Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 30, 2018 If memory serves...

October 30, 2018

If memory serves, and I am open to correction, but didn’t the last version of Obamacare, the one that POO – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – Pelosi said “we have to pass it to see what’s in it”, and it’s important to remember that if she becomes Speaker she will be 4th in line to have her finger on the nuclear trigger, took seven hundred billion dollars, that’s $700,000,000,000, that was budgeted but not appropriated out of Medicare to cook the books for Obamacare? Isn’t that “gutting” Medicare? I thought only Republicans did that. I must have been misinformed

My first election was in 1964. Of course, I voted for LBJ against Amy’s advice. If AUH2O had won we would have had 2,000,000 men in Vietnam followed by race riots. Who wanted that? It was the first time I heard that more money was all that was needed for better schools. QED, but shouldn’t Washington, DC, with per student expenditures that are astronomical, be producing 12 National Merit Scholars, 8 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 3 Nobel Prize winners each year and in each school?

If, as shit for brains modern American Liberals say, Trump caused the shoot-up in the shul, shouldn’t Farakhan, for his Anti-Semite, Anti-Termite crack, bear a bit of responsibility, even if it’s just a teensy-weensy bit? Borrowing a page from the mAL playbook, let’s stipulate that Columbine happened when Clinton was President and the 
Charleston shooting and the Aurora shooting happened when Obama was in charge. Further, in the constantly conflating world of the confusingly commingling of correlation and causation, shouldn’t they be blamed for those killings also?

Considering that the mob in Mexico is heading North – Break out your copy of “Camp of the Saints” – one remedy, the one writ large in the Constitution in 1787 – Vide Article 1, Section 8, Parts 11 & 15 – is valid. The Founders, intellectual descendants of DWEMs, were wicked smart, weren’t they?

Good news for fans of the 2nd Amendment. If the mob puts its mind to it they can be in Huejutla, Hidalgo in a fortnight. I was a lay missionary there cincuenta y cinco anos pasado. More importantly, it’s where Eric Holder stashed the guns used in Fast & Furious. It will take a day to field strip, clean, and test fire them. Then it’s green light, high ball express to the border. Viva Villa! 

Florida allows for the election of a Governor and an Attorney General from differnet parties. If there is a shorter, surer route to chaos I have not seen it. It took me 10 minutes to complete the 5-page ballot. I can imagine a bit of chaos Tuesday next. Does the right to vote imply the right not to vote?

Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, the best beer in America, will be here by the end of the week. “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” 

Kevin Smith

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 27, 2018 John Cassidy The New Yorker

October 27, 2018

John Cassidy
The New Yorker
1 World Trade Center
New York, New York 10007

RE: A conspiracy so large that maybe “None Dare Call It Treason”?


Speaking of “defamatory conspiracy theories”, shouldn’t mention be made of the United States allowing munition to be put on the R.M.S. Lusitania or FDR encouraging PAN-AM, our “unofficial” official airline, to open air strips on islands sure to piss off the Japs or his ordering the Pacific fleet to leave San Diego and bivouac at Pearl Harbor 2,500 miles close to Tokyo or the Truman administration approving the MacArthur Inchon landing “knowing” it would fail and they could fire his ass for incompetence rather than insubordination or the phony Gulf of Tonkin incident that enabled LBJ to be the 3rd President – and would you believe they were all Democrats? – in 48 years to break his promise not to send American boys to fight in foreign wars that led to 58,000 names on a wall in DC or the CIA killing Adlai Stevenson in London or Nixon planning to cancel the election or GHWB flying to Paris on a borrowed SR71 to put the kibosh on Carter’s plan to get the hostages out by the 1980 election or Bush 43 blowing up the WTC so he could protect his family’s interest in a still not built Afghanistan transiting gas pipe line or a “clean and articulate” Black man with no experience in the real world other than being a street hustler could “calm the seas and cool the earth” and Trump using good Russian vodka, ermine, and the wiles of Boris the KGB gigolo convinced Hillary to stay out of Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin and getting Paul Krugman to make a perpetual public horse’s ass of himself?

As Victor McLaglen said in “Fort Apache”, “We have a day’s work ahead of us”. Get to it. Watch out for the slippery slope on the grassy knoll, you ohmadahn.

Kevin Smith

October 28, 2018 Fred Grimm The Sun Sentinel

October 28, 2018

Fred Grimm
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Only one comment on your shocking, Zola-like expose, Do I smell Pulitzer, and we know how tough it is to be a reporter today, of how weasely, wich, wascally Wepublicans are wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico and those of us who are “unlucky in life’s lottery”, particularly women and minorities, many of whom have nascent feral teens in need of a good Ritalin program. As reported by you in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Grimm,
I know, I know that you have turned of all you’re A/Cs and that you skate board to work to show your support for drowning polar bears and your fealty to Ned Lud and to Lysenko, his BFF, but that’s not what I want to talk about.

Think Globally; Act Locally
“It will only get worse. Experts say this
leak could persist for another 100 years.”

I am sure you know that before the arrival of the internal combustion engine, one
 of the uses for naturally appearing oil, that is to say “undrilled oil” was as a balm for arthritic joints. Our noble Injuns scooped it up and, when the found out they couldn’t eat it, rubbed it on their aching joints. A true example of organic healing, no? It is owed to the ledger to state one of the unintended consequences of Colonel Drake drilling his first well was that the whale oil business ceased to exist 3 after the well came in. Plus, vision improved because people weren’t squinting at night when they were cooking the books.’’

But if acting locally is the goal, I suggest that there is one easily accessible and hugely symbolic target to prove that we are true children of Gaia and Demeter.

Stop the leak on the USS Arizona!

Haven’t the Hawaiians had it tough enough? Talk about White Privilege! You never saw any lepers in Short Hills or Rodeo Drive, did you? Ship them to Hawaii and let the volcano cull the herd every 10 years or so

Stop the leak and teach all the little Nips how to swim at the same spot where their
Grandfathers sank the ship. It would be a true example of reaching across the aisle, an example of civility so treasured by modern American Liberals, even though they be morons.

Kevin Smith

October 28, 2018 I contacted 4 media figures 2 days ago for their reactions to get their reaction to the European Union Court of Appeals upholding the trial court conviction of an Austrian journalist for blasphemy.

October 28, 2018

I contacted 4 media figures 2 days ago for their reactions to get their reaction to the European Union Court of Appeals upholding the trial court conviction of an Austrian journalist for blasphemy.

Did I just say convicted of blasphemy? Yes, I did.

Since the object of the blasphemy was the prophet Mohammed, and blessed be his name, it is no known whether the convicted perpetrator will be burned like at steak at the stake. The only possible good to come out of this is that she may have the Holy Grail that lexicographers pine for, the Austrian-English dictionary that Barack the Beneficent promised us several years ago, remember?

Since none of the petitioned media figures has responded, the Latin adage of qui tacet consentit - Silence implies consent – applies. Thank God for those crafty old DWEMs for spelling things out for us. This may be, in the immortal words of former Vice President Alpha Gump, a controlling legal authority. [A brief digression is in order: Didn’t Gump’s doppleganger, Al Gore, issue his first “10 years and we will surely die of sunburn or waterboarding” 30 years ago? He graciously renews it every 10 years. And if you see former TV star Paul Ehrlich, PhD, tell him to call his office while he still can.]

Justice Breyer and Justice Ginzberg have gently hectored us for years that we must pay more attention to legal opinions and theories from across the sea. Justice Sotomayor, and I know who paid her high school tuition, said that there is much to be learned from a “wise Latina”.

A group of wise, old men in Strasbourg have Caesar dixit ruled that even if Mohammed was a goat-humping paedophile the right of the journalist to say it is superseded by the right of the descendants of rapists, looters, and pillagers who invaded Europe 14 centuries ago to prove how ironically idyllic they were, not to be offended. Not exactly an Antigone moment, is it? Accordingly, I am using stare decisis to demand, as a septuagenarian R.C. - Retired Catholic – the expunging, the extirpation, and the erasure of “Piss Christ” and “Corpus Cristi”.

The former shows a crucifix suspended in a see-through cylinder, filled with piss, while the latter posits that Christ was crucified because Judas, his finochio “friend” dropped a dime on him. Both are subsidized by unwitting American taxpayers.

Would not Logic dictate that what works legally in Europe must be made to work here? I may not know much about law or art but I sure as Hell know blasphemy when I see it.

Kevin Smith


October 25, 2018 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

October 25, 2018

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Corporate Parkway
Plantation, FL 33325


I glad you won’t be “intimidated” by whomsoever sent those packages. This could be worse than the Duke lacrosse team rape case or the UVA frat boy rape case…. Stop the presses! They both turned out to be bullshit, made up of “facts” tailored to fit the modern American Liberal narrative of White privilege and racial suppression

Within minutes of Congresswoman Giffords being shot you said it was Right-Wing radio in general and Rush Limbaugh in particular that caused her to be shot. If that were the case why didn’t the Obama Justice Department try him? [A brief digression: It was then Attorney General Eric Holder who just said it was OK to kick your political opponents, right?] He wasn’t tried because he had/has snakes for brains and was incapable either of understanding the charges against him or assisting in his defense. Those are 2 big Constitutional obstacles for any prosecutor to overcome. The task did not seem too Sisyphean for Bill Clinton, King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes and Wide-Botttomed Hillary, the snarling sexual enabler, when they strapped the incompetent Black ass of Ricky Ray Rector to the electric chair. The greater good, showing that modern American Liberals could be tough on Black crime, worked out, didn’t it? He gave office hummers and perjury a new status in America and she has spent the last 28 years trying to find a glass ceiling to crash through. 

The result in the Arizona incident is that the killer will never see the inside of a court room or the outside of the rubber room whose wall he is chained too. Only the 8th Amendment prevents him from hearing over and over and over and over continuously looping tapes of Hillary the Harridan laughing and laughing and laughing as only she can do.

By the way, was the Unabomber a Right-Wing nut?
When you sent the cops to my house were you trying to “intimidate” me?

It didn’t work out, did it bruja?

Kevin Smith

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25, 2018 “Where do we find such men?”

October 25, 2018

“Where do we find such men?”

Ernest Evans was a Cherokee/Creek Okie. It is safe to say that he never had a crab meat omelet in his tepee when growing up in Pawnee. Unlike Senator Elizabeth Warren [D-MA], as big a lying sack of buffalo shit as has ever been in public life, Evans chose honor as his fixed star. If Pow-Wow Warren is ever made to run the gauntlet, in proper Injun fashion, I will pay for the cudgels.

Ernest Evans was graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1931. When given his first command, the USS Johnston [DD557], a Fletcher class destroyer, he told his crew that he would never turn away form danger and if they didn’t like that he told them to get off his ship now. [Shades of Henry the 5th, no?] Like a cavalry man of old, he would ride to the sounds of gun fire.

On October 25, 1944 – Pause to consider the significance of this date. “If we are to die we are enough”…”When can their glory fade?”…Thank God for GOOGLE! St. Crispin’s Day and Balaclava await your perusal.

529 years after Henry, “The Scourge of God”, formed the original Band of Brothers, Ernest Evans turned his not quite 3,000-ton warship into the path of 4 Jap battleships, and say what you will about them, they sure as Hell knew how to build big lethal sea monsters, 10 cruisers, and 15 destroyers. Tojo’s tars had euchred Halsey into chasing a phantom fleet 300 miles from where my uncle was landing with MacArthur. He was going to be killed. Evans, inter alia, saved his life.

He torpedoed the bow off a Japanese cruiser, breaking up a line of attack. He peppered ships 20 times the size of his vessel with 5-inch shells weighing 58 pounds, twice causing them to break up a line of attack. He was last seen, minus a hand, urging his men to continue the attack. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.

At the end of the movie “The Bridges of Toko-Ri”, the Admiral, after looking at the
casualty lists, asks the centuries-old question, “Where do we find such men?”

3 times in 6 centuries the question has been asked. It has been answered 3 times.

They are us. They are “ordinary men doing extraordinary things”. Achilles and Alexander and Horatius and El Cid and Nelson and Custer have welcomed them.

We should thank them. Always.  Because “They shall not grow old….”

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October 24, 2018 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

October 24, 2018

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

Dearest Darling Debbie,

I did not – repeat – did not try to blow up your office. Even though Barack Obama reminded us not to bring a knife to a gun fight, even though Eric Holder says it’s OK to kick political opponents, even though nut case Maxine Waters – Does she still have a driver’s license? - demands that we get in the faces of Republicans in restaurants I did not mail plastique to your office.

All of my letters to you are chock-a-block filled with, so far, irrefutable facts and inconvenient truths on many matters. They also include a large soupcon of humor, some subtle and some not so subtle satire, and a Swift/Beckett/Seinfeld sense of absurdity.

How do I know my letters are effective? Simple. You sent the cops to my house because of something I wrote. They didn’t arrest me for a simple reason. There were no 
grounds. One of the investigating detectives said he and the rest of the squad enjoyed my letters, some of which he said were laugh out loud funny.

It brings me back to a simple question. You claim to have 2 degrees in Political Science. I say “claim” because you seem to have missed the part covering Greece and Rome. It is empirically self-evident that the work that the DWEMs did in both places, the arduous task, a task of near Star Trek difficulty; i.e., going where no man has ever gone before to meld order and freedom, is one that you as a modern American Liberal. Regard as anathema and verboten. Nat Hentoff, America’s leading Liberal Pro-Lifer, wrote a book titled “Free Speech For Me But Not For Me”. 

I want you to lead a long life. Wide Bottomed Hillary may want you to run interference for Chelsea just like you did for her with Bolshie Bernie. Plus, science may yet solve the problem of straightening your hair

Pop quiz: Which Right-Wing nut shot Congressman Scaliese? Extra credit if you can name the Right-Wing nut who shot Bobby Kennedy. Tie breaker is the name of the Right-Wing nut who shot John Kennedy.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 8, 2018 Michael DeLucca – President Broward Regional Health Planning Council

October 8, 2018

Michael DeLucca – President
Broward Regional Health Planning Council
200 Oakwood Suite #100
Hollywood, FL 33020

RE: Pink is my favorite color but I don’t wear it in October – A comment on your mini Op-Ed in Sunday’s Sun Sentinel

Yo, Mikey!

Did more Americans die from prostate cancer or breast cancer last year?

Let the record show that on October 21, 2014 I was operated on for breast cancer. Four years down and one to go.

Kevin Smith

October 8, 2018 Senator Edward Markey

October 8, 2018

Senator Edward Markey
222 Miliken Blvd #312
Fall River, MA 02721

Senator Markey,

I saw you on the Chris Matthews show, he of the telegenic blue veiner caused by Barack Obama sending a “thrill up his leg”, talking about the horror, the horror of Judge Kavanaugh becoming Justice Kavanaugh.

The problem with seeing you talk about anything is that all I see is you, on the floor of the United States Senate, shilling for Ackman the robber baron and malefactor of great wealth in his quest to enrich himself by “shorting” an organic food company.

Paul Krugman, the modern American Liberal’s favorite fortune teller, a man who predicted a bear market the day after Trump was elected or about 9,000 DJIA points below where the Dow is now, used to get $50,000 per speech from Enron when he was the celebrity shiller. You do remember Enron, don’t you?

I’m from Hudson County, NJ.
I knew Menendez when he was collegiate bag man – What a perfect cover! – for Mayor Musto. Musto went to jail. Menendez did not. At least not yet.
At least Menendez took his swag the old-fashioned way in white envelopes in the parking lot of an upscale Eye-Tie restaurant.
How much were you on the pad for?
I’m sorry flogging is outlawed. Maybe Justice Kavanaugh can fix that.
A dozen, well laid on, every day at noon, sounds about right.

What a terrible little shit, worthy of bastinado, you are.

Kevin Smith

PS – Let me revise and extend my last sentence. “What a terrible Irish-Catholic little shit, worthy of bastinado, you are.”

October 7, 2018 Fred Grimm The Sun Sentinel

October 7, 2018

Fred Grimm
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Doomed, and not a damn thing we can do about it, right? A comment or two about your “fundamentally transformative” Jeremiad Op-Ed in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel which tells us not to worry about Social Security/Medicare going bust or pay8ing our mortgages because Neptune is coming, and damn soon, and we’re all going to drown, don’t you know?

Mr. Grimm,

“The real problem is global warming, which scientists expect
will raise sea levels in Florida 2, 3 feet maybe more, over 
the next four decades.”
The Sun Sentinel

At the very least can we get the government out of the water front insurance business? Forget “red lining” in mortgages> Are we to give new meaning to “Underwater mortgages”? Shouldn’t we ban Fannie Mae from purchasing mortgages on littoral properties? [If you don’t know the literal meaning of littoral send a SASE]

Speaking of “global warming”, do you have any idea of what ended the last Ice Age? Hint: It sounds a lot like global warming. Look it up.

Do you like Dante? Have you ever heard of him? [Make the SASE a big one] Do you have any feelings for the Renaissance? Jeepers, all the Eye-Ties can’t be gangsters, can they? Borrowing from the pseudo-science so favored by modern American Liberals, the confusing conflation of causation and correlation, the logical construct that proves, conclusively, that Plainfield State [You’re a journalist. You must remember them. If not, stick it in the SASE] could beat the ‘85 Bears, that global warming caused the Renaissance.

Follow the bouncing ball.

About 1,050 years ago there was a significant – and I am using the word “significant” with surgical precision – upward spike in temperature. Here’s where it gets tricky. I’ll type slowly so you can follow, stay with the convoy, so to speak. Warmer temperatures mean more land becomes more arable. More arable land means more protein. More protein means people get smarter. Can you see where I’m going here? A century later we had – Ecco! – the friggin’ Renaissance. Unless you have a problem with Petrarch that rice is cooked and that case is closed. Sort of like “Move On”, right?

You say that Mike Huckabee, “the Fox News commentator”, and why does that
 sound like a 4-letter word, led the fight to keep beach access from the “lesser breeds”, and both the hoi and the debased polloi. Since you don’t like Dante, you probably aren’t aware of the Trivium and the Quadrivium is probably a word too far. The next thing you will read is an example of tu quoque.

Did he learn from the still dead Senator Lard Kennedy, who led the fight, indeed fought like the drunken churlish lout that he was, to keep windmills far from the Hyannis beach front so prized by arrogant, elitist 1%ers?

Jeeszus Haitch Keerist, but you are a putz.

Kevin Smith

PS – I read this morning where the con men, scam artists, grifters, poltroons, and ohmadahns who make up the “Sky if Falling” Climate Bureau of the UN said we have 10 
years before the Earth turns into goo, aspic, and non-organic Trump bobble head dolls. Yet again we have to face the inconvenient truth that 30 years ago the first 10year warning was issued. I immediately switched my 30-year fixed mortgage to a 30-year balloon. Then, 20 years ago, the next 10 year warning was issued.   I did it again. But wait there’s more. Nothing succeeds like excess so, 10 years ago, I did it again. 10 years from now I will look into a reverse mortgage and a one-way ticket to the “undiscovered country”. 30 years of interest deductions, a pot full of tuition bills paid, and I still have an asset increasing in value. Who says you can’t make buck in bad times? To those who believed such nit-wit, moon-bat folderol 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago, and today, you are condemned to being an hour late and a buck short forever. Of course, as modern American Liberals, buffoons who believe that this time Sisyphus is going to get the rock up the hill where he will find the “smoking gun” evidence that Kavanaugh really was a serial rapist and a predatory ice flinger, all things are possible. Step this way for the express train to the horizon.

October 14, 2018 Fred Grimm The Sun Sentinel

October 14, 2018

Fred Grimm
The Sun Sentinel

RE: This year’s Storm of the Century, maybe of the Millennium, and why it is always our fault and the only way to save ourselves is to introduce a 105% tax rate and outlaw electricity even though women and minorities will suffer disproportionately, as they always, always do. As explained in your unlinkable Op-Ed lament in today’s Sun Sentinel and entitled, aptly, “Leaving a Legacy of Disasters”.

Mr. Grimm, 

As a card carrying, fire breathing – a about a half a bubble off plumb – modern American Liberal, and speaking truth to power, you are more run of the mill than the exception, it encouraged, indeed mandated, that you conflate, constantly and confusingly,
causation and correlation on things about which you are abysmally ignorant. It is good that you take up your journalistic cudgels to tell us that weasely, wascally Wepublicans, in constant pursuit of filthy lucre guarded jealously by a wily Mammon, wake each day trying to figure a new way to Xyklon B unsuspecting coral reefs, how to defenestrate furbish louseworts, how to exsanguinate delhi smelts, while exercising the ultimate in White privilege by acquiescing in the annual deaths of more than 2,000,000 sub-Saharan
Brown and Black babies by allowing mosquitoes to kill them.

Among the great gifts from the DWEMs was the Trivium., the capstone of which is Logic. It is obvious from your columns that it is a term with which you are not familiar It may as well have been written in Pashto or transmitted as whole cloth from one of the minor moons of Jupiter.

One of the most important perks of modern American is the genetic infusion of “eclectic indignation”. It enables you to see past the 2x4 in your eye while focusing on the mote in your neighbor’s orb. That, coupled with your extensive use of tautologies, without which you would have no, as in none, zip, zero, brain activity at all, gives an unbroken, true flat line.

Allow me to digress.

You know, of course, that global warming ended the last Ice Age and gave us the conditions that enabled the Renaissance to flourish. The Renaissance I refer to is the one that started in Italy. The end of the Ice Age I refer to gave us, inter alia, Niagara Falls. Honest. You could look it up.

Did EXXON cause the unnamed hurricane of 1935? How about the one in1937? 1925? How about the one in Galveston in 1908? Did fracking trigger that one? How about Krakatoa? Who/What caused that? How about the 1918 Flu? How about the Black Death? How about Vesuvius? How about the regular as clock work, every 750,000 years, Yellowstone eruption that wipes out all terrestrial life? By the way, we are at the outer edge of the envelope for the next one. Did Noah sail into the Scylla-like Avernus of biblical floods?

Did you know that the first time the whales were saved was because Colonel Drake spudded his first oil well in Titusville, PA in 1859? 3 years later the New England based whale oil OPEC cartel was gone, only to be remembered in novels?

Did you know, you silly, silly little man that the literal meaning of the word “Adirondack” has nothing to do with the noble aborigines who were done in by Lord Jeff and his band of merry prankster wanabees? “Adirondack” entered the American lexicon almost 3 centuries ago, “before the country was ours”. It means “dry and bitter land”. It was called that long before we had “acid rain”. It goes without saying – Don’t you love that phrase? – that “acid rain” was caused by salve owners, Jay Gould, purveyors of Manifest Destiny, “Know Nothings”, Nullification theorists, and just mean and nasty rotters and bounders who wanted to get rich by despoiling Mother Nature while pissing on Gaia’s leg.

One of my granddaughters drove down to surprise Bumps, her curmudgeonoly grandfather. That she did it in a non-polar bear drowning car gave me hope for the future.
Now if we can get tofu to substitute for penicillin there may yet be hope for all our futures, right? 

Familiarize yourself with the word ohmadahn. I’ll need a head shot of you for the next Guinness Record Book.

Kevin Smith

October 14, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

October 14, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Matthew Shepherd, si, Jesse Dirkhising, no? Some comments on your Page 3A story on Matthew Shepherd and the effects on Laramie, Wyoming, the United States, and the body politick.

Ms. O,

I know, I know, “After the first death there are no others” but why isn’t George Moscone on the same stamp as Harvey Milk?

Let us stipulate that the “alleged perpetrators” who pulled the trigger and killed Moscone and Milk were the only ones acquitted of the murders, it being self-evident that the rest of mankind is collectively guilty of at least one of the murders. Killing a self- proclaimed practicing heterosexual does not have the same panache as killing a serial predatory homosexual with a past History of paedophilia.

The TSA sent me a birthday gift Sunday last. I don’t have to become discalced to get on a plane. So the prospect of being called a homophobe, a wogaphobe, an Islamaphobe, a phobophile, or even a meanie causes me no great concern. Just don’t call me late for cocktail time.

Matthew Shepherd, and God rest his soul, was in a saloon frequented by homosexuals who reveled in “rough trade”. That is neither an excuse nor is it mitigation for the murder most foul done to him. Do you think society would have been better served if his murderers were executed? A bit of a poser for modern American Liberals, no?

Jesse Dirkhising was 12 years old, and therefore incapable of encouraging and approving of what happened to him in the last 3 days of his life. He was kidnapped, tortured, repeatedly raped and sodomized, and finally choked to death by gasoline doused rags. It is not known whether he was burned while alive or post mortem. This was done to him by 2 predatory homosexuals, [Shades of Lord Keynes and Congressman Gary Studds, but not Oscar Wilde.]

There is a picture of Matthew Shepherd’s parents being received in the Oval Office and comforted and consoled by President Obama. I can find no photo of Jesse Dirkhising’s family being so Corporal Work of Mercied.

Why has Jesse Dirkhising gone down the always convenient modern American Liberal memory hole and why do they all wish that the recently released movie about Gosnell, the Philadelphia serial killer cum abortionist, would go down with it? It is a widely known fact that should a Dr. Mengele wanabee ever run in a Broward County Democratic primary he would win overwhelmingly for his “progressive” views on abortion.
Your news story on Page 3A of today’s Sun Sentinel says “that today it [Wyoming] has fewer women in its legislature and remains hesitant to adopt policies that combat anti-gay violence and bias”. That is a sentence worthy of note. And derision. Are you saying that if Wyoming had such laws that Matthew Shepherd would be alive today? Are you familiar with the original Dr. J who said “How said of all the things that men endure, how few laws or Kings can cause or cure?”  I guess not. 

Other than strict enforcement of “Thou shall not kill”, followed by Draconian measures, what could have saved Matthew Shepherd or Jesse Dirkhising? The starting premise is simple. T. S. Eliot pointed out that evil, evil as real as your boot, is not subject to the whims of man, only to his outrage.

Perhaps you could explain why the killers of Matthew Shepherd are each serving 2 separate life sentences? They only killed one dude. Do they start the second one when they finish the first one? Big Bill Clinton did not let such niceties deter him from frying Ricky Ray Rector, if memory serves.

We have a play, “The Laramie Project”, a project supported and subsidized by American taxpayers, about Matthew Shepherd. “Corpus Cristi”, also. It posits tha Christ was crucified because he and His lover, Judas Iscariot, had a lovers’ quarrel and Judas dropped a dime on him There was a Broadway play, called “The Umbrella Man”, about a Puerto Rican teenager who killed White people. It was privately financed and, thankfully, closed quickly.

Why no sad songs for Jesse Dirkhising? He’s going to be dead for a long time also.


October 1, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

October 1, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Gillum, a target rich environment. An endorsing editorial that, like herpes, keeps on giving.

Ms. O,

If climate change is an “urgent thing” what can he do, other than issue irrational Jeremiads about the evils of civilization before promising to “cool the earth and calm the seas”….Wait a minute. Didn’t somebody promise that about 9 years ago? How did that work out? Let me be more specific. Has the earth cooled? Are the seas calmer?

Herewith some suggestions to get him started on his hundred-day march to Utopia.

#1 – Manatee suffrage. And picking up an almost forgotten idea from Lani Guinier – remember her? – disproportionate voting.
#2 – No A/C in any state owned or leased building.
#3 – If you work for the state you use public transit or a bike.
#4 – Ban the use of coal by any utility doing selling electricity in Florida.
#5 – Just say NO to plastic straws, plastic medical devices, and disposable diapers.

But back to Judge Kavanaugh

If “he” is guilty because “she” says “he” is shouldn’t Keith Ellison, he of Democratic
 National Committee status, [just like Little Debbie] be taken out and horsewhipped, spayed, and then lynched? After all, “she”, the victim, is White.

And shouldn’t Tom Robinson – and as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal if you don’t know who Tom Robinson is I’ll be shocked, shocked – be dug up and, this time, shot legally? 

But back to Gillum.

#6 – If Gillum will mandate that any and all pre-existing conditions must be covered by health insurers, the equivalent of guaranteed issue [that’s inside baseball talk used by people in the insurance racket] why not allow patients to sign up for zero deductible health coverage before they reach the triage unit at the emergency room? Also, if it works there, why not guaranteed issue for DUI dudes and dudesses with automobile insurance? Ditto for arsonists with homeowner’s, right? After all, fairus in unum, fairus in omnibus is only fair, right?

#7 – If DeSantis is borderline racist – not quite as bad as former Klan member Senator Byrd [D-WV] who twice used the dreaded “N” word on national TV or Senator Irvin [D-NC] whose main goal in public life was to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls – for using, despite having degrees from 2 Ivy League schools, the verboten word monkey – Does that put him in the Howard Cosell league? – what does that make B. Obama, who also has degrees from 2 Ivy Leagues schools, and used the same word?

#8 – Which brings us to the Miriam Oliphant comparison. She was the ideal candidate for the modern American Liberals of Broward County. Attractive, clean, semi-articulate, quasi-educated [Master’s degrees concentrating on attendance reports and whether the 50-yard line is still on the football field don’t really count, do they?] but truly as dumb as a box of hammers, she was the perfect porch Nigress for the nest of vipers who control Broward County.

That she got fired was not my fault. She committed the one unforgiveable sin. She was stupid in a Guinness Book manner.

 I must add that she too sent the cops to my house – Shades of Little Debbie? – because of something I wrote. The first thing BSO Deputy Joe Kessling said to me was “You’re not in trouble” to which I said, “What do you mean I’m not in trouble? You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean “I’m not in trouble?”

Anyway, it ended well. The Republican Governor who fired her replaced her, doubtless after a national search, with another equally qualified Black woman. I’ll say this for her replacement. She hasn’t hired anyone who wanted to steal any hot stove left untended, as her predecessor did, and she seems to have the sense to come in out of the rain. I don’t know if she could pour piss out of a boot.

As Dickens said, Gillum is “smart and no fool”. He doesn’t have to toot his own horn. Not as long as he has media lackeys who will do it for him. I witnessed a reprise of a Chris Matthews moment – “Obama sent a thrill up my leg” – Sunday morning last when Michael Putney and Glenna Milberg, 2 old hands who disconnected their BS meter, competed to see who could touch the hem of his regal robes and maybe, just maybe, have his shadow fall across their path.

You end your editorial by saying that DeSantis’s denial of inherent racism in his use of the word monkey “is not persuasive”. If he bought Gary Hart’s pleasure craft, aptly named “Monkey Business”, and sunk it would that be sufficient to satisfy the “eclectically indignant” indulgences granters? How about if he burned, at the stake, all the “Planet of the Apes” movies?
Finally, you say “Florida is an increasingly diverse state”. That usually leads to “Diversity is our strength”, an unchallengeable modern American Liberal shibboleth. Could you explain that to me, using as many declarative sentences as required?


Thursday, October 4, 2018

October 1, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Gillum, a target rich environment. An endorsing editorial that, like herpes, keeps on giving.

October 1, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Gillum, a target rich environment. An endorsing editorial that, like herpes, keeps on giving.

Ms. O,

If climate change is an “urgent thing” what can he do, other than issue irrational Jeremiads about the evils of civilization before promising to “cool the earth and calm the seas”….Wait a minute. Didn’t somebody promise that about 9 years ago? How did that work out? Let me be more specific. Has the earth cooled? Are the seas calmer?

Herewith some suggestions to get him started on his hundred-day march to Utopia.

#1 – Manatee suffrage. And picking up an almost forgotten idea from Lani Guinier – remember her? – disproportionate voting.
#2 – No A/C in any state owned or leased building.
#3 – If you work for the state you use public transit or a bike.
#4 – Ban the use of coal by any utility doing selling electricity in Florida.
#5 – Just say NO to plastic straws, plastic medical devices, and disposable diapers.

But back to Judge Kavanaugh

If “he” is guilty because “she” says “he” is shouldn’t Keith Ellison, he of Democratic
 National Committee status, [just like Little Debbie] be taken out and horsewhipped, spayed, and then lynched? After all, “she”, the victim, is White.

And shouldn’t Tom Robinson – and as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal if you don’t know who Tom Robinson is I’ll be shocked, shocked – be dug up and, this time, shot legally? 

But back to Gillum.

#6 – If Gillum will mandate that any and all pre-existing conditions must be covered by health insurers, the equivalent of guaranteed issue [that’s inside baseball talk used by people in the insurance racket] why not allow patients to sign up for zero deductible health coverage before they reach the triage unit at the emergency room? Also, if it works there, why not guaranteed issue for DUI dudes and dudesses with automobile insurance? Ditto for arsonists with homeowner’s, right? After all, fairus in unum, fairus in omnibus is only fair, right?

#7 – If DeSantis is borderline racist – not quite as bad as former Klan member Senator Byrd [D-WV] who twice used the dreaded “N” word on national TV or Senator Irvin [D-NC] whose main goal in public life was to keep little Black boys from going to school with little White girls – for using, despite having degrees from 2 Ivy League schools, the verboten word monkey – Does that put him in the Howard Cosell league? – what does that make B. Obama, who also has degrees from 2 Ivy Leagues schools, and used the same word?

#8 – Which brings us to the Miriam Oliphant comparison. She was the ideal candidate for the modern American Liberals of Broward County. Attractive, clean, semi-articulate, quasi-educated [Master’s degrees concentrating on attendance reports and whether the 50-yard line is still on the football field don’t really count, do they?] but truly as dumb as a box of hammers, she was the perfect porch Nigress for the nest of vipers who control Broward County.

That she got fired was not my fault. She committed the one unforgiveable sin. She was stupid in a Guinness Book manner.

 I must add that she too sent the cops to my house – Shades of Little Debbie? – because of something I wrote. The first thing BSO Deputy Joe Kessling said to me was “You’re not in trouble” to which I said, “What do you mean I’m not in trouble? You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean “I’m not in trouble?”

Anyway, it ended well. The Republican Governor who fired her replaced her, doubtless after a national search, with another equally qualified Black woman. I’ll say this for her replacement. She hasn’t hired anyone who wanted to steal any hot stove left untended, as her predecessor did, and she seems to have the sense to come in out of the rain. I don’t know if she could pour piss out of a boot.

As Dickens said, Gillum is “smart and no fool”. He doesn’t have to toot his own horn. Not as long as he has media lackeys who will do it for him. I witnessed a reprise of a Chris Matthews moment – “Obama sent a thrill up my leg” – Sunday morning last when Michael Putney and Glenna Milberg, 2 old hands who disconnected their BS meter, competed to see who could touch the hem of his regal robes and maybe, just maybe, have his shadow fall across their path.

You end your editorial by saying that DeSantis’s denial of inherent racism in his use of the word monkey “is not persuasive”. If he bought Gary Hart’s pleasure craft, aptly named “Monkey Business”, and sunk it would that be sufficient to satisfy the “eclectically indignant” indulgences granters? How about if he burned, at the stake, all the “Planet of the Apes” movies?
Finally, you say “Florida is an increasingly diverse state”. That usually leads to “Diversity is our strength”, an unchallengeable modern American Liberal shibboleth. Could you explain that to me, using as many declarative sentences as required?