forebears said he “would stable his horses in it”.

#2 – 13 centuries after Christ’s appearance on earth a marvelous poem – The Divine Comedy – appeared. It is about the journey of a soul trying to save itself despite the obstacles that organized religion places in its path. We are now more than 13 centuries past the time of the Prophet and blessed be his name. Is there a Muslim Dante to be found anywhere?

#3 – Less than 2 centuries after its publication Christianity began to tear itself apart, all in the name of God. Is there an Islamic Martin Luther looking to nail his theses of Reformation to mosque doors? Is there an equivalent anywhere in the Muslim world or is that a trait peculiar to Christendom?

#4 – American Christians trip all over themselves for doing either too much or not enough about fill in the blanks. Is there an equivalent anywhere in the Muslim world or is it only to be found in Christendom?

#5 – It is offensive to Logic to construct a universal from a particular. Nevertheless, we are faced with the inconvenient truth that 300 Nigerian Christian girls were kidnapped by Muslim fanatics, terrorists, thugs, call them what you will. The purpose was to convert them to Islam, a “religion of peace”, mutilate their pre-pubescent genitalia and then sell them into slavery.

Further, there are 5 Muslim run countries – Nigeria, Mali, Chad, Mauretania, Sudan – that either approve of or condone slavery.

Be pleased to correct any misstatements of facts.

I mention the above because I have yet to hear one Imam or one Muslim group stand up and say, “By Allah, this is wrong”. Not one. Why is that?

#6 – It’s a small matter but why is the Koran “sacred”? Why are your votaries willing to die and to kill over it? If the Koran is “sacred” would not the Bible, both Old Testament and new, be more “sacred”? If the Bible had not come before it there would have been no Koran, either “sacred” or profane, right?

#7 – Would an open and publically know homosexual Muslim be allowed to make the Haj<

#8 – One of my forebears said “Free men speak with free tongues”. Will you join me at noon on July 4th as I burn a copy of the Koran and the Bible. I’ll include a Torah for the sake of comity and fairness. They will be wrapped in an American flag. I will have a gallon of pig piss nearby lest the conflagration rage. I would like to do this on the steps of a mosque, a church, a courthouse, a newspaper, your choice.

#9 – Freedom. Give it a chance. It can grow on you.

Kevin Smith

PS - #10 – In 732 AD, less than a century after Islam was founded it would be correct to say that Muslim hordes were raping, looting, and pillaging their way across Europe. They didn’t’ invent those tactics. They just brought a new perspective to it. If it weren’t for an infidel named Charles Martel History would have been quite different. And the reason for that was…

Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 27, 2014
Robert Steinback
@Howard Greenberg - Publisher
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “Sometimes, the wisest course is to let people solve their own problems.” – The last sentence in your op-ed in today’s unlinkable Sun-Sentinel

Mr. Steinback,

Back in the 20th century – the ‘90s to be exact, AKA the decade of the Defense of Marriage Act, “Midnight Basketball”, and the public approval of Presidential Perjury – you said that my responses to your Miami Herald columns were filed with “delightful paranoia”.

Speaking of “paranoia”, delightful or not, I still treasure your Herald column about how the evil White power structure of Miami Beach conspired to give R. Donohue Peebles an abandoned hotel that was radioactive. Honest. You actually wrote that. Look it up in your archives.

There are 2 facts about Peebles that must be said again and again.

#1 – He was the man to whom the Broward County Commission tried to give a hotel to because he was not White. That he did not have the sense to say “I accept” and then flip it to Marriott or Sheraton is still beyond me. On the other hand, anyone who spent his formative years being mentored by DC Mayor Marion Barry may yet be dancing to a different drum beat,
#2 – He was the last man to see Gus Boulis – Miami Subs? Cruising casinos? 3 bullets in his head? Remember? – before he was murdered. Honest. Look it up.

Do you remember the Fulbright Doctrine?

Senator Fulbright, along with Senator Ervin, and despite the fact that both of them spent their entire adult public lives trying to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls, was a hero, along with Senator Ervin, to modern American Liberals.

At its essence it said you can do whatever your want as long as you keep it inside your borders.

It cannot be proved if he took inspiration from Neville Chamberlain who said in Parliament after he returned from Munich with Hitler’s personal guarantee of “peace in our time” that “the people of Czechoslovakia are a faraway people of whom we know little”.

[As an aside because some things are owed to the record, 3 times in the 20th century – 1916, 1940, 1964 – and can you believe that they were all Democrats? – President Wilson, President Roosevelt, & President Johnson – promised not to send American boys to fight in foreign wars. Honest. Look it up. Another thing owed to the record is that I heard Justice Marshall say that T. Woodrow Wilson was the vilest, most bigoted and most racist President ever. All though he did not kill as many Redskins as Old Hickory did he knocked fellow Democrat Andrew Jackson off that perch.]

But I digress.

Since your reasons for bawling behind a bar in Hollywood, and being overserved not being one of them it is a bit too much information.

Facts are stubborn, inconvenient things. There was mood in the country to geld Iraq. 22 separate times the Congress urged President Bush to do so. The 23rd time, a declaration of war, passed both Houses overwhelmingly. Senator Clinton and Congresswoman Pelosi were exhorting the President to make sure he killed enough of the WOG terrorists.

Honest. Look it up.

If, as you say, Americans, Americans doubtless like the perfidious Koch Brothers, Americans like the money hungry Bush family, Americans like the knuckle dragging, gun toting, racist, homophobic, Global Warming denying Tea Party think that all oil, everywhere, is “rightfully ours”, let us chant a minor Te Deum that Montana and North Dakota are part of our 50 states. [Contrary to the claim of President B.O. it’s still 50 stars on the flag, not “57 or 58” as that pant-load moron said. Honest. You could look it up.]

The thought of invading and occupying Butte and Fargo just so we could say these 2 states have 5 times as much oil as Iraq is painful. We already ask the V.A. to do much too much.

If we were to throw Alberta, Canada into the mix we could make Saudi Arabia become Baptists lest we bankrupt them.

Honest. You could look it up.

But I digress yet again.

Logic, the capstone of the Trivium, the hand maiden of Reason, one of the jewels of a DWEM-driven Western Civilization, dictates that if we should “let people settle their own differences” we would be in a state of perpetual benign neglect whenever the Serbs and the Croats unburied their hatchets.

They have been at war since 1384. We know that “after the first death there are no others”. As long as they keep their squabble on an intramural level it could be a population control solution in the Balkans. Anything to reduce man’s carbon footprint, right?

Logic never loses its right angles, its hard edges. Sometimes the corners get rounded subjective perception.

Could it be 20 years since the Hutus and the Tutsis – or was it the Hutsis and the Tutus? – who went at each other with a feral ferocity not seen since Rome finally solved its Carthaginian problem?

Such were the numbers of carrion that countless hyenas and crocodiles went vegan because of an animal protein overload. Their conflict was strictly intra-mural. It stayed completely between the navigational buoys. And, since it posed no threat to us, you would be neutral?

“The powerless will always probe for ways to undermine overt power.”
The Sun Sentinel

Do you mean like the Christian in Nigeria? It’s too late to help the Kulaks or the Ibos? Who mourns the Hmong?

One thing is certain.

If we acquiesce in the slaughter of innocents or otherwise we are a lesser people.

I had 2 uncles who came from a foreign country to fight in the American Civil War. One of them has been at Gettysburg since July 2, 1863 “wrapped in his faded coat of blue”.

I like to think that his death meant something, however overreaching his life was.

A Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith

PS – If you are auditioning to replace Professor Little Stevie Goldstein as the resident wing-nut moon bat modern American Liberal contemporary Jeremiah you have my support or, and it’s your call, my opposition. Perhaps if you were to show your devotion to the First Amendment by calling for the publication of the Mohammed cartoons or by joining me as I burn an American flag containing the sacred Koran and the not so sacred Christian bible in front of the Sun Sentinel building at noon on July 4th your employment would be secure. Also, I hope that the “R” in front of Peebles’ name stands for Rex et Imperator or Redeemer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 22, 2014

Howard Greenberg – Publisher
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Have you seen Jac VerSteeg?

Mr. Greenberg,

Maybe the Somali pirates took him. [Picture enclosed of him, not them]

Don’t look for him in the Brad Pitt look-a-like contest.

Mugs like that give Zombies nightmares.

Have a few pusses like that walking around and the moribund Iron Mask industry will have a Summer of Recovery that will make economic Viagra History.

He was/is an opinion columnist for the Sun Sentinel. In fact, his 3rd signed opinion appears in today’s unlinkable paper.

I sent my opinion of his opinion – Surprise! – to the Sun Sentinel.

First you poleax Little Stevie, as in Professor Goldstein

Then you have phantom columnists.

In my other life I was CFO of a public company. I never did learn how to account for phantom employees. How do you do it?

It was returned “addressee unknown” – copies of my opinion and the envelope are enclosed.

His opinion today on legalizing medical marijuana says that Marvin Adelson, “a huge Republican donor”, a man obviously in a cabal with the perfidious Koch Brothers, a man who wants to see polar bears drown and children starve, is opposed to it because he wants to see Governor Scott re-elected.

He also says “Adelson makes mega-millions fleecing folks doomed by the laws of probability that ensure the House always wins”.

It should be obvious, even to mush-brained moronic modern American Liberals, a dunce like the maybe missing VerSteeg, that his observation applies exponentially to the Florida Lottery. Full disclosure requires me to tell you that I play xxx 4 or 5 times a year. It was my grandfather’s badge number.

Listen up. I’ll type slowly.

Adelson doesn’t cater to poor people.

When was the last time you saw an inner city single mom, usually a woman of color, with children in need of a good Ritalin program who, in addition to being too far away from Midnight Basketball are always being exploited by the cunning low prices of food and prescription drugs at Wal-Mart, being comped with a bottle of Cristal in the Black Chip room at the Sands.

They, victims of America’s longest war, the hugely successful War on Poverty, the one that just had its 50th anniversary, can be seen with the current hot Dream Book clutched to their bosoms in front of the Stop & Shop waiting for the 6:00 AM starting bell of the Florida Lotto machine.

Talk about the upturned neck awaiting the ax.

I guess it’s kind of OK because we know that the Florida Lottery, in the jabberwocky talk of modern American Liberalism, is for the children.

By the way, not only am I going to vote for the legalization of medical marijuana I am constantly advocating for heroin for cancer patients. And yes, I am going to vote for Governor Scott.

Would I be way out of line if one of my granddaughters used his picture in a show and tell featuring bi-peds weaned on dill pickles marinaded in warm lemon juice?

If you find Jac let me know. I’ll take down the yellow ribbon.

A Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172

RE: 97%? – Some gentle comments on the recently discovered grand unified theory of GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDisruption, the one that meets all the requirements of modern American Liberalism, particularly the one that demands shock, awe, command, and control as put forward by you in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Pitts,

Have you turned off your A/C yet?

Alas, even the devil can quote Scripture but it is an inconvenient truth that 45% of the electricity generated in this country comes from burning coal. Half of that electricity is used to power A/Cs.

Would not the Logic of “Think Globally, Act Locally” demand that if you wish to undrown polar bears en route to saving the planet – Gaia demands not just obedience but total submission – you pull the plug?

Just say no.

[It’s another inconvenient truth that no matter what we do the Chinese build a new coal powered plant every 4 days. Can the world wait for the Indians, not the ones who own casinos but the red-dot ones, the folks that Kipling thought so highly of, start to play catch-up ball? Not if you are Tom Steyer, the anti-Koch Brothers Left-Wing billionaire who sells dirty Indonesian and Australian coal to them while condemning the Keystone Pipeline. That terrible odor is the hypocrisy so necessary and so common to modern American Liberals.]

97% is a marvelous grade if you are taking a chemistry exam. Alas, if you are conducting a chemistry exam in a lab it is a failing grade.

A jet pilot who has a 97% landing rate would be wise not to worry about the long term effects of ObamaCare or whether or not Social Security is adequately funded.

Ditto for the people who re-string anything that Stradivarius made or who put the raw ingredients of penicillin into the blender. [Heaven forefend that I slip into pedantry but Deo Gratias for Climate Change absent which Stradivarius would have made yokes, bowls, and croziers. That’s a story for a different time.]

As Chairman of OPOOO – the Order of Perpetually Offended and Outraged Ohmadahns – you must always expand the list of sins and sinners or your pen will run dry at least 97% of the time.

Your goal should be 100% 100% of the time.

100% of the whole world – everybody – believed in Ptolemy, now an almost forgotten DWEM, that’s Dead White European Male for the uninitiated Tea Party knuckle draggers, for 1,500 years. That’s 15 centuries. A millennium and a half. It was settled science that the world was flat until it became unsettled. It was a never ending Summer of Recovery for map makers who had to re-do their product by taking Terra Incognita off the margins of the new ones. Talk about stretching the envelope! Chuck Yeager would have been proud.

A few asides:

1 – You say, to buttress a point, that “Muslims are human”. So was Dracula. So was Hitler. So was Mao. So was Pol Pot. So were Dahmer and Gacy. So what? Now if you were to say that “Muslims are human even though they have been killing Westerners, particularly Western Christians, for 14 centuries without a peep from the more moderate examplars of their humanity” you would be saying something of note.

2 – You mention “rising oceans, routine super storms, hellish droughts” as part of the typical anti-rational HOC POST ERGO PROPTER HOC argument without which the loony Luddites of the American Left could not exist.

Did the Miami Herald sell its beach front property because Biscayne Bay was rising? How was this fact kept from the buyers?

Galveston in 1908, Florida in 1925, and New England in 1937 were ravaged, ravished, and ruined by storms. Did fracking cause these? Did our devotion to plastic cause these disasters?

What or who caused the “hellish drought” of the 1930s? Using the Logic of those quarter-witted half-wits who hector us about excess the prime suspect would be the New Deal. The “Dust Bowl” was nowhere to be seen until the Blue Eagle was flying over Washington. When the second Depression began to end – the curious fact of Boeing going to 3 shifts in its B-17 factory in Wichita in 1938 is like a tooth ache that won’t go away in the economic History of this country – the “hellish drought ended.

If I were to mention Krakatoa or snow in Boston in June, 1816 it would be akin to spiking a baby seal so I won’t.

If you can find out what happened to Ptolemy see if you can find out what happened to Fred Hoyle. He “settled the science” of how the whole shebang came to be just before he went walkabout. See if you can find out which island of “settled science” Antonio Moniz, MD is on. He won the Noble prize for “settling the science” of what to do with less than perfect humans. Margaret Sanger, one of Hitler’s favorite Americans after Joe Kennedy, would have been proud.

From a Proud Global Warmer

Kevin Smith
PS – Last year you wrote that your daughter was going to college where she was going to study English Literature. I wrote to you to ask her if Wordsworth was still on the Chick Lit Shit List. You never got back to me. Also, if I send you my last copy of “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, PhD, the book that said in 1969 we would all die either from freezing of starving by the year 2000, would you dispose of it in an environmentally sensitive manner? Remember, the overriding criterion is that it must be good for the children.

PPS – Another day without cashmere and the big problem is deciding whether Italian or Chinese will be for the dinner. There is no one wine for both. Damn those 1% show offs.

PSSS – Watch out for those blinking red lights, particularly those in front of your nose.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16, 2014
Steve Bosquet
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Street
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Who says satire is dead? Not I, I think. – Some comments on the Governor and his sub rosa ties to the Koch Brothers, Big Oil Bambi killers, Global WarmingCooling deniers, and smarmy Spur fans all of which can be explained in his decision to buy some Schlumberger stock in your article in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Bosquet,

I fracked my first oil well in Texas in January, 1974.

I was in the coal mining business in Kentucky and West Virginia for 10 years.

I prospected for gold in Timmins, Ontario for 3 years.

I know something about arm wrestling with Mother Nature.

That’s why I always look for the Ignatius J. Reilly side of things.

A sure sign – or so I thought – of his arrival, other than a huge tongue in a ginormous cheek, one crusted with a Homeric grain of salt, Jeezus Haitch Keerist but are you shitting me is when the Bureau of Really Stupid Names goes into overtime in overdrive.

“Preserve our Paradise”
“Protect our Panthers”
“Earth Justice”

I await, with increasingly eager tumescent anticipation, the public naming of the mother of all asshole groups. These are the moronic ohmadahns dedicated to the preservation of the furbish lousewort and also to the end of Western Civilization as we know it.

The “consensus” of the few remaining rational adults, people who see nothing sinister in the coming arrival of the summer solstice or its departure and replacement with the vernal equinox 90 days hence, have chosen

“The Church of Ptolemy and Ned Lud”

until something better comes along.

Perhaps your article should have focused on why our corsair Governor would spend $9,200,000 on a house soon to be 4 feet under water, water from an ocean that did not respond to the President’s command to stop rising. That will happen just before his manse becomes as environmentally as friendly as Gehenna and is assaulted by drowning polar bears.

Can we stipulate that the Governor is to be congratulated for not buying Halliburton?

It’s going to be hot, humid, and stormy today. Great conditions for trapping wandering manatee pups. I have a great recipe for ceviche and sushi that I am always willing to share. Meanwhile I am going to crank up the A/C to meat hanging temperature.

Kevin Smith

PS - Yes, 6/16 has always been a good day for Irishmen, particularly those on the move. Also, if it’s OK to talk about Christie’s weight shouldn’t it be OK to talk about Hillary’s ax handle and a half wide fat ass and her Buddha/Oliver Hardy/Alfred Hitchcock gut?
June 15, 2014

Andy Polhamus
South Jersey Times
309 S. Broad Street
Woodbury, NJ 08090

RE: Hot classrooms – Child abuse or a teachable moment? Some comments on your article about the horror, the horror of reading, ’riting, & ‘rithmetic minus air conditioning

Mr. Polhamus,

I am a Jersey guy – Bayonne – long gone. I am always on the electronic prowl for Garden state goodies.

In your story about school kids in South Jersey having to cope with ambient temperatures 2 things leap to mind:

#1 – What did the kiddies do before aggressive A/C became the norm for K-12?

#2 – The teachable moment is self-evident.

45% to 50% of the electricity generated in this country comes from burning coal. 50% of that energy goes to power A/Cs. One need not be wearing 7 League boots to know that fossil fuels, with coal being the chief perpetrator, give us Global Warming. [Also, Global Cooling, Climate Change and, worst of all, Climate Disruption] If we are to think universally and act locally what better place to start than with our children? After all, children are our future, right?

Is Logic taught anywhere these days?

Kevin Smith

PS – As one Jersey Guy to another do you think if it’s OK to talk about Christie’s weight it should be OK to talk about Hillary’s fat ass?

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 8, 2014
Chan Lowe
The Sun Sentinel

RE: The Fragile Sex, Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Kipling notwithstanding. Some comments on your unlinkable offering in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Lowe,

Shibboleths! Absent them and the shock troops, the phalanx, of modern American Liberalism, the ink-stained kvetching wretches who regularly piss on our backs and tell us that it is rain, would have nothing but ca-ca balls kept together by a vitriolic meringue, totally unencumbered by facts, as they assault the citadel of truth, freedom, and the American way of life.

The shibboleth du jour is “women earning 77 cents to every man’s dollar”.

Are you saying that female employees of the Sun Sentinel earn 77% of what male employees earn?

Are you saying that Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and let us stipulate that she is indeed “despicable”, earns 77% of what former Congressman Alan West earned? [That must have stung like the Devil, right?]

Are you saying that Sally Ride, America’s first non-prostate possessing astronaut, astronette perhaps, earned 77% of what John Glenn earned?

Are you saying that my daughter, a double degreed L&D RN, earns 77% of what a male counterpart earns solely because he has a scrotum?

You warned us last week of a life “filled with misery” because of indifference to the horror, the horror, of polar bear drownings due to rising sea levels caused by affluent, mostly White, First Worlders and their ruinous need for aggressive air conditioning and all kinds of plastic stuff. That yet may well be but I can’t imagine a more miserable weekend than one without you telling me what a really bad guy I am.

I revel in it. Don’t change, you jackass.

Kevin Smith

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014
Jac VerSteeg
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: One thing more…How you are about to become, like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving. A sort of ideological chlamydia, if you will.

Mr. VerSteeg,

You asked yesterday if we are “smart enough to combat global warming”. God’s Holy Trousers but I hope not.

Listen carefully. I’ll write slowly.


The reason is painfully simple even for a horse’s ass like you.

Heat makes more land more arable. More arable land makes more protein available. More protein makes people smarter. Can you see where I’m going here?

An upward spike in temperature 11 centuries gave us the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Dante?

But to answer your question….

No, we are not smart enough to combat global warming. Deo gracias that we have you to help us through the first difficult days of reverting to hunter/gatherer status. Doubtless, we will all soon be paying obeisance to Ned Lud. I can’t imagine a better high priest than you.

We are coming up to the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War. One of the great quotes from that fateful August was “The lights are going out all over Europe”. If we follow your premises to their Logical conclusions – Forgive me for making the illogical assumption that modern American Liberals cans do anything that does not offend Logic – we can change it to read “The lights are going out all over Florida”.

One of my favorite scenes in “Jaws” is when the wormy Mayor of Sharktown urges its citizens to go into the water. Nobody wants to be first. You have a chance to be first today.

The EPA announced this morning that it is mandating – Think Canute at the sea shore- a 30% cut in carbon emissions.

40% of the electricity generated in this country comes from burning coal. 50% of that electricity is used to power air conditioners. I am sure the percentage is higher in Florida because it is an empirically self-evident fact that Florida is friggin’ hot a Hell of lot longer than Wynona, MN or Darmiscotta, ME is.

Your choices are simple:

#1 – Turn off all you’re A/Cs for about 40 weeks a year. Pull the plug. Open the windows. My mother used to sprinkle talcum powder on me on a really hot night. I think it worked. Tell everybody you work for that unless they turn off their A/Cs you will no longer work for them.

Be true to your beliefs. Nobody said that being “smart enough to fight global warming” was going to be easy.

#2 – You can continue to be a hypocritical bastard.

There is another point that screams for attention.

As we make coal about as popular as gay marriages in Yemen the Chinese are absolutely peeing in their pants.

The Law of Unintended Consequences will unfold thus:

#! – The price of coal will fall as production goes down.
#2 – Other fuels – oil, gas, nuclear – will replace coal
#3 – Wind and solar will be significant just after the sun rises in the North
#4 – China, building one coal fired plant every 4 days, will double construction.
#5 – India will play carbon belching catch up ball.
#6 – American coal will power Asian economic and military expansion.
#7 – Asian carbon emissions will increase exponentially.
#8 – There goes the perpetual “Summer of Recovery”.

My grandfather, the legendary Jack Smith, always marveled that there were more, substantially more, horses’ asses than there were horses’ heads. Thanks for not letting your side down.

Do you have any idea how the last Ice Age, the one that gave us the Great Lakes and Niagara Falls, ended? Would you believe, you dizzardly fathead, that Global Warming did? Honest. You coiuld look it up

Kevin Smith
El Supremo Warlock
Proud Global Warmers’ Broward Coven

PS – One more, no two more, one more thing. Lose the picture. You look like the last time you took an unexcruciating dump was just before your first birthday. Also, Solyndra
ain’t coming back. Detroit will host the summer Olympics and the next Papal Conclave before Solyndra “creates” jobs, other than for bankruptcy lawyers.

June 1, 2014
Jac VerSteeg
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: No so fast, you twit – Some comments on your condescending unlinkable column on the coming – “Who knows Where or When”, to coin a phrase – horror, the horror of nature run wild. GlobalCollingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDisruption, or if you want to save time use GCGWCCCD because those of us with the special decoder rings and aluminum antennae hanging out of our arses, will know what you mean. Jeezus Haitch Keerist but you give ohmadhans a bad name.

Mr. VerSteeg,

Just when I think I have shot all the goofy fish gamboling in the barrel built by and for modern American Liberals, a species that was conceived in guilt and prospers by communal stupidity, a new one comes along. As usual, Johnson was right. “It is the triumph of hope over experience.”

Welcome to the aquatic ten ring, you jackass.

As the newest card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, one who was nurtured in the school of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” – if there is a translation problem send a SASE – you may want to put on your bullet proof vest, the one that prevents ideas from getting through.

Before you condemn ad hominem arguments you may wish to consider that your arguments are both ad absurdum and ad captandum. The slippery slope tu quoque applies, peckerhead.

You speak of Noah and Jacob. I suggest another Old Testament dude, Jeremiah, be put into the mix.

His Lamentations may have worked with sand loving nomads. He has found favor with bombastic, head up their arse, halfwitted quasi-climatologists who think a cloud is about computers and couldn’t tell a millibar from a biker barre.

Jeremiah was a good man who suffered from mental hemorrhoids – probably a “gift” from G-d – who made a living saying that the glass is not only not half full it is half empty and leaking.

You chastise Americans for “not saving enough for a rainy day”. I am one of them.

I took the word of “respected scientists”, particularly when they told me of a “consensus” of really smart guys who tell the untermenschen of the soon to arrive “end of days”.

The move away from Reason began in 1962 when Rachel Carson published a book that said it was OK for 2,000,000 sub-Saharan Black babies to die every year. Despite a paucity of evidence, observable facts that are independently replicable, her legacy got the US to outlaw DDT. Absent the wonder pesticide malaria returned with an Old Testament vengeance. Affluent White 1st Worlders feel good about maybe helping a few raptors. The 2,000,000 [that’s two million] slaughtered Black babies and, yes, I have seen a 2month old infant die of malaria, are acceptable collateral damage. One of the mantras of modern American Liberalism is “It’s for the children”. White children, mind you. Black children? Nothing to see here, folks. Just move on, OK?

In 1969 Professor Paul Ehrlich, a frequent guest on the Johnny Carson show, told us that we would all be dead by the year 2000. The only thing that was uncertain was whether we would starve to death or freeze to death.

It is June 1, 2014. It is warm, almost uncomfortable, and it has rained. There will be no need for cashmere. I haven’t made up my mind about dinner. The finalists are Chinese and Italian.

Allow me a moment of confession.

Beginning with the glorious reign of Jimmy Carter I acted locally to secure a quick end to our misery. Every morning I would squirt some Right Guard deodorant out my bathroom window, I figured the quicker we could dump the ozone layer the better of we would be. I thought I was helping when one of my favorite hypocrites, Senator Albert Gore, AKA Alpha Gump, told us in the early ‘90s that the ozone layer was hours away from disappearing. Maybe it was weeks. Perhaps years. Decades. Millennia? I forgot. Yes, Virginia, he is the same guy who gave us 5 years to live. Only a cad would point out that he gave us this Jeremiad 6 years ago. 5 years to live. 6 years ago. Got it?

In August, 1997 President Bill Clinton gave a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House. We knew he had just left Hillary because he wasn’t smiling and his zipper was up and locked. He said that it was a very hot day and that the hot day was caused by Global Warming. To make matters worse hot days caused yet more Global Warming. Donna Shalala, Billy’s favorite munchkin Cabinet Secretary, offered an alternative route when she told us not to worry about because we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years. An up to date thanatoptical Hobson’s Choice, no?

The really funny part is that they both meant it. Honest. You could look it up.

[Why the President did not submit the Kyoto accord to the Senate in 1995 for confirmation, giving it the force of law, is still a mystery.]

You write of “aging flood-control structures” and the need to replace them. I suggest that we use John Maynard Keynes as the paradigmatic template for solving this problem.

#1 – Cut taxes. Cut business taxes, Cut personal taxes. Cut them again.
#2 – Borrow money from the Chinese. Borrow from the Social Security system.
#3 – Spend it on “shovel ready” jobs for a perpetual “Summer of Recovery”.
#4 – We’ll be farting through silk by Election Day, right?
#5 – Repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Could you ask your “respected scientists” if any of them has seen Ptolemy? There never was a more “respected scientist”. He was an Astronomer whose thesis about the sun and the earth and their respective positions in re each other was “settled science” for 1,500 years. Some heretics – Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Galileo – came along and “unsettled” it. Just like Judge Crater and Ambrose Bierce he is gone without a trace. See if any of them can help me find him, OK?

While they are on the trail see if they can find out about Fred Hoyle. He too was a “respected scientist”. His work on the universe was also “settled science” when Eisenhower was President. A few years after the subject was closed 2 Physicists, tinkering with some obsolete equipment in Holmdel, NJ propelled Freddy down the scientific memory hole with such a big bang that he left no forwarding address. See if they can find him.

How much more “respected” can a scientist be than to receive a Noble Prize? In 1949 Egas Noniz, MD won the Noble Prize for Medicine and Physiology. He was the leader in lobotomies. It’s a simple enough procedure. Drive a piece of metal into the skull of someone who would not fit Margaret Sanger’s guidelines. Irrigate the wound and close up. The “settled science” may have become unsettled but the patient wasn’t. Ask Rosemary Kennedy.

All of the above has been the sugar. Now comes the medicine.

As everyone knows the Trivium is one of the crown jewels of Western Civilization, the capstone of which is Logic. Say what you will about those DWEMs their urns still hold water.

Its best use is a defense against sloppy thinking. Think of it as a mental Leonidas, an intellectual Horatius, if you will.

25 centuries ago some of the lads in the agora noticed that some people, people whose job was to curry favor with the hoi-polloi, people who were your intellectual forebears, people infected with a murderous hubris, began to substitute feelings for ideas.

The disease is easily recognizable – I’ve given you a few examples – and treatable. OOPS! I almost said curable. Its name is simple


It’s like dawn to a vampire. It’s like a fart in church. It can’t be qualified or quantified. Follow the bouncing ball:

John has blue eyes and red hair and wears striped shirts.
John is a philandering perjurious paedophile.
Anybody who has red hair and blue eyes and wears
Striped shirts is a philandering perjuious paedophile.

I don’t have to tell you how easy it is to bypass thinking when it comes to making conclusions. You are making a living at it. As to saving money, why bother? Professor Paul Krugman, also a Nobel Prize winner and a former shill for Enron, told us 3 weeks ago that we are all doomed. Max out all your credit cards. Bounce checks. Play hide the salami until the wave hits. After all, as Hillary Clinton says, “In the long run what difference does it make”? Or as Keynes said, “In the long run we’re all dead”.

Kevin Smith – Proud Global Warmer

PS – Pop quiz for extra credit. Did Pompeii blow up because of excessive fires on the Palatine Hill? Did it snow in Boston in June, 1816 because they killed whales? Did excessive use of steam engines cause Krakatoa to blow its top? 1908, 1925, 1938, 1954, 1962. Did the increased use of electricity cause those years to have horrible hurricanes? Take your time, you boob.