Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel

August 24, 2011

Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: New Tea Party outrage! Red men give Black men the boot! Kemo Sabe wants to know wazupwidat.
My dear Professor.
In my Western travels I came across what may be the worst offense yet to have been caused by the accursed Tea Party.
It seems that the “sovereign” Cherokee nation, a nation soon to be part of the Security Council of the beloved United Nations, a nation with a better credit rating than its former keeper, has decided to deport their ubermenschen. [And I’ll bet you thought Arizona was hard on undocumented visitors]
The evil White man exiled the noble Red man from the Eastern United States in 1838. They were allowed to take their personal property with them. They took their Black slaves. After all, somebody had to clean the teepee when Chief Kickapoo was talking to Manitou.
Fast forward to today.
Descendants of those Black slaves, long considered Cherokees, have been voted off the island. Not only have they been denied more than 150 years of a common heritage of scalping, cattle rustling, and buffalo hunting they are now cut off from owning casinos.
Who but a Sarah Palin could have orchestrated such an evil symphony? That she was able to turn these irenic Noble Savages into heartless rotters is a testament to her growing demonic power. Say what you will about the excesses of the Salem witch trial but when was the last time you had a witch problem there? Let’s not rule it out for her.
I tell you because you are my favorite ink-stained modern American Liberal wretch. I hope you will rally to the cause of these Diaspora bound Black/Red men. I know of your concern for tran-gendered, nongendered, u-gendered, and degendered teens. Imagine being Black and Red and trending androgynous. Oh, the horrors of it!
At the very least you can reach out to Broward’s resident Hecate, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, our own Medusa wanabee, to save some shovel ready jobs in Summer of Recovery 2. Maybe you could get some of Florida’s own abos, the Seminoles, the Osceolas, and the fiercely feral Fugowis to teach these displaced persons how to hire Eye-Ties to run their soon to be built casinos. The first one featuring a nightly replay of Little Big Horn will be so popular it will be able to put a triple zero slot on its roulette table.

I hope that these not quite Red men don’t get the Wounded Knee treatment. As the paradigmatic template used to measure guilty White men I want you to open your modern American Liberals bag of tricks to help these undeserving victims of life’s circumstances. It’s not too late to prevent a replay of Last of the Mohicans.
I was going to sign off on this when word reached me in Texas, the Reddest of the Blessed Red states, of the earthquake in Washington. I am sure that the spirit of Woodward and Bernstein lives on. If you set some of your more inquiring hounds on the trail – What’s Janet Cook doing these days? Can you find any of Walter Duranty’s spawn? – I am sure you will find the fine hand of Halliburton behind the sudden shift of tectonic plates, not Teutonic plates as Birdbrain Bozo Barack said.
Where was Congressman West when the Richter scale went minor league berserk? How about Senator Rubio? You know that there are no coincidences in political life. Don’t you think it a bit too passing strange that Darth Cheney’s bilious bio, “Snarling Lies I Told The American People” is published and then the Washington Monument cracks?
Do you know if Van Jones, the Blackest Green man man in America, will speak at the 10th anniversary of the WOG terrorist attack?

Kevin Smith

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gary Stein The Sun-Sentinel

August 17, 2011

Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: “Artwork Isn’t the Best Use Of $610,000 In Public Funds” – Your column on the uses of public moneys, “what were you thinking?” the rule of “de gustibus”, and, perhaps, a sublimely teachable moment.

Big Stein:

Before revealing two things about public money and public art and the unspoken nexus between them and modern American Liberalism full disclosure demands that I reveal that I spent much unhappy time in a Federal Courthouse in lower Manhattan. It was the one made famous by Tom Wolfe’s comments on “Tilted Arc”. It was a 4 inch thick, 10 feet high, and 25 feet long parabolic hunk of rusted metal plopped down in the interior courtyard. Too bad the construction couldn’t have waited until we borrowed the money from the Bank of Wong to finance it. If enough nouveau riche Mandarin or Hunanese tourists saw it they might have gone home and tossed their inscrutable rascals out for wasting their money.
#1 – Broward County Mayor Sue Gunzberger, a title sometimes worn by the smartest bear in the zoo or the county’s tallest midget, says, with absolutely no hint of wryness or absurdity, says “beauty and solitude” are important in front of a to be built courthouse because sometimes the day inside will be “heavy”. If the day inside includes the possibility of the Judge asking if you brought your tooth brush it could be very “heavy”. If it involves something as mundane as the Judge saying that contracts are not only binding at parties it still could be “heavy”.
Commissioner Gunzberger, being one of the legion of mush brained modern American Liberals nesting in Broward County, not only proselytizes such “balloon juice”, she votes her conscience in such matters.
She confirms one of the unassailable truths of contemporary American life. Giving a modern American Liberal access to any check book other than her own is like giving your hormone raging 17 year old the keys to your car, said car having a case of beer in the front seat. I was going to say firewater to the Indians but I can’t risk a nocturnal visit from the PC speech squad of the Perpetually Outraged Sons of Cochise.
But then I got to #2. I quote in its entirety
“Conservatism is not my one of my favorite words.”
That’s what my copy said. Honest. Have the proof reader flogged. A dozen well laid on will suffice if it’s a first offense.
It wasn’t as bad as Al Sharpton saying that adjectives can double as gerunds and snarling that the subjunctive is racist. Any use of litotes by him is absolutely and positively unintended. It wasn’t as bad as Barney Frank’s televised eructation. It wasn’t as bad as Senator Stabenow [D-MI] saying that if you want proof of Global Warming fly from Utopia to the Land of Rainbow Stew and feel how hot it is at 35,000 feet.
It wasn’t as bad as the Quixotic quest of Lord Barack the Beneficent to find a rare first edition of “The Ivy League Guide to English/Austrian Grammar and Composition”. I hope he won’t have to go to all 57 or was it 58 states to find it. His Death Star Debt Laden Bus – Ken Kesey would have loved it [Tom Wolfe, yet again] – gets an MPG rating not as bad as an F-16 but not as good as an Abrams A1A tank. As an alumnus of the Concorde I am pretty sure that it is as good as that proud bird. Talk about carbon footprints! It’s about the same as Chicago. Perhaps he can find the “shovel ready” jobs promised in last year’s “Summer of Recovery”. Perhaps not. Can I mention the inconvenient fact that the Damn thing was made in Canada? I can’t? Drat.
I spent a big part of yesterday reading yet more about Russell Kirk.
You can’t read Kirk without bumping into Edmund Burke. Fast forward and you find yourself arm wrestling with T.S.Eliot. Kirk without Burke or Eliot would be like Damian without Pythias or Achilles without Patroclus.
One of the mental warm ups I do when any name from the above paragraph enters the arena is to construct a parallel universe that has but one free flying Death Star; modern American Liberalism.
Who is the counterpart to Edmund Burke in the writings, assuming there are any, of modern American Liberalism?
Which 20th century modern American Liberal poet speaks to modern man like T.S.Eliot? Please don’t say Rod McKuen.
Is there a modern American Liberal chronicler like Kirk?
Kirk can draw from Johnson, Madison, Randolph, Wadsworth, Tennyson, Brownson, Newman, Disraeli, Kipling, Chesterton, Yeats, Babbit, Faulkner, Orwell, von Mises, Tate, Koestler, Dos Passos, Warren, Chambers, Friedman, Hayek, Bradford, Nash, Dulles….the list goes on and on.
Waiting to be summoned are Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Aquinas. Do you agree that we can call that a deep bench?
Let’s assume a modern American Liberal chronicler was to appear.
Saul Alinsky, Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, John Dewey, Margaret Sanger, Margaret Mead, Rachel Carson, Charles Reich, Alvy Singer, Paul Ehrlich, Alpha Gump….an absolute Murderers’ Row, no? I know that when you strike the pitcher out it goes into the scorebook as a K. Shouldn’t it be asterisked?


Monday, August 15, 2011


If you thought a government capable of spending $600,000.00 – 40% of it borrowed – to study the relationship between the size of a man’s penis and whether or not the short stick holder will be the catcher on the Hershey Highway Traveling Javelin Team would be incapable of doing anything great you would be forgiven.
Buttressing that argument is the news that the President and his Readin’, Ritin’, & Rithmetic Czar, neither of whom has any of their children in any of the really fine public schools in Washington, D.C., decided that the “No Child Left Behind” law is too tough on the tots. It seems that not enough of the nippers can pass it. Their solution, the paradigmatic template so beloved by modern American Liberals, was simple. Don’t enforce the law. Specifically, don’t enforce the law in states where the kids don’t do well on tests. [Only a cad would suggest that a poorly hitting Little League team be given 4 strikes or that a very tall basketball team be forced to have an obese melanin challenged point guard]

Is it permitted to ask how an admitted Constitutional scholar could have forgotten Article 2, Section 3 of said Constitution? It says “…he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”. There are no exceptions for ones that the President doesn’t like. In fact, there are no exceptions.

Maybe it’s time to bring back my idea to change pi to 3.0

Doing that would increase everyone’s geometry grade. Self-esteem would soar. Perhaps it would lead to a decrease in teenage bullying. In a real “Git’r done” mood it would be a Win/Win/Win/Win deal.

It might be tough on any future Bridges to Nowhere but, to quote the great Lord Keynes, “In the long run we’re all dead”.

It is hard to believe but this country once did great things.

We are within the octave of the 66th anniversary of the most successful arms control treaty of the 20th century. It is so successful that it is in the 2nd decade of the 21st century. In an age where less than 30 year old football stadiums are considered out of date it is an achievement worthy of a secular Te Deum.

In less than 4 days of intense negotiation, beginning in the skies above Hiroshima and ending with a bang at Nagasaki, the United States of America ended World War 2.

Nobody, specifically Harry Truman or Paul Tibbets, got a Nobel Peace Prize for what they did. The framers of the Kellogg-Briand Naval Treaty got a passel of them. Not until Arafat, Rigoberta Menchu, Billy Carter’s brother, Potty Mouth Alpha Gump, and Lord Barack the Beneficent became winners in the International Affirmative Action Big Time Poke Uncle Sam in the Eye sweepstakes have more laurels been granted. Despite solemn promises about lions and lambs two of the signators, Germany and Japan, tried to sink the ship my wife’s father, Lt. Cdr. Walter Chapman, served on. It was General Quarters on two oceans. As bad as that was – 11 years – it was exponentially better than the deal at Munich. That one lasted about ½ the time needed for a decent rendition of Flight of the Valkyries.

Truman, “Captain Harry” to the men he commanded in World War 1, said, “If the American people knew that I had a weapon that could end the war and didn’t use it they would have been right to run me out of town on a rail”. The United States and Great Britain were taking 1,000 casualties a day. It is estimated that Operation Olympic Coronet, the invasion of the home islands of Japan, would bring an additional 1,000,000 casualties. The short, still correct retort to the mush brained cry “No More Hiroshimas” is “No More Pearl Harbors”. Nolo me tangere cum impecunis is still on the books.

Eisenhower commanded 10,000,000 men. He ended the war in Western Europe 11months and 4 days after his armies landed. When he said, “I will go to Korea” the boys in the Kremlin knew he wasn’t going there for the waters. The shooting stopped 6 months after he was sworn in.

Admiral Arleigh Burke, John McCain’s father’s boss in WW2, said he did 2 things well when he was in the Navy: he improved the landscaping at the Pentagon and he was responsible for the Polaris missile. It would have made no sense to shoot something 3,000 miles into the men’s room window at the Kremlin and have it filled with water balloons.

1962 and 1973 validated yet again the unilaterally imposed treaty. The jury is still out on whether or not President Bush, invoking the Cartago delenda est maxim, should have used some of the small ones to open Friday prayers in a half a dozen mosques.

Since it was OK to start the Israeli/Egyptian/Syrian/Hashemite/Shia/Sunni/WOG war on Yom Kippur and since turnabout is fair play maybe Ramadan would have been a lovely day to start a war.

It could end tomorrow.

We know it didn’t end yesterday.


Kevin Smith

Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun Sentinel

August 7, 2011

Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “3 Incidents Give Strong Message” – Some comments on today’s typical Jeremiad laced column and how the Republicans, those rotters, those bounders, caused them.

My dear Professor,

As to your first 2 incidents I suggest a possible response, not an answer, can be found in poetry.
“Honor and shame from no condition rise.
Act well your part. There, all honor lies.”
As to your 3rd incident, the one where the knuckle dragging, gun toting, snake handling, homophobic, racist, Koch Brothers financed, Tea Partying, Global Warming denying louts were able to overcome the oodles of cash from that great Hungarian-American George Soros, a man whose CV lists employment experience under the Nazis and the Communists, were able to impose their evil will on the country, doubtless to the disproportional detriment of women and minorities, my mind boggles.
All and all a good day’s work from the Nixon, Reagan, Bush stalkers, don’t you think?
As an aside, let me show you one of my unknown qualities. It is my attempting to fulfill a Spiritual Work of Mercy. Christ instructed His followers to “instruct the uninformed”. Whether you are able to differentiate between Caravaggio and Chiaroscuro is of no great import. Based on your writings you are abysmally ignorant of how the real world works. I reach out in the spirit of non-denominational charity to show you that, in the end, debits always equal credits.
The vote to increase the Federal debt limit, a vote similar to the one that Senator Obama and all, all as in 100%, of the Democratic members of the Senate voted against in 2007, has nothing to do with default. I tremble when I think you may call me a cynic if I mention that a Republican was President in 2007.
Try to imagine the Federal debt limit as the limit on your credit card. When you “max out” the card it does not – repeat – trigger default. As long as you service the debt, that means to the uninitiated that you are paying it down, you are not in default. No number of really wretched rascally Republicans can undo that. Got it? Want me to repeat it? There will be a test. In your case, it will be an open book quiz.
Alas, we live in a world where “stones are hard and water is wet”. This is hard for a fire breathing, non-thinking modern American Liberal to grasp let alone understand. That’s why you are able to write your last sentence.

“But we should honor everyone like them, living and dead,
by having the guts to take back America”
“Them” are your first two “incidents”.
#1 – Young victims of Progeria, a brutally cruel disabling and disfiguring disease are interviewed by Barbara Walters.
#2 – A friend of yours, a man already on the 18th green, a nonagerian who has had a stroke, has had his ticket stamped for the one way voyage to the “undiscovered country”.
Pray tell how will “taking back the country” benefit them?
Speaking of “taking back the country” I may be having a senior moment. Wasn’t there an election in 2008? Didn’t the country elect a man who never once in his adult life did anything save getting his wife a $4,000 a week raise as payment for getting her employer a $1,000,000.00 earmark?
Didn’t he travel to either 57 or 58 states and promise to calm the seas, reverse the tides, and cool the earth? Did not the country give him overwhelming majorities in both Houses?
Couldn’t some people say that the country was “taken back”?
What will you do if the ones who exercise “raw revenge” and “take back America” are the wrong people? What will the fire breathing, card carrying, mush brained, pointy headed modern American Liberals do if the people throw Bozo Barack out?
I had hoped that I would never have to compare another President to Jimmy Carter. That he was the worst President in the 20th century there can be no doubt, debate, or dispute. It only took the boob in the White House 3 years to have an insurmountable lead for honors in the 21st century. And he has 15 months to go! He could turn a 2 car funeral into a FUBARed train wreck.
He is modern American Liberalism at its best or worst. To an adult, even an “average” one, the words are interchangeable.
On behalf of all “decent, average Americans”, people like his “average white grandmother”, let him be gone.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gary Stein The Sun-Sentinel

August 3, 2011

Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: Cricket fields and modern American Liberalism – Their nexus and how your column today fails to make the fatal connection.

Big Stein,
I decided to vote against all – no exceptions, none – bond issues in 1990. I believed, believe, that they are in violation of Federal law, specifically the Truth in Lending Law.
A $100,000,000.00 bond issue to save the manatees, to fight teenage obesity and the bullying of tentative trans-gendered artistes, to shelter women of color who are single moms with children in need of a good Ritalin program AND Midnight Basketball who lack access to public transportation that could get them to a Wal*Mart where $4 prescriptions will exploit them, anything, everything, is illegal on its face.
Imagine you stumble into a used car lot. There, an enterprising suede shoe shod, electric blue slacked, with a matching restrained hibiscus shirt entrepreneur, sells you a gas guzzling, carbon belching, and polar bear drowning SUV.
He says he can arrange financing.
He must tell you how much the loan will cost if carried to term. He must tell you, doubtless invoking the sacred rule of 78, what the pre-payment penalties are. He must spell this out so that even Curly Biden will get it. Should he fail to do so you will get your car free plus 2 or 3 years of walking around money. If you have an above average werewolf on your side you could end up owning his lot.
Why are municipal bonds exempt from this?
Broward County built a cricket stadium to proclaim that they were not culturally arrogant. [Alas, the facts would support the interpretation you may be] Any sport that has a position called “silly mid-off” deserves to have a world class venue, right? The good people of Broward County should feel proud that they have been chosen to pay for this. Should cricket become part of March Madness it would be better to have a wave of tea drinking Pakis rather than a boatload of English fans, right?
Follow the math. I’ll try to write slowly.
$100,000,000.00 @ 5% for 30 years ain’t $100,000,000.00 in 30 years.
There is $150,000,000.00 in interest. Think 30 year mortgage.
The true cost of the loan is $250,000,000.00. That’s two hundred and fifty million dollars. “Pretty soon”, as Everett McKinley Dirksen used to say, “It adds up to real money.”
15 years ago, as a fresh faced newly arrived émigré, I had to explain to an earnest information officer of the Broward County Board of Education the difference between an expense budget and a capital budget. Although I spoke English it may as well have been Linear B or Pashto. She looked at me “like my nose was being eaten by weevils”. By now she’s probably a finalist for head customer service rep on the ObamaCare – That’s the word that head Hecate and the paradigmatic template of modern American Liberalism, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, wanted outlawed on the floor of the House, remember? – Death Panels.
Any chance for a bull ring?
It would be a Win/Win/Win.
It would show our multi-cultural streak.
It would cut back on excessive bovine methane eructations.
It would provide fresh beef for the homeless.
Broward County residents would be overjoyed to hit that 3 run homer.

Kevin Smith
Board Certified Life Coach