Friday, March 29, 2019

March 28, 2019 Every time I hear the name Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT] I am sorry I don’t have 3 hands.

March 28, 2019

Every time I hear the name Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT] I am sorry I don’t have 3 hands.

The first is used to reach for my handy barf bag

The second is used to reach for my handy cudgel so I can smack the shit.

The third is used in case either of the first two fail to perform.

Before I get to this toad…. turd…. you know who I mean, I want to get to 3 real Marines.

#1 - Lt. William Sauer, USMC – He was a friend, a classmate, a fraternity brother, and a Marine aviator who flew combat in Vietnam as an F-4 Phantom pilot. He was killed in a training accident the same day he was accepted into astronaut training.
#2 – Lt. Brian Conlan, USMC – I drank quite a few beers with him in Cryan’s on South Orange Avenue in the Vailsburg section of Newark. That was the bar that had a hunchbacked dwarf standing on a upturned milk case cooking hamburgers. Honest. It was right next to St. Mary’s orphanage where Nick Werkman and I used to run 50/50s for its benefit, and ours. He was a big mean guy who wrestled at St. Benedict’s Prep before going to Seton Hall and then to Vietnam where he died “facing the front”.
#3 – I was honored to have breakfast last Advent with Captain Woody Woodbury, USMC, who was an aviator in 2 wars. I was a guest of Frank Loconto to whom I still owe a proper thank you for the honor and the privilege of meeting him. Before he became one of the funniest men in the world, he “saw the elephant” in the South Pacific and Korea. With wingmen named Ted Williams and John Glenn he, having “taken the sovereign’s coin”, went from propeller driven Corsairs to jet-powered Panthers. Like Henry the Fifth, he can strip his shirt and proudly show the scars he earned on his unique St. Crispin’s Day.

At the end of “The Bridges of Tok-Ri”, the Admiral, played superbly well by Frederic March, after being told that one of his aviators has been killed, asks, as only an old man who sends young men to the “undiscovered country”, can ask, “Where do we find such men?”

I can give you 3 such examples of “such men”.

Which leads me, in growing rage and increasing revulsion, to the perfidious toad, AKA, Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]

He took a stint as a Marine reservist and, shall we say, puffed it up to him being on par with John Basilone, Chesty Puller, and, at the very least, Oliver North and Jim Webb. By so doing, he cheapens the legacy and the memory of Billy Sauer and Brian Conlan. It was as if he pissed on their graves. Captain Woodbury is still alive and quite capable of defending his own legacy, particularly from a “Stolen Valor” scoundrel such as Blumenthal. Do I have to add that he is the paradigmatic template of modern American Liberalism? I know I don’t but it’s the only toe tag that that coward will ever earn. 

Strong note to follow.

Kevin Smith

PS – I, as the founder, owner, and sole distributor of 3 of America’s most respected awards – Horse’s Ass of the Week, Pompous Fart of the Month, and the big one, the Granddaddy of them all, the gold standard of laurels, the Nobel of garlands,


I have decided to bypass the constraints of the calendar and give the lying fraud the perpetual recognition he so ardently craves. Senator Richard Blumenthal [D-CT] is named


And now, for something completely different

The New Republic – and is Walter Lippman still trying to do a 180 in his everyman crypt? – asked, doubtless rhetorically, “What should Stacey Abrams Do?”

Some of the answers are obvious.

#1 – Since she has more chins than a Chinese phone book and the back of her neck has more rolls than the Pride Bakery and Cushman’s had, combined, on a Sunday morning at dawn, she should head straight to the salad bar. Lay off the crème brulee IVs and the gelato enemas even if they are lo-fat.
#2 – Pay off her woefully past due student loans, her long delinquent credit card debts, and she should settle her IRS tax liens.
#3 – She should stop the bullshit about voter suppression. I had an uncle who lived in Jersey City who so loved to vote that he didn’t let death dissuade him from his sacred duty. He voted for 15 years after he died until he was struck permanently from the rolls by Judge Shaw. It must be noted that the Judge was appointed by President Eisenhower. My wife had family in Chicago. One of the great Cook County urban legends is that Mayor Daley almost despaired before he died because his creative count the votes, count the votes, count the votes in 1960 led this country straight to the Washington, DC Vietnam Wall.
#4 – She is not a “feckless cunt”. She would be worshipped as a Goddess in Haiti where rock soup and dirt salad are a good start to the traditional Voo-Doo Halloween dinner of fish heads and rice.
#5 - Her ass is so big that the Falcon tryouts feature walk-ons running around it.
#6 – On her last vacation, she killed 2 polar bears who were stalking her baby seals.
#7 – Did I mention that she owes everybody but the Bank of Vito and Nunzio? They have a different collection policy. It begins with a simple question: How well can you fly?
#8 – When she flies, she is classified as freight.
#9 – She has “eaten the Lord off the Cross.”

The article bemoans the fact that “Democrats have given Republicans free rein in many states to gerrymander and pass restrictive voting laws.” That this was given, voluntarily and eagerly, by Democrats is, as always, eclectically forgotten. How do you think Florida wound up with Alcee Hastings, a convicted felon and a derobed Federal Judge, in Congress? How about Corrine Brown, now in jail? The Florida Assembly had a member, Mandy Dawson, not to be found on the short list for Mensa, who used to fall asleep, snore, drool, and occasionally soil her knickers while the Assembly was in session. How were they elected?


Her district, their districts, were drawn so that a composite candidate, a candidate made of equal parts of Step-N-Fetchit, Willie Horton, and Jussie Smollett would not only win, but win overwhelmingly.

Look it up.
Meanwhile, keep Rubenesque-assed Stacey out of IHOP. It still has the “All You Can Eat” pancake promo.

Is Jemima her favorite aunt?

Meanwhile, to pay for the ham hocks, greens, mac & cheese, and Moon Pies, she is writing a book. Probably the same team that helped House Speaker Jim Wright do his. It should be interesting, what with it being written without the vowels of “I”, “O”, or “U” in it.

Kevin Smith

PS – “steatyagonous”, anyone?

March 26, 2019 Before we get to the main topic here’s a tidbit like crazy Uncle Al, the kiddies’ pal...

March 26, 2019

Before we get to the main topic here’s a tidbit like crazy Uncle Al, the kiddies’ pal, the plaid does go with stripes dude who just found a new episode of “The Honeymooners” and shows up every Thanksgiving to tell us this. It is a most inconvenient truth, particularly if we are to believe empirical data, stuff that’s as real as your boot. In this instance, satellite taken photographic evidence. 


And they are growing at the same rate they were previously shrinking. But here comes the scary part. They have been doing this for the last 2 years. Modern American Liberals, since they are incapable of critical thinking and rational discourse, rely on tautologies, circular reasoning, and the sincere wish that nobody else is watching. Absent argumentum ad captandum, and its evil twin, argumentum ad invidiam, otherwise known as the Chicken Little School of Good Stuff, these friggin’ morons always piss in their pants because they would keep getting lost on a ladder.

But wait, there’s more.

What’s sauce for the goose…..

Did I say that the Greenland glaciers – A – stopped melting 2 years ago and – B – started growing 2 years ago? Yes, I did. And, by crikey, I based this on the same satellite evidence that tree-hugging Eco-Nazis proclaimed every day for decades like some crazed mullah in a journalistic minaret shouting kill the Jews. The ice is melting, the polar bears are drowning, Wichita will be the new surfing capital, women and minorities are suffering disproportionately, and it’s all because of White privilege. 

Guess what, ohmadahns? It ain’t. And watch as I put post hoc ergo propter hoc into the mental lock-box so artfully designed by the brain-dead modern American Liberals. 
Without illogical constructs such as these they would be sitting in a wheel chair at the dog track, all bundled up, drool cup placed at the corner of their never quiet mouths, waiting for a compassionate Conservative to give them succor. And, hopefully, a clean diaper.

Trump was sworn in. The ice stopped melting. The ice started growing. Case closed. And if that isn’t as clear an example of res ipso loquitur, there aren’t any. Move on. Now, back to the regular lesson.

And for the second time in 4 days, the skies are as blue as they were on 9/11.

The guy on the white horse, the one with flaring nostrils, a large sabre, 6 pissed off rottweilers, and an agenda, is LEX TALIONIS, a man to be feared. He will ride into the Capitol, take names, kick ass, and lop off as many heads, maybe more, as he deems fit. Payback is a bitch.

I’ll get back to him.

Of course, the Russians interfered in our election. It’s what big boy nations do. We did it 3 years ago in Israel and 3 years ago in England over Brexit. So, what’s new?

The Russians first interfered in 1932  

Stop the presses!

Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] wants to lower the voting age to 16.
Florida Democrats want to raise the smoking age to 21.
What if Dem teenagers take over the House and lower it to 14?
And, is it too late to get John Edwards, Esq And Michael Avenatti, Esq
. on the all-time dream team? Those two bounders give miserable, 
scum sucking lawyers a bad name The cad vote alone would be huge.

Somehow, and in a way that would make both George Smiley and Karla proud, Boris & Natasha convinced Wide-Bottomed Hillary – and yes, she needs 2 gallons of industrial strength WD-40 and the Jaws of Life to get her Spandex off so she can take a dump -  to bypass Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania because she deserved it, with it being the Oval Office  because of all the heavy lifting she did with cattle futures – and who can forget Red Bone, her commodities grifter? – giving Ricky Ray Rector a lap dance to keep him quiet while he was being strapped into Old Sparky – and keeping quiet while Big Bill got hummers from zoftig Monica, just a few years older than their daughter. Also, it wasn’t easy throwing Lani Guiner under the bus. Backing up and throwing her into the wood chipper meant she really was willing to take one for the team. That, plus her time as a Walmart board member in a futile attempt to save the company from itself, put her next in line for the launch codes. 

A quick review of her c.v. – Saul Alinksy as her thesis topic, being fired from the Watergate hearing staff for shoplifting, being hired by the largest law firm in Little Rock which is on par with being the 3rd tallest building in Wichita, when her husband became Attorney General, and mirabile dictu, becoming a partner when he became Governor – no glass ceiling for her, boyo - it takes more than a village to buttress an evil, phony bastard into the White House. But hey, modern American Liberals always shoot for the moon, right? Her husband wasn’t a bad President but he became the worst man ever to be President. Hillary, she of the steatyaganous arse, would  have been the worst person to ever have become President

Anyway, the first Russian meddling, the one in 1932, resulted in this country recognizing the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in 1933. It also resulted in a Pulitzer Prize Prize for a New York Times correspondent.

Walter Duranty was the resident Moscow correspondent for the Times. He filed story after story saying what a good guy Uncle Joe was and refuting the anti-Progressive claims that he was starving the Ukrainian kulaks to death. Subsequent events proved that he wasn’t and that he was.

The 800-pound redolent gorilla in this story is that Duranty was a bought and paid for agent of the NKVD, the predecessor of the KGB.  When the Times was made aware of this, the Sulzbergers – does the name sound familiar? – circled the wagons and said, and still say, “So? It’s no big fucking deal, is it?” 

What would have happened if their Berlin correspondent had won a Pulitzer and turned out to be a secret Nazi spy? He did but he wasn’t. The Times didn’t have to face the moral dilemma of differentiating between twin evils – Stalin & Hitler – until August 22, 1939 when Hitler started to look good. Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Dr. Seuss, Alger Hiss, Julie & Ethel, and Henry Wallace had sphincters that snapped shut like Jack Benny’s vault but reopened but reopened simultaneously on June 21, 1941 Look it up. Thank God for Google.

By the time of the satanic alliance, Whittaker Chambers had walked out of the cave he had entered voluntarily, looked up, “and saw the stars”.

Speaking of American-Soviet election collusion, how did Henry Wallace almost become President? Bad enough he was Vice President but if a lot George Meany Dems and big city pols, Hague, Curley, guys who would be wearing MAGA hats today – they were the forebears of Obama’s “bitter clingers”, Clinton’s “deplorables”, Biden’s “dregs”, don’t you know? – the Berlin airlift would have been run by a guy who sang the “Internationale” every morning, would have given John Reed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and would have had the Hollywood 10 lead the White House Easter Egg Roll and light the Goddamn Christmas Tree.

It’s 12:17 PM on Tuesday. The President just gave a press conference stating the obvious. Israel has sovereignty, and has had sovereignty, over the Golan Heights, since 1967. Does anyone else remember King of the Hill? You own it if you put your flag on top of the hill. As long as you kept it there you still won. It would seem to be as simple as that. The first question, asked by a practicing bruja, was about the Mueller report. It is time, indeed it is past time, to bring back flogging.

Jessica Tarlov, one of Fox News’s on-air Daughters of the Desert, said that some Jews think Trump could be anti-Semitic because he Twitters unfavorably about George Soros. If flogging is still verboten, I guess I shouldn’t ask about “a pound of flesh”, should I?

Time for today’s “Would not Logic dictate?” lesson. 

Addled modern American Liberals, including that chinless little shit from Douglas High School, constantly tell us that “whose wine I drink, whose song I sing” because taking donations from the NRA makes you into a stone-cold killer. Goose sauce/gander sauce time, students.
Kim Foxx, Esq., the Cook County, Illinois District Attorney, and the chick who dismissed all the felony charges against Jussie Smollett, and here’s a flash, he will not be the first Black James Bond unless its the rumored La Cage aux Folles version, took $400,000 in campaign contributions from George Soros. Would not Logic dictate that since he hates America, loathes and despises Israel, and wants to kill all the Jews that people who take $ from him also want to see Arbeit Mach Frei signs everywhere? He does and obviously if you take his money, you do, right?
If it weren’t for such ilLogical constructs, such as the above, the poor stupid bastards who think if we can stop cows from farting all will be well in the world would be devilishly idle.
Incidentally, Smollett would have been convicted in either Liberty City or Soweto. The fix was definitely in.

Would I be showing my White privilege elitist education if I were to say that the judicial shenanigans, stuff that would have made the Daleys proud, stuff that goes back to the recount in 1960 that led to the Vietnam Wall, shows the exquisite Italianate hand of the Obamas? I’ll take the risk.

Kevin Smith

PS – An important fact, overlooked, in the Boeing 737 issue: The crashed planes were owned by foreign airlines and flown by foreign pilots That means they were not held to the same standards as United States based carriers. That means that the gold standard for parts, the FAA 8130 certificate of airworthiness, need not be attached to each and every single part of each and every plane each and every time that part is replaced. If it is not, that plane, if it lands in the United States, cannot take off legally. I was in the business for 2 and ½ years. I don’t know if women, or men for that matter, still use some form of Static Cling to keep their pantyhose in shape. It was the weapon of choice to keep airplane wires free from outside static. Woe betide any carrier who tried to back-door it through Walmart, absent the 8130 that the Walton family, despite having Hillary on its Board, could not provide.

Senator Blumenthal gets to spend some quality time in the barrel tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 22, 2019 I am sure this question is unique in that it has never been asked of any other

March 22, 2019

I am sure this question is unique in that it has never been asked of any other  

Congresswoman Ilhan: Did you marry your brother?

I don’t like borscht. The last time I had derma I was with Imre Rosenthal at Dubbrow’s. I can go for days, even weeks, without listening to klezmer. Max Katz is still my favorite American Jew. I have never been to Israel and I am still not a Jew. But I am as much a part of Israel philosophically, ideologically, and spiritually as I am of Athens and Rome. The divinely crafted three-legged stool codified rights that were mine “from beyond the stars” was in place when the warp and the woof were loomed, joined hands if you will, in Ballyglass and Cork. Which leads me to a paradox.

What strange virus is eating at the brain and soul of American Jews?

If Trump is a Jew hater what does that make Chomsky and Soros?

Is it a rite of passage, one that is needed to gain final acceptance into the sanctum sanctorum of modern American Liberalism, that Jewish politicians must denounce Israel as if it were a rabid dog or a coiled viper? It is like a snake eating itself. At some point, there is nothing left to bite. And meanwhile, despite the continuing du jour denial of its existence, evil, as defined by T.S. Eliot, prospers. And Jews will be the first to see the business end of the spear. I guess the idea of a universal yiddishe kup was one of the more successful parts of the world-wide Zionist conspiracy.

I don’t want to tempt the Gods but the sky is as blue today as it was on 9/11.

I love beer. I love it so much that I banned both lite beer and all Anheuser-Busch products form my daughter’s wedding reception. Skip the de gustibus part, the best beer in America is Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. My Damascus moment was in Mexico in 1963 where I was doing the Lord’s Work as a lay missionary when I was introduced to the pleasures of Dos Equis.

I have never tasted Stella Artois. About 12 years ago I was offered some by the stick man at Waxy O’Conner’s. He called it the “wife beater”. because if you have a few of them you go home and beat your wife. I declined saying if I wanted to beat my wife, I didn’t need beer to do it.

Now Samuel Adams joins the do not drink list’.

They announced that were offering a new brew named in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Other than her friendship with Justice Scalia and her desire to be the new Wicked Witch when the Wizard of Oz is remade, I find nothing sudsworthy about her. In fact, she may be living proof of Shakespeare’s derisive aside about outlawing “small beer”.
Once you are on my shit list, you stay on my shit list, particularly when it comes to beer.

Congresswoman Ilhan, did you marry your brother? It goes unasked.

Nobody ever asked Sarah Palin that question.

One late night jokester mused that he wanted her teenage gang raped, remember?


I guess, like Judas, it’s too late for Saturday Night to redeem itself.

Kevin Smith

Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019 Even though they are standing tippy-toed on a shaky stool with the offal reaching their lower lips, and let me say this in admiration of the grit of modern American Liberals,

March 23, 2019

Even though they are standing tippy-toed on a shaky stool with the offal reaching their lower lips, and let me say this in admiration of the grit of modern American Liberals,
nothing stops their drive for anti-nomianalism in all things. They press on. Pete Seeger, noted Hitler bum kisser from August 22, 1939 to June 21, 1941, used to warble at LBJ about being “Waist deep in the Big Muddy but the fool pushes on”.

It would normally be a sign of senescent “eclectic indignation” or a hubris that would shame Icarus – alas, only once, as it turned out – but Barbra Streisand just leapt to the defense of Michael Jackson. It is the same Ms. Streisand who so hates our beloved President that she says he made her get a fat ass. Every time she sees or hears il Magnifico, she eats 8 pancakes with syrup and gooey stuff. “There is no end to his perfidy”, is what she didn’t say as she reaches for the industrial strength WD-40 and the Spanx. She need the Jaws of Life to take a dump.

She says that while you may not like a 50-year-old guy who wears one silver glove, walks backwards very skillfully, and keeps a monkey and a giraffe in the closet of the downstairs surprise guest play room, and who, after root beer floats and Mumbles the Clown, goes speeding down the sodomite Hershey Highway with 9-year-olds, exits at the carousel, the one with real animals ,for a refreshing “bit of the gobble”, at least the little buggered buggers weren’t murdered.

Reductio ad Absurdum, and eclectically forgetting MaryJo Kopechne, wouldn’t all the faux-outraged chick accusers, starting with Anita Hill and going up to the dizzy broad who thinks that maybe 36 or 37 years ago, in either a big house or a really big house in Virginia or maybe Maryland the frat boy named Brett Kavanaugh tried to grab some sweater meat, shouldn’t all those outraged, and I mean outraged – with the exception of the people talking about Big Bill Clinton, the King of the One-Eyed Trouser Snakes and didn’t Nina Burleigh, Time reporter, say that she would go down on him to thank him for all he did for, or to, women? – & ladies just shut up and sit down because, after all, they weren’t killed, were they? And, yes, she can and does make it worse when she says that the King of Pop didn’t do it by himself. She says the parents of the upturned, pre-pubescent hineys bear some responsibility for feeding his paedophilia. I mean it was like giving fire water and the car keys to an Injun, right?

The parents of a 10-year old who is run down by a drunk driver bear some responsibility for his death for a simple reason. They should have kept the little flirt chained to the basement wall until he was old enough to carry a gun.

Modern American Liberals – Chico O’Rourke has his dental visits Facebooked and then eats dirt to cleanse his spirit while Kamala Harris is reprising Evita and Bernie the Bolshie who honeymooned in Moscow in the ‘80s thinks Venezuela just needs a little tinkering, inter alia – have shot themselves in both feet, hacked off their nose, and now have their heads so far up their asses that they can hear those eyeballs click. Soon it will be “Neck deep in the Big Muddy”.

Now that the long-awaited Mueller Fart in Church has been sanitized, 2 things should be as clear as a Tanqueray martini straight up.

#1 – Forget about Trump colluding with the Russkies. Whatever collusion is, it ain’t a defined crime by Federal statutes.

#2 – Of course, the Reds tried to interfere in our election. They have been trying since 1932. GOOGLE Walter Duranty. If interfering in a foreign election is malum per se
what the Hell was the Obama White House doing taking sides in the last Israeli election? How about actively campaigning against BEXIT in England, another sovereign nation?

Alger Hiss was at Yalta with FDR. Laying aside the consequences of that summit but never forgetting that Uncle Joe had 2,000,000 men east of the Elbe, Hiss was a conscious Commie spy, bought and paid for just as much as the aforementioned Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times Communist columnist, Walter Duranty. Is it possible that there may have been collusion at the AM coffee/tea break or the PM cocktail hour? How about the upturned eyebrow after a double sneeze or whistling “The Gray Geese Are Flying Tonight”, a tune much beloved by spy craft practitioners of both sides in 1945?

Like the Covington Catholic MAGA hat wearing by presumptively racist students, and Catholic to boot, like the UVA fraternity rape case, like the Duke lacrosse incident, like the Tawana Brawley ignominious desecration, like the decades-long verbal diarrhea about GCGWCCCD*, like the Bermuda Triangle, like the fluoride conspiracy, like Atlantis, the Loch Ness Monster, like the Piltdown Man, all of which can be summed up by one of the most magnificent words in the English language and that word is bullshit.

Let me add Atlantis, an inside joke put out by Plato some 25 centuries ago, still holds the audience captive. Some of them never catch on.

Let’s talk about collusion.

The spineless, ink-stained toads, the coiled vipers, and the evil brujas who await the call from their non-deplorable, non-clinging leaders so they can unleash a torrent of half-truths that fits the du jour narrative of modern American Liberalism are despicable. Said narrative is well known to men of good will: America is evil and is filled with evil White people who are descended from slave owners and Injun killers who exploit 3rd Worlders who want to live in peace and harmony with Gaia but profit-crazed 1%ers who want to drown polar bears and strangle baby Babars with plastic and weaken us with GMO food and drive us mad with militarism and think it is good that people in San Francisco drop their drawers and shit on the side walks and that while all speech is free some speech is freer than other speech but it will come right in the end as soon as we raise the minimum wage to $29.50 and the marginal tax rate to 105% which will have us farting through silk in no time because not only can the horizon be reached and jumped over because that’s where the unicorns graze and balloon juice and rainbow stew vines, organic of course, abound. And besides, women and minorities have suffered disproportionately, haven’t they?

C.S. Lewis called them “men without chests”. He died on November 22, 1963. A century from now we will still be reading him while the other guy will be but a footnote. 

The Mueller investigation is over. The premise for the investigation, the raison d’etre, that Trump won the 2016 election because the Russkies put the fix in, is gone with the morning dew, like this morning’s tingle up the leg.

What was different this time was that the intended lamb was not ready for the slaughter. This time the intended victim took a nolo me tangere cum impecunis attitude and bit back. Or bit first. And when he bit, he held on. 

At least 50 lives have been ruined. Even a bad lawyer will take you to the cleaners.

Let lex talionis prevail. Somebody’s cojones are headed to the Cuisinart. Start with Wide-Bottomed Hillary. She paid for the Steele dossier. Get the villains who lied, repeatedly. to the FISA Court to get secret wiretaps, all of which were based on lies and tautologies.

It turned out that the entire Bermuda Triangle was based on an article in the August, 1947 edition of Argosy, a pre-Playboy men’s magazine. [pre-Playboy means no nipples or yooha shots] 

It turns out that the entire Trump was a Russian agent – like Julie and Ethel on steroids – narrative was based on a tale made from whole cloth. Impound a Federal Grand Jury and get those sad sacked lying, covered in eel shit, asses under oath.

Hillary goes first. She paid for it.

Kevin Smith

PS - * GCGWCCCD – GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimatChangeClimateDestruction 
Pop Quiz – What ended the last Ice Age? If you said Global Warming you win.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019 Who in the name of Harold Stassen, Norman Thomas, Henry Krajewski, Frank Clement, Vance Hartke, George McClellan, and Shirley Chisholm is Andrew Yang?

March 19, 2019

Who in the name of Harold Stassen, Norman Thomas, Henry Krajewski, Frank Clement, Vance Hartke, George McClellan, and Shirley Chisholm is Andrew Yang? And why is he running for President? On the other hand, if Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam can open an exploratory committee to se if he should run…. run, Yang, run! And trust me, if you think the louts and churls who make up this generation of Kennedys exuding White privilege, wait ‘til you see how the Yings, evil twins of the Yangs, and the Yellow version of Black sheep, the Yelps and their handy helots, the Yawns, exude their millennia-old version of High Yeller Han Privilege.

Buckle up, President Wilson, Senators Bilbo, Gore, Barkley. Sparkman, and Ervin. You think rubbing little nappy-headed Black boys or lawn jockeys for good luck was retroactively racist, wait ‘til Yang gets to the White House. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

One of the problems in being opposed to genetically modified foods is, if you like broccoli, you can’t eat it. Of course, and particularly since the science is settled – just ask Ptolemy and Fred Hoyle, it also rules out carrots. Long before Mendel did his work in the abbey garden, carrots became carrot-like in color to curry, so to speak, political favor. Something to do with the House of Orange. Look it up.

And since our aversion to GMOs now extends to cats, and I do miss Sharpton, my last cat, gone 12 years. But there is a lesson of White privilege to be learned here. He was an all-Black cat who wore a bell round his neck. That’s how he got his name although we called him Al for short. It cost almost $1,000 for him to die. My father, the legendary Judge Smith, told me that you never saw a cat near a Chinese restaurant. They would wind up in the Oriental goulash. A lesson to be learned from our non-Occidental brethren is that multi-tasking applies to inter-species re-cycling, no? We are catching up though. When was the last time you saw a dead pigeon by a KFC store?

The problem is not with a limp pussy. It is what we do with Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug. His tinkering with the DNA, shorthand for genetic modification, of wheat and rice in India, Mexico, Pakistan, and 50 other copy-cat countries – his work was not patentable – saved either side of a million lives 50 years ago.

If we were to do away with GMO foods – potatoes, salmon, chocolate, tofu, corn, sorghum, ambrosia, milo, the list is endless – we would surely starve. And we would do it in less than 12 years so we would never find out how prescient that “wise Latina”, moon bat, wing-nut AOC, aka Chiquita, really is.  Folks in el barrio call her cabeza de mierda. Cabeza de mierda? Send a SASE.

Once we get rid of all the GMO foods let’s 86 all the vaccines. It’s time we toughen these kids up. Polio, pertussis, tetanus, hydrophobia, HPV, small pox, yellow fever is what gets us ready for tertiary syphilis. “That which does not destroy makes me stronger,” right?

I actually felt sorry for Chelsea Clinton yesterday.

Not because her father was famous for getting “a bit of the gobble” on the first floor while her bruja mother was on the second floor figuring out how to screw the country again while standing up but, because of her modern American Liberal background, she did not know how to react when the snot-nosed little shit daughter of the desert said she was to blame for 50 dead Muslims in Christ Church, New Zealand. “Christ Church”? As if killing them wasn’t bad enough? “Christ Church”? Is that an example of “Inshallah” or the more nuanced “Aradh Allah”? I don’t want to have someone still pissed off about Tours and Lepanto crashing a plane into my patio when I am BBQin’ ribs.

 [Am I the only one to notice that 50 dead Muslims in Christ Church brings outrage and garment rending while 30 dead Roman Catholics in Nigeria brings waves of ennui? Why is that? Plus, does anyone know the ethnic and religious background of the guy who shot up the Netherlands? Just asking. We can rule out Norwegian Lutheran, can’t we? And, for a tie-breaker, were the guys who blew up the Boston Marathon Lubavitchers or Mennonites? I forgot.]

Mrs. Mezvinsky spent her first 21 years living as a tenant in public housing. First in Little Rock where surely one of the highlights was the execution of Ricky Ray Rector despite having 30% of the Bill of Rights pissed on by the state where her father was once the Attorney General and then the Governor. She spent the last 8 years living in Public Housing in Washington, DC. Maybe it was because the lawn was mowed by guys wearing sun glasses and Uzis that she did not develop the attitude of other tenants of other DC public housing. If her name wasn’t Chelsea but rather LaKeisha she would have smacked that nasty bitch right in the mouth. Forget all the Kumbaya crap. The bitch gets her props or somebody gets smacked.

Her sin was simple.

She married a Jew.

You would think her father-in-law, who did a stretch inside, would have told her that most interpersonal relations come down to what Joe Stalin told the guys at Stalingrad,. “Not one step back”.

The ironies of Muslims being slaughtered in Christ Church and Christians being slaughtered in Nigeria, and guess which one goes down the memory hole first, continue to abound. And, perhaps, astonish.

I don’t know if she has converted and is a mikvah maven but  with her injected Semitism plus her criticism of another WOG member of Congress, an ideological slattern who called Trump a “motherfucker”, was enough to have 3rd World Social Justice Warriors get in her face and speak truth to power. I wonder if any of those haggard hecates suddenly realized that, and in the name of Allah, their G spots had been cut out? Can’t really “give up the pink” if there is no pink, so to speak, to give up, is there?

And does anyone else remember when NYU played Manhattan in Madison Square Garden and the young Jaspers filled the temple with shouts of NYJew? Everything old is new again.

I did do some homework on Candidate Yang. And I just know that his parents, with at least 5 degrees between them, were not slipping Benjamins to grifters posing as admission counsellors.

Kevin Smith

PS – Just 2 things more:

I am a fan of Cardhu, of Abelour 15, and of Balvennie Doubles. Toss in some Tullamore Dew Special and I am in awe of Mother Nature and her bounteous gifts. What do you think happens when the grain is spread out on the floor and the starch becomes sugar and them becomes alcohol? What do you think happens when the initial product is put in a used white oak barrel that was once filled with some fine American bourbon? Its genes get jiggled – that’s GMO at the top of its game – to give us uisgabah, the breath of life. If any of you GMO jackasses want to see your whiskys disposed of in an environmentally sensitive manner, call me.

Samantha Bee, a modern American Liberal witch, says that Ivanka Trump, daughter of the President of the United States, in an edge of the envelope marked “free speech” pronouncement, is a “feckless cunt”. 

What does that make Chelsea?

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 12, 2019 It’s only March but the contest for TV ad of the year is over.

March 12, 2019

It’s only March but the contest for TV ad of the year is over. Move over, Geico! Expedia, the internet travel agency features a 4-year-old, blonde haired, blue eyed heart breaker, doubtless a child of White privilege, costumed as a tiger, traveling to see – guess what? – a tiger. She has a smile that not only says I didn’t do it but I couldn’t have done it. Plus, she reminds me of my Caroline and Julia, my two youngest granddaughters. Sweet Caroline, the middle child, will be here tonight while Baby Julia, the youngest is Lubbock, Texas bound to defend her state gymnastics championship for the third time. Julia is, Deo Gratias, an example of White Privilege. Her family is able to support her transcontinental avocation. The Fair Caitlin is pursuing her Muse at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Back from voting in Fort Lauderdale, keeping my streak going at 55 years. Of course, I voted against the bond issues, one of which promised to rid the police station of black mold and the other which promised to lower the tides, permanently. I am not in favor of either black mold or perpetual Noah episodes but because both proposals were in continuous violation of both the Federal Truth in Lending Law and the Securities Act of 1934 I voted no. Also, I voted against the municipal housekeeping revision that addressed gender neutrality. It’s the one that sought to level the playing field by avoiding the dreaded chilling effect when you venture on to the slippery slope as you try to shun the paradox of being bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden or not. If the genders are neutral why do the ladies tee off closer to the pin and who do they get to go into the lifeboat first? Years ago, when I was playing catch with my daughter, I said, “You throw like a girl” She replied, in a most profound manner, “I am a girl.” It’s the least I could do. Since it goes without saying, which is why I say it, it is now 3 generations of strong, accomplished women who have given me sustenance.

As many as 80 babies have died in hospitals in Venezuela since the beginning of the month. The killer was neither dysentery nor was it pertussis or ague. It was a lack of electricity that killed these innocents. Margaret Sanger, Hitler’s favorite American, had no hand in it. Venezuela has more oil than Carter ever had little liver pills. It is not rocket science to get it to a power plant, cook it to make steam to turn the turbines to make electricity, and don’t kill the babies.

It proved to be a row to far too hoe, particularly if you have had 20 years of omadhauns telling you that not only is lunch free but as soon as we get to Utopia, the one just over the horizon where the unicorn ranches, the balloon juice cooperatives, and the organically sustainable rainbow stew mangrove are, you will be paid to eat it.  

Sitting quietly on the hillside, keeping score as they always do, are the laconic Gods of the Copybook Headings, convinced now more than ever, that not only was Darwin wrong, he was profoundly and irredeemably wrong. 
The NYSE - that’s the New York Stock Exchange for you Venezuela-loving jackasses - slapped the snot out of BA - that’s Boeing Aircraft, a DJIA stock and you’ll have to find out what DJIA means on your own – yesterday. The beauty of a market, any market, is that it is a jumble of lunacies that becomes the sanest, most rational thing in the world when it makes its continuously updated judgment on what something is worth. That price, what someone else is willing to pay at that specific time, is infallible. It’s not what something’s intrinsic, whatever that means, value is. It’s what the buyer with ready cash says it is worth,

Boeing is bid down because foreign airlines, whose maintenance standards do not require the gold standard attached to any airplane landing in this country, a FAA 8130 certificate of airworthiness, punched 2 737s into terra firma. Markets have a Caesar dixit finality to them. As long as it opens tomorrow course corrections, even 180s, are possible. That’s why modern American Liberals hate them

It is the only cauldron that modern American Liberals have not bought totally to heel. It is the same mechanism that allows Jeff Bezos, richer beyond the dreams of Croesus with unfettered avarice, to piss in Trump’s soup and on his leg. 

It is the great counterbalance to the excesses of our culture. We screw with it at our own peril.

Ted Deutsch, Lois Frankel, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are Democratic members of Congress from South Florida. Before they reached that exalted status, they were Jews. They still are Jews with no Damascene or Shylock moment for them. I don’t know how they square the circle of virulent, and how many other kinds are there, anti-Semitism, particularly when it is practiced by other Democratic members of Congress. The snot-nosed little viperous shit member from Minnesota says that Jews are descended from pigs and apes. She wants to drive Israelis into the sea while being careful not to kill the oranges or raze the laboratories. Oh yes, and she wants to kill all the Jews. Nancy Pelosi says that she is young and doesn’t know the power of language. And how old was Mozart and Keats when their words, still alive, still vibrant, moved men to move mountains? How old was Jesus when he began to walk the earth? Weren’t 2 out 3 people in the car that led to “Mississippi Burning” Jewish? Nancy Pelosi should be flogged while she still has some of her wits about her.

2 questions:

#1 – How big is that tent?
#2 – Is Trump behind this?

or speechless

“I wish rainwater was beer,” said Matthew, Thomas More’s man servant. If you think he didn’t survive pre-Elizabethan England, you’re wrong. Every Democratic candidate, no exceptions but maybe Schultz the coffee guy, is running on a free stuff campaign. When the plane lands – after the election - there will be free stuff for everybody, all the time, forever. When Fred Kite, noted British Labour leader, said of Socialism, “All 

them corn fields and ballet at night”, he set a standard, raised a banner, around which all Democratic candidates have rallied. [Speaking of Democratic candidates, will someone tell me of there is any difference between Kamala Harris and Stormy Daniels? Both profited handsomely from the promiscuous use of their “bearded clam”. The strategic use of their aptly named “vertical smile” advanced their careers and put a few hard-earned bucks in their loot bags. And the beauty, the genius, known to every courtesan and hooker in History, is that after they sell it, they get to keep it and sell it again. And again. Kamala/Stormy had a lot practice “polishing knobs”, if you know what I mean. I’ll bet the Chinks are rooting for her.]

  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – I like to call Chiquita, as in Chiquita Banana – is very close to being Homerically, Guinness Book dumb. That she was able to earn a degree from Boston University, heretofore an institution of some accomplishment if not distinction suggests that there were other forces afoot. And, to make it “curiouser”, her degree is in Economics. Maybe she used the Kamala Harris/Stormy Daniels path to success for extra credit. She is well on her way to becoming, to cite noted political sage Samantha Bee, a “feckless cunt”. It is a job for which she is well suited. It is the only job, other than the one she has, for which she is in any way suited. And, like money from home, she has got her main squeeze latched on to a voluminously lactating public teat. You go, Girl! “Like, you know what I’m sayin’, like whatever.” Thank God John Silber did not get to see this

Back when the New Yorker contained well written pieces about quotidian things, things like John McPhee writing about Interstate 80 or the Swiss Air Force or getting a ship, back before they went to work for the wing-nut, moon-bat Democrats who still mourn Julie and Ethel, they also had funny cartoons.
“This be the coon of Kuhn, Loeb” is one you won’t find in their anthology. The “witch doctor, rich doctor” has also fallen from favor and they probably won’t be praising Orwell too much either.

I see where the FBI has arrested a lot of Hollywood swells who tried to get their excessively White privileged kids into top level schools by using drugs, sex, and rock and roll. It that didn’t work there was always money. That brings us to a great New Yorker cartoon of the late ‘70s or early ‘80s. Picture 2 women in their 40s, sipping some white wine in an upper East Side bistro. One says to the other sans emotion, “Of course I would sleep with him if it got my son into Yale.”

Will there be frog march perp walk into central booking? Probably not. This becomes an empirical definition of some things constant to modern American Liberalism.

A – “eclectic indignation”
B – “Do not pee on my back and tell me it’s rain.”
C – “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” 

These freaking hypocrites should be struck regularly, like gongs.

Kevin Smith

PS – Little Debbie, she of the Medusa hair and the Brown shirt thuggery and hob nail boot mentality – she did send the cops to my house because of something I wrote -  said today, in public, that Donald Trump was an anti-Semite. I knew his Jewish accountant, the one-legged Elaine Jacobson, in the ‘70s so he was able to overcome that then. Does Ilhan Omar go to the mikvah with you? Make sure she gets onto the pool first. It might defuse the bombs Did Trump move the US Embassy to Jerusalem because of his anti-Semitism? Should Samantha Bee put you on her “feckless” list? Tie breaker: was it Al Sharpton, and exactly where did he earn his Reverend degree, or Jesse Jackson who said Jews were “hook-nosed diamond merchants”? You’ve been hanging out with Nancy Pelosi and AOC too long. It’s rubbing off. You’re starting to get stupid


Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 9, 2019 I saw Chris Matthews,

March 9, 2019

I saw Chris Matthews, he of the designer rubber pants because Trump’s merry pranks have caused him to suffer, enjoy – and they are the same to those afflicted by tertiary Trump derangement syndrome – never ending micturition leading to enuresis unseen by most urologists, last night on national TV. That he pissed in his pants was a given. He also spit out an imperial pint of sputum – non-TB-laden, I hope, hope – after he announced that Paul Manafort would not be bastinadoed, strapadoed and then given a one-way ticket to Papillon’s digs on Devil’s Island.

His projectile froth resembled a cow, a very big cow, pissing on a flat rock.

Mind you, this was because Manafort was not sentenced for a crime he was never accused of, for which he was never tried so he could not be found guilty. A “big fucking   deal”, to cite Curly Biden, for mad dog, blood thirsty, vengeance is mine, modern American Liberals who wallow in “Verdict first, then the trial”.

It is a well-known fact that Trump sent the homophobic Nigerians to Chicago to beat up the finocchio TV star because it is MAGA country. It is also a well-known fact that the rich catholic White kids from Covington, Kentucky tormented a true Redskin who was a medal laden, disabled veteran who served his country proudly despite generations of outrageous insults about his scalping techniques. The UVA fraternity rape episode, the Duke lacrosse incident, the Tawana Brawley desecration, all are well-known facts.

Now for something completely different.
Get to the last Blockbuster. 
Hack into Netflix.
“The Death of Stalin”
is a must see.
You’ve been advised.
Govern yourself accordingly

In a world where “Arbeit Mach Frei” and “Todt Juden” signs will soon appear on MSNBC, in a world where “yid”, “kike”, and “sheeny” will soon be in New York Times crossword puzzles – remember, they called A. Lincoln a “baboon” and were perfectly willing to allow slavery to continue in 1864, in a world where the NBA will soon replace the Star-Spangled Banner with a muzzein recording of the call to prayer, the world is turned upside down and Yeats was surely right.

Kevin Smith

March 9, 2019 Meir Kahane, America’s first public victim of radical Islamic terrorism

March 9, 2019

Meir Kahane, America’s first public victim of radical Islamic terrorism – and is there any other kind? Meir Kahane, not, decidedly not, one of Tom Wolfe’s fictional American Jews, Meir Kahane, is my posthumous candidate for mensch and righteous mensch at that, of the century past. Meir Kahane, the Jew who shamed Irish Catholics, Polish Catholics, Eye-Tie Catholics, mixed breed Catholics, rescue dog Catholics, retired Catholics, all Catholics, is doing a post-mortem hora in his grave.

A bit of History is in order.

I used to go a deli on 47th street on the West side of 6th Avenue so as to distinguish it from the 47th street that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton said was filled with “hook-nosed diamond merchants”. Thanks, guys.

 Any Manhattan émigré will tell you that there are no bad delis in NYC. Bad ones, like bad pizza places, are firebombed by disgruntled patrons. It is part of the urban legend of NYC that while the NYCFD will respond to a burning bad deli, the A-Team of First Responders is kept in reserve with the trainees and probies being the first ones on the truck and off the truck. Good delis are always trying to distinguish themselves from their neighbors. I remember signs reading “No celery in our egg salad”. There was a kosher deli on Greenwich Street, just South of the WTC, and another casualty of 9/11, where the manger would try to teach me the rules governing kassruth.

The West 47th Street deli had a sign that read “We are the tough Jews”. 

The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine is a magnificent polyglot church in Morningside Heights of the upper West side of Manhattan. Every 20 years or so they raise money to try to finish it. [In 1950 my parents took me to Washington, DC. One of the stops was at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It is a magnificent church – Scalia’s funeral Mass was said there – that my mother got money in her mite box for before World War 1. Thus, do Christian communities renew, extend, and connect themselves to their collective heritage.

One Sunday morning, several dozen Black men occupied the church during morning services. They were upset and outraged about slavery, Woodrow Wilson and his love for the Ku Klux Klan, low test scores, sickle cell anemia, bad housing, and chaos on Father’s Day. Most of all, they were upset because they wanted money which was not forthcoming from the White congregation. The celebrant had a special collection that morning and sent them on their way. 

When they left, they said that they were going to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral next Sunday. 

Next Sunday, the steps of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral were filled with members of the JDL – the Jewish Defense League. They were led by Meir Kahane. His reasoning was as simple as his Logic was impeccable. First, an Episcopalian Cathedral. Then, a Roman Catholic Cathedral. You didn’t have to have a yiddishe kup to know that next shabbos the brothers were going to go to the biggest, richest schul they could find. After all, Jews have the Benjamins, don’t they?

They carried bats and tire irons. 

The Roman Catholic sanctuary, with the Body of Christ in divine repository, where the miracle of Transubstantiation happens every day, was not violated.  

A te deum, a proper response, was raised by the faithful.

The next response should have been one of Roman Catholic shame and outrage. 

Where in the name of God and Michael Collins were the Irish-Catholics? Where in the name of God and Jan Sobieski were the Polish Catholics? Where in the name of God and the saviours of Lepanto were the Eye-Tie Catholics? Why did we need Jews to step up and “take one for the team”? 

We have become, as C.S. Lewis says, “Men without chests”. There is “a beast at the gates and there is no smile on that face”. We ignore it oat our own peril.

Comes now Congresswoman Ilhan Omar [D-MN] who begins her AM staff meetings with the Islamic chant of “Kill Israel”, “Death to the Jews”, and “What Holocaust?” She wants Medicaid to pay Planned Parenthood to perform FGM. That’s short hand for “female genital mutilation”. [As an aside, is her bearded clam intact? Does she still have her vertical yoo-ha? If skank ho wanabee Kathy Griffin can walk around with a Trump severed head and Samantha Bee can call Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt”, I can ask if the Congresswoman has all her female plumbing, including the elusive G-spot. What is the word in Arabic, is there a word in Arabic, for female orgasm? Does the extended answer contain “fatwa and jihad”?]

Modern American Liberals, all of whom are card carrying, fire breathing Democrats, have a new litmus test for postulants. Not only must they detest Israel but they must despise Jews. Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] and if she has one more face lift will pee through her chin could not get her House majority to condemn anti-Semitism. It has to include hatreds not yet heard from, plus an oblique reference to Trump, the champion hater of all time. 

Speaker Pelosi said of  the soon to be mad bomber from MInnesota that “she has a different experience with words”. Was it Alice or the Red Queen who said “those words mean exactly what I want them to mean?”

How about “Mohammed was a goat humping pedophile”?
Try “Allah ain’t so fucking akbar” on for size. 
Does a bacon fat enema sound nice?
“Mecca delenda est” anyone?

Does she “get” them?

Shame on her, shame on them, those spineless, ballless bastards. Next year in Jerusalem? Maybe. Thank God modern American liberal Jews don’t run Israel. 

Send a SASE if you want to know how the Jews sunk the Titanic.

Kevin Smith

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 5, 2019 Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn-born mad cap Bullshitting Bloviating Bolshie Bomb Thrower

March 5, 2019

Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn-born mad cap Bullshitting Bloviating Bolshie Bomb Thrower running for President, gave a speech in Chicago yesterday. He said he led demonstrations there in 1963 to protest the racist and inhumane treatment of Negroes – they were not yet black – there.

It was so bad in Chicago that the only times that Black could be celebrated was at home games for da Bears and the inaptly named White Sox.

Who was the Mayor then? Give up? It wasn’t Lester Maddox.
Who was the Governor of Illinois? George Wallace? Nope
Any Senators named Bilbo? Ervin? Gore? Nope x three
Was Wilson still President?

Send a SASE and the answers will be posted.

Bernie from Brooklyn called for “change from the bottom up”.

I remember another dude from Chicago reminding us to “never bring a knife to a gun fight” and to “get in their faces”. I remember him telling us that he was going to shut Gitmo by Ash Wednesday, 2009, that he was going to “fundamentally transform the country”, that “if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor”, that he would “cool the earth and calm the seas”, and that by crikey, when he drew a red line it was going to be a red line for the ages, that he wanted to change the national anthem from the Star Spangled Banner to Brenda Lee’s stirring rendition of “I’M Sorry, So Sorry”, that “ISIS was the JV”. Remember when he got his wife a $4,000 a week – repeat - $4,000 a week raise? That finally made her proud, I think.

Is it true that Bernie will announce his support of Congresswoman Chiquita Cortez’s New Green Deal at the former world HQ of Solyndra? Rumors are flying that he wants Ned Lud to be his Secretary of Commerce and Trofim Lysenko to be his science adviser. Maybe the friggin’ moron will bring back Ptolemaian astronomy. Maybe he’ll solve the coming deficit and debt crisis through a savvy combo of 50/50s, alchemy, and cake sales. A 105% tax rate can’t hurt, right?


Stop the Presses!

Wide Bottomed Hillary ain’t running in 2020


Maybe she could have screwed Bernie again. Debbie would have put her boot in again.

Does anyone remember George Allen? He was a Governor of Virginia who never practiced infanticide. He has nephews named Roman and Deacon who were successful employees of his father. He was a Republican Senator who like some 2 dozen contemporary Senators thinks he should be President. The Washington Post discovered that he used the word “macaca”, a mildly derisive way of describing a Red Dot Indian. They ran him out of public life.

I mention that because “Death to Israel” and “Kill the Jews” are now part and parcel of the mantra opening encounter sessions of the Green New Deal. They are filled with moronic chicks who are Democratic members of Congress. And yet there is no penalty for so saying. 

Remember when Jews were all thought to be “smart”? CPAs? Si, Physicians? Si. Defenders of their culture, their ethos, their faith when the SS hundts are all modern American Liberals? No.

It was a good thing for White Star governance that the Master of the RMS Titanic went down with his ship. That way his employers didn’t have to flog him through the fleet and then keelhaul him. Robert Runcie, COO of the Broward School System, was at the helm when the good ship Margery Stoneman Douglas hit the iceberg and went down with the loss of 17 lives. Laying aside who struck John and what role the Obama policies of endless last chances had in the murder – and should the Broward Prosecutor be measuring Cruz for a one-way trip to Old Sparky? You betcha! – Runcie was in charge. Fish stink from the head. That’s why Broward has a new Sheriff. Whether it was fair or not is for a different forum.

At yesterday’s not quite show trial – Runcie equals Bukharin, not! – there were some 4 dozen Black witnesses for Runcie’s defense. No brother or sister spoke against him. Even his wife spoke in favor of him. By the end of yesterday’s fussy precony I wanted to have his child, Sorry about those pain in the ass innocent bystanders getting shot.. 

The point is simple.

Smart Jews have been replaced by smart Blacks. What we have, we keep! Nolo me tangere cum impecunis! [That’s Latin] Get used to it. Next year in Watts or Sistrunk Boulevard.

Kevin Smith