Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gillian Martin, WKCP-FM

July 29, 2009

Gillian Martin
330 SW 2nd Street #207
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312

RE: Further proof that “where ignorance is bliss ‘tis folly to be wise”.

Ms. Martin,

I was pondering the vagaries of peripatetic DNA in an oncologist’s waiting room on Tuesday when I did see - mirabile dictu! – a dog walking on its hind legs.

The Regis show featured a hound named Spencer who – Honest Injun! – walked on his hind legs. He didn’t seem particularly happy but he certainly wasn’t stressed so I shouted “You go dog!”

He did a few other tricks but how well can you gild a lily?

As a media mogul perhaps you could get copies of this amazing feat. It would be an inspiration to wanabee walking dogs and wanabee women preachers everywhere.

Since you seem not to be “a wretched un-idea’d girl” you, of course, are mindful that “a jest breaks no bones”.

I can’t wait to get to Kipling.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney

July 22. 2009

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
1651 3rd Avenue #311
New York, New York 10128-3679

RE: “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean”, I think, sometimes, well almost, you know what I’m saying, don’t you, maybe?

Congresswoman Maloney,

Don’t worry about saying “nigger”.

Senator Byrd [Democrat-WV] used it twice on national TV and is still referred to as the Cicero of the Senate. That’s Cicero from Rome and not Cicero the gangster hideout nest next to Chicago.

Dick Gregory used it for the title of his autobiography.

A Nobel Prize winner, Joseph Conrad, used it in the title of one of his books.

A RAF pilot who won a Victoria Cross in World War 2 used it for his dog’s name.

If you ever go to a Knick game that’s the only word you ever hear in the expensive seats, particularly if Black asses are in those seats.

The dreaded “N” word, the word that non-Liberal White folk dare not use, is no longer anathema, particularly if you qualify as a modern American Liberal. For example, Senator Byrd, a former recruiting agent for the Ku Klux Klan, got away with it. And you will get away it.

Now if you had used the word “macaca”, a word from the Punjab that means either “the coffee is ready” or “don’t kill my cows”, that would have been a different story, a horse of a different color so to speak. You would have had your ass strapped to the next rocket leaving Cape Canaveral. You would have begun your pursuit, a pursuit akin to catching the horizon, of former Senator George Allen who is vainly chasing the original Pioneer space probe.

As a Southern girl you should have remembered to use “Nigrah” or “Colored”. Surely you remember the basic rule of race relations in the South as “I don’t care how close they get as long as they don’t get too big”. Up North it was reversed; “I don’t care how big they get as long as they don’t get too close.”

You may wish to show how much you care about African-Americans. Why don’t you try to get the Post Office to issue a Michael Jackson stamp? Why not blame Bernie Madoff for OJ Simpson’s slice and dice caper? Why don’t you try to recall Clarence Thomas?

A map of your district shows that a part of it includes Hester Street. I had an aunt who lived there. She was famous for saying “Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s rain”.

I do believe that you are someone for whom the word smarmy was developed.

Kevin Smith

PS – Your web site shows that you have two daughters. If they lived with you all the time you were in Manhattan helping those “unlucky in life’s lottery” and they went to public school I won’t call you a smarmy bastard. Others might; I won’t.

Monday, July 27, 2009



International Orange, while not part of the original spectrum, is a recognized color. I spent two years in the airplane parts business. If you knew what an 8130 was you knew that the “Black Box” was orange, specifically, International Orange. The other part that was the same color was the inflatable slide, the chute that passengers went down should the plane make an unscheduled landing. Purists may remember that the color of choice of the 1960s BMW 2002 was the same.

That’s why I thought the picture that turned out to be Hillary Clinton getting off an airplane in Kafiristan was of an escape chute that had not fully deployed. She must have really pigged out on hospital food.

Would I be out of line if I said she had a pair of International Orange thunder thighs? From the waist down she looks like a Camp Gitmo for terrorist cellulite. Say what you will about Condoleeza Rice but her quads couldn’t have fed Rwanda and Darfur for a fortnight. Hilly is taking lessons from Madeline Albright. She had an ass that was an ax handle and a half wide. If Jesse Helms told her to haul ass it would have taken two trips with a wheel barrel.

She also gave an answer that I pray was intentionally obfuscatory.

It was about nuclear umbrellas, spheres of influence, and the projection of American power. The last time an American Secretary of State gave an answer that was not surrounded by right angles and the sound of war tocsins we wound up with 53,000 dead Americans in the “forgotten war”, the one in Korea.

Say what you will about Dean Acheson and his good friend Alger Hiss, neither of them would have gotten off a plane looking like they were targets for a practice bombardment.

I had a cousin who had his legs shot off in Korea. Secretary of State Dean Acheson left Korea off a list of nations that America would defend. The bad guys believed him. The White House announces that victory is not the aim of American involvement in Afghanistan. Hillary Clinton was in a land filled with bug-eyed apes who don’t respond to polite overtures. They respond to having a boot put in their ass. She misspeaks and people die.

Nolo me tangere cum impecunis

Are there any pictures of Neville Chamberlain wearing an orange suit?

Kevin Smith

Gillian Martin, WKCP-FM

July 26, 2009

Gillian Martin
330 SW 2nd Street #207
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312

RE: “Ignorance madam, pure ignorance.”

Ms. Martin,

Try to imagine Beethoven’s 5th without the Da Da Dum opening line. Without it, quien sabe, the Hun might still be in Paris.

On Saturday, July 11th, ca. 10:45 AM, you mentioned the old joke about a dog walking on its hind legs. “It’s not a question of how well it does it but why does it do it all.”

#1 – It wasn’t a joke.
#2 – You left out the opening line.

Samuel Johnson, the original Dr. J., was making a point about what he thought was impossibility. “A woman preaching” is like a dog walking on its hind legs changes the joke into a maxim

You are neither a blockish blowze nor a hoyden, perhaps a bit sciolous and giving to vendidation with an eye to the Holy Grail of being a virago, so I shall refrain from calling you a jobbernowl.

Full disclosure requires that I tell you that Johnson had a tin ear. His friends arranged for a private concert by noted artists. At the end of it he was unmoved. When being told how difficult it was to play the instruments well he replied, “Difficult? I wish it was impossible.”

I sense that you are unfamiliar with Johnson. Imagine someone who loves the cello but has never heard of Bach. Go and find him. Great pleasure and greater wisdom await.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Michael Putney, The Miami Herald

July 15, 2009

Michael Putney
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: GOP Politics – “Rhetorical Flourishes” a la Judge Sotomayor or “Rhetorical Incontinence” a la your comment about Congressman Armey. A different take on your op-ed piece in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Putney,

The Crist/Rubio dust up is what politics is all about, isn’t it? Ideas, personalities, past votes, table manners, friends, policies, temperament – they are all part of the process, right? It is in the tradition of the country to have sharp elbows and long knives in political campaigns. The standard was set by Jefferson and Adams, 2 of our giants, in 1800. So far this one seems tame. At least no one has tossed the word “thespian” into the fray.

There is one part of your opinion piece that is a bit vexing. It’s almost like a Seinfeld episode. It was the one where they all say “I don’t have a problem with that”. As I said, it is an opinion piece.

“…and Dick Armey, whom we’d like to forget.”


He was a power company lineman in North Dakota when his epiphany, his incident on the road to Damascus, occurred. 30 feet in the air, with a 30 MPH wind, and a temperature 30 degrees below zero convinced him of the value of higher education. He went back to school. When he finished he had a Ph.D. in economics.

Compared to other members of Congress – William Livingston, Randall Cunningham, Christopher Dodd, Alcee Hastings, Mark Foley, Barney Frank, inter alia – he seems like Saint Francis of Assisi.

Perhaps your snarky aside is caused by loyalty to a former employer, Alvah Chapman.

When Clark Clifford, the model of DC fixers, the template against which all other pretenders are measured, died Chapman, the former CEO of Knight-Ridder, was beside himself in sorrow. He eulogized him by telling the story of how a judicial decision went against the interests of Knight-Ridder. He spoke of how Clifford “fixed” the problem.

The “problem” was that a Federal Judge had ruled against the merger of 2 newspapers in Detroit. The result was inimical to the interests of Knight-Ridder and to its Chairman, Alvah Chapman.

His solution was to hire his dear friend Clark Clifford to…to…make things right, to make things copasetic.

Since I am from Hudson County, New Jersey I know how these “things” work. Since I am from Hudson County I know that we don’t talk about these “things” except in our lawyer’s office or in confession.

I wrote to Mr. Chapman several times asking why he was talking thus. I am mindful of the fact that “no man is upon oath when speaking of the dead”. I also thought that the rule of “de morituis” still applied. Apparently not.

I mentioned that in Clifford’s autobiography he called Ronald Reagan an “amiable dunce”.

I then mentioned that Congressman Armey questioned Clifford during the BCCI [Bank of Credit and Commerce International] hearings. Clifford was the Chairman of the Board of BCCI. Robert Altman, AKA Mr. Wonder Woman, was the President.

Clifford said that he did not know that the owner of 40% of the common stock of the corporation of which he was Chairman and CEO of was a Sheikh of Araby.

As former officer and director of a public company I found that to be impossibly and incredulously incomprehensible. Jeezus Haitch Keerist will walk down the middle of the Intracoastal this Sunday at noon proclaiming that lions and lambs will play together every evening without having to recruit a new bovine every evening. No wonder Bo Peeps are known for their borborygymy.

Clifford, to his credit, did the job for which he was hired. Like a competent hooker he was looking for repeat business. The best place to get new business is from old customers. Even better if they are old, satisfied customers. Like competent hookers they get to sell it and they get to keep it.

Despite Chapman’s protestations to the contrary the fix was in. My aunt from Hester Street says, “It’s bad enough you’re pissing on my back. Don’t tell me it’s rain.”

Congressman Armey quoted the words “amiable dunce” to Clifford.

He asked him if those words would apply to him.

40 years of DC finessing, 40 years of having the President’s back number, 40 years of being “the man”, 40 years of being the ultimate fixer, 40 years of having markers on everybody in town, said markers begin available to his next paying client, left his face as if Dracula had tapped his jugular.

Is that why you want to “forget” Dick Armey?

Rubio versus Crist could be a good scrap. It’s what the Founders wanted.

Maybe Armey will jump in.

Letters to the Editor, The Sun-Sentinel

July 17, 2009

Letters to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316

RE: Maybe it’s time for a forced intervention. Doubtless, the vast Right-Wing conspiracy has caused him to turn to the dark side so beloved of modern American Liberals. Based on today’s column he’ll be singing the Horst Wessel song by Labor Day. A different take on Professor Steven L. Goldstein revealing his Nazi tendencies.


Humor has never been his strong suit. Satire must have been in the Lit section that he missed. That’s why I thought this morning’s column was by Max Goldstein, his evil Republican twin. Somewhere in his gene pool there is a smiling Janus. Then I realized the source of his glee. This week marks the 212th Anniversary of the Alien and Sedition Act.

Let’s focus on the Sedition part.

A good definition of it would be if the big guy doesn’t like what you are saying he knocks you down and puts his boot on your neck.

Goldstein the despot begins this morning’s screed with his call, his repeated call, for “strict control of messages”.

Too bad he wasn’t around when “The Crucible” was being cast. Can’t you picture him joyfully hauling out more stone?

There is a bill in Congress aimed at hate crimes. It is named after Matthew Shepherd. He was a 21 year old homosexual who was picked up in a gay bar by two [presumptively] heterosexuals. He was tortured and murdered. His body was then tied to a barbed wire fence.

Would Professor Goldstein exercise his “strict control of messages” if I were to suggest renaming it the Matthew Shepherd/Jesse Dirkhising bill?

Jesse Dirkhising was 11 years old when he was kidnapped by two homosexuals. He was kept alive for two days during which he was repeatedly raped and sodomized. He was strangled by forcing rags dipped in chemicals down his throat and then having his mouth and nose taped shut.

Which of these two victims is more dead?

Is there any amount of Federal legislation that will prevent the face of evil from presenting it self again? T.S. Eliot speaks of the eternal presence of evil. The Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, Lex Romanus, English common law, Sharia law, the Constitution, and the do-good intentions of mush brained modern American Liberals have not prevented these heinous crimes from happening over and over.

Why will this latest attempt be different?

It was made a crime to drink whiskey in 1919. Unemployment was outlawed in 1946. We declared war on poverty in 1964.

Modern American Liberals profess their love of precedent – Roe v Wade – when questioning a Judicial nominee.

I just mentioned 4 precedents.

“Eclectic indignation” allows mALs to forget the first 3 and concentrate on the last one. It is part of the cognitive dissonance that allows them to survive. That plus the universal 800 number for chiropractors. Their eternally aching backs are caused by political positions that require the suspension of all the laws governing gravity.

Which brings us back to Cossack Goldstein and his stance on free speech.

It’s free for him but not for me.

My solution for his speech is to criticize him.

His solution for my speech is to stop me from speaking.

The First Amendment, the one that begins with “Congress shall make no law…”, spells out rights that were mine before my birth or that of my country. The Declaration of Independence said that certain rights – “unalienable” – did not come from the King. The Constitution did not give me rights. If that were the case it could take them away just as easily. The Constitution enumerated them. The key to understanding the Bill of Rights is take it as a primer on what government cannot do. The rights are mine; it is a gift “from beyond the stars”. Speech Czar Goldstein, a Fuehrer in sheep’s clothing, has decided that he will stop me from speaking should he find what I say offensive. Further, he will stop me from supporting my candidates with my money.

26 centuries ago Greeks, stumbling in the Agora after fighting off invaders from the Fertile Crescent, decided that “Free men speak with free tongues”.

IL Duce Goldstein, emulating Mussolini, the favorite dictator of the 1930s version of modern American Liberals, puts limits on everybody’s speech but his

With the exception of the 3rd Amendment are there any others of the original 10 that he would permit in his new society?

Orwell was right when he said of Stalin that “all men are equal; some men are more equal than others”. Goldstein’s argument for “strict controls” is straight from Big Brother. “Quis custodiet ipso custodes”, straight from Juvenal, is still apt today. He should have it on his license. If that doesn’t work maybe he could be branded.

Bush was compared to Hitler. Lincoln was called a baboon. This country still has not had an election comparable to 1800 for its vitriol. 1876 was pretty good also.

Saint Thomas More said he “would give the devil the benefit of law for his own safety’s sake”. I can accuse HUAC-loving Goldstein of many things. Sainthood is not one of them. Maybe if he had his head cut off I would have a different view.


PS – Isn’t it time for him to come out of the closet and tell us how much he admires Joe McCarthy?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michael Mayo, The Sun Sentinel

July 16, 2009

Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: The Jets and the Sharks: The saga continues

Mr. Mayo,

I got a tingle up my leg when I read your column about Judge Sotomayor, her mom, her mom’s friends, and their recipes.

Unless it can be proved that she was Barney Frank’s silent partner in the male only cat house that he ran in his basement she will be confirmed.

That leaves me with some unanswered questions.

#1 – She said that all her tests were “culturally biased”. She, you, and I took the New York State Regents exams in high school. [Were they a precursor to the dreaded and hated FCATs? A question for a different time.] How can a geometry test be “culturally biased”? How about biology? Rhomboids and osmosis are there or they are not. Were any of the Spanish tests “culturally biased”? Would it not be “fair” to hold Spanish speaking students to a higher standard than then the children of German Jews or Laotian Hmong?

#2 – One of the highlights of Judge Alito’s hearings was when his wife left the room in tears. One of the Senators [Democratic] called him a racist Nazi bastard. Would it not be a sop to Affirmative Action if someone made Senora Sotomayor cry? Can’t we work the word “spic” in there? If that’s a bit harsh how about asking her if she can give us a few bars of “I Feel Pretty”? How about “Everything’s Free in America”? Who was her daughter’s favorite Tony?

#3 – When the Lord Barack the Beneficent, and blessed be his name, was a Senator he voted against Judge Roberts and Judge Alito because, as he said, he didn’t like their judicial philosophies. What do you think would be the reaction if Republican Senators were to do likewise?

#4 - If Judge Sotomayor’s background makes her politically bulletproof why didn’t Judge Thomas’s background make him a candidate for instant sainthood? 47 Senators voted against Judge Thomas. How many of them were called racist?

#5 – Murray Kempton once wrote that the New York Puerto Rican habit of keeping an open bottle of beer in a paper bag was a sign of their good manners. Can we expect to see Justice Sotomayor leading next year’s Cinco de Mayo fiesta with a 40 ouncer?

This is still one Hell of a country!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

E. J. Dionne, The Washington Post Writers Group

July 13, 2009

E. J. Dionne
The Washington Post Writers Group
1150 15th Street, NW
Washington, D.C 20071

RE: “What about judicial activism from the right?” as asked by you in this morning’s Miami Herald. Once again the cry of “eclectic indignation” is heard in the land.

Mr. Dionne.

Another teaching moment!

In a week replete with boom bass, tinkling brass, and half ass utterances from the elite of modern American Liberalism your judicial comments assaulted me in the predawn hours of South Florida, a place about to be overwatered by melting icebergs and overcome by dying polar bears. Bad enough we have to bear the merdes from Quebec but now we are about to be beset by dying omnivores. I intend to bait my bear traps with baby seals and orphaned manatees

It is now time to include you in the upper levels of the hive. The illuminati are unencumbered by facts and underwhelmed by History. It is a place in which you will thrive.

You cite as an example of the dark clouds of Fascism soon to descend on the United States the fact that the Supreme Court “want[s] to revisit a 19 year old precedent” that was predicated on a Federal law passed in 1947. Further, that law was based on a 1907 Federal law. The horror, the horror, is awful to contemplate. At the end of this process the person who will be most hurt by this is a woman of color, a single mom with children in need of a good Ritalin program who is exploited by the low prices at Wal-Mart. And to show how much these mush brained modern American Liberals care about her she will be unemployed at a higher minimum wage rate come July 23 of this year. Yet another victim of the Bush years who will not be helped by the Stimulus Plan.

Dred Scott v Sanford was the law of the land. I had a distant uncle who repealed it on July 2, 1863 in the Wheat Field at Gettysburg. He is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”, a fallen member of the Irish Brigade. He could be called a military activist.

Plessy v Ferguson was the law of the land for 57 years

Are you saying that once the Supreme Court rules on something that it can never again visit the matter? Would not the Logical conclusion of that indicate that not only are you in favor of segregated schools but that you are in favor slavery?

Speaking of the evils of activism, do you remember Bruce Babbitt, the Secretary of the Interior? In 1998 he turned down an application by a Canadian company for a mining permit. [As an aside, there are two things to be said of and or about Secretary Babbitt. #1 – He was on the short list for the Supreme Court until he developed, as legislative activist Chuckie Schumer says of every Republican judicial nominee with an unpaid parking ticket, a “credibility problem” and #2 – If you closed your eyes when he was speaking he was Nixon.] Two of the reasons he gave for turning it down were simple and straightforward: he didn’t want foreign companies owning American minerals and, best of all, the law that covered it, the Mining Act of 1872, was “too old” to be used today. I wrote to him and asked if the 13th, the 14th, and the 15th Amendments were “too old” since they were older. Alas, he never responded. I never asked him about Gibbons v Ogden, Marbury v Madison, or Fletcher v Peck. I left out any references to the Magna Carta. The rights that are ours by birth, “rights from beyond the stars”, were not brought up either

Senator Allen of Virginia used the term “macaca”, shorthand for “the coffee is ready” or “Don’t kill your cows”. He was sent to the moon Io. Justice Ginzburg says that she thought Roe v Wade was to be used to get rid of people we don’t want. She was being true to the judicial activism so beloved of modern American Liberals. Mussolini was much beloved by the Progressives, nee mALs, of the ‘20s and ‘30s. He was their favorite dictator. Do you suppose we can have a czar to get the trains to run on time?

The “teaching moment” involves a heroine of the Left.

Margaret Sanger was the mother of the reproductive rights movement. Every one knows Chapter 1. That’s the one that tells the story of poor women held in bondage by seemingly eternal pregnancies. Her solutions, birth control and abortion, were hailed as a blessing to the nation. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 went down the memory hole so common to modern American Liberals. She wanted to cull the herd. Anyone of a lesser breed, anyone with mental or physical defects, anyone not essentially blue eyed and blond haired or, at least, of Northern European extraction, was marginal. Justice Holmes was her hero. His dissenting opinion in Buck v Bell [“Three generations of idiots are enough”] was used as an affirmative defense in the Nuremberg trials. Chapter 3 was the inconvenient truth that the Nazis used her writings as the basis for the Nuremberg Race Laws.

Should Governor Palin put her youngest child on one of the last icebergs left so as not to burden society? At least that way he would help the endangered polar bears. Should Senator Kennedy’s sister Kathleen been similarly disposed of?

There have been 50,000,000 million abortions since Roe v Wade. Black women make up about 6% or the population. Some 35% of the abortions in this country in the last 36 years have been performed on Black women. Is that a prima facie case for genocide?

How do you think a “wise Latina Judge” would rule on a civil service test that had the same disproportionate results?

Justice Ginzburg says that she is in favor of eugenics. She says that that the ones we “don’t like” should be done away with. There is no difference whether it is before they are born or if they wind up at a door marked “showers” at Auschwitz..

It’s been 3 days since her interview appeared. Where is the outrage?

She says her tests from high school on were “culturally biased”.

She took the New York State Regents tests as did I.

Was the Geometry test culturally biased? What about Latin 3? How about Biology? Was the Spanish test culturally biased? If so, how?

Last, the case that you say shows the Republican Right-Wing Star Chamber proclivities involves speech. In particular, it involves political speech. The object of the verbal attack was Hillary Clinton. Bush was regularly compared to Hitler. Lincoln was called a baboon by the New York Times. Nat Hentoff wrote a book called “Free Speech for Me but nor Thee”. If you have some free time you may wish to read Federalist X. Madison speaks of “factions” as if they were predecessors to “special interests”. Speech, particularly political speech, is free or it isn’t.

“Congress shall make no law…” If you are not familiar with those words they begin the First Amendment. I envy you the joy when you first read it.

If you don’t understand that send a SASE.

Class dismissed.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 5, 2009

Michael Mayo
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: A teaching moment at last! A trip down memory lane, triggered by your column today, to explain how the most recent devil to be discovered by modern American Liberals, has some interesting antecedents.

Mr. Mayo,

Were I tell you that in the late ‘70s and the early ‘80s the 3rd largest unfunded contingent liability in the Federal budget was the reinsurance of waterfront property you would have said it was just another example of the handouts to the rich.

The idea of promising something without paying for it is, alas, engrained in our political system.

{You have written about your baby daughter and her college fund. May I suggest that that is an example of a contingent liability being funded?]

My first concrete memory of unfunded contingent liabilities on the real world was when Robert Wagner ran for re-election for Mayor of New York City. It was a classic example of urban Democratic politics. Thinking he was going to be opposed by Tammany Hall he ran against the Bosses who advanced his candidacy before. IN the practical sense he ran against himself. And he did it successfully. He also promised that the lack of money would not deter him from aiding the poor, the halt, the lame, the aged, and any other group that caught his attention.

He was replaced by John Lindsay. [When Ed Koch ran he would ask how many people in the audience had voted for Lindsay. When they raised their hands he called them shmucks. When Senator D’Amato used the same word about Congressman Schumer he was exiled to one of Jupiter’s lesser moons. Look it up.] Lindsay bought labor peace with the public employee unions – Public employee unions? It still has a funny sound to it, don’t you think? – by promising them pensions equal to a monthly visit from the late Ed McMahon. Howie Carr calls it the “monthly kiss”.

The practice of padding compensation in an employee’s last 3 years is unknown in any entity that has to show a profit or be doomed. The idea of converting unused vacation time or unused sick time into future monthly payments is offensive to Logic except to those who endorse their check every month. The dictum “Any public policy that involves robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support” is guiding light of local politics – modern American Liberal style.

Fast forward to Florida when Bill McBride was running against Governor Jeb Bush. “It’s not a matter of finances; it’s a matter of priorities” was the headline after one of the debates. This from a man who ran his law firm from the closest ATM machine! At least he was true to his principles.

I believe that the masses are ready to revolt.

Broward County has seen the number of students in public schools decline for 4 years. Has its operating budget gone down? Silly me. Last week some teachers were not rehired. Then they were rehired. Compare that to the people who made Pontiacs. Maybe the best policy for county government here is to live up to another old dictum: “If there is going to be a panic be the firs into the life boat.” Hire a bankruptcy attorney, preferably from Chicago, and line up at the lactating mammary known as the Stimulus Act.

As real estate values decline the tax rates – local, county, school, hospital district, water management, anything for the children – must rise. As the appeals increase, all of which will be approved if the Rule of Law is still in force, the rising tax rates will produce the worst of all possible worlds. Ever increasing taxes in a declining economy with a rapidly evaporating equity or income base in real estate will result in the modern American Liberal nightmare. The golden goose is dead. There will be no more eggs.

There is one answer.

Cut spending. Cut it with a vengeance. Let the various factions fight it out, as James Madison said in Federalist X. Cut it as if your family’s life depended on it because it does.

Class dismissed.

And, yes, there will be a test.

PS – About Florida’s pre-paid college plan…

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stephen l. Goldstein, The Sun-Sentinel

Stephen l. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Two gems in three days! A twin double confession as to why mush brained modern American Liberals are so…so…mush brained. Your column in today’s Sun-Sentinel reveals all.

My dear Professor,

You say, in typical Banshee fashion, that politicians doing the right thing for the wrong reason are worse than politicians doing the wrong thing for the right reason or the wrong thing for the wrong reason or something incomprehensible to a rational adult.

Your examples – seat belt laws, the tax increase on tobacco, and some typical flap doodle gibberish, AKA “rhetorical incontinence”, about why non-violent convicts should not be sent to prison – finger nails on the blackboard excruciatingly shrill for the following reasons:

#1 – Wearing seat belts saved my like. It is in the rational self interest of drivers and passengers to wear them. If they chose not to no law can make them. #2 – To increase the tax on tobacco products with the full knowledge that they are lethal makes and government complicit in its intrinsic fatality. Ban them as a clear and present danger. Use the lessons of Prohibition of what not to do to enforce this ban. #3 – If you fully accept the premise that non-violent convicts should not go to prison can I expect to see you “leading the fight” – a verbalization of a typical modern American Liberal non-thought – to release Bernie Madoff from hard time? Should we apologize and pay reparations to Martha Stewart? How about Ken Jenne?

You believe that all legislators are in the tank to the highest bidder. If that is the case and if you know any specifics like names and amounts you must tell either the state’s attorney or the Federal attorney. Perhaps, since modern American Liberals think that international law should govern the American legal system, you could drop a dime on them either to the World Court or to the Spanish District Attorney who wants to indict every Congressman and Senator who voted to go to war against Iraq. The thought of Hillary Clinton being tried by a country that gave us the strapado is a consolation devoutly to be wished.

Your solution is for the above is simple.

Burn the Constitution. If that is too much in one gulp trash the First Amendment.

In the end all modern American Liberals become Nazis.

Your premise, that the filthy lucre offered by the agents of Mammon, is what keeps good government from being visited upon us.

Your solution, I think, is to bamboozle legislators into voting for free stuff for geezers, free Mozart, free buses and trains, ending teenage obesity, and lowering bad cholesterol, particularly for single moms who are women of color with some teenagers in need of a good Ritalin program who are abused by the lower prices at WAL*MART, by promising them white envelopes – I am from Hudson County – filled with “rainbow stew”. That is lunacy writ large. That is the mAL way. Once the laws governing gravity are repealed we will proceed into the Neverland of politics.

If you ever want to give up your Sun-Sentinel career Lord Barack the Beneficent, and Blessed be his Name, is looking for a few good men to preach his gospel of “balloon juice”.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Stephen L. Goldstein, The Sun-Sentinel

Stephen L. Goldstein

The Sun-Sentinel

200 East Las Olas Boulevard

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Thank you for your marvelous, simply marvelous, July 4th gift. I am shocked, shocked, at your column this morning in that it reveals the true nature of modern American Liberalism.

My dear Professor,

In the end, at the bottom of the pit, when they think no one is looking modern American Liberals become Nazis. The Gesztapo would welcome them with open arms. Thanks for saying it so openly.

[Please note that I did not say Soviets nor did I mention the KGB or the Lubyanka. That would bring up visions of Trotsky with a pick ax in his head, of the Hitler Stalin Pact, of Alger Hiss’s patrician style of treason, of “Animal Farm”, of Masaryk being defenestrated, of the Rosenbergs selling out their country, of Bukharin and his trial, of Walter Duranty, the New York Times, and the first holocaust deniers, of Cardinal Mindszenty, of “1984”, of Herbert Matthews helping Fidel Castro get his job, of 70 years of bad luck in agriculture, of “The God That Failed”, of Poznan in 1953, of Budapest in 1956, of Prague in 1968, of Poland in 1981, of the assassination attempt on the Pope by the KGB – those are things conveniently forgotten by mALs of all stripes. Together they are called “Eclectic Indignation”, in case you’ve forgotten.]

“Slippery slope” and “chilling effect”, long the property of modern American Liberals, have been tossed aside like Lord Barack the Beneficent’s promises concerning ending the war, closing Gitmo, raising taxes, lobbyists in government, fat cat donors becoming ambassadors, homosexuals in foxholes, and sending his daughters to public schools in Washington. And he’s only been in charge for 6 months. Wait until he gets a full head of steam going!

As usual, when you use literary or historical terms, you are wrong in your explanation and reference. Let me be charitable this time. Your use of the term “utopian” is Homerically imprecise. You lay out a very definite plan of what your inner Brown shirt demands what you do. The problem is that Utopia means “nowhere”. It’s like the horizon. No matter how fast you paddle you never get there. Look it up.

Your utopian vision of a political Neverland has one enemy: the Constitution.

“Free men speak with free tongues.”

That was good advice 26 centuries ago. It’s good advice today.

You call for the end of campaign contributions. So heated is your passion for one people, one state that you probably haven’t thought it through. Your ashen, dulled, no sharp edge society would not permit Emily’s List to function. NARAL would be banned. George Soros would be deported. ACORN would be crushed. Is that what you had in mind?

You say that all media “would be required to allocate prime time and space equally for all candidates…” It pains me to remind you that you work for a company in bankruptcy. It would be irrational of any adult to think that Sam Zell would give up one inch of space for free that had ready and willing buyers for such space. There is a Federal Judge who would forbid it. He would probably order a sanity hearing should it be proposed. There is a delicious irony in having a Federal Judge, the instrument of choice for modern American Liberals when they seek change that they could not bring about otherwise, order a stop to such lunacy.

Your homework assignment for the holiday weekend is to research the campaign of 1800. The candidates were Adams and Jefferson. Can we stipulate that these two men were giants? It was the dirtiest campaign ever.

You may wish to take a peek at the campaign of 1864. The Democratic Party and the New York Times called the President a baboon. By urging a negotiated settlement with the South they supported – Qui tacet consentit, remember? – slavery. When can we expect an apology for such heinous acts?

Having to listen to Ralph Nader might be construed as “cruel and unusual punishment”. Since you have no regard for the Constitution maybe we could condemn the terrorists at Gitmo, the ones that Lord Barack and blessed be his name, now says he will keep in the pokey forever, to having the choice of Ralphie Boy talking about why we need the ICC or bastinado in the morning and strapado in the afternoon. Get some money down on the second choice.

If we take out the part of the First Amendment about the people “peaceably petitioning the legislature for a redress of grievances” can we take out the part that gives Robert Mapplethorpe a platform? How about the Nazis marching through Skokie? Are you opposed to burning all flags or just some flags? Isn’t this where “slippery slopes” and “chilling effects” come in? Although I am sure you would have approved of Ezra Pound being locked up for 13 years without having ever been accused of anything, without ever been arraigned, without ever been tried, without ever having been convicted – talk about George Bush! – in 1945 it is a different time now. You like to wear the retro uniforms of yesteryear.

The Liberty Bell is inscribed thus:

“Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”


25 – 10

It starts with “Congress shall make no law…” There are no exceptions for fascists like Goldstein.