Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 22, 2019 I am sure this question is unique in that it has never been asked of any other

March 22, 2019

I am sure this question is unique in that it has never been asked of any other  

Congresswoman Ilhan: Did you marry your brother?

I don’t like borscht. The last time I had derma I was with Imre Rosenthal at Dubbrow’s. I can go for days, even weeks, without listening to klezmer. Max Katz is still my favorite American Jew. I have never been to Israel and I am still not a Jew. But I am as much a part of Israel philosophically, ideologically, and spiritually as I am of Athens and Rome. The divinely crafted three-legged stool codified rights that were mine “from beyond the stars” was in place when the warp and the woof were loomed, joined hands if you will, in Ballyglass and Cork. Which leads me to a paradox.

What strange virus is eating at the brain and soul of American Jews?

If Trump is a Jew hater what does that make Chomsky and Soros?

Is it a rite of passage, one that is needed to gain final acceptance into the sanctum sanctorum of modern American Liberalism, that Jewish politicians must denounce Israel as if it were a rabid dog or a coiled viper? It is like a snake eating itself. At some point, there is nothing left to bite. And meanwhile, despite the continuing du jour denial of its existence, evil, as defined by T.S. Eliot, prospers. And Jews will be the first to see the business end of the spear. I guess the idea of a universal yiddishe kup was one of the more successful parts of the world-wide Zionist conspiracy.

I don’t want to tempt the Gods but the sky is as blue today as it was on 9/11.

I love beer. I love it so much that I banned both lite beer and all Anheuser-Busch products form my daughter’s wedding reception. Skip the de gustibus part, the best beer in America is Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. My Damascus moment was in Mexico in 1963 where I was doing the Lord’s Work as a lay missionary when I was introduced to the pleasures of Dos Equis.

I have never tasted Stella Artois. About 12 years ago I was offered some by the stick man at Waxy O’Conner’s. He called it the “wife beater”. because if you have a few of them you go home and beat your wife. I declined saying if I wanted to beat my wife, I didn’t need beer to do it.

Now Samuel Adams joins the do not drink list’.

They announced that were offering a new brew named in honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Other than her friendship with Justice Scalia and her desire to be the new Wicked Witch when the Wizard of Oz is remade, I find nothing sudsworthy about her. In fact, she may be living proof of Shakespeare’s derisive aside about outlawing “small beer”.
Once you are on my shit list, you stay on my shit list, particularly when it comes to beer.

Congresswoman Ilhan, did you marry your brother? It goes unasked.

Nobody ever asked Sarah Palin that question.

One late night jokester mused that he wanted her teenage gang raped, remember?


I guess, like Judas, it’s too late for Saturday Night to redeem itself.

Kevin Smith

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