Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 12, 2019 It’s only March but the contest for TV ad of the year is over.

March 12, 2019

It’s only March but the contest for TV ad of the year is over. Move over, Geico! Expedia, the internet travel agency features a 4-year-old, blonde haired, blue eyed heart breaker, doubtless a child of White privilege, costumed as a tiger, traveling to see – guess what? – a tiger. She has a smile that not only says I didn’t do it but I couldn’t have done it. Plus, she reminds me of my Caroline and Julia, my two youngest granddaughters. Sweet Caroline, the middle child, will be here tonight while Baby Julia, the youngest is Lubbock, Texas bound to defend her state gymnastics championship for the third time. Julia is, Deo Gratias, an example of White Privilege. Her family is able to support her transcontinental avocation. The Fair Caitlin is pursuing her Muse at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Back from voting in Fort Lauderdale, keeping my streak going at 55 years. Of course, I voted against the bond issues, one of which promised to rid the police station of black mold and the other which promised to lower the tides, permanently. I am not in favor of either black mold or perpetual Noah episodes but because both proposals were in continuous violation of both the Federal Truth in Lending Law and the Securities Act of 1934 I voted no. Also, I voted against the municipal housekeeping revision that addressed gender neutrality. It’s the one that sought to level the playing field by avoiding the dreaded chilling effect when you venture on to the slippery slope as you try to shun the paradox of being bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden or not. If the genders are neutral why do the ladies tee off closer to the pin and who do they get to go into the lifeboat first? Years ago, when I was playing catch with my daughter, I said, “You throw like a girl” She replied, in a most profound manner, “I am a girl.” It’s the least I could do. Since it goes without saying, which is why I say it, it is now 3 generations of strong, accomplished women who have given me sustenance.

As many as 80 babies have died in hospitals in Venezuela since the beginning of the month. The killer was neither dysentery nor was it pertussis or ague. It was a lack of electricity that killed these innocents. Margaret Sanger, Hitler’s favorite American, had no hand in it. Venezuela has more oil than Carter ever had little liver pills. It is not rocket science to get it to a power plant, cook it to make steam to turn the turbines to make electricity, and don’t kill the babies.

It proved to be a row to far too hoe, particularly if you have had 20 years of omadhauns telling you that not only is lunch free but as soon as we get to Utopia, the one just over the horizon where the unicorn ranches, the balloon juice cooperatives, and the organically sustainable rainbow stew mangrove are, you will be paid to eat it.  

Sitting quietly on the hillside, keeping score as they always do, are the laconic Gods of the Copybook Headings, convinced now more than ever, that not only was Darwin wrong, he was profoundly and irredeemably wrong. 
The NYSE - that’s the New York Stock Exchange for you Venezuela-loving jackasses - slapped the snot out of BA - that’s Boeing Aircraft, a DJIA stock and you’ll have to find out what DJIA means on your own – yesterday. The beauty of a market, any market, is that it is a jumble of lunacies that becomes the sanest, most rational thing in the world when it makes its continuously updated judgment on what something is worth. That price, what someone else is willing to pay at that specific time, is infallible. It’s not what something’s intrinsic, whatever that means, value is. It’s what the buyer with ready cash says it is worth,

Boeing is bid down because foreign airlines, whose maintenance standards do not require the gold standard attached to any airplane landing in this country, a FAA 8130 certificate of airworthiness, punched 2 737s into terra firma. Markets have a Caesar dixit finality to them. As long as it opens tomorrow course corrections, even 180s, are possible. That’s why modern American Liberals hate them

It is the only cauldron that modern American Liberals have not bought totally to heel. It is the same mechanism that allows Jeff Bezos, richer beyond the dreams of Croesus with unfettered avarice, to piss in Trump’s soup and on his leg. 

It is the great counterbalance to the excesses of our culture. We screw with it at our own peril.

Ted Deutsch, Lois Frankel, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are Democratic members of Congress from South Florida. Before they reached that exalted status, they were Jews. They still are Jews with no Damascene or Shylock moment for them. I don’t know how they square the circle of virulent, and how many other kinds are there, anti-Semitism, particularly when it is practiced by other Democratic members of Congress. The snot-nosed little viperous shit member from Minnesota says that Jews are descended from pigs and apes. She wants to drive Israelis into the sea while being careful not to kill the oranges or raze the laboratories. Oh yes, and she wants to kill all the Jews. Nancy Pelosi says that she is young and doesn’t know the power of language. And how old was Mozart and Keats when their words, still alive, still vibrant, moved men to move mountains? How old was Jesus when he began to walk the earth? Weren’t 2 out 3 people in the car that led to “Mississippi Burning” Jewish? Nancy Pelosi should be flogged while she still has some of her wits about her.

2 questions:

#1 – How big is that tent?
#2 – Is Trump behind this?

or speechless

“I wish rainwater was beer,” said Matthew, Thomas More’s man servant. If you think he didn’t survive pre-Elizabethan England, you’re wrong. Every Democratic candidate, no exceptions but maybe Schultz the coffee guy, is running on a free stuff campaign. When the plane lands – after the election - there will be free stuff for everybody, all the time, forever. When Fred Kite, noted British Labour leader, said of Socialism, “All 

them corn fields and ballet at night”, he set a standard, raised a banner, around which all Democratic candidates have rallied. [Speaking of Democratic candidates, will someone tell me of there is any difference between Kamala Harris and Stormy Daniels? Both profited handsomely from the promiscuous use of their “bearded clam”. The strategic use of their aptly named “vertical smile” advanced their careers and put a few hard-earned bucks in their loot bags. And the beauty, the genius, known to every courtesan and hooker in History, is that after they sell it, they get to keep it and sell it again. And again. Kamala/Stormy had a lot practice “polishing knobs”, if you know what I mean. I’ll bet the Chinks are rooting for her.]

  Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – I like to call Chiquita, as in Chiquita Banana – is very close to being Homerically, Guinness Book dumb. That she was able to earn a degree from Boston University, heretofore an institution of some accomplishment if not distinction suggests that there were other forces afoot. And, to make it “curiouser”, her degree is in Economics. Maybe she used the Kamala Harris/Stormy Daniels path to success for extra credit. She is well on her way to becoming, to cite noted political sage Samantha Bee, a “feckless cunt”. It is a job for which she is well suited. It is the only job, other than the one she has, for which she is in any way suited. And, like money from home, she has got her main squeeze latched on to a voluminously lactating public teat. You go, Girl! “Like, you know what I’m sayin’, like whatever.” Thank God John Silber did not get to see this

Back when the New Yorker contained well written pieces about quotidian things, things like John McPhee writing about Interstate 80 or the Swiss Air Force or getting a ship, back before they went to work for the wing-nut, moon-bat Democrats who still mourn Julie and Ethel, they also had funny cartoons.
“This be the coon of Kuhn, Loeb” is one you won’t find in their anthology. The “witch doctor, rich doctor” has also fallen from favor and they probably won’t be praising Orwell too much either.

I see where the FBI has arrested a lot of Hollywood swells who tried to get their excessively White privileged kids into top level schools by using drugs, sex, and rock and roll. It that didn’t work there was always money. That brings us to a great New Yorker cartoon of the late ‘70s or early ‘80s. Picture 2 women in their 40s, sipping some white wine in an upper East Side bistro. One says to the other sans emotion, “Of course I would sleep with him if it got my son into Yale.”

Will there be frog march perp walk into central booking? Probably not. This becomes an empirical definition of some things constant to modern American Liberalism.

A – “eclectic indignation”
B – “Do not pee on my back and tell me it’s rain.”
C – “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” 

These freaking hypocrites should be struck regularly, like gongs.

Kevin Smith

PS – Little Debbie, she of the Medusa hair and the Brown shirt thuggery and hob nail boot mentality – she did send the cops to my house because of something I wrote -  said today, in public, that Donald Trump was an anti-Semite. I knew his Jewish accountant, the one-legged Elaine Jacobson, in the ‘70s so he was able to overcome that then. Does Ilhan Omar go to the mikvah with you? Make sure she gets onto the pool first. It might defuse the bombs Did Trump move the US Embassy to Jerusalem because of his anti-Semitism? Should Samantha Bee put you on her “feckless” list? Tie breaker: was it Al Sharpton, and exactly where did he earn his Reverend degree, or Jesse Jackson who said Jews were “hook-nosed diamond merchants”? You’ve been hanging out with Nancy Pelosi and AOC too long. It’s rubbing off. You’re starting to get stupid


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