Friday, June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019 To the keepers of the flame,

June 28, 2019

To the keepers of the flame, to the defenders of the revealed truths of the cabal of modern American Liberals known collectively as the Democratic Party, the party of Jackson, McClellan, Calhoun, Jim Crow, Wilson, Bilbo, Garner, Black, Wallace, Hiss, Barkley, Thurmond, Gore, Smathers, Sparkman, Fullbright, Connor, Stennis, Talmadge, Maddox, Eastland, Russell, Ervin – Jeezus Haitch Keerist, Talk about a Murderers’ Row! – Not a fart in a car load. These pezzonovantes had several things in common: 1 – They were all Democrats. 2 – Their public lives were predicated on one simple thing: No little Black boy would ever go to school with a little White girl. Period. 3 – Lynching was not a Federal crime. 4 - Did I say they were all Democrats? I did? That’s OK ‘cuz I can’t say it enough, can I?

You have a problem in Broward County.

Would you believe there is a dagger daily doing its dastardly deviltry here in our fair land?

Sitting on a North/South axis is Dixie Highway. Further, it goes through a city with the unholy name of Plantation. The high school, Plantation High School, nicknamed, and I am not making this up, “The Colonels”, insults, demeans, and debases its thousands of Black students, doubtless leading to post-graduate PTSD. 

“Old times there are not forgotten” is a constant slap in the face to many of the Black boys, children of single Moms, often in need of a good Ritalin program, those born to be “unlucky in life’s lottery”, toes up on the edge of a feral ferocity unknown to guilty White folk, so much so that we can’t “Look Away, Look Away”. If we do so, we deserve “the fire next time”.

We must act now, while there is still, maybe, time to atone for our sins.

By the by, when we enact proper reparations for slavery – None for you Obama, your father’s family was on the “good” side of the slave business, remember? – shouldn’t Brazil double our amount? After all, they imported twice as many “guest workers” as we did, remember? Also, I had an uncle who died at Gettysburg trying to free the slaves. Shouldn’t I get a fungible, carry-forward tax credit from July 2, 1863?

I was going to send a copy of this to NYC Mayor deBlasio but he’s too busy preparing to be posthumously buggered by Che Guevara, the still dead community activist from Havana. Instead, I am sending it to you, the doyennes and leaders of the pack known as modern American Liberals. They are people who believe there is no such thing as a bad boy, or girl, particularly if either or both are in need of a trans-gendered abortion and could I please see the DNA on the discarded group of cells.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23, 2019 Mary Ellen Klas The Miami Herald RE: Inches away from a clean getaway

June 23, 2019

Mary Ellen Klas
The Miami Herald

RE: Inches away from a clean getaway and then your last sentence went off like a Bangalore torpedo. Welcome to the upside-down world – that’s a euphemism for head up your ass world - of Climate Change, a world where nobody seems to mind that clothes are verboten. As reported by you in your excellent Page 1 story in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Klas,

Icarus – You remember him, don’t you? – decided “to go where no man had ever gone before.”

It didn’t end well.

One thing we can learn from the despised DWEMs – DWEMS? Send a SASE – is that if gravity doesn’t get you, hubris will. 

Ptolemy and Fred Hoyle shared one big turd in the punch bowl in common. They both laid claim to the one thing that is anathema to scientists. They both were the spear points of “settled science”. One last for a millennium and a half; The other for not quite 15 years. A Polish monk and a pain in the ass Eye-Tie unsettled the former while a supposedly malfunctioning listening device in an AT&T lar in New Jersey undid the latter.

Either way, that which was “settled” became “settled” when burrs under the saddle, aka “facts”, began to irritate the horse.

It happens all the time.

It is also known as the scientific method.

[Einstein used his 1900 internet repeatedly. Every time he posited a new theory, he sent copies of it to the small number of members of his universe. He said, “I only have to be proved wrong once.” That way he could get on to something new, and, hopefully, correct.

We are constantly nestled within the envelope of the Yellowstone Explosion. And, if the time line is correct, when it goes kaboom, life as we know it on this planet ceases.

Did Trump cause this?

Will the assembled morons, ohmadahns all, in a way that only modern American Liberals can be, propose a new tax and increased regulations in their upcoming debates that will undo this? Of course, they will. They have no choice. If you begin with the joint premises that no tax is ever high enough and really smart people are really smarter than the “deplorables” they must guide and instruct they must share and impose their “fatal conceit” with the great unwashed.

I have a small favor to ask of you.

I need media support for a “Go Fund Me” page.

I want to make Lysenko the patron saint of the 2020 Democratic Party. And I want to by-pass the Establishment Clause and make Ned Lud the go-to guy for divine intervention in the battle for Climate Change.

Kevin Smith

PS – Are modern American Liberals incapable of separating causation and correlation? Do they know that they are 2 different things? Can I use Solyndra solar panels to power my unicorn ranch cum rainbow stew hydroponic vineyard? Why not issue indulgences to the inventor of fartless cows? I have my 1968 copy of “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D. in my hand. That was the book that said we were all going to die by the year 2000. We would either starve or freeze or both. He was/is so smart that he said it was irreversible and, further, the Roman Catholic Church was speeding it up. Congresswoman AO-C, a shit for brains Jew hater, has picked up the cudgels and given us 12 years to square our accounts with the great Gaia or its 23 skidoo, like forever and ever. The facts would support, strongly support, the interpretation that the inmates are running the asylum. 

Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 16, 2019 Perhaps not quite on the league of “in the end is my beginning” but let’s start at the end.

June 16, 2019

Perhaps not quite on the league of “in the end is my beginning” but let’s start at the end.

A part-time Mississippi Postmaster gave a speech in 1950 that contained a life-affirming exhortation, one that if he were to give it today, would earn him venomous, vituperative obloquy.


We fast forward to this morning’s Miami Herald travel section. It’s as good a place as any to launch a shit-for-brains polemic cum Philippic about, you guessed it, GLOBALCOOLINGGLOBAL WARMINGCLIMATECHNAGECLIMATEDESTRUCTION.


Before I switch to the last minute heroics that saved the piping plover, a bird closely associated with the Jersey shore – That’s New, not Isle of or specific bovine – a bird I grew up admiring and spent numerous summers trying to trap, let me add that one solution to the vexing problem of the deaths of future lads and lasses because of my narcissistic practices would be mandatory, unlimited abortion. That’s the only guaranteed way to spare future generations from being indiscriminately murdered.

Back to the friggin’ bird

A series of concerts at a Federal Sea preserve has been canceled because a gaggle of pregnant piping plovers has been found to be nesting there. 

No big deal ‘cuz the music was all geared to exercisers of White Privilege. Guys like Mozart, Frank Sinatra, Hank Williams, Rogers & Hart, and to honor our President, “Zippeedoodah”, from the long outlawed “Song of the South”, with porch Negroes doing backup and harmony.

Andy Newman wrote the article for the New York Times, a paper partly owned by famed Mexican lardon, El Frito Bandido, a paper that favored slavery, a paper that called Lincoln a “baboon”, a paper that turned a blind eye to the KuKluxKlan, a paper that ignored the deaths of either side of 8,000,000 Kulaks, with Kulaks being short hand for Jews – Jeepers! That’s some DNA, ain’t it?

Stop the presses!

Good news from Hong Kong and China.
The Chinks have announced that they will no longer
snatch people off the streets of Hong Kong and try
them – How do you say “Star Chamber” in Mandarin” – 
in Sumdumfuk province.
Florida has outlawed Sanctuary Cities. That means that 
Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, officially outlawed at
Appomattox in 1865, is still verboten.

Start the presses!

There is a picture of Venice in the article with the attached statement. It says “Rising waters are particularly acute in place like Venice”. 2 things leap to mind:

#1 – I have memories of a huge photo spread of Venice in Life magazine in the late ‘50s. It warned us that Venice didn’t have long to live. The “Missile Gap” was upon us which Kennedy said he would fix. The United States would defend Quemoy and Matsu and tax cuts would get the county “moving again” and into the New Frontier. And Venice would sink. So there.

#2 – Around the same time, Bing Crosby was warning us of the demise of the Atlantic salmon. I am not sure but it was a short-timer. Tell that to Whole Foods.

#1A – I swear to God that the picture has a palm tree in it. I stayed in the Danielli in Venice. It was the apex of sybarism. There wasn’t a palm tree in sight.

Scribe Newman, who makes Seinfeld’s nemesis of the same name seem like a stand-up guy, is trying to justify a family trip to France flying in a jet.

He says he will “buy enough offsets to capture the annual methane emanations of a dozen cows”. He has hit the sacred gong of the Blessed Trinity of modern American Liberals in one sentence: Horse’s Ass, Pompous Fart, and Smarmy Bastard. And to think we outlawed flogging! 

I am starting a Go Fund me page for a vasectomy by commercial-sized Cuisinart for poltroon Newman. If he has children, I hope they are adopted. 

His line must end.

Kevin Smith

June 19, 2019 “Curly” Biden [D-DE] is a horse’s ass of truly epic proportions.

June 19, 2019

“Curly” Biden [D-DE] is a horse’s ass of truly epic proportions. Biblical, Homeric, epic, Guinness Book-sized, Brobdanaglian, all are acceptable. Lest there be any confusion, he is named “Curly” in honor of the smartest Stooge.

Last week he announced that upon his inauguration, he would outlaw and then cure cancer. [I have a dog in that fight. Yesterday, I had my 12th Moh’s surgery for the removal of squamous cell carcinomas. I have had 4 melanomas removed and, on October 21, 2014 I was operated on for breast cancer. I am getting “long in the tooth”. If you can cure it, please do so. What if you lose? Where the Hell will that leave me, you poltroon? I just heard the results of my CAT-Scan on Monday. I have an “anomaly” on my lung that will require further testing. If you are on to something, send it to me overnight collect. FEDEX, not USPS, OK?]

This week, so far, he announced how much he liked working with Senator James Eastland [D-MS] “We got things done,” he said, as if no one was listening. Mussolini’s trains ran on time, didn’t they? Daley [D-IL] got the snow shoveled before he put the fix in on the election of 1960. That was the one the got the DC Vietnam Wall started, right? Yeah, that wall, not the one to be built in Texas.

Failure to mention a material fact is, under Federal Law, a crime.

The “thing” about Senator Eastland, a man known for rubbing the heads of compliant Nigrahs for good luck, was that his entire public life was predicated on and dedicated to one simple premise: No little Black boy would ever go to school with any little White girl. He was an early proponent of Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, the theory that is the principal principle of Sanctuary Cities. Look it up POO – POO? Perpetually Outraged and Offended, you dolts.

Curly never mentioned that.

This morning, in a successful attempt to top himself in daily public inanities, he said, “Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama/Biden. He is squandering it.”

#1 - Trump inherited an economy that was being strangled, python-like, by regulatory dry heaves.
#2 – Like it or not, and if you listen to the ohmadauns running for the Democratic nomination for President, they like it about as much as Dracula would like a head first entry into a hot tub filled with holy water, Trump released the “animal spirits”, the ones made famous by the great Lord Keynes, modern American Liberals’ favorite economist. It is indeed fitting and proper to note that he was a good friend of Frederick Hayek and a death-bed convert to his school of economic thought.
#3 – Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Broward County’s favorite modern American Liberal brownshirt – She sent the coppers to my house over some First Amendment things, things like me expressing my opinion – used to go hoarse every June in the Obama/Biden era proclaiming and promising, like Beckett, that this year was finally, really the year of the “Summer of Recovery”. And like Godot, it never showed up. Watch out for the wake, class, This year it’s here. In spades. 
#4 = One of Smith’s great economic commandments is that rich people hire poor people to stay rich and get richer. Poor people work for rich people because they like to eat and maybe they can get rich.
#5 – Puritans, America’s first modern American Liberals, hated unsupervised group activity because the thought that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time drove them bonkers. Today’s version of tight-assed spoil sports, all of whom seem to be running for the Democratic nomination for President, think that if someone is making money it is because someone, disparately women and/or minorities, is not and, furthermore, polar bears are drowning. These are people who can’t wait for Son of Solyndra, Cash for Clunkers 2, and oodles of “shovel-ready jobs”, just like the last time. “The triumph of hope over experience” holds no meaning for them. 
#6 - “Such stupidity, sir, is not to be found in nature.”
#7 – Except when it is. 
#8 – “Curly” Biden couldn’t pour piss out of a boot. All of his shoes have notes attached to them, “Toes in first”. He is dumber than a box of hammers.
#9 – And he is still known to some of his classmates as “Cheesedick”

Kevin Smith

June 15, 2019 Perhaps the bottom, the nadir, of the nexus of politics and culture...

June 15, 2019

Perhaps the bottom, the nadir, of the nexus of politics and culture, having been reached, and with the Trousered Apes no longer in the ascendancy, society, an amorphous term embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly, has begun the difficult task of rebuilding itself.

News has reached us of an Ohio jury, doubtless “deplorable’, awarding Gibson’s, a 5th generation deli and bakery, the astonishing sum of $22,000,000 in punitive damages against Oberlin College

Oberlin College, aka Avernus, is the HQ of “Yes, I Can Piss on your Back and Tell you it’s Rain” nest of modern American Liberal vipers who suffer from “Non-Malodorous Fecal Matter Syndrome:, For the unread readers among you, that means you believe, sincerely believe that your shit doesn’t stink. Further, it means that since they alone possess the truth, they alone can judge and punish. [If you think there is a strong smell of National Socialism there, you’re right.]

We can stipulate to the following:

#1 – A Black Oberlin student – the story, alas, would make no sense if White qualified Oberlin student – tried to use a fake ID to buy some “Dutch courage”. When she was refused, she tried to shoplift it.
#2 – When she was confronted, she assaulted the shop keeper.
#3 – She was arrested.
#4 - Within a day, and egged on by the White Dean and feral, foul-mouthed filthy little guttersnipes, the incident took on Duke la crosse rape and UVA fraternity rape status.
#5 – The “alleged” perpetrator, seeing irrefutable evidence, took a plea and became the official “perpetrator”.
#6 – Oberlin continued its slanderous campaign against Gibson’s
#7 – Gibson’s sued Oberlin and won $11,000,000 in compensatory damages to which the jury added $22,000,000, the Ohio % limit, in punitive damages.

Of course, the defendants will appeal. It’s what modern American Liberal pukes do. Having been judicially “woodshedded”, their language will be a bit more circumspect. What will not change will be the contempt they have for those who are not card carrying, fire breathing Social Justice Warriors where any excess, however egregious, will be excused if the goal is a perfect society.

And, since they believe in nothing, they will believe in anything. That’s why my reference to National Socialism was not off-handed.

It is a day worthy of a te deum. The good guys told the bad guys to fuck off and got paid for so doing.

I watched the Governor of California announce that if people want to come to his state, drop their trousers, and shit in the streets, well, by crikey, that’s OK with him. Further, he will tax rich White folk to help promiscuous street shitters – possibly an Olympic event in 2028 – come to grips with the barbaric Trump Administration, rat bastards all, who think Sanctuary City Street Shitting, on balance, ain’t such a good idea.

The jurors In Ohio, having struck a blow for truth, justice, and the American Way, having given the “Permanent Things” a much need booster shot, have greatly advanced the Western Canon.

Kevin Smith

Thursday, June 13, 2019

une 12, 2019 Ditka’s Bears did to the Patriots what the grinder would have done to baloney.

June 12, 2019

Ditka’s Bears did to the Patriots what the grinder would have done to baloney. Ditto the 49ers and the Broncos and the Cowboys and the Bills. The Yankees and the Cubs and the Giants and the Indians leap to mind. Don’t forget Seton Hall/Duke in 1989.

Before he got to South Bend, Lou Holtz coached William & Mary against Bobby Bowden’s NC State Wolfpack. He was beaten like a rented mule. At mid-field, after the game, Bowden refused to accept any blame for running up the score. “Don’t get mad at me because your team wasn’t ready.”

The 1992 Dream Team, and talk about Sherman going through Georgia, was ravaging Angola by more than 70 points when Charles Barkley, now a noted Life Coach, elbowed Obama Fagowi Olatunji with a shot that resulted in a pneumonectomy. He said, after the game, that he thought he was carrying a spear. [Imagine what the Word Police would have done if Larry Byrd, John Stockton, Christian Laettner, or Chris Mullin had said that. Would it be wretched excess if I were to say that they were/are/will be White?]

Back in my other life, when I flew the Concorde and bought my wife an E-Type Jaguar for Mother’s Day, I produced a series of video tapes on Coach Bob Hurley, Sr. He coached basketball at Saint Anthony High School in Jersey City, hard by the Holland Tunnel, to 27 state titles, 12 Tournament of Champion titles, 6 undefeated seasons, and 4 national championships. He is in the Basketball Hall of Fame. Along with Adolph Rupp, John Wooden, and Red Auerbach.

1989, 32 and 0, average winning margin of 27 points, never once ever behind, not even 1 to 0, was the year we shot it. I gave him a plaque that said 32 and 0 – “It ain’t bragging if you can do it.” He won more than 1100 games, more than 90%, and they were all away games because he never had a home court.

The only time he switched from man to man to a zone was when he was coaching against the best man at his wedding. He knew that when he put his last 3 players in, they would play like vampires in front of a blood bank.

The Romans “ran up the score” when they salted the earth around Carthage in 146 BC. When was the last time you heard about Hannibal?

Spruance didn’t have to get the 4th Jap carrier on June 4, 1942 to have won an astonishing victory, certainly the greatest naval victory in the 20th century. He did. Move over Trafalgar and Salamis.

Desert Storm was over 2 days after it started. It ended 3 days later.

Which brings us to the USA soccer chicks in the World Cup.

13 to 0 is a score usually associated with the Israeli Air Force and the Syrian Air Force. !3 to 0, and the game wasn’t as close as the score would suggest, was the result of yesterday’s match between the USA and Thailand. I guess there is no mercy rule like in American High School football. Sounds like a wretched excess of White Privilege on roids except goal differential is a tie breaker and as the Imperial Japanese Navy found out at Midway, “Ain’t a horse can’t be ridden or a rider can’t be throwed

Unless there is a 4-corner offense in soccer there was very little that could be done. If you don’t play hard you insult the other team more than by scoring. And, truth be known, I’d rather be the pitcher than the catcher.

Didn’t the government fall when Germany laid a Texas-sized ass whupping on Brazil in the last guys only World Cup?

Plus, there’s this.

“Breathes there a man with soul so dead who
 never to himself has said
This is my own, my native land.

Would it be considered “deplorable” to sing a few choruses of “Over There”?

You go, Girls!

A fuse has been lighted in Hong Kong. It could lead to a God-awful bang. 
Except for those “Libtards” running around in Iowa, does anyone, anywhere give even the smallest brown squirt shit about Global Warming? To be precise, GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction as it has morphed from when Professor Paul Ehrlich, PhD, a very smart man who was on the Johnny Carson Show telling us in 1968 that we were all going to be dead by the year 2000, either from freezing or starving or both. And since Trump wasn’t around to blame, he made the Catholic Church the main culprit. I read where in 2008 and 2011 the rise in the water level in Lake Michigan was blamed on Global Warming. Now the drop in the water level in 2018 is blamed, can you believe this, on Global Warming. I know that Global Warming ended the last Ice Age and killed the mastodons who were that period’s drowning polar bears. What difference does it make? According to the Boob McNutte Congresswoman from Queens we’re all out of here in 12 years. Is it time to open the last ’47 Cheval Blanc?

When Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope in 1979 and the white smoke appeared, y daughter, now Courtenay Hanson, now the mother of my three Texas ladies – Caitlin, Caroline, and Julia – called her Mom’s grandmother and said, “Nanny, we have a Polish Pope”. Although she was always her Nanny’s Polish Angel, she became her Polish Angel.
I am as Irish as it is possible to be. Both sides, Galway and Cork.

 My wife, Amy, was Lithuanian, Polish, German, and English, with definite blood connections to an English King and possible blood connections to a Polish/Lithuanian King. The English King, Charles the First, is most remembered for getting his head cut off by a Presbyterian. The Polish/Lithuanian King, Jan Sobieski, is most remembered for saving Western Civilization from radical Islamic terrorists at Vienna in 1683.

My son, Sean, proudly wore his Solidarity button when he was at Seton Hall Prep. Actually, the button read Solidarnocz. No sense being a half-assed ethnic booster., was there?

This morning, the President of Poland was at the White House where he and il magnifico announced the purchase of 24 F-35s by Poland for its air force. Terms were simple: All cash. Let’s not misunderstand this. An airplane doesn’t know which direction to where it is flying. Trust me; These planes will only be flying East on their outward leg. Look at a map

The President of Poland, in the Oval Office, buying 2 dozen of the most advanced military planes in the world.  And then, going out on the lawn and watching one of his new planes doing a barrel roll over the Washington Monument. Hot damn. Plus, he is naming a base after Trump. Fort Trump. Nanny, long gone, would have loved to have gotten that call from her Polish angel.

The first thing Pope JP2 said from the balcony in the Vatican was “Non timere”. And that was only 40 years ago.

It’s been 25 years but is O.J. still looking for the real killers?

Kevin Smith

Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 9, 2019 Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor The Miami Herald

June 9, 2019
Nancy Ancrum – Editorial Page Editor
The Miami Herald


Ms. Ancrum,

I like to check the Irish sports section – the obituary section for the uninitiated – of the Star Ledger, New Jersey’s paper of record, sort of. You can take the guy out of Jersey but you can’t take Jersey out of the guy.

Among the more interesting stories from up North was the one that said it was “borderline criminal” that there weren’t more chicks headlining down the shore this summer. [2 quick digressions: #1 – Of course they didn’t say “chicks”. If they did, they would have called for the Word Police to flog them a la Henry the Second after the Becket “misunderstanding”. #2 – People from Jersey never ever go to the beach. They go “down the shore”. Period.] 

I’ll say this for modern American liberal media pundits:

They never let you down

“Borderline criminal?” I am sure that from the undiscovered country Frank Sinatra is wringing his hands that he didn’t have to sit down to pee. Ditto for Frankie Valli, John Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen. Let me add Jerome Hines to that list.

Then I got to today’s Herald.

I read the Page 1 story on housing with interest and amusement. It was well written and contained, of course, several screeching dog whistles, particularly for fans of History. Logic, and folks with practical hands-on experience in the housing business. I made a few notes predicated on one observation: “The upturned neck awaits the ax.”

I put my pen back in its scabbard when I read your editorial.

“The Outrage of being Priced out of Paradise”

The title alone suggests that there is a small band of willful men, malefactors of great wealth, all of whom are filthy rich, most of whom are White and support Trump who have successfully colluded – “colluded?” You betcha – to keep poor people, women of color, single moms with children in need of a good Ritalin program or can I just say “people who are unlucky in life’s lottery” that there is an underserved constituency of hind tit suckers in need of a Bernie or a Kamala or Mayor Bootygoo or – Damn it, AOC is too  young – to raise the flag of revolution.
You say in your editorial that “It is a crying shame.” You had me at a stage of lachrymosity approaching, if unchecked, terminal enuresis.

You snapped me out of it by suggesting, without a hint of humor or wit, that “New York-style rent control legislation” might be in order. I did say that modern American Liberals never let you down.  and
Regardless of the problem, the rubric of the solution is always the same. Somebody from the government, usually bright, always well-intended, will decide what is fair, what is good, and what is right. Except when they don’t. Even when SNAFU approaches FUBAR, as long as their intentions are good, they keep digging. There’s as pony somewhere in the pile of horse shit.

The evidence of your own eyes demands that since it has never worked it will never work. Anticipating that this time it will be different and this time it will work is specious and asinine. Modern American Liberals, always substituting feelings for ideas know that expectations, forgive me, trump results. 

Rent controls lead to Pruitt-Igoe, Curries Woods, slums, $15,000 a month apartments and $5,000,000 starter condos  Look it up.

You end, yet again by trumpeting “The triumph of hope over experience.”

“Hopefully, the Herald investigation will awaken our 
leaders to address this outrage once and for all.”

And that will happen as soon as my brother the hunchback straightens up.

Here’s a plan. Speed up Global Warming. Speed up rising sea levels. Nothing like having Flipper doing back flips 10 miles inland to bring down rents.

Kevin Smith

PS – I believe Charles Murray covers this in “Losing Ground”

June 8, 2019 “Sometimes he believed in fantasies such as that the US really had much larger oil reserves than the Middle East. Heroes Paul Johnson

June 8, 2019

“Sometimes he believed in fantasies such as that the US
really had much larger oil reserves than the Middle East.
Paul Johnson

He was talking about Ronald Reagan. Johnson, one of the great masters of political prose of the last 50 years, was tactically right when he wrote that. Reagan was strategically right when he said it.

One of my more memorable dialogues with United States Tax Court Judge Carleton Powell – 7 years on trial had to give some pleasurable dialogues – was when I explained to him the difference between reserves in place and recoverable reserves. Reserves in place are like the Maltese Falcon. “It’s the stuff that dreams are made of.”

The tight-lipped, tight-assed New England bankers who ran the whaling business in the late 1850s decided it was time to rake in the big bucks. If you wanted to read at night you had to deal with them. Candles were prohibitively expensive. Plus, there was the risk of considerable collateral damage. Creating the template that OPEC used so well 115 years later, the dudes who less than 2 centuries before were hanging witches – I may be a bit harsh on them. When was the last time you saw witches in Massachusetts? SOBs, si. Witches, no. As bill Bellicheck says, “Do your job.” – said I have the ball and the court. $2 a barrel is now $6. If you don’t like it play your harmonica by the fire place. 3 years later there was no more whale oil business. Scrimshaw tchotchkes rose in price because there was no more scrimshaw.  Whales love it until the Japanese developed a taste for Humpback sushi

Injuns in Pennsylvania long used that smelly black mung oozing out of the ground as the first truly organic homeopathic cure palliative for neuralgia and lumbago. Colonel Drake, a man with a solution in search of a problem, with the solution being that a free man in a free society, a man who is free to fail, “creatively destroyed” the “Let’s harpoon Babar” so much so that the nit-wit Congresswoman form the Bronx tells us we have 12 years to go before the world ends. 

Among the basic rules of economics, rules that Bernie the Bombastic Bolshie and Mayor Pete Bootygoo, the patron saint of Catamites everywhere, inter alia, cannot repeal is the one that says, “If eggs go to $5 a dozen, the rooster lays.”

I fracked my first well in 1974 in Duval County, Texas. That was where LBJ, aided and abetted by his shyster pal Abe Fortas began the journey in 1948 that ended at the Vietnam Wall in DC.

Fracking doesn’t add to reserves in place. It sure as Hell adds to recoverable reserves. Fracking started in 1950. MRIs were around in 1945. Revlamid is the wonder drug for myeloma. When it was known as Thalidomide it was the spawn of the Devil. 
The people who bought Barnes & Noble will use a novel business plan. More autonomy for local managers plus a return to the Mom & Pop atmosphere that Amazon drove out of business. Nothing like a guy backing his plan with his own black chips. No Solyndras here. 

Kevin Smith

PS – I’ve reading books by and about Churchill for at least 65 years. Paul Johnson’s “Churchill’ Is the best first book ever written about him. Plus, it reads superbly well. Speaking of Churchill, I read “The River War” last weekend. No surprises. Gordon is avenged with an emphatic PAID put on an open account. Parts of it reminded me of The Iliad.
“The Death of Stalin” and “Charley Wilson’s War” are two perfect entries for your own film festival.

June 8, 2019 Before his classmates at Auchmere Academy...

June 8, 2019

Before his classmates at Auchmere Academy, a bastion of White male elitist Roman Catholic Supremacy, for which his father must be commended for footing the bill for all of the Biden boys, his classmates, fellow altar boys, and mite box fillers at Immaculate Heart, also in Wilmington, Delaware knew that his favorite color was plaid. 

As Saint Augustine said while he was making the difficult commute from the City of Man to the City of God, “Love God and do what you will.”

All modern American Liberal Roman Catholic politicians want to have their cake and eat it and, having eaten their cake, want to have it. That is a gross insult to Logic. 

Cuomo pere et fils have said that while they are personally opposed to abortion, they have no choice but to uphold it because it is the law. 

I asked both of them if they would have upheld the law as defined in the Dred Scott decision. I asked them both, some 30 years apart if, having captured a fugitive slave in New York, they would have put his felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia. Neither has ever answered.

The parallel universes of bifurcated Logic and labyrinthine tautologies that mALs of all stripes occupy enables them to pick and choose which law to obey and which conscience to follow. Sanctuary cities? No 4th trimester abortion? Si. This eclectic indignation means that they must have a chiropractor on stand-by duty. They become, as C. S. Lewis said, “Men without chests.”

Obama, the calmer of seas and the cooler of the planet, said of Curly Joe, “Sometimes he gets out ahead of his skis.”

Osama bin Laden said, “Here I stand.” Thomas More, John Proctor, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King broke the law and willingly accepted the consequences.

Lillian Hellman, and please God that she still be dead, said, she “would not cut her conscience to fit this year’s fashion.” She wound up shilling for a fur coat company.

Curly is being fitted for a basic black dress with a pearl choker. It will double as a shroud. His own kind, Social Justice Warriors all, will soon tear him limb from limb. 

As the condemned Thomas More said to his accuser, “And you sold your soul for Wales?” Say goodbye Joe. Your time is almost up.

Kevin Smith

Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019

Congressman Paul Tonko
61 Church Street #309
Amsterdam, NY 12010

RE: What a dumb thing to say. Some comments on your verbal incontinence about President Trump and climate change.

Congressman Tonko,

Perhaps not quite as gushing as Keats when “a new planet swims into his ken” but your comment about our beloved President and “borderline criminal activity” reveals several things.

#1 – As a modern American Liberal, a condition that proclaims a deep dumbness and stupidity, “not usually found in nature”, one that bespeaks “the triumph of hope over experience”, you are simply living up to your breed.
#2 – Pop Quiz – What ended the last Ice Age? Answer below.
#3 – Ptolemy’s view of the universe was “settled science” for 15 centuries. Would you have stood with him?
#4 – Ned Lud? Trifim Lysenko? Thank God for Google, you boob.
#5 –“Borderline criminal activity” – Is that like almost pregnant or borderline malignant?
#6 – If we only have 12 years to go perhaps you should advise your constituents to get 15 year, interest only [with a 30 year schedule] mortgages.
#7 – You are dumber than a box of hammers.
#8 – If it’s not too late I suggest a radical vasectomy, one with chain saws and rabid honey badgers.

Kevin Smith

PS – Answer to #2 is Global Warming. Look it up.

June 5, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: “Déjà vu all over again” – A paragraph worthy of lapidary inscription.

June 5, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Déjà vu all over again” – A paragraph worthy of lapidary inscription.

Ms. O,

In its entirety.

“We’re heading into summer and in South Florida we can 
already feel the temperature changing. Look, we can all 
feel the heat, and top scientists predict it will get worse.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 10A
I guess it didn’t get hot until Trump, that rat bastard, pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord. When it seemed like Wide-Bottomed Hillary who screwed Bernie would win I was shrouded in cashmere and goose down. Or maybe not.

[A brief digression, please. The “top scientists” would have been members of the consensus that supported Ptolemy for 15 centuries, right? I am sure they were ardent believers in the Steady State theory too, right? Get back to me, OK?] 

It reminds me of the glory days of the Clinton administration when Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes told us in August, 1998 that it was hot, really hot and that the reason it was really, really hot in DC was because of Global Warming. And, of course, the consensus of top scientist was that heat caused Global Warming.

I swear that he said that.

It was the same day that Donna Shalala told us not to worry about the heat killing us because we would all be dead in 10 years from AIDS.

And you can look that up.

There is a bit of whimsey in remembering Global Warming warnings in 1998 when one of the top scientists in the whole wide world, a real consensus maker, Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D. told us in 1968 we would freeze to death by the year 2000. And who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? He must be a pisser.

Speaking of ancient times, I suggested to you in 1997 – also the Miami Herald – that you show us the way to climate sanity by turning off all your A/Cs. I guess you took Saint Augustine’s pre-conversion advice when he kept saying, “Make me strong God, tomorrow.”

As for the 2 boobs, Suzan Glickman and George Cavros, who want to raise unicorns on their rainbow stew vineyard, both of which prosper when “Imagine” is hummed, I am calling the Guinness Book of Records. Their pictures will define the exponentially expanding section titled Horses’ Asses. Not quite as big a tautology as Bubba’s, but Great Caesar’s Ghost, res ipso loquitur.

Kevin Smith

PS – I may have been a bot harsh on tautologies. If it weren’t for them modern American Liberals would never have to use their brains at all.

June 5, 2019 Randy Schultz The Sun Sentinel RE: “The hobgoblin of small minds” from today’s Sun Sentinel

June 5, 2019

Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “The hobgoblin of small minds” from today’s Sun Sentinel – Some comments on your Chapter 643 or is it Chapter 1643, there is no difference since the ending is always, always the same, of the perpetual Modern American Liberal Jeremiad on all that public education needs for it to fart gloriously through silk is, and I guessed it, more money.

Yo, Randy!

I wish I could say that Sisyphus finally got that effin’ stone up the hill. I wish I could say that I found a new episode of The Honeymooners. I wish I could say that rain water was beer. I can’t.

On October 4, 1957, the old USSR launched Sputnik. By October 7, incidentally my birthday and the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, another Texas-sized ass whupping of radical Islamic terrorists by the good guys, the United States decided that we had to get real smart in math and science real quick. We did. We bitch slapped gravity, got to the moon, walked around, picked up some recuerdos, and came home safe and sound. Also, let the record show that the Interstate Highway system was begun and that a Republican President sent the Screaming Eagles to North Central High School because the Democratic Governor did not want to let Black boys go to school with White girls. But at the end of the day the Interstate Highway system is the main reason we only have 12 years to live, TV is a “wasteland”, and Johnny still can’t read.

Herewith a plan, one that is whetted and honed by Ockham’s Razor. Listen up. There will be a test.

#1 – Do away with tenure. If it is so God Damn good why not have it have it for coaches? Jet pilots? Thoracic surgeons? Bar tenders? Defense lawyers? Dry wall hangers? Short order cooks? Coffee traders? Blood test readers? Mohels? If you can’t punish failure you can’t reward success. Plus, it enshrines mediocrity.
#2 – Hazard pay for special schools. You know where “they” are.
#3 – Treat the English teacher with the same respect you treat the football coach.
#4 – The children of Executive branch officials must attend public schools, just like Amy Carter and the Bush twins did.
#5 – Random defenestration of school administrators like they were Helots.
#6 – Find out why Achilles stayed in his tent.
#7 – Antigone/Creon. Pick one. Why?

Kevin Smith