Monday, September 30, 2019

September 28, 2019 All Hail the Great Nechemie!

September 28, 2019

All Hail the Great Nechemie!
Specifically, Al Nechemie, CPA to the stars and me, one of my wine rabbis, the only man about whom I could and did use the word elegant, frequent travel companion – New Mexico and London – plus a man who proudly and publicly proclaimed his vote for Henry Wallace in 1948, and one of the very few people who could chastise me, if ever so gently and in a not quite Christian manner

He was a dear friend. I will miss him forever.

He was also the man who explained fully what the Bag Test was.

Simply put, if you think something may be a bit rank, a bit past its expiration date but does not make your toe nails curl backwards or your nose hair become all ingrown, you put it in a bag. You close the bag tightly, perhaps putting some Gorilla Glue on it, and you put it in the back of a faraway closet. Cover it with some drop cloths and close the door. Do nothing for 2 days. Then tear open the door, fetch the bag and rip it open. Thrust your nose into it as deeply as possible. The answer, as Orwell, still the bane of modern American Liberals and their European cousins, will be at the end of their noses.

All of which brings us to the “eclectically indignant” matter of Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Slow Joe Biden.

Curly, as his Auchmere Academy – a posh all male Catholic prep school, kind of like the one that the notorious DC Prep school predator Bret Kavanaugh went to – Auk classmates, called him, had another nick name: Cheese Dick, a name which he got the old-fashioned way, by earning it, didn’t think his kid Orion getting $50,000 a month, each and every month, while he was – a – Vice President and – B – specifically charged with being the point man negotiations with said Ukrainians, was no big deal well then we can turn to Dickens who had Scrooge say, “I’ll retire to Bedlam.”

I remember when Vice President Alpha Gump, having got his dick caught in some ethically challenged wringer, intoned in that astonishingly offensive voice, the one that he used to announce that he invented the Internet with and that he just got a group of discalced mendicant Buddhist nuns to donate $300,000 to the Clinton perpetual hummer fund, the one that provided, inter alia, cab fare, chewed cigars, and credits to get their soiled frocks cleaned, to zoftig interns who specialize in osculatory gratification under the desk, said, despite a smoking gun that no “controlling legal authority” had said he cut down any cherry tree.

Along came Slow Joe Biden who said as the night watchman shows him pictures of his kid trying to hijack the 10-foot-tall elephant, a la Jimmy Durante, out of the circus tent, “Elephant? What elephant?”

Bag test? What bag test?

Save the bag; save a tree.

All the perfumes of Arabia could not do away with such redolence. It could neutralize the Hell fires of Gehenna and turn 40 acres of Wordsworth daffodils into baking soda.

Anyway, as this began as a paean to Nechemie let me ask a simple question. What was Bernie the Bombastic Bomb-Throwing Bolshie doing on the UAW picket line?

Since 1945, American unions, in ever decreasing numbers – skip the civil servant unions, the ones that FDR opposed – have argued for better benefits, particularly health care. Bernie says he will take them away and replace them with health care run by the Post Office, the DMV, and the IRS. Only he didn’t say that yesterday.

The first sign that a modern American Liberal is lying is when he is talking. An alternative sign is when he isn’t. Yesterday, Bernie was shoveling Homeric amounts of union bullshit, stuff such as Joe Hill and Mother Jones, that he fogged up the cameras. Potemkin villages were next, all of which were filled with legendary coal miners.

The “Blue Eagle” will be seen circling the picket lines, shitting on the boobs below. The NRA “Blue Eagle”, not the one with the guns.

Stop the Presses!
Sunday 6:30ish

I used to use Birmingham Sheriff “Bull” Connor’s first name as a tie-breaker in NYC saloon trivia contests. 2 things: #1 – My minimum bet at crunch time was a Benjamin. For those who didn’t go to an all-boys, all Catholic prep school that’s $100 and #2 – I never lost.

A personal badge of honor, one that I show as often as possible, is me being banned from 2 saloons for never losing. One, in NYC, was Keene’s on 36th Street, diagonally opposite Macy’s. The other was Danny Chichester’s Sly Fox, just off A1A in Fort Lauderdale.

I watched this AM as mainland Chinkos – Would Congresswoman Rootie Kazootie Talib [D-MN] call them “motherfuckers”, as she called Trump? – fire hosed, beat with bats, and Maced and Tased Hong Kong demonstrators. 

Did Bull Connor have access to Mace and Tasers? Had privilege White scientists even invented them by 1964?

Did he ever go to the Democratic Convention in Atlantic City in 1964? That was the one that accepted the low bid for the DC Vietnam Wall. That was the one where he had been elected to go to as a delegate. That was the one where he wanted to hook up with Fannie Lou Hamer of Mississippi for a horizontal tango to cement inter-racial, interpersonal relations.

Anyway, his first name was Theophilus. It sure as Hell beat Beauregard.

You’ll have to find out the name of the 3rd bar in Casablanca yourself.

I told you I never lost.
“Modesty is an overrated virtue. I want nothing to do with it.”

Back to local color.

In addition to deep-sixing the Sunday Times it may time to shit can Channel 10. I just heard that space smells like fried food. Honest to God, but that’s what the non-White, male, tightly suited anchor said. “The smell comes from the stars.” The nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is almost 5 light years away. At 186,000 miles per second we are talking ne Hellacious distance. Even I, with a reputation for flatulence and eructations unknown to normal bi-peds, would be hard pressed to keep a SBD going that far and that long. Further proof that there are more horses’ asses than horses’ heads. But let’s look at the sunny side of things. Boob new readers need not be White. Fucking moron.

In addition to ending my 3 week return from Elba in re the Sunday NYT – 16 years’ worth – it’s time to end my return to the New Yorker. I started to read it when it was a quarter. I sought out the Algonquin. Nobody put words in print like John McPhee. 

There is a marvelous scene in one of David Niven’s bios. It is either “The Moon’s a Balloon” or “Bring on the empty Horses”. 

Niven was having a backyard birthday party for one of his children, His good friend, Noel Coward, was there. 2 dogs began humping in plain sight of the young guests. It fell to Uncle Noel to explain things. “The first dog has been struck blind. The second dog is guiding her to Saint Dunston’s Home for Blind Canines.” Thus, was the situation explained, defused, and the party returned to pre-pubescent hilarity. 

This week’s New Yorker has an explanation of how Slow Joe Biden’s son Hunter, a crack head, disgraced, cashiered out US Navy officer who was banging his dead brother’s widow on the way back from the cemetery got $50,000  a month from a gas company in the Ukraine – I’ll stop saying the Ukraine as soon as people stop saying the Bronx – because he was a member of the Lucky Sperm Club. 

Anyway, the author, a toad named Antous, took a page from Niven. If Hunter Biden had been photographed humping a sheep in the White House Rose Garden, Noel Coward and the home for Homeric sheep would have bene updated, such was the treacliousness of both author and tale. 
I am pretty sure that Eustace Twilley never said, “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.” Pity.

Kevin Smith

PS – 3 non-Presidents appear on US currency. That’s folding money for the uniniated, No smart phones, please. Name them. 
And since I have read my last Sunday times for at least the next 16 and ½ years let me highlight today’s last edition.
#1 – The social section reports that Father Eugene Squeo witnessed a wedding in Manhattan. It did not disclose that he is also an attorney.  He is a classmate/teammate from Marist High School, Class of 1961. It was once an all-boys Catholic Prep School. Shades of Justice Kavanaugh! He also witnessed my daughter Courtenay’s wedding with fellow classmate Monsignor Robert Wister. He also said the Mass at Amy’s funeral.
#2 – The Yang/Warren tax plan biopsied. Somewhat akin to who killed more, Hitler or Stalin? Hitler killed more per year and kept better records but Stalin had better gross numbers and then Mao came along. Pol Pot and Idi Amin were odd lotters
#3 – The book review poses the unanswerable question: Why, if everybody knew that Trump is making the oceans rise out of sheer spite and mean spiritedness,  didn’t someone – call it the benevolent exhibition of White Privilege – tell the Obamas not to spend $15,000,000 on a house on an island that will shortly be a rehab place for injured hake, halibut, and haddock? And, by the way, if it is so bad what in the name of Captain Ponzi is the United States government literally buying littoral mortgages and then insuring the properties? If Miami Beach goes back to the Bermuda Triangle why stick the good people of Kansas with the bill?
The New Yorker has a new cartoon policy. “Trump sucks and must not only be destroyed but obliterated.” Funny, like “I said Rich Doctor, not Witch Doctor” or “This be the coon of Kuhn, Loeb”, no longer fits the confines of the constantly shrinking envelope of acceptable humor, particularly to modern American Liberals afflicted with terminal “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”.
Signing off on both.

September 28, 2019 Now that NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio,

September 28, 2019

Now that NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio, incidentally he was born with a Nazi name, Wilhelm Wilfong, named after his Jew hating, Jew killing uncle who was a guard at Treblinka, has dropped out of the buffoon-laden Democratic Presidential Gong Show, New York City is in for some Guinness Book deep shit dunking.

[And yes, my less than irenic language is predicated on radical Islamic terrorist Congrsschick Rahumpa Talib – D/MN – about whom it can be said, I think, at least she wasn’t stuphing her brother, before and after she married him, like her sister bomber, the Honorable Wogette Ilhan Omar of Mecca and Michigan. She was the one who, in a fruitless attempt to reach across the aisle, began an anti-Trump rally, not with “Ask not what your country can do for you…. or ”Four score and 7 years ago…” but rather with a Patrick Henty call to arms, “Impeach the Mother Fucker.” Move over Churchill. After all, didn’t a DWEM, 25 centuries ago, say “Freemen speak with free tongues?” He did. Look it up.]

Anyway, Mayor Red Billie, asked Nancy Pelosi, whose father was the Democratic Mayor of Baltimore, and would I be out of line if I were to ask how 60 years of modern American Liberalism has worked out for Baltimore, and by the by, the Colts were right to get the Hell out of Dodge, was a master of the urban 5-finger exercise, that’s East Coast lingo for grafting, grifting, filching Church poor boxes, and stealing the pennies off a dead man’s eyes, as did all his modern American Liberal counterparts. I’ll say this about her father. At least he didn’t help to construct the Vietnam Wall, like Daley of Chicago did, by fixing the 1960 election. Doubtless, he would have if asked.

My Mom was right.

Some politicians would steal the Lord off the Cross.

Nancy, you lying sack of ell shit, call your office. Your Godfather, Uncle Screwtape, has been looking for you.

Anyway, Mayor Red Billy was very impressed that people come to San Francisco from all over the country to take their pants off and shit in the streets. I wondered how long it takes for a standard dump to get to the bottom of Lombard Street? Big Bill, who says he converted his wife from being a dedicated, rug munching drag queen to a wanabee urban activist/terrorist, says he can top that.

He wants them to come from all over the world, and when they get here, they will be escorted to the World Trade Center – remember when there were 2 buildings there – where they will be encouraged, indeed subsidized, to shit their brains out. It will vent the frustration still shared by all feral 3rd Worlders who blew up the WTC out of frustration caused by excessive White Privilege and, you know, it’s all excessive, right? I mean jet planes, penicillin, Norman Bourlaug, instant replay, the Cloud, food for dogs, microwaves, Howard Cosell, hummers in the Oval Office, Home Shopping Network, rich White guys putting their names on hospital walls, Chick-fil-A, the infield fly rule – Jeezus Haitch Keerist but they should have blown up the entire island because we deserved it, didn’t we?

Anyway, Red Billy wants dot heads, 3rd Worlders, foreign ladrones, alien maricones, with a few overseas Trumpistas as a bow to fairness and balance, to eat a bunch of frijole-laden burritos and shit your friggin’ brains out while praising Gaia. Keep doing it until Trump, the evil turd, is exiled to Gannymede or Zabar’s.

I can’t wait for Lieawatha Warren to top the above. She will. Trust me. She will.

Kevin Smith

PS – As a non-lawyer who had a nonsense matter settled unanimously by the Supreme Court, the big one in DC,  the one that gave us the Dred Scott decision and Plessy v Ferguson, along with my matter, a small thing which led to Thurgood Marshall resigning and Clarence Thomas getting his warm, wet seat, I have a certain regard for said Court.
At least it adopted a non-negotiable attitude in re the First Amendment. The First Amendment is the one that begins with the majestic words….”Congress shall make no law….”
In the beginning days of World War 2, when Admiral Halsey, a true son of New Jersey, returned to Pearl Harbor, he had his Enterprise crew “man the rails” coming back into port. He told his crew that when he got through with those “little yellow monkey fucking rat bastards, the only place where Japanese would be spoken would be Hell,” the Supreme Court ruled that it was not illegal to remain seated when the Star Spangled Banner was played, particularly if your parents were Jehova’s Wittnesses.
The Court also said that slaves were property, a decision which was overturned by General Grant and his faithful companion, General Sherman. Sherman’s only mistake was not leveling Charleston, a la Rome v Carthage Later on, it said the separate but equal chazzerai was Kosher until a Republican President appointed a Republican Governor to the Supreme Court and that shit got short shrift
Later on, it ruled that people dressed as Nazis could march through Skokie, Illinois, an American nesting place of Jewish Holocaust survivors, could march and shout “Todt Juden” and “Kill All the Fucking Jews”
So, if I call Nancy Pelosi an “Eye-Tie cuno I am simply continuing, as Hank Williams, Jr. reminded us, “a proud family tradition”.
And if you continue to carp about your need for a “safe place”, a place to be safe from my words, I will come to your house and, with my one good leg, kick you in the ass so hard that you will have to take your socks down to shit.
And that’s as good a practical definition of tu quoque as these achy-breaky bones can get to answer the roll call. And, as a disabled senior citizen, living on a fixed income, subject to Internal Revenue Service levy, fighting a valiant losing battle against cancer, I like to keep up on the latest advancements in Rhetoric and Sophistry.

Stop Digging! Go Duke! Can Colombia be the next Singapore? Why not? Press on! Freedom and fat children await!

September 24, 2019
Did you know that hombres de Mexico wear – except Zapata - pencil-thin mustaches and that their ladies sometimes shave neither their legs nor their arm pits? I know this because I lived there. Indian kids used to pull the hair on my arms when I was coming back from the clinic construction site in Huejutla. The reason they did this was simple. Hello world? Indian kids didn’t have hair on their arms. Mustaches say, “I am blanco, not meztiso” Meztiso is cafĂ© au lait for die hard gringos.
The next time a treacly bracero tries to lecture you on race relations give him a used Gillette and tell him to shit in his sombrero and pull it down over his orejas because he looks good in maduro.
Thanatopically speaking, we are under 12 years to the end of troubled times. As in forever and ever. Existentially, it is because of plastic, Disco, flatulent bovines, red meat, A/Cs, and selfish White Privilege. Tell me then why 12,500 baby rib-eyes were cooked and consumed at the Polk County Iowa Democratic Greet and Eat Fair last weekend? I thought these people cared for us and wanted us to sacrifice to make us more caring and sensitive? Hasn’t anyone in Iowa ever heard of tofu? How about kale?
Hunter Biden, a grifter who got busted out of the U.S Navy for illegal drug use, sold a marker on his father, Slow Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States for $50,000 a month. Qadhafi got one on Jimmuh Carter when he fronted Billy Beer, Brother Billy Carter’s Beer company. Later on, Dwayne Andreas of ADM got a big one on President Carter by buying his peanut farm. Closing documents show that it was almost a cashless transaction what with ADM assuming Carter’s outside debt, most of which was owed to ADM. Doubtless, it had been written down and off years before.
Marker? In Eye-Tie it is an obligado. The more you have, particularly form people further up the food chain, the better it is for you. It’s what Strozk and Page, the 2 ex-FBI agents who set a Guinness Book record for rutting in broom closet on the 5th floor of the Hoover Building, called an “insurance policy”.
Of course, I believe in Climate Change.
What do you think ended the last Ice Age?
For that matter, there was an upward spike in temperature about 1000 years ago. Try to follow this. I’ll type slowly.
When ambient temperature rises good things happen. More land becomes more arable. More arable land means more protein. More protein makes people smarter. Smarter people, 1000 years ago, gave us the Renaissance. Do you have a problem with Petrarch? With Dante? Speak up, you omadhaun. I can’t hear you. 
Here’s a plan. Put your teeth in upside down and backwards and chew yourself to death, you boob. And what if that 15-year-old shit from Sweden shows up tomorrow in the operating room and wants to take your appendix out?
I don’t like what happened with the Federal Reserve and the Repo market last week. Twice. Those ham-handed, lead-footed bureaucrats aren’t exactly Nijinsky-like when it comes to delicate, market intervening jetes. Those of you with time on your hands, cat-like curiosity, and access to the Internet, the one that Vice President Alpha Gump invented, GOOGLE up Drysdale Securities.
The estate of Jason Epstein will not be selling tee-shirts or coffee mugs like Einstein, Marilyn Monroe, or James Dean. So why is Bill Cosby, convicted of various sex crimes and in the pokey for same, back on TV?
The little hectoring snot from Sweden, the one with the knitted knickers hectoring the self-flagellating dummies at the UN, most of whom are self-hating White First Worlders, should not have her skinny ass kicked.
Water balloons, cream pies, nuggies, wedgies, possibly flaming bags of cat shit, nerf balls, should be flung violently at her.
Confront her with courtesy but smack her. Repeatedly.
10:49 AM
Trump just gave a great speech at the UN
The President of Colombia, Ivan “El Duque” Marquez, has spent enough time in this country to know that “Duke” Is not an inherited title here but is earned and granted as a title of respect, honor, and praise.
I heard him on TV muy temprano hoy. I tell you he is a cross between Edmund Burke, Milton Friedman, Arthur Laffer, with a soupcon of Barnum and Huey Long tossed in – like salsa on the side.
Bernie, the Bullshitting Bolshie and Lieawatha Warren notwithstanding, Socialism stinks because it sucks. Other than never having worked ever and anywhere it has been tried, it is an interesting academic exercise, kind of like what would have happened if Abe Fortas hadn’t put the fix in Duval County, Texas in 1948 or Daley did in Chicago in 1960. Would there have been a Vietnam Wall in DC? Maybe next time it will work? Maybe next time my brother the hunchback will straighten up. Maybe the next time I stand in a bucket and try to pick it up by the handle it will work. Maybe I can tax and regulate my way to prosperity. Maybe I can forget about Orwell and Solzhenitsyn. Maybe I can play tennis without a net or, sometimes, a ball
Cuba and Venezuela are failed states. Each has 3 common problems: #1 – Breakfast; #2 – Lunch: #3 – Dinner.
The Duke says the first thing to do when you realize that you have been digging a hole on the wrong side of the fence is simple.
Stop Digging!
Go Duke!
Can Colombia be the next Singapore?
Why not?
Press on!
Freedom and fat children await!

Kevin Smith

PS – Entering the 10 ring for a Texas-sized ass whupping is Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, Columbia University. 15 years ago, he wanted to save the world from the ravages of conspicuous consumption and teen-age obesity by taxing its wealth every year. Now he says the solution to Global Warming is mandatory abortion. My grandfather, Jack Smith from Ballyglass, could never figure out why there were more horses’ asses than horses’ heads. I am glad to see that some things never change
PS – The next time a tree hugging Eco-Nazi bellyaches about rising sea levels remind him that Miami Beach was built on a man-made sand bar and that the lease may not be renewed.
PS – “Breathes there a man with soul so dead who never to himself has said, ‘This is my own, my native land?’” Thank you President Trump.

September 25, 2019 Dante, the exiled Florentine, had many great lines, two of which are now immortal. “Half-way through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error” “I came out of the cave and looked up and saw the stars.”

September 25, 2019
  Dante, the exiled Florentine, had many great lines, two of which are now immortal.
“Half-way through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”
“I came out of the cave and looked up and saw the stars.”
2 weeks ago, 2246 aborted fetuses were found in South Bend, Indiana in the home of extremely prolific rabbit chaser. Let me expand my quote list.
“While the light is left to burn, the vilest sinner may yet return.”
And if you wonder what ties American Country music to Renaissance poems it is the one theme common to both: Redemption and Reconciliation. Alas, to the majority of most “chestless” modern American Liberals, the idea of being part of something greater than oneself is alien, indeed verboten. And, since they believe in nothing, they will believe in anything. Witness the belief in one hundred genders and the silent devotion to Gaia and the pursuit, and they will reach and vault over the horizon first, of “fairness”.
Notre Dame University, the leading Roman Catholic institution in America, is located in South Bend, Indiana. 
30 years ago, it committed an infamia by granting an honorary degree and a platform to Governor Mario Cuomo, a politician who wore his Roman Catholicism on his sleeve for all the world to see. The subject was abortion. 
He said that while he opposed it as a Roman Catholic he had no choice but to uphold it as politician in the arena, I wrote and asked if he would accept the lawfully executed for the arrest of fugitive slave Dred Scott  Specifically, would he put his felonious Black ass on the midnight train to Georgia. [There is more than a smidgeon of Black – or is it black? - humor here in that Chief Justice Roger Taney, the author of the decision, was a Roman Catholic.]
Let the record show that Madison, the Little Giant that God sent to Philadelphia in 1787, put into the final version of said Constitution, the following sentence. “Full faith and credit shall be given to in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.” That was written before Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification and its current bastard child, Sanctuary Cities. Look it up. Article 1V, Section 1.
He never did reply. His son, Andrew, now the Governor of New York, has not replied either. Although I haven’t asked him, I don’t think Fredo, the youngest son, the TV shill, will reply either. 
I think a lot of the problems concerning abortion could or at least, be lessened if it could be made retroactive.
Perhaps God, with his wonderful sense of mirth, as Chesterton said, has given Notre Dame a chance to come back to the saving graces of the Baby Jesus. Christ said to Peter, “Those things that you bind up on earth, I will bind up in Heaven.” Perhaps, Deo volente, they now realize that they were in “the dark wood of error”. Perhaps they are ready to “come out of the cave and look up at the stars.”
Let them gather up the fetuses – as Maritain said, “a bit of straw into which God has breathed life” – and give them a Roman Catholic burial. The whole nine yards. An Archbishop if you can find one, candles, incense, Mozart’s Requiem, Bach, no collection, George Jones singing “He Stopped Loving Her Today”, maybe “Will the Circle Stay Unbroken”. Something, anything that says “I Was Lost and Now Am Found”
Imagine a giant hound, gathering speed in its pursuit of lost souls. How many “labyrinthine ways” can you go down before you reach the No Exit sign, the one that Judas Iscariot tripped on?
Ring the bells, open the doors, bring the babies home.
Home to their Father

Kevin Smith

Saturday, September 14, 2019

September 10, 2019 Speaking of chicks playing guys’ games...

September 10, 2019
Speaking of chicks playing guys’ games, am I the only one to notice that Serena Williams is about a quart and a half of seasoned chicken fat away from playing goal line defense for the Dolphins this Sunday? One more peach cobbler and she’ll have an ass that’s an ax handle and a half wide. If she can’t make it in the NFL, she’ll be the pitch lady for Nutrisystem. Drink their bilge and run around her a few times a day and you’ll look like Twiggy. We don’t need no stinking ERA.

  I am going back to the New York Times this Sunday for the first time March, 2003.
March, 2003. Two wars. One in Baghdad; one in Augusta.

The one in Baghdad is best remembered for the picture of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled That happened because men died. The dustup in Georgia was because of the disproportionate number of urinals. The other thing, the thing that got most of the knickers knotted, was the unilateral imposition of the insulting ladies’ tees. At best, it a recognition of empirical evidence that the best of the fairer sex can’t hit them as far as the number 161 on Men’s Tour List, he’s the guy who has to play his way in every Thursday or he goes home in a leased SUV. The picture best remembered from that spat is of a male anti-protestor holding a sign that read “Iron my shirts”. Not exactly “Cartago delenda est” but we have smaller targets these days. don’t we? The consolation is that “Dea vult” now has the whip hand. Not exactly Horatius at the Bridge but from a culture that wants to ban pronouns it will have to do.

Speaking of gender inequity, how about doing something about the imbalance at Arlington National Cemetery? How many chicks died at the Wheat Field? At the Little Big Horn? Are still in the USS Arizona? Why doesn’t the silhouette on the MIA flag wear a bouffant? And Serena still has a fat arse 

My first memory of the Times is from a cold Sunday in 1950. My father, the legendary Judge Smith, used to read the 2 Arthurs – Krock and Daley – to me. By the late ‘80s I was an itch that 2 generations of Sulzbergers couldn’t scratch. By then, W.R. Borders, identified as a National Editor was assigned to be the cutout between me and them on the subject of Walter Duranty.

[Duranty was the first example of Russian collusion in our elections, in this case 1932. He was a bought and paid for agent of the KGB who spread the lie that while there were problems in Ukraine they weren’t as bad as anti-Revolutionaries in the West made them out. While there were isolated food shortages Stalin was not starving the Kulaks. 

It all worked out in the end, didn’t it? FDR won, despite running on a promise to balance the budget. He immediately recognized the Soviet Union. Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize Between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 Kulaks – a synonym for Jews - died from starvation but the broad tale of the narrative held. Hitler noted that nobody in the West cared. He also promised to keep better records

Did I forget to tell you that Walter Duranty was an employee of the New York Times? Also, when his perfidy was discovered, the Times did nothing, said nothing to at least condemn him. Duranty’s star hangs undisturbed in its Hall of Fame, to this day. {Pop Quiz – What do you think the Times would have done if the 1934 Pulitzer Prize winner for Foreign Correspondence had betrayed his employer and his country like Duranty? And yes, he was also a Times employee}

Anyway, I took it upon myself to congratulate as many Times employees who won Pulitzers as I could. I would detail the Duranty episode and ask them for their opinion. Linda Greenhouse told me she had never heard of him. I offer that as proof that Left always bury their dead. And yes, I always cc’ed the Boss.]

I stopped reading the Sun Sentinel and the Miami Herald for 2 reason, the same 2 reasons. Both raised their prices so much that I am surprised that Senator Lieawatha Warren did not call for hearings and scalpings with her screaming “Take that Custer”. At the end, both papers were invisible. There was nothing left in either save for POO – Perpetually Outraged & Offended – editorial writers and the occasional flame throwing modern American Liberal opinion snitterish Jeremiah. Local coverage, including high school sports, was non-existent. There was no there there. I’ll come back when you have something to offer.

There is an important lesson to be re-learned here.

When people stop buying your product raising your price is not the way to increase market share. I suggest the evidence of your own eyes will confirm that.

[The 1934 Pulitzer Prize winner for Foreign Correspondence was Frederick T. Birchall, the New York Times correspondent stationed in Berlin. Try to imagine what the aerie. a nest nurtured on “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome, on 44th Street would have sounded like if they discovered that their man in Berlin was a Nazi running around shouting “Todt Juden”. And this was before they hired Herbert Mathews and Harrison Salisbury. Talk about a “Kill them all, God will know his own” moment!]

It won’t be the oh so achingly familiar editorials and the oh so achingly familiar op-eds – Where they find so many functioning head up their ass modern American Liberals is proof that Senator Suet Kennedy was right in 1980 when he said at the Democratic Convention at Madison Square Garden, the one that assured the election of the Great Reagan, “The Dream never dies.” The “immortal dream” is the eternal fuel that powers the “rainbow stew” and “balloon juice” buncombe that never ends. “Any public policy that robs Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support” has been updated to “I won’t tax thee; you don’t tax me. I know. Let’s tax that fellow behind the tree.” 

Can I take a page from Pancho O’Rourke’s play book and say “Morons! Fucking morons! Why am I surrounded by such fucking morons?” At least they’re not “feckless”. 

   It's not the NYT puzzle that pulls me back.

 I did my last one on October 3, 1999 on an American Airlines flight from DFW to FLL. It was witnessed by Tom Fiedler, the one-time Big Boss man at the Miami Herald, who said, “Oh, you do it in ink”, as I put my pen down like a minor league Aquinas in not quite Tuscany.

Sports has been downplayed for decades. I will scan the college football scores trying to see if Plainfield State still warrants national attention. Probably not.

I hope the business section just gives me the raw numbers that let me decide. Favore, is it too much to ask that your keep your editorials on the editorial page? 

I know that Arts & Leisure and the Book Review are dedicated to the simple premise that Trump is a shit and must be not only be destroyed but made to have never existed. And yes, even they can learn from Orwell

Why go back?

I need the tactile sensation of printed paper plus if the choice is between the monkeys holding the cup – Hello Herald. What’s up Sun Sentinel? – and the guy holding the monkey I’ll take organ grinder

Besides, quien sabe, maybe this will be the Sunday they drive a stake into the heart of Walter Duranty, Did I tell you that they supported slavery in 1864? They did.

I don’t care about coupons.

Kevin Smith

PS – Federal Judge #150 was confirmed this week. Every time I think il magnifico may be leaning over the edge of the abyss called wretched excess I am reminded of my local Bull granting indulgences of January 23, 2016 for anyone thinking of voting for DJT. I mentioned 2 vital things” #1 – He wasn’t Wide-Bottomed Hillary and - #2 – He would get to pick the Judges. How’s Justice Ginzburg feeling today? One more completely different thing. Forget Starbuck’s. Disguise yourself for anonymity’s sake, if needed. Go to Walmart’s for a bag of their gourmet chunky chocolate chip cookies. 3 for .98 cents. If you don’t like them, I’ll eat them and what’s the over/under on the number of dipshit Dumocrats who will stand up at the debate in Houston, Texas – repeat – Houston, Texas and Adios to the fossil fuel business? Vanity demands that I announce that I fracked my first oil well 150 miles south of Houston in 1974. I have a huge number of plastic straws. Send a SASE.

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 8, 2019 Tom Moran The Star Ledger RE: The only unpardonable sin:

September 8, 2019

Tom Moran
The Star Ledger

RE: The only unpardonable sin: Some comments on your NJ Advance Media Jeremiad on why Trump hates Bahamians, on why White people are the reason for everything wrong with the world, and why we no longer even have a Hobson’s Choice as we speed up the irreversible cycle of doom, of gloom, and why we are still pissed off about 9/11. Forget MAGA hats. Bring on Mecca Delenda Est caps! 

I’ll say this for modern American Liberals, even ones from New Jersey [with a tip of the hat to Ralph Doering, Sr,] “They never let you down.” Thus, when I read your unlinkable column in today’s Star Ledger about how Trump is the anti-Christ who loved to drink Bahamian babys’ blood because we must have polar bear killing SUVs, bone chilling A/C, and single use plastic stuff, I knew I had struck the mother lode.

Here comes the first turd in the punch bowl, you boob

At least 8,000 people were killed by the hurricane at Galveston on September 8, 1908.Since Trump wasn’t even born yet who killed them? Teddy Roosevelt?

Reaching back just a bit farther, who is responsible for all those deaths at Krakatoa?

There was snow on the ground in Boston in 1821. It was known as the year summer never came. Which selfish example of White Privilege caused that?

Cooper, he of Natty Bumpoo fame wrote of the Adirondacks, an Indian word for “dry and bitter earth”, centuries before factories spewing “acid rain” were even dreamed of. What caused that? A loss of Mohawk mojo? Slavery?

Why was Greenland called Greenland? Here’s a hint. It was green, you buffoon. Incidentally, the upward spike in temperature 10 centuries plus ago gave us the Renaissance. [Send a SASE]  Do you have a problem with Dante?

You say that “Brazil has given up the fight to protect the Amazon rain forests, which provide us with 20% of the world’s oxygen.” And yes, the italics are mine. A while back I mentioned New Jersey. Let me prove I am from Bayonne. “I trust you Mom. Cut the cards.” You cite 20% with a degree of metaphysical certitude that borders on the, forgive me, dare I say it, the deplorable. Prove it, you jackass. And tautologies are neither accepted nor tolerated.

I accuse you of the unforgivable sin of stupidity.

Modern American Liberals know it is easier to feel than it is to think.

Since modern American Liberals have voluntarily detached themselves from the strict constructionism of the thought process demanded by practitioners of the scientific method you take comfort in confusingly conflating causation with correlation.

By renouncing the Trivium, the jewel in the crown of Western Civilization and the fulcrum on which rests the axis of White Privilege, real or imagined, since it is color blind, you cast  your lot with the “Trousered Apes” who believe in Atlantis, the longest running practical joke in world History, one that still has legs thanks to Plato, the noblest DWEM of them all, the Bermuda Triangle, anti-vaxxers, those who think the horizon can be reached and breached, and those poor souls who think that beer should be free and that raising taxes is the key to farting through silk and not just for the 1%.

Maybe you do believe that we can be fossil fuel free, internal combustion engine free, and Logic free in not quite 12 years. Sisyphus and Icarus should have had it so easy.

Who was it who said that since modern American Liberals believe in nothing they will believe in anything?

Kevin Smith
1401 SE 15th Street #110
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
September 8, 2019

Tom Moran
The Star Ledger

RE: The only unpardonable sin: Some comments on your NJ Advance Media Jeremiad on why Trump hates Bahamians, on why White people are the reason for everything wrong with the world, and why we no longer even have a Hobson’s Choice as we speed up the irreversible cycle of doom, of gloom, and why we are still pissed off about 9/11. Forget MAGA hats. Bring on Mecca Delenda Est caps! 

I’ll say this for modern American Liberals, even ones from New Jersey [with a tip of the hat to Ralph Doering, Sr,] “They never let you down.” Thus, when I read your unlinkable column in today’s Star Ledger about how Trump is the anti-Christ who loved to drink Bahamian babys’ blood because we must have polar bear killing SUVs, bone chilling A/C, and single use plastic stuff, I knew I had struck the mother lode.

Here comes the first turd in the punch bowl, you boob

At least 8,000 people were killed by the hurricane at Galveston on September 8, 1908.Since Trump wasn’t even born yet who killed them? Teddy Roosevelt?

Reaching back just a bit farther, who is responsible for all those deaths at Krakatoa?

There was snow on the ground in Boston in 1821. It was known as the year summer never came. Which selfish example of White Privilege caused that?

Cooper, he of Natty Bumpoo fame wrote of the Adirondacks, an Indian word for “dry and bitter earth”, centuries before factories spewing “acid rain” were even dreamed of. What caused that? A loss of Mohawk mojo? Slavery?

Why was Greenland called Greenland? Here’s a hint. It was green, you buffoon. Incidentally, the upward spike in temperature 10 centuries plus ago gave us the Renaissance. [Send a SASE]  Do you have a problem with Dante?

You say that “Brazil has given up the fight to protect the Amazon rain forests, which provide us with 20% of the world’s oxygen.” And yes, the italics are mine. A while back I mentioned New Jersey. Let me prove I am from Bayonne. “I trust you Mom. Cut the cards.” You cite 20% with a degree of metaphysical certitude that borders on the, forgive me, dare I say it, the deplorable. Prove it, you jackass. And tautologies are neither accepted nor tolerated.

I accuse you of the unforgivable sin of stupidity.

Modern American Liberals know it is easier to feel than it is to think.

Since modern American Liberals have voluntarily detached themselves from the strict constructionism of the thought process demanded by practitioners of the scientific method you take comfort in confusingly conflating causation with correlation.

By renouncing the Trivium, the jewel in the crown of Western Civilization and the fulcrum on which rests the axis of White Privilege, real or imagined, since it is color blind, you cast  your lot with the “Trousered Apes” who believe in Atlantis, the longest running practical joke in world History, one that still has legs thanks to Plato, the noblest DWEM of them all, the Bermuda Triangle, anti-vaxxers, those who think the horizon can be reached and breached, and those poor souls who think that beer should be free and that raising taxes is the key to farting through silk and not just for the 1%.

Maybe you do believe that we can be fossil fuel free, internal combustion engine free, and Logic free in not quite 12 years. Sisyphus and Icarus should have had it so easy.

Who was it who said that since modern American Liberals believe in nothing they will believe in anything?

Kevin Smith