Sunday, December 29, 2019

December 22,23,24, 2019 “God is not for man to scan. The proper study of mankind is man.”

December 22,23,24, 2019

“God is not for man to scan.
The proper study of mankind is man.”

Who knows? Maybe John Dingle is in Hell. I know, based on his voting record, he should be in Hell. Besides, it’s not my call. 

  And, “Politics ain’t beanbag>”

“Billingsgate” isn’t just a place, It’s a state of mind that’s as real as your boot.  

If Wogette Rashida Tlaib, a member of Congress who specializes in petty theft, can call the President, our President, our beloved President, il magnifico to his myriad admirers a “motherfucker” and suffer no consequences, no reprisals then a case can be made for Dingell’s permanent status in Gehenna. And maybe his wife should shut her effin’ mouth.

And exactly when did uxorial privilege, something not mentioned in the Constitution, trump elections? By the bye, didn’t Pelosi dump Dingle’s sad-sacked ass a few years ago?

Mayor Richard Dailey, he of the Chicago School of “Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight”, a place this week where 13 people were shot while attending a memorial service for someone who survived the genocide of Black abortion only to fall victim to the feral violence caused by Trump’s mean spirited withdrawal from the good-hearted, well intended Paris Climate Accord, felt he was Hell-bound because he put a huge thumb on the scale for JFK in 1960. By continuing the fix that was begun in Duval County, Texas by Honest Abe Fortas in 1948, the one where he “found” 200 votes, surprisingly in alphabetic order, that put “Landslide” Lyndon Johnson in the Senate, the one where preliminary sketches of the DC Vietnam Wall were approved. That’s a lot of baggage for an Irish-Catholic to carry to his grave without the saving grace of “God and sinner reconciled”.
Let me reveal some of the reasons why I “carry water” for the President. Some, not all.
#1 – Ass of today, Trump has confirmed 187 Federal Judges. He has 2 Supreme Court Justices. He has remade 2 Circuit Courts and is close to swinging the whackaloon 9th Circuit Court back to what the Founders thought it should be. 
#2 – He moved the American Embassy in Israel from Zabar’s East to Jerusalem.
#3 – Modern American Liberal economic condescending notwithstanding, he has “created” the greatest anti-Poverty program for non-Whites in History. He helped them to get jobs at a rate and at wages never before seen.
#4 – Decades ago, a very wise man told me never to argue with a canceled check. NYSE, NASDAQ, S&P. Check it out.
#5 – He’s “smart and no fool.”
I recycled “The Kingdom of Speech” by Tom Wolfe to Texas where I am now in Christmas residence with my Texas Ladies. It is an astonishing book in that it delivers Texas-sized ass whuppings to, inter alia, Noam Chomsky and then the 400-pound gorilla squawking and shitting all over the room, the one and only Charles Darwin.

I once advised the son of a dear friend that rather than wasting energy on whether man descended from the apes or the bears the question of why, after more than a century and a half, it is still just a theory. Granted, it is the Theory but then again Ptolemy was numero uno for 15 centuries. And speaking of people headed to the “undiscovered country,” what is the over/under of Slow Joe Biden making it to Labor Day?

The other book, one worthy of a few fingers of an adult beverage, is “Carnage and Culture” by Victor Davis Hanson. Its premise is simple: Free men become better fighters. They become cold blooded, vicious killers when defending what is theirs. 

Hanson’s line describing Rorke’s Drift, a battle where the Zulu outnumbered the British by at least 40 to 1 – “The most dangerous place to be in the world was 100 yards in front of the British guns” - is another way of updating the Texas expression “Ain’t a horse can’t be ridden, ain’t a rider can’t be throwed.” And although I am bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden, maybe it’s not the size of the man in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the man.

“Lawrence of Arabia”, in what is now inarguably the greatest movie ever made, has a scene that proves the point.

Alec Guinness argues for more guns, artillery to be precise, because it is what made Britain great. “Discipline,” responds Anthony Quayle. 

By the time you get to Midway you are starting to feel sorry for those poor Jap bastards. 

2 books, worthy of note.

I think Greta Thunberg – and shouldn’t her parents be punished for abusing her? - the snotty little Swedish shit who suggested that anyone not subscribing fully to her Luddite positions on man’s achievements be taken out and shot, has suggested that Solyndra should be revived. There’s a plan.

It’s Kwanzaa time again.

I was present in 1967 when it was finalized. Like “The Aeneid” it was created out of whole cloth. Is there an Ebonically correct word for the old English standby bullshit?

Furthering the cause of Black Power bullshit – Is that proof of White Supremacy or is just ignorant racism per se? – is an article in the Dallas Morning News written by W. Mondale Robinson. In it he says, after saying that “poll taxes and literacy tests” are keeping black men from voting. [N.B. “from voting” suggests present tense] Am I the only one to remember that 35 years ago, as a consolation prize and a participation trophy for being shut out in the Democratic primaries, Jesse Jackson was given a credit card and a sack filled with Benjamins every week precisely  to register Black voters.

I guess that didn’t work out.

Further, I come from Florida with news that Mr. Robinson is, based on his article, not familiar with. 

Andrew Gillum, the Black candidate for Governor, also a man with an ethical problem no bigger than a man’s fist on the horizon, is not Governor because 35,000 Black women in the Tampa area did not like his opposition to charter schools. 

“All politics is local” but maybe Mr. Robinson should have included the local ladies in his quest for the perfect society, not quite free from racism.

Pick one

Merry Christmas


A non-denominational Seasons’ Greetings


Merry Christmas

December 18, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Some early Christmas presents, one for me and one for you.

December 18, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Some early Christmas presents, one for me and one for you.


Having no genetic, linguistic, or cultural knowledge of chutzpah, I have had to rely on neighborhood immersion – Bayonne, NJ was diversely multicultural before it became politically fashionable – and political scallawaggery, particularly of the modern American Liberal variety.

As I got to the editorial part of today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel I was shocked, shocked to see Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, tressed as a wanabe Medusa – fair comment, no? – pledging her fealty and genuflecting in obeisance to the Constitution.

Scratch that.

Not all of it.

As a general principle, if proponents of Article 1 – the Congress, of course, the Congress – have a pickable bone with fans of Article 2 – the President, of course the President – they seek succor from the supposedly non-political  solons – the Judges, of course, the Judges who got to their seats in  a most political way. It was one of the things that fascinated de Tocqueville. 

Chief Justice Roberts, nominated by a Republican President, cast the deciding vote that enabled ObamaCare [“We have to pass it to see what’s in it”, remember?] to limp on. 

Hey, sometimes shit happens.

I say this because in San Francisco, home to Nancy Pelosi and shrine to Harvey Milk [And why has fellow murder victim, Mayor George Moscone, been rocketed down the memory hole at warp speed? Isn’t he just as dead as the credibly alleged pedophile Milk, and by the same hand? Will Moscone have a bus stop named after him?], a city where people come from all over to stand in front of her house, drop their drawers, and shit in honor of her “wokeness” and for her continuing inclusion in the Guinness Book for the largest cumulative amount of industrial strength Botox in a soon to be incontinent octogenarian.

No sense being a little ad hominem, is there? 

But I digress.

Every time I read of Little Debbie championing the Rule of Law and singing the praises of political freedom, a gift to each of us at birth, “a gift from beyond the stars”, I am reminded of September 18, 2001. 

It was the date when then State Senator Debbie Debbie sent Agent Mineva, aka the “bad cop” and Agent Thomas, aka, the “good cop”, both of whom had badges, guns, and the full majesty of the Law, to my house to question me about something I wrote. Both were detectives in the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. 

I am still confused.

Is that a chilling effect or its evil twin, the dreaded slippery slope?

It’s OK for a Jew-hating Wogette member of Congress to call the President a “mother fucker” and it’s OK for a crack ho-looking ex-comedienne to walk around with a severed head of our beloved President. If I suggest, in writing that State Senator Snot is less than the perfect ideal of an elected official I get a call from a friggin’ SWAT team. 

The 2 tangible things to come out of that fairly polite 3rd degree sweating – “Bad cop” Mineva told me it would be “better for me” if stopped writing to all elected officials – was that it scared my wife Amy, now long gone. Thanks, MS Turd. The other was that I got to know Nat Hentoff who promised he would write a column about me if I got arrested. “Easy for you to say,” was my reply.

I sent copies of all my notes to Debbie, the Doyenne of Broward brujas, to Tom Fiedler, then, in a twist of fate, the Editorial Page Editor of the Miami Herald. I told him that should he find one threatening word I would apologize to her and never write to her again.

18 years later my quill and nib are still sharp and still burnished from frequent use. As is, I hope, my wit.

She, as the prototypical modern American Liberal, that is to say someone who loathes the Constitution because it slows their goal of creating the perfect man, will always provide me with a constant “target-rich environment”.

Since she is someone for whom abortion is a Sacrament and someone who believes, deeply believes, that robbing individual Peter to pay collective Paul is the basis for all good public policy, I know that she will keep tossing off-speed batting practice pitches to her most “deplorable” fan.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

December 14, 2019 Granny Bloomberg

December 14, 2019

Granny Bloomberg, meaner than cat shit Granny Bloomberg, to put a very precise point on it, wants to shut down all the coal mines, all the coal-fired power plants that give us light and air conditioning to show his solidarity with all the COPD people – Full Disclosure requires me to reveal that I am one of them – and to demonstrate his fealty to Gaia and Greta.

The last 12 words of the 5th Amendment – “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation” - are precious. Also, should Crank Bloomberg become President, they will form the basis for the Lawyers’ Full Employment Act.

My question is simple.

As he shuts down the coal industry – Again full disclosure requires that I was in the coal mining business for 11 years – in Kentucky and West Virginia, 7 mines in Kentucky, 5 mines in Logan County, West Virginia, and I was Chief Financial Officer of a public company that operated a 100 car load out facility in Beckley, West Virginia. As to the latter, we sold $25,000,000 of compliance steam coal to Turkey and Italy with the purchases and payments being secured by Neste, a Finnish bank.

I mentioned “compliance steam coal” because that is an industry term for low sulfur coal which in this country means 1% or under sulfur. I mention that because Tom Steyer, a fargin’ hypocritical arsehole who made a gazillion dollars selling “dirty” coal, sometimes with 5% sulfur content, to China and India.

One of the characteristics common to al fire breathing, card carrying modern American Liberals is that no sin is to grievous that it can’t be forgiven – I take that back. To suggest that homosexuality is, despite its obvious advantage in limiting population growth, not a totally  acceptable life style is to invite perpetual vitriol and billingsgate and a perpetual exile to Dante’s undiscovered 10th, 11th, and unimaginable 12th Circle – if you come to know the Baby Jesus and kneel in obeisance to Ned Lud and offer fealty to the pseudo-scientist Lysenko.

Steyer hinted that it was OK to sell coal, particularly “dirty” coal”, to the Slopes and Dotheads because they are, you know what I’m saying, the:”lesser breeds”


Trade pacts with the Chinese, the Mexicans, and the Canucks? Nah.
2 more Trump Appellate Judges confirmed? Nope.
Johnson re-elected and the coming death of the Euro? Nothing doing?

The really big news is that the United States Navy named a ship after Harvey Milk.

Milk received a less than honorable from the Navy for “conduct unbecoming”. When he was murdered, he was being actively investigated for ongoing paedophilia. Mayor George Moscone, a devout Italian Catholic and a practicing heterosexual was also shot by the same perpetrator. 

Moscone was also a Navy veteran. He did not conform to Churchill’s sarcastic comment about the “traditions of the Navy”, traditions such a “rum, sodomy, and the lash”.
Had he lived he would have been eligible for benefits administered by the Veterans’ Administration, a benefit not available to Milk.

Moscone is just as dead a Milk. 
Why isn’t his name on a ship?
Is there a bus stop named after him?

Matthew Shepherd, a 23-year-old openly practicing homosexual frequented a bar in Laramie, Wyoming known for its “rough trade” clientele. He was picked up by 2 men who savagely murdered him.

Jess Dirkhising was a 12-year-old boy who was kidnapped by 2 homosexual perverts who repeatedly raped him, poured lighter fluid down his throat, and, after 2 days of terror and savagery, strangled him. 

Why is the 12-year-old forgotten while the 23-year-old is lionized?

There is an unconfirmed rumor that Provincetown and Wilton Manors want to name a day-care center after him. Is it border line hate speech to say things like that? Is it border line hate thought to think things like that? My devotion to “Freemen speak with free tongues” affords me my first aegis, That, plus Stage 4 lung cancer, makes me 10m foot tall and bullet proof from the outraged pansy class.

And, don’t forget, Socialism got a Texas-sized ass whupping in the UK this week. Yo, Bernie Sanders! Hello, Lieawatha Warren! Wazupwidat?

The USS Harvey Milk? How about the USS Eddie Slovik? The USS Walter Duranty? The USS Bonnie & Clyde? Is John Edwards still alive? How about the USS Julie & Ethel? How about the USS Willie Horton? Is it time for Walter Jenkins to begin his comeback? Let’s name the next nuclear submarine after him. He was good at putting the sharp end up the spout first, wasn’t he? How about Big Bill Tilden? How about the USS Oscar Wilde?

I watched the Army/Navy game today. When did Army have to be further identified by adding West Point to its name? Was that to distinguish it from Army Malibu or Army/Upper West Side? 

The USAA, a large insurance company that only sells to active duty personnel and honorably discharge veterans, is where I picked up the inconvenient fact that if they were not murdered, Mayor Moscone would have been actively solicited as a customer while Supervisor Milk would have been turned away like Typhoid Mary.

Could that have withstood a court challenge, particularly a court stocked with Wide-Bottomed Hillary appointees? No way, Jose.

Kevin Smith

PS – I know it’s almost Christmas but it’s a bit sticky in Fort Lauderdale. I turned the A/C on to cool myself and seek succour from my various ailments. Thank God I have my copy of ”The Population Bomb”, the book that told us 50 years ago that we would all die by the year 2000, either by freezing or starving. How is Professor Paul Ehrlich, the Jeremiah who regularly appeared on the Johnny Carson Show to tell us that there was no hope, don’t buy any green bananas, and, even worse, the Roman Catholic Church was to blame doing these days? While we’re at it, should we consult the Dutch about what to do about rising sea levels, particularly since the Venetians seem to have lost their way? Also, is their any support for my starting a “Go Fund Me” page for defrocking Norman Borlaug of his Nobel Prize? He was the leader in GMOs. That is to say that he altered the genetic composition of hundreds of crops, beans, and assorted food stuffs. Along the way, he saved millions of lives. Should we kill them to show our solidarity with the whackaloon  wing nuts who think man-made ice is an infamia? 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: “Don’t make me choose” – A precis, brief of course, of today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel, with emphasis on the nexus of education, free speech, and unintended consequences.

December 15, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Don’t make me choose” – A precis, brief of course, of today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel, with emphasis on the nexus of education, free speech, and unintended consequences.


I want to blame the feral chaos in Florida public schools, a topic that your Page 1 news story shows the results but not the cause[s], on Abe Fortas but  your separate article on anti-Semitism, also Page 1, prompted a “chilling effect” that nudged me to the “slippery slope” exit ramp labeled self-censorship.

By the time using race got to its overflowingly ripe fistula posture in determining educational policy, Obama, he of the still undiscovered 57 or 58 states plus the elusive English/Austrian dictionary and his self-proclaimed “wingman” Eric Holder, he of the Clinton pardon giveaways in January 2001, the rice was cooked.

Obama’s policy had a simple goal. Cut, reduce, decrease, retard, exfoliate, desiccate – choose your own word – the number of Black, Negro, colored, high yellow or shining ebony students with the Mark of Cain on their transcripts cum rap sheets, a Scarlet Letter of, and let’s be charitable because it is the Holy Season of Advent, “irrational exuberance”, particularly in classroom interpersonal relationships.

Let me get back to Abe Fortas.

I’m never sure whether it was Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton – and we give their Reverend status a good look – who called New York Jews “hooked nose interloping diamond merchants” but it seems not to have harmed their public careers. In fact, a strong case could for it enhancing them.

Do you remember Harold Howe? He was LBJ’s first, forgive me, educational rabbi? He had a strong Lysenko streak in his educational DNA. With careful preparation, meticulous tending, and strong community support and encouragement, students could be genetically altered to become, at once, better students, caring citizens, and contributing members of society who believe in doing all they cold for the collective good of their society.

He got his job because “Landslide Lyndon” sent Abe Fortas, the prototypical “New York lawyer”, as Bernie Nusbaum, Esq described himself after Vince Foster ate his gun in 1993, to Duval County, Texas to aid in the recount of the Democratic primary for US Senate in1948. Olivay, but, mirabile dictu, Honest Abe found 200 votes, in alphabetical order, that made Johnson a Senator. He then became Vice President and, if we are to believe “MacBird”, President Johnson. And it all began in Duval County, Texas. That’s where the first plans for the D.C. Vietnam Wall were hatched. 

[Full disclosure requires me to tell you that I first fracked an oil well there in 1974. I add that both I and the Republic have survived. That experience led me to 10 years in the cola business in Kentucky and West Virginia as a sole proprietor, general partner, and as an officer and director of a public company. These activities now have caused me to have a 3rd party start my car because Granny Bloomberg and Friggin’ Hypocrite Tom Steyer want to have me flayed, flogged, dismembered, and then defenestrated]

Harold Howe was incidental collateral damage. Concomitant with LBJ proudly announcing that the Navy and the Air Force could not bomb a single “Vietnamese shit house” without his imprimatur.

The goal was to raise self-esteem by increasing test scores. One of the ways that were tired and abandoned was to change PI from 2.1416 to 3.0. It did increase math scores but some practical people realized that a whole generation of bridges would fall down. Of course, it would have led toa perpetual “Summers of Recovery” fueling hundreds of thousands of “shovel ready” jobs offset, tragically, by all those bodies in the river.

On to school violence.

Edmund Burke said perpetual conflict in any society is always between order and freedom.

I ended my daughter’s pre-teen bullying – she was the catcher and let me add that Congressman Schiff never had a violence-free lunch when he was in high school – the old-fashioned, Bayonne way. Further, I was perfectly willing to accept the consequences.

I will spend Christmas with her and her 3 daughters – My Texas Ladies – in Texas, “weather permitting and if the Creek don’t rise”. Believe me when I tell you that the same order of protection has been extended to them. I don’t know if we can stretch this particular to a universal, a problem unknown to moon-bat modern American Liberals, but
is certainly worth a try.

Kevin Smith

PS – Somewhere in your paper today someone says Boris Johnson is “an incredible lucky politician”. Napoleon, when promoting a field grade officer, expected them to be brilliant but demanded that they be lucky. Plus, I have it form2 impeccable confidential sources, both well-known whistle blowers who, alas, must stay confidential, that eh KGB offered Wide-Bottomed Hillary a daily tongue bath, not from Barbara Mikulski or Rosa DeLauro, is she would not campaign in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, or Wisconsin. Also, the word deplorable, a word that she came to love as her own, came straight 13 Dherzinsky Square. Thus, the tradition of Russian collusion in American elections, a tradition begun by KGB agent and Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist Walter Duranty in 1932, was continued. 

One more thing.

Your Page 31A headline “Study says diet plays a big role in how large whales can get” causes me to smell Pulitzer, maybe even a reality show. Are hyo suggesting that he ore whales eat they bigger they get? Would that apply to one of the underlying causes of teenage violence, particularly in schools. Might teenage obesity be at root of the problem? Maybe if we ban double cheeseburgers, burritos, and the ominously existential threat of unlimited Big Gulps we would see a downturn in bullying? Maybe Granny Bloomberg is on to something.

Almost a clean getaway.

As to sea level rise, has anybody spoken to the Dutchies and the Japos? They have a pretty good record of keeping Neptune out of the rec room.

I promise this is it.

Can I use Shylock as a noun if I promise not to use it as a verb?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

December 11, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: “Wingman” is now a 4-letter word?

 December 11, 2019

Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Wingman” is now a 4-letter word? Some comments on your unlinkable column on the never-ending run of mendacious perfidy in the unspeakable Trump administration.

Mr. Schultz.

How do I know that you are not familiar with the details, particularly the gory ones, of the Albigensian Heresy? It is one of the gifts that God gives to His growing flock of “deplorables”. 

You say that impeaching Trump is a no-brainer.

Further, you say that AG Barr should be boiled in the same pot.

One of the great stories to come out of the aforementioned heresy concerns the end of the siege of Nantes. 

With the battle clearly won, the Bishop ordered the General to raze the town and put any survivors to the sword. The General tells the Bishop that some of the people inside are ours.

“Kill them all,” says the Bishop. “God will know his own.” Thus, the Logic of modern American Liberals is revealed.

You say in your column that Senator Graham is AG Barr’s “wingman”. Thus, according to the strict rules of modern American Liberal “doublespeak”, “wingman” becomes a 4-letter word.

Eric Holder, when he was Attorney General, publicly and specifically, referred to himself as the President’s “wingman”.

Since due process and precedent no longer count, can we retroactively impeach Holder? How about Obama? 

The Albigensian brouhaha led to the re-introduction of Aristotle to medieval Europe. His writings on Ethics became all the rage but you knew that, didn’t you?

Kevin Smith

Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 8, 2019 She brought it up; I didn’t.

December 8, 2019

She brought it up; I didn’t. Nancy Pelosi, late of the Baltimore grifting and grafting Pelosis and D’Allesandros and how is that experiment in big city Democratic politics working out these days, who can, thanks to Botox, pee through her navel while standing up, brings the Catholic Church into the conversation.

  And it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a concept that covers all the deuced difficult things about the Roman Catholic Church. We are asked to believe a contra-Logical thesis and then we are told that not only must we believe it but there is no possibility of error.

Chinese restaurants give you the option of one from Column A and one from Column B and mixing is not allowed. The Catholic Church, as it has done imperfectly for 20 centuries, al least 100 generations, has taken the choice off the menu. 

It’s like you are in the jewelry business and you are invited to your first DeBeer’s “showing”. You accept it in its entirety or you reject it. In the case of DeBeer’s, rejection almost always guarantees that you will not be invited back. Once the Church releases its Hound the pursuit is perpetual and relentless. [vide Francis Thompson]

Nancy Pelosi, in her pristine cloak of invisibility, the one that prevents innocent bystanders from asking if she knows that deep down, as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, she really is full of shit, says she was raised in a house where hate never entered, where love, agape, to put an extremely fine point on it, ruled in a most beneficently despotic way. 

And then came Roe v Wade.

[Let the record show that Justice Marshall, at once the best trial lawyer and the worst Justice of the 20th century, said in his affirming opinion that Blacks should favor abortion as an alternative to growing up in a society drowning in racism. That may explain why Black women, about 6% of the population, have had between 35% and 40% of the abortion since 1973 performed on them. I ask that since various agencies of both Federal and local governments predicate public policy on something called “disparate effect”, regardless of motive. Why isn’t the net racial effect of abortion called “genocide?”]

Anyway, Nancy with the perpetually smiling face, with a grin set in marble and a smirk sculpted out of titanium, announces that as a Catholic hate is verboten, silent prayer, even for your enemies, is good, and here comes the Screwtape/Wormwood deal breaker, abortion is sacred. 

Attention Speaker Pelosi, Senator Durbin, Senator Casey, and the almost exponentially expanding, non-aborted Kennedys who have not yet assumed their entitled places at the tables of power and privilege – Dare I say “White Privilege?” – abortion is still an infamia, it is still malum per se.
Maritain told us that a soul “is a bit of straw into which God has breathed life”.

Nancy Pelosi, for whom people come from all over the country and squat in front of her house in San Francisco after removing their knickers and shit, either in homage to her “wokeness” or in condemnation of her “plaid is my favorite color of theology and morality” om abortion.

It would take a phalanx of Herculeses to sweep and sanitize the ordure from her reasoning and actions.

Let her become Anathema 

My favorite Christmas Carol is “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” which has a most profound line in it. “God and sinner reconciled” is God’s grace being extended to public sinners such as Nancy Pelosi.

It is time, indeed it is past time, to come to hear and heed Dante’s words and come out of the cave, “look up and see the stars”. 

And yes, Madam Speaker, those sounds are of the Hound in relentless pursuit coupled with the prayerful sounds of Catholics and men of good will everywhere praying for your ‘Amazing Grace’ moment.

Kevin Smith

PS – Nobody ever said it was easy being a Catholic but Augustine, a model of diversity and multi-culturalism before they were popular, said, “Love God and do what you will.”


Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 4, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: “Fairness”

December 4, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Fairness” – Exactly what in the name of “fairness” do you mean by “fairness”? Some comments, some of which may be considered “unfair” by those who are unfamiliar with Logic and routinely ignore the hard-learned lessons of History. Your editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel is like 3 fingers of Cardhu.


I will be on Sistrunk Boulevard today on route to this month’s second surgical encounter. Sistrunk Boulevard was named after a famed Black obstetrician, not a famed bald Black NFL defensive lineman. 

Speaking of “fairness”, how many Black people do you know who own municipal bonds? There are women living in and around Sistrunk Boulevard who are Black single parents who have children in need of a good Ritalin program who live in Section 8 housing. How many of them own municipal bonds?

The interest on municipal bonds is free from Federal taxation. Since it is “a well known fact” that the overwhelming majority of bond owners is White why should, as Senator Lieawatha Warren says, “hard working Black middle class residents of Sistrunk Boulevard” – no slackers or Welfare Queens there, right? – have to make up the short-fall in Federal revenues caused by White privilege exploiters?

That doesn’t sound “fair” to me.

Does it sound “fair” to you? 

I forget if you were in favor of the $700 million dollar + school construction bond issue. It turned out that it was as smart as giving your testosterone loaded son a case of beer, a quart of Jack in the Black to go along with the keys to the new Shelby GT. 

More on “fairness”.

Why are all the deeply Blue states caterwauling about the loss of the SALT tax deduction. To put a very fine point on it, all local taxes were deductible on your Federal return. The higher your tax bracket the more the SALT bite was lessened. That doesn’t sound very “fair” to the hard-working Black Mom on Sistrunk who has already been cheated by a bloated sub-par educational system. Where on the name of community activists everywhere is the “fairness” in that?

Will any SALT protestors be stopping traffic on Sistrunk Boulevard today because of “unfairness”?
Modern American Liberals scream bloody blue murder about stare decisis when it suits their purpose. I submit Roe v Wad while forgetting Plessy v Ferguson.

I suggest a “fair” way to increase Federal revenues would be to undo Gibbons v Ogden because of its existential “unfairness”.

Kevin Smith

PS – The last part of your last sentence – “…or spend it to make their lives better.” – is, as they would say in Bayonne, a pisser. “Shovel-ready jobs”, “cash for clunkers”, “Summer of Recovery” are less than 10 years old. Didn’t Donna Shalala tell us in1998 that we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years? She did. Who can forget the hugely successful Department of Energy and its unbelievably successful Department of Energy? We, as a country, fought 2 wars in the 1960s. At least the one in Vietnam ended. The other one, the one against poverty, goes on and on and on and on. I ask, 54 years into it, are the poor less poor? Is housing cheaper? Can Johnny read better than he could 54 years ago?
It is proof positive that “Waiting for Godot” and “Seinfeld” will run forever.

It. “making lives better” bespeaks 2 traits common to modern American Liberals, particularly ink-stained wretches and wenches of the whackaloon, moon bat, wing nut Luddite and Lysenkoists who believe that Utopia is the second exit across the bridge to Nowhere.

#1 – Modern American Liberals believe right down to what passes for their double-helixed souls that man is perfectible, that human nature is malleable with the right stimuli.
In Lud; s case it was his generation’s version of a Molotov cocktail. In Lysenko’s case it was the Gulag. Thus, when a friggin’ moron suggests that the UN invade any country not compliant in the battle against Global Warming or Global Cooling or whatever, the editorial writers are silent. When Goldberg, a good billionaire who did not sink the Titanic, wants to organize flying squads of municipally authorized goons to stop us from refilling Bib Gulps there is a silence not heard since the day before and the day after Kristallnacht.

#2 – It’s called “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Deplorables know what that means. Others, people who believe like Goldberg that high taxes on the poor are a good thing because they it will make them modify their behavior while they wait for the arrival of government subsidy program for mandatory kale/endive/arugula enemas, may need a translation. For them, send a SASE 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December 1, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: The nexus of literature, politics, culture, and proof positive that the Duke of Duval County still lives. Some comments on your unlinkable editorial condemning the promiscuously profligate use of “koozies”.

December 1, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: The nexus of literature, politics, culture, and proof positive that the Duke of Duval County still lives. Some comments on your unlinkable editorial condemning the promiscuously profligate use of “koozies”.

MS. O,

First, congratulations on your editorial headline - 

“Broward’s koozie fiasco is a doozy,
but sadly, just the latest” –

which proves that James Joyce and Chicago-style politics are alive, well, and willing bedmates. 

As an Irishman, I am proud whenever Joyce gets a compliment. “Koozie” may be in the next edition of the OED but it isn’t in the current one. Am I revealing my elitist, all male, Catholic prep school background by confessing my knowledge of James Joyce? You betcha!

Any new word – “koozie”, for example – is to be celebrated like Keats’s joy at discovering Chapman’s Homer like “when a new planet swims into his ken”.

It is also proof that when a political entity, Broward County for run by one party, kleptocracy prospers. 

I suggest the evidence of your own eyes will buttress my thesis.

Broward County, Cook County, Detroit, Baltimore, Saint Louis, New York City, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Newark, inter alia, belong to one party, political and cultural hubris follows “as night the day”.

That they are all run by Democrats shows the Republicans lack the wit to run micro peccadilloes, things such as the world famous urban “5 Finger Discount” for which Big City Dems are world famous,

Miriam Oliphant, Broward County Supervisor of Elections, and if central casting could find a better candidate for the prototypical Broward County modern American Liberal, she would have to come from a Potemkin village. She was a Black female, “clean and articulate” by Slow Joe Biden’s standards, [except when she spoke], multi-degreed [even if the degrees were in whipped cream and gossamer wings].and dumber than a box of hammers.

In 2002, before her shapely 3rd World ass was fired for Brobdanaglian incompetence, I true to my Hudson County roots, got 6 voter ID cards from her office. Although I believe that the statute has run, the question of whether I used them will remain in pectore until a subpoena is properly served. I believe I will adopt the Lillian Hellman template of testifying. It worked for her. Why not me?

Your unlinkable editorial also mentions Broward Tourism Commissioner Stacy Ritter. She was a favorite pinata of mine, beginning in the last century. She, like Miriam Oliphant also had a shapely ass. And, like MS Oliphant was so egregiously dumb that she made my hair hurt and, when I read my notes to her to my cat Sharpton, he got massive dry heaves. She came by the sobriquet, “Cement Head”, the old-fashioned way: She earned it.

My reference to Duval County – Texas, only Texas – is because of one party rule is where the plans for the DC Vietnam Wall were begun. 

In 1948, Congressman Lyndon Johnson ran in the Democratic Senatorial Primary against sitting US Senator Coke Stevenson. LBJ was a few votes short. He sent Abe Fortas to Duval County to make 2 + 2 equal either 5 or 6. Would you believe he found 200 votes in alphabetical order and all filled out in with the same green ink and that they were all for Johnson? The election supervisor of Duval County did. Speaking of sobriquets, that how LBJ became known as “Landslide Lyndon”.

It was there, in a place not only run by one party but supervised by the same family, for a century, that the opening lines of “The Ballad of the Green Berets” and
“Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” were written.

I am glad that Sheriff Ken Jenne flew too close to the sun. He wanted to invade Palm Beach, didn’t he?

The obvious solution, unelecting the scoundrels, seems beyond the capacity of the Broward County electorate.

Kevin Smith