Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23, 2019 Mary Ellen Klas The Miami Herald RE: Inches away from a clean getaway

June 23, 2019

Mary Ellen Klas
The Miami Herald

RE: Inches away from a clean getaway and then your last sentence went off like a Bangalore torpedo. Welcome to the upside-down world – that’s a euphemism for head up your ass world - of Climate Change, a world where nobody seems to mind that clothes are verboten. As reported by you in your excellent Page 1 story in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Klas,

Icarus – You remember him, don’t you? – decided “to go where no man had ever gone before.”

It didn’t end well.

One thing we can learn from the despised DWEMs – DWEMS? Send a SASE – is that if gravity doesn’t get you, hubris will. 

Ptolemy and Fred Hoyle shared one big turd in the punch bowl in common. They both laid claim to the one thing that is anathema to scientists. They both were the spear points of “settled science”. One last for a millennium and a half; The other for not quite 15 years. A Polish monk and a pain in the ass Eye-Tie unsettled the former while a supposedly malfunctioning listening device in an AT&T lar in New Jersey undid the latter.

Either way, that which was “settled” became “settled” when burrs under the saddle, aka “facts”, began to irritate the horse.

It happens all the time.

It is also known as the scientific method.

[Einstein used his 1900 internet repeatedly. Every time he posited a new theory, he sent copies of it to the small number of members of his universe. He said, “I only have to be proved wrong once.” That way he could get on to something new, and, hopefully, correct.

We are constantly nestled within the envelope of the Yellowstone Explosion. And, if the time line is correct, when it goes kaboom, life as we know it on this planet ceases.

Did Trump cause this?

Will the assembled morons, ohmadahns all, in a way that only modern American Liberals can be, propose a new tax and increased regulations in their upcoming debates that will undo this? Of course, they will. They have no choice. If you begin with the joint premises that no tax is ever high enough and really smart people are really smarter than the “deplorables” they must guide and instruct they must share and impose their “fatal conceit” with the great unwashed.

I have a small favor to ask of you.

I need media support for a “Go Fund Me” page.

I want to make Lysenko the patron saint of the 2020 Democratic Party. And I want to by-pass the Establishment Clause and make Ned Lud the go-to guy for divine intervention in the battle for Climate Change.

Kevin Smith

PS – Are modern American Liberals incapable of separating causation and correlation? Do they know that they are 2 different things? Can I use Solyndra solar panels to power my unicorn ranch cum rainbow stew hydroponic vineyard? Why not issue indulgences to the inventor of fartless cows? I have my 1968 copy of “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, Ph.D. in my hand. That was the book that said we were all going to die by the year 2000. We would either starve or freeze or both. He was/is so smart that he said it was irreversible and, further, the Roman Catholic Church was speeding it up. Congresswoman AO-C, a shit for brains Jew hater, has picked up the cudgels and given us 12 years to square our accounts with the great Gaia or its 23 skidoo, like forever and ever. The facts would support, strongly support, the interpretation that the inmates are running the asylum. 

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