Thursday, August 29, 2019

August 28, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Your Capital Punishment editorial today – Worse than being malum per se, it’s expensive.

August 28, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Your Capital Punishment editorial today – Worse than being malum per se, it’s expensive.

Ms. O,

Gary Ray Brooks’ name has already lost its sharp edges. Mathew Shephard stands tall in the modern American Liberal Victim Hall of Fame while Jesse Dirkhising’s name is forever interred in “Nothing to see here; move on” memory hole.

Adolf Eichmann’s name will be forever etched into the world’s conscience unless “The Squad”, aka 4 moon-bat, wing-nut Democratic Congresswomen who are violently anti-Semitic who despise Israel and, shortly, will deny its right to exist, have their way.

But in the case of Nickolas Cruz and 17 murder victims you, the Editorial Board of the Sun Sentinel, have adopted the distinctly un-modern American Liberal argumentum ad crumenam. You are saying that Florida shouldn’t try to execute Cruz because it will cost too much with no guarantee of success.

Shame on you!
Sometimes the only battles worth fighting are the ones you can’t win.
I thought that was the one saving grace of modern American Liberals.
But back to who escapes the executioner’s axe.

Gary Ray Brooks was executed last week. He took great delight in torturing and killing homosexuals

Adolf Eichmann, despite severe deficiencies in the due process due to any defendant, was executed 57 years ago. He took great delight in killing Jews, regardless of their sexual orientation.

The question posed to modern American Liberals of conscience is simple.

Should Eichmann and Brooks have been executed?

I’ll wait until a jury speaks on Cruz.

Kevin Smith

August 26, 2019 I think it was 10/12 years ago when Sean Penn, BFF of Hugo Chavez, said of a critic, “I hope he dies of anal cancer in the most painful way possible.”

August 26, 2019

I think it was 10/12 years ago when Sean Penn, BFF of Hugo Chavez, said of a critic, “I hope he dies of anal cancer in the most painful way possible.”

We know that “Trousered Apes” lack a moral compass that tells them 
“Don’t go there”. Further, they surround themselves with similar “chestless” men who buttress their perverted view of behavior.

To criticize someone who agrees with you politically because a comment exceeds the rules of good taste or propriety is not done by modern American Liberals even if the damage is more than collateral. After all, they are on the correct side of History, aren’t they? And the cause is certainly worth a few bruised feelings, isn’t it?

Thus, when Bill Maher celebrates the death of David Koch and in a sign that there is no such a thing as wretched excess, particularly to a true believing modern American Liberal, and hopes it was particularly painful, nobody was surprised and no one was outraged.

It’s what vipers do. Our surprise, our continuing surprise, is a sign of our fatal naivete.

It seems that the ticket, a one-way Letter of Transit to the “undiscovered country”, is being prepared in the name of Justice Ruth Bader Ginzburg. 

Would I be declared to be as loutish as Bill Maher if I were to point out she is being treated at Sloane-Kettering Hospital in NYC, a place that has received hundreds of millions of dollars from the Koch Brothers, one of whom, David, Little Shit Maher publicly hopes had a particularly painful death? [Full disclosure requires me to reveal that Koch and I had the same lawyer in Wichita, Kansas. His name was Bob Foulston, Esq. I also had the same lawyer in NYC as Ariel Sharon, Howard Squadron, Esq. but we’re not talking about them, are we? Sharon would not fall anywhere near the Tom Wolfe definition of American Jews. I’ll share the story of how I was instrumental in Judge Thomas becoming Justice Thomas later.]

Back to Justice Ginsburg.

I thought that she and my father, Judge Martin J. Smith, had at least 2 things in common. [Let me add that whenever I mention my father, I automatically include the simple fact that he when he was graduated from St. Mary’s Grammar School on Friday, June 18, 1915, he didn’t go back to school until 1926. 6 months before my father died on Christmas Day, 1978, a classmate told me that my father was very skilled card player who, as his year book states, “will hark to a wager.] I was wrong.

My father sent people to jail.

My son Sean, his first grandson, turned to me one morning when my father was on the bench, and asked, “Why is that woman crying?”. “Because Poppy is sending her son to jail.” 

Justice Ginsburg never sent anyone to jail. She may have voted to let somebody out but she never looked down from the bench and said, “Watch your back.”

Which leaves one thing in common.

Pancreatic cancer. 

My father was operated on, diagnosed with, and died from pancreatic cancer within 90 days. He did not have the benefit of Koch Brothers money funding research centers. Since Justice Ginsburg is a widow, I offer my experience to any of her family. Hard times; hard choices. Vaya con dios..

Meanwhile, God will proceed at His own pace.

Circuit Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett is offering prayers. One good thing Senator Horono and Senator Feinstein can say about her, “She’s a broad. At least she doesn’t belong to the Knights of Columbus. Maybe we should ask her why she didn’t condemn it as a sexist organization.”

My compliments to Mr. & Mrs. B. Obama. Despite being told by Moon Bat Congresswoman AOC that we have less than 12 years to go as a functioning species, they bought a little summer home on White Privilege Island for $25,000,000. Gavin MacInnes said, “Deep down Liberals know they are full of shit.” Do you think they are worried about sea levels rising? Speaking of islands, Big Mike form Bayonne was right 24 years ago when he said, “What a country! That’s why you never see anybody swimming TO Cuba.”

Kevin Smith

Saturday, August 24, 2019

August 20, 2019 Offered without comment, save for the obvious one, the one that must be posted. “California Faces Defecation Crisis”

August 20, 2019

Offered without comment, save for the obvious one, the one that must be posted.
“California Faces Defecation Crisis”

That means we should forget about the Golden Gate, Rodeo Drive, El Capitan, & Hollywood. Like Neil Diamond almost said, people are coming to California from all over to take their pants down and shit in the streets. It’s too late for 2020 but get ready for 2024. Street Shitting will be an Olympic sport

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, and if memory still serves, she got her job when her husband died, is one embarrassing short and curly from being a Jew hating, Israel despising Democratic member of Congress.

I just heard her say it was OK to vote to condemn Israel in a resolution but maybe she is still opposed to it – maybe – if it were to become the law.

The only way that makes sense is if your favorite color is plaid.

Prince Harry may be dumber than his father, Prince Alfred E. Newman the Second. He gets a sniff of Meghan’s bearded clam and he goes all pussy-whipped. Maybe 2 years posting in Las Malvinas with cold showers and non-duet push-ups might bring the lad back.

3 NFL players knelt during the National Anthem this weekend. A thousand protestors carried the American Flag and sang the National Anthem in Hong Kong this weekend. Make your own broader points.

Speaking of Netanyahu’s “unprecedented” banning of 2 Wogette members of Congress, Obama banned a member of the Knesset in 2012. I am pretty sure goose is kassruth so anything about sauce, goose, and gander is acceptable.

To listen to the louts running for the Democratic nomination this country ranks slightly, barely slightly, ahead of Venezuela in business and commerce but certainly lacks its commitment to social justice. As a life-long fan of the great Lord Keynes, I await and with great anticipation, when he will be introduced as the savior of us all. If the economy is that bad, as any true Keynesian will tell you. We must increase demand. The one great proven way of increasing demand is to cut taxes. [Curley Joe Biden has said he wants to increase the corporate tax. Apparently, he doesn’t know that corporations don’t, never have, never will pay taxes. Send a SASE and I’ll explain. Bernie the Bolshie and Lieawatha Warren have never signed both sides of a pay check so they are about as useful as tits on a bull. Have any of the others ever had a real job?]

If “Black Lives’ “really, really matter”r why was there no comment on the 11 dead Blacks, plus 79 wounded Blacks in Chicago last weekend? Would I be going out on big limb if I were to say that all the Black dead and all the Black wounded were shot by other Blacks? Nobody, particularly the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, gives a   rat’s ass when a Black shoots a Black. A White shooting a Black and particularly a White police officer shooting a Black, for any reason, is what the reptiles are looking for. 

Doctor Jill Biden, and the Doctor is not a scleral buckle or pneumonectomy Doctor, but rather a symbol of recognition for someone  who stoically endures hour after semester after workshop after peer conference after peer study on why Johnny still can’t read and who voluntarily associates herself with conferences called “Don’t Know Much About History” or “Is Star Trek or Star Wars the Key Anti-Bullying in Inner City Schools?”, that kind of Doctor, gave a glowing endorsement of her husband, former Klan wanabee, “Curley” Joe Biden, aka to the younger anti-Semitic louts and Israel haters, “Slow Joe” Biden. She said, and in front of national TV, “Vote for my husband. His brothers are worse.”

When Pericles spoke, people said, “How well he speaks.” When Demosthenes spoke, people said, “Let us march.” 

No danger there.

I still await the candidate who will proclaim “Free Beer”

Lillian Hellman, Doctor Seuss, Woody Guthrie, Dalton Trumbo, Zero Mostel, Clifford Odets, not George Jessel, Larry Parks, Howard Fast, Paul Robeson, John Garfield, Edward Dmytryk, to name but a few. And what did these swells have in common? As if responding to a skilled orchestra leader, they all stood up on August 23, 1939 and, acting under well-rehearsed instructions, proclaimed their love, affection, and devotion to – Ready? – Adolf Hitler. 

Such was their devotion to Stalin that when he killed between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 Kulak-Jews in Ukraine they willingly believed Walter Duranty, Pulitzer Prize Foreign Correspondent of the New York Times, when he told them “Nothing to see here, move on.”

The Moscow Trials? Bukharin? Lysenko? “small potatoes”

When Roosevelt wouldn’t let the Saint Louis dock here, he sent 900 Jews to Auschwitz. But there are no enemies on the Left, are there?

I read in the Dates in History section of the Sun Sentinel today that it is the anniversary of the death of Trotsky in Mexico in 1940. No mention of how he died or what he was doing in Mexico. And you say that the media isn’t biased? 79 years after Stalin’s assassins put a pick ax into Trotsky’s head it is as if it never happened. Orwell, the writer most hated by modern American Liberals, said, “If you control the past, you control the future.”

“All them cornfields and ballet at night.”

Didn’t Nancy Pelosi, the Congresswoman for a district where people take their pants down and shit in the streets, tell us that ObamaCare would let a thousand flowers bloom and would let poets sing? Yes, she did.

And now we have slugs promising free stuff – not yet beer – but free stuff. Can bread and circuses be far behind?

Kevin Smith

Monday, August 19, 2019

August 17, 2019 With the obvious exception of the United States of Amerika, a place where people from countries that don’t even have a flag have unfettered rights of entry

August 17, 2019

With the obvious exception of the United States of Amerika, a place where people from countries that don’t even have a flag have unfettered rights of entry to – A – a warm welcome and – B – lots of “free stuff”, including premium cable and unlimited phone minutes and – C – the sacred duty to kvetch if the complimentary zabaglione is but a bit tart, every other sovereign nation has the right to control  who comes into their country.

Just because you have the “right” doesn’t mean it’s right, as the Great Nechemie, CPA to the Stars and me, always told me.

Then there’s Israel.

Congresswoman Omar Bongette, who was banging her brother even after she divorced him – think about that for the nonce – and Congresswoman Ragu Tlaibib, a truly meaner than cat shit Jew hater…..

Stop the presses!

Democratic anti-Semites?

You betcha!

Democrats who despise Israel and want to see her just go away and if some Jews become collateral damage, well you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs

That’s the ticket!

Do you remember the Democratic Convention of 2012? That was the one where the mere mention of the most hated, despised, and feared 4 letter word of modern American Liberals – GOD – was booed and cursed?

So it follows that Democrats can be anti-Semitic without consequences. The same Logic that says it is OK for masked men to beat the snot out of a gay Vietnamese journalist with no consequences permits and encourages this.

Duffy Daugherty, football coach of Michigan State, said, “It is always Good Luck to be ahead at the end of the game.”

Will someone tell Stacey Adams, the calorically challenged, deadbeat, perpetually put upon 3rd Worlder, who lost the election for Governor of Georgia last year, to shut up, just shut up. If she is not shoving Moon Pies into her mouth, some of which are still in the wrapper, she is constantly and carpingly caterwauling about how Lester Maddox came back from the grave and scared the bejeezus out of 54,724 Black voters that cost her the election. Which is like saying the Japos would have won at Midway if their 4 carriers hadn’t been sunk. 

“He” made no such appearance; “they” were not intimidated; “she” lost. Move on, you tub of suet. Pay your taxes and pay your student loans. Didn’t Georgia used to have debtors’ prisons?

Remember when it was said in 1991 that the only reason Clarence Thomas got into Yale Law School, stayed in Yale Law School, and was graduated from same was because he was Black? And the best part was that modern American Liberals could say it without fear of reprisal?

Take a peek at this Rubenesque Aunt Jemima.

  She is so God Damned dumb she thinks contracts are only binding at parties. If she were to fall into the river, she would be a hazard to navigation. Her only saving grace is that she could find work at Jenny Craig as a permanent “before” picture. A slice off her steatyaganous arse could grease the skillets of Haiti for 2, maybe 3 days. If you run around her your blood pressure and cholesterol go down. If she steps on your cat’s tail it dies.
Is there no end to Trump’s perfidy?

120 years ago, Newark, NJ had 100 breweries. It wasn’t because of the railroads or Progressive politics – Progressive is the great-grandfather of modern American Liberalism – or an immigrant, mostly undocumented work force. It was because of the water.

3 years after Trump took over, the water that Newark was famous for sucks. That’s hard ball.

But not as hard as a wedding in Kabul yesterday. A dispute over how akbar Allah is was settled with 63 protagonists being blown up.

Kevin Smith

Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 10, 2019 Imagine if Major Jed Clampett, MD,

August 10, 2019

Imagine if Major Jed Clampett, MD, a United States Army psychiatrist on active duty, went into the mess hall at Fort Bragg – as an aside, Fort Bragg is close to where Janet Reno began her illustrious Federal career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens. “Some 7 dozen?”. My daughter’s Anatomy instructor at Baylor University School of Nursing told the class there was an extra femur - announced his love for the Baby Jesus, killed 13 soldiers and wounded 31 others.

Thanks to Allah the Beneficent, it didn’t happen.

Imagine if Major Nadal Hassan, MD, a United States Army psychiatrist on active duty, went onto the mess hall at Fort Bragg – as an aside, Fort Bragg is close to where Janet Reno began her illustrious Federal career by charbroiling some 7 dozen of her fellow citizens. “Some 7 dozen?” My daughter’s Anatomy instructor at Baylor University School of Nursing told the class there that was an extra femur –shouted “Allah Akbar”, killed 13 soldiers and wounded 31 others.

Since it happened when a Black man was President and since all the candidates for President next year are either “trousered apes”, ohmadahns, or moon-bat, wing nuts and have given up on the beauty, symmetry, and eternal truthfulness of the capstone of Logic – POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC – can we say that he caused it?

Of course we can

Logic, and its sturdy cousin Rhetoric, are not parabolic curves.

  Like Physics, a discipline whose sole job is to measure things – how fast, how big, how long, how wide -Logic doesn’t lend itself to words like “almost”. They are words that sociologists revel in. They are words without boundaries or limits. They are words, as Alice tells us, that “mean whatever we want them to mean”. That’s why it is always Christmas morning for modern American Liberals.

Pop quiz.

Who shot Scalise?
Who shot Steve Scalise?
Who shot Congressman Steve Scalise?
What shot Congressman Steve Scalise [R-LA]?

A big fan of Bonkers Bernie Sanders.

Does Sanders bear any blame for the awful act of his votary?

Extra credit

Who was the favorite politician of the Dayton shooter?

Senator Lieawatha Warren.

Does she have any responsibility for his actions?

Sirhan Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy.

Do Muslims, particularly those who hate Jews and despise Israel, and just how many don’t, bear any responsibility? Regardless, why not put a Kardashian on his case? No one has ever spent as much time in jail as he has for a similar crime. Let him out.

The majority of people killed in Las Vegas were thought to have been Trump supporters, Does Senator Harry Reid [D-NV], as mean and miserable a bastard as ever sat in the Senate, bear any responsibility for that carnage?

President Trump doesn’t like rats. Further, he doesn’t like rats in a city where the crime rate is equal to Gomorrah. Plus, not one high school senior passed the Maryland Proficiency test in verbal and math skills. The last White Mayor of Baltimore was Nancy Pelosi’s father, Tom, “Steal the pennies off a dead man’s eyes,” D’Alessandro. The longest serving politician in Baltimore is Congressman Elijah Cummings [D-MD] who also doesn’t like rats. Since he’s Black and a true son of modern American Liberalism he is covered in indulgences. Since Trump, a White man, doesn’t like rats, murders, and failing cities he is, presumptively, a racist. 

If he is, should we dig up Jimmy Cagney, dress him in Senator Byrd’s Klan robes, and lynch him because he made quite a living shouting, “You dirty rat?”

I am going to fill a large glass with an adult beverage and return to Johnathan Swift’s solution to the huge surplus of Irish babies.

Kevin Smith

PS – If I say I never liked Templeton will that crazy Black broad come to my house and try to “stick a knife in my fucking heart” like she wants to do to Senator McConnell[R-KY]?

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 6, 2019 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and here it is, only August, and yet again she has lapped the field in the race for “Fuzzy Headed Shrew of the Year”, has announced that “Trump has blood on his hands” for the shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

August 6, 2019

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and here it is, only August, and yet again she has lapped the field in the race for “Fuzzy Headed Shrew of the Year”, has announced that “Trump has blood on his hands” for the shootings in El Paso and Dayton. I owe it to the ledger to point out that Little Debbie sent the cops - men with badges and guns – to my house where they succeeded in scaring my wife because of something I wrote. Both policemen became devoted e-mail fans

Let the record show that when Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords were shot by Jared Laughner she blamed Rush Limbaugh.

It remains a legal mystery why the Obama Justice Department, run by the extremely partisan AG, Eric Holder, never prosecuted him. For that matter, why is Rush Limbaugh still running around, spewing vitriolic hate, often leading to violence?

The Dayton shooter was a fan of Senator Lieawatha Warren. Does she get any of the blame any of those deaths? If not, why not?

Speaking of mass shootings, there were 59 reported shootings this weekend in Chicago. 7 people were killed. Chicago and Cook County are both known as Democratic strongholds. Since the shooters and the shootees were Black nobody in the lamestream media gives a shit. Should FDR or JFK or LBJ or any of the Daleys get any of the blame for any of this mayhem?

Blacks killing Blacks does not register on the POO-Richter scale of “things, outrageous and worthy of journalistic scorn”.

As long as Baltimore has raised the bar and retired the murder trophy Chicago will be like Avis - #2.

3 years ag Trump tried to make it a bit more difficult for citizens of countries run by Sharia law to get into this country. There is something distinctly anathema and un-American to “stoning women taken in adultery” and “duct-taping homsoexuals and flinging them from the roofs of 8 story buildings”. The modern American reptiles treated Trump like he was Dracula being let loose in the Blood Bank.

2 million Moslems – that’s 2,000,000 Muslims – are locked up in China. Confidential sources say that, during the last Ramadan, many of them were forced to eat pork.

Thomas Friedman, noted NYT columnist and a man with 3 times as many Pulitzer Prizes as Walter Duranty, noted Communist spy and American traitor who betrayed his country by colluding with the Russians and stealing an election, has praised China for at least 5 years. He questions why we need all those Amendment in the Bill of Rights and such a complicated Rube Goldberg-constructed thing called “due process”. He argues that the Chinese model, based on smart people making decisions free of petty quotidian interests, is really in our best interest. A bit more security in exchange for a bit less swing a cat by the tail is, probably, best for us.

What’s he saying now?

It’s a toss-up between 


How about both? Plus, he got them the old-fashioned way.


Senator Rand Paul [R-KY] will be operated on next week to remove some necrotic tissue and bone fragments from his lung, He was attacked 2 years ago by s Christian White National Supremacist who was wearing a MAGA hat. He shouted JESUS AKBAR when he blind-sided him.  The alleged perpetrator is on work release doing yard work for Kamala Harris. We wish him well and hope he will be able to vote in next year’s election.

There were 2 Shermans who made names for themselves in the 19th century. Uncle Billy, despite not leveling Charleston, SC shortened the Civil War by at least a year. His younger brother Senator John Sherman of Ohio, outlawed monopolies in America. I mention him because one company is very shortly going to own the overwhelming majority of newspapers in this country. I don’t think modern American Liberals have thought this one through. Gannett appears to be the survivor. I think they’re OK. What if a syndicate put together by Rush Limbaugh, the NRA, Pro-Lifers, America Firsters, the ghosts of William Buckley, Whittaker Chambers, and Winston Smith buy the stock? Talk about choking the canary. “All speech is free but some speech is more free that other speech,:right?

Try to ring up this year’s American Socialists’ Convention. They were arguing about genderization and they were calling each other Comrade. Honest. Picture Uncle Floyd, George Coztanza, Professor Irwin Corey, and Samuel Beckett trying to get into a phone booth, putting costumes on. That’s the ticket.

Kevin Smith

August 5, 2019 Yet again we are hard upon the anniversary of the most successful arms treaty, certainly of the 20th century, and so far, of the 21st century.

August 5, 2019

Yet again we are hard upon the anniversary of the most successful arms treaty, certainly of the 20th century, and so far, of the 21st century.

[As an aside, my son Sean, now wears the dog tags issued to his maternal grandfather, Lt. Cdr. Walter I. Chapman, MD. Despite the Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, plus a slew of Nobel Prizes and a world-wide warm and fuzzy feeling, the Japanese Navy and the German Navy tried for 2 years and in 2 oceans to sink his ship, the USS Marblehead [CV12] They failed.]

3 days of intense negotiations, including face to face jaw-boning, were begun by a single United States emissary above the skies of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. 3 days later, August 9, 1945, the codicils were added at Nagasaki. It ended on the foredeck of the USS Missouri [BB63] when General Douglas MacArthur pronounced, in a voice straight from the right hand of God, said “These proceedings are closed.”

There was none of the nonsense connected with 11/11/18. That was the day the Germans stopped fighting in the war to end all wars. Not a single foreign soldier had put one boot on German soil and it could and would be said that Germany had not been beaten. Vide Carthage in146 B.C. the French at Waterloo in 1815, the States in rebellion at Appomattox in1865, and, finally, the Japanese in Tokyo Harbor on September 2, 1945.
There were no mulligans in those wars. Platea? Tours? Lepanto? Vienna?

Speaking of conflating particulars and universals, the Dayton shooter was an avid fan of Senator Lieawatha Warren. Does that mean she is responsible for those deaths? The Gilroy Garlic killer appears to have been a Muslim. Does that mean that they no longer are a peace-loving people? If Trump can turn rat into a 4-letter racist hate word would not Logic dictate that all things are possible? 

Would it brand me as an incorrigible, irredeemable deplorable if I were to remind the world that Solzhenitsyn said, in 1945, at the end of one war and the beginning of another, “this all happened when man turned away from God?”

I first went to the “dives on 52nd street” when Auden said, “we must love another.” It is never too late to “come out of the cave and look up and see the stars.”

In one of those quirks that History delights in confronting us with, General Leslie Groves, the GC, the head honcho who put “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” together, also worked on the design of the Japanese Internment camps. Since it is an act of moral superiority to paint over a mural of George Washington in San Francisco, a city where people are encouraged to take their pants down and shit in the streets – If it’s OK to paint over Washington does that make it OK, retroactively, for the Taliban to blow up the statues of Buddha? – should we, retroactively, undo his work on the Manhattan Project and let the Nazis build the bomb, win the war, and kill all the Jews?

Also, I read tonight where it was minus 2 degrees Fahrenheit in Tallahassee in 1899. It is fashionable to blame Trump for everything but this one can’t be dumped on his exiting the Paris Climate Accord. How did that happen? More importantly, what unscrupulous businessman made it happen?

Get back to me,

Meanwhile, Peace, ain’t it wonderful?.

Kevin Smith

PS – I am trying get my hands on my favorite ‘70s bumper sticker, the one that said


PS – Do you remember when that gnomish Chinaman introduced America to a new word 35/40 years ago? I was an OCD NYT puzzle doer then but I never heard of hegemony. Then this cute, inscrutable Mandarin was at every Chamber of Commerce social function, wearing a cowboy hat like his real name was Hopalong friggin’ Cassidy and to Hell with the Injuns, we had to worry about the Russkies. Everybody, even Clemenza, says we should have stopped Hitler. Who has the will, the chops, to stop or even check China? Maps don’t change by themselves. They have announced what they want to do. They have even announced how and when they will do it. We ignore them at our own peril. “The Gods pf the Copybook Headings” have opened a new ledger. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

August 1, 2019 My memory may be failing but Didn’t Bernie the Bolshie, aka Senator “Free Beer”, spend his honeymoon in Moscow trying to give Stalin’s tomb a tongue bath?

August 1, 2019
My memory may be failing but Didn’t Bernie the Bolshie, aka Senator “Free Beer”, spend his honeymoon in Moscow trying to give Stalin’s tomb a tongue bath? Also, there is tape of him shouting in Red Square that Trotsky got what he deserved, that Bukharin really, really was guilty, and that if could get his hands around Orwell’s skinny neck he’d strangle that limey prick.
Fast forward to 2016 as he walks in Baltimore and says “Smell those rats.” Does anyone say Jack Shit about it? Don’t be silly. He’s a modern American Liberal pol and, as such, is given the traditional reptile Mulligan from the ass-kissing, spineless and soulless poltroons who make up the press, both print and electronic. “There are no enemies on the Left.”.
Donald Trump, il magnifico, with An eye for the obvious straight from Trollope, says, “Not only is the Emperor naked but Baltimore, as is Chicago, Detroit, NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Newark, Seattle, St .Louis, Cleveland,  Portland are all run by hard core, fire breathing modern American Liberal Democrats.”  I think there is a pattern here.
 NYC wants to import people from LA & SF to instruct their indigenous homeless how to take their pants down and shit in the streets. In turn, NYC will give them, in true lend lease fashion, tutorials on how to douse cops on the beat.
Corey Booker, former alcalde de Newark, and as phony a bastard as has ever appeared on the national stage from NJ, had los cojones grandes to say that Curley Biden, Old Slow Joe to fellow Blue Hens, “ruined” his city. I don’t think he meant Northvale, NJ where he was raised. Northvale has almost as many cheese shoppes, origami classes, and brie and Chablis seminars as Newark has drug dens, street gangs, and unsolved arsons. 

Mayor Ken Gibson, in hindsight as good a Mayor as Newark has ever had, said, “Wherever American cities are going, Newark will lead the way.” Newark was the paradigmatic template, the urban Petri dish, for all the hare-brained, half-assed social schemes beginning in the ‘30s. 
Here’s a hint. They didn’t work then; they don’t work now; they won’t work in the future.
Biden is guilty of many things, a lot of which qualify as “big fucking deals”. Ruining Newark ain’t one of them. I have a vivid memory of a New Jersey State Trooper standing on top of his cruiser by a Route 22 exit by Weequahic Park holding a big sign that said “Turn Left or get shot.” To this day, people do not mess with NJ Troopers. I developed a taste for Johnnie Walker Black because, in post rebellion Newark in 1967, it was $5 a quart. 17 inch Philco color TV sets were $50. 
I would kick Curley Biden’s ass – Curley in honor of the smartest stooge - for what he did to Bork. But for “ruining Newark”, no way! The phrase from Vietnam, “We had to destroy the village in order to save it” came straight from the 10 foot tall and bulletproof urban planners who brought hubris to new heights, heights that Icarus could only dream of, when they said right after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “We had to destroy the neighborhood in order to save it.” 
Biden was a loyal hoplite in the phalanx of modern American Liberal social justice workers who became social justice warriors. Those are the gutless bastards who wear masks in Portland, Oregon and beat the shit out of gay Vietnamese cameramen and do it in the name of free speech. Does anyone else remember the bumper sticker “Support Mental Health or I’ll Kill You”?
Other highlights from last night’s debate include Tovarisch Bill de Blasio, Mayor of NYC, trying out a new campaign slogan “Tax the Hell out of the Rich”. Terse, catchy, and doomed.
Nobody has yet called for free beer but it’s coming, it’s coming.
Note also that Andrew Yang, not quite in the top tier of candidates, in addition to promising $2,000 a month to everyone, says it’s too late to save everybody but we have to start moving people to high ground because of aggressive A/C usage, the  promiscuously profligate use of plastic, and out-of-control flatulent bovines.
I am glad that Prince Harry is going to limit his number of children to two. How about a vasectomy and becoming a serial adopter? It’s getting mighty shallow in his gene pool. The world will be a better place if his line ends. Guy Fawkes, where are you when we need you?

As the Zen Master said, 
“We’ll see.”

Kevin Smith

August 4, 2019 Find me a resident of Section 8 Housing in Baltimore – and is rat is now a 4-letter racist per se word? – and I won’t pay for him to come to Florida.

August 4, 2019

Find me a resident of Section 8 Housing in Baltimore – and is rat is now a 4-letter racist per se word? – and I won’t pay for him to come to Florida.

There is no doubt that Prince Harry is the true son of Prince Charles, aka Alfred E. Newman. Bad enough this putz told people to stop taking his picture, he told them to stop looking at him. Not for nothing, but if he is being sedan chaired past my “ruined tenement”, the one where “the wind and rain may enter”, would it be OK if I snuck a peek or two at him?

Only an in-bred, eyes too close together, bleed a lot from a pin prick, genetically deficient lib-tard would say that. Considering the good prospect that he has Jack the Ripper blood in his veins, why not? Absent the purple blanket, Archie Windsor would end up either in a dust-bin or behind it if it had wheels. And why is he only going to have one grandfather?

Somebody apologized for saying that Kamala Harris used her bearded clam to jump a few rungs on the corporate ladder to success by perfecting the horizontal tango. Hey! Quien sabe? Hooking up is no big deal, right?

Willie Brown, the forner Democratic leader of the California Assembly and then the Mayor of Oakland, wearer of $1,500 suits when there was still a certain cachet, a panache if you will, was a man for whom the word sly was molded took a shine to her, so to speak. 

I don’t know what she did for him but he gave her many $300,000 stipends with which to hire lawyers. The state troopers – shades of Big Bill Clinton! – who drove her home always said she looked like she had been ridden hard and put in the stable wet.

It is not known if she did windows. Probably did. A few nights in the kip and she has a shot at the Ova Office. A good trade so far. Unless he has pictures.

In Sunday’s Miami Herald, Andres Oppenheimer ends his weekly songfest about the woes of Latin America – He arado en el mar? - with the following sentence:

“Like recovering alcoholics, they [presumptively Latin America]
should start acknowledging they have a problem and start 
attacking it by creating a climate that attracts
 investments and promotes innovation.”
The Miami Herald
Page 3C

Here’s a toughie. Did Crazy Bernie or Lieawatha Warren mention it? How about Andrew Yang? Marianne Williamson? Sleepy Joe Biden? Anybody? 

In the same Herald on Page 2C, Fabiola Santiago, the resident lachrymose Latina, bemoaned the fact that the Florida Supreme Court – [the] “same one Governor Ron DeSantis immediately stacked with conservatives after taking office” – decided differently than she thinks it should.

Two things: 

#1 – DeSantis became Governor because about 35,000 Black women, women of color, women who are single moms, didn’t like Gillum’s stance on charter schools. The Russkies had nothing to do with it. Get over it.
#2 – If Gillum had won, would it have been OK to “stack the court with liberals?” If Hillary had won in 2016, do you think Gorsuch or Kavanagh would have been nominated to the Supreme Court? Let me answer that for you. NO! The winner gets to pick the Judges. How do you think Justice Ruth Bader Ginzburg got her job and, incidentally, got to go to all those operas with Justice Scalia? His guy won; her guy won.

As the Dean of modern American Liberal POOs – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – Leonard Pitts, excuse me, Pulitzer Prize Winner Leonard Pitts, and any Black dude who gets to be on the same team as that son of White Privilege, Walter Duranty, is OK in my book lists this week’s Caucasian outrages, all of which are made worse by the mere presence of Trump.

I hasten to add that I had 2 relatives who came all the way from Ballyglass, Galway, Connaught, Ireland to free the slaves. The 2 brothers fought at Gettysburg in the Wheat Field with the Irish Brigade on July 2,1863. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.

OOOPs. My manatee trap bell just sounded. I loaded it up last night with plastic straws. The dummies go for them every time

Kevin Smith