Sunday, April 29, 2012

Steven L. Goldstein The Always Sunny-Sentinel

April 29, 2012
Steven L. Goldstein
The Always Sunny-Sentinel

RE: “When You Wish Upon a Star” to be the new anthem when Il Duce Goldstein takes over. Some comments on your column about the coming of the land of milk and honey in today’s Sun-Sentinel.

My dear Professor,

It’s not like needing a few lines of Peruvian Marching Powder. Lips that touch Oxy will never touch mine. It’s like having advanced marzipan cravings or severe whipped cream needs. If you score, fine. If you don’t, that’s OK too.

“It” is the combination of your reasoning coupled with the eclectic memory so common to a true believing modern American Liberal who refuses to let facts and History stand in the way of positing your perpetually false premise.

You say, in your quest to “make a system so perfect that no one will have to be good”, that the Internet will lead us to the paradise, alas man made, of true democracy.

I know that “Happy Days are Here Again” lends itself to an oom-pah brass band. Will “Kumbaya” and “I Dreamt I Saw Joe Hill” be retrofitted for a string quartet? You can never have enough cello. How about naming the next United States Navy combat vessel the USS Rosenbergs? Surely it’s time for a stamp to honor Alger Hiss. It is, isn’t it? How about naming the next Post Office after Willie Horton?

Your call for a “true” democracy, one where there will be no lack of lambs volunteering to go beddy-bye with Uncle Leo, has been sung by Sirens for centuries. That’s why the lions always know the words.

Since Lent is over I can go back to argumentum ad hominem.

Buckle up, you boob. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Benjamin Franklin, the quintessential dead White guy, was asked what the other soon to be dead White guys had given the country at Philadelphia in 1787. [Hint: Google the Constitutional Convention] “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

We race backwards through History trying, always unsuccessfully, to find a dissenting opinion.

Madison, Burke, Locke, 1688, Aquinas, 1215, Marcus Aurelius and the 5 Emperors, Cicero, men in the agora, and the answer is always the same.

“Either man controls his passions or passions will control the man.”

Democracy, unfettered and participatory, leads to lynchings and tyranny. Sometimes it leads to tyranny and lynchings. Whether the stone hits the pitcher or the pitcher hits the stone it’s going to be bad for the pitcher. Always has; always will.

If, as you say, vox populi is the coming wave why do we need that jerry rigged, Rube Goldberg designed panjandrum in Washington, D.C.? Why not just issue I-Pads cum Blackberries to everybody, and I mean everybody. No photo ID? No problem. When a pressing public question arises, one like sending Seal Team 6 to take out the Koch Brothers or ending the bullying of cross gendered teens by transgendered teens aided by ungendered and degendered teens, open the polls at Noon and give everybody an hour to vote. Thumbs up or Thumbs down. No write ins. 2 hours after the people decide the will of the people is carried out.

The Senate would be an unused appendage. The Supreme Court, indeed all courts, would be superfluous, what with the will of the people being both unquestioned and unquestionable. Do you think OJ would have gotten off after fileting his wife? Do you think that if a Republican President had not appointed a Republican Governor to the Supreme Court would Wichita have changed its evil ways? Do you think we would have had busing and affirmative action? Do you think we would have had a non-White President?

You say, somewhat vaguely, that we will go through the seasons “until we get it right”. How will we know that we have hit that political and cultural G-spot? Who will tell us? You? Once we get it “right” does that mean it can never get better?

Marzipan, whipped cream, and now cotton and topped by Mom’s meringue as a chaser.

“The enemy has landed; the issue is still in doubt.” Before the boobies completely take over the hatch be sure to order more lambs. A lot more lambs.

Kevin Smith

PS – Let’s hear it from the Amen corner! Our debt to Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. AKA Alpha Gump grows like Topsy. If he hadn’t invented the Internet we would still be trying to adopt the widely successful Cuban Democratic model to the rest of the universe.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Steven L. Goldstein The Sun-Sentinel

April 27, 2012
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: How low can we go? Some comments on your typically incisive screed on how the absence of Republicans would surely be the beginning of the best of times, particularly for single moms who are women of color.

My dear Professor,

Of course you are right.

Thank God for concupiscence! At least it gives us an out for sins of the flesh.

As for the other sins, things like racism, teenage obesity, homophobia, psoriasis, teen age bullying, GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange, xenophobia, the coming takeover of the world by Wal-Mart, agoraphobia leading to severe xenophobia, fried foods, country music, drowning polar bears, Saturday Night Specials, a continued reliance on the 10 Commandments, Birthers & Truthers, the continuing belief in the profit motive, the insistence in keeping score at Little League games, the refusal to change pi from 3.1416 to 3.0 so that more people can pass Geometry, the continued burning of coal, the insistence of keeping Kipling and Eliot in public libraries, the absence of a Garrison Keillor and Bill Moyers stamp, the refusal of the Roman Catholic Church to roll over and surrender 2,000 years of revealed truth to the du jour easy out [Would it cost me out of the good graces of accepted society if I were to point out that some of us still believe what Jesus said about “the gates of Hell not prevailing against” His Church? I guess it’s a risk I will have to take] – no wonder the 1% need tax breaks gotten by placing the burden of the perpetually lashed backs of the undeserving poor. We hate too much to have time for anything else. That’s why we will miss the 3rd Summer of Recovery. Those “shovel ready” jobs are really coming in handy, aren’t they?

A few small things, no bigger than a man’s fist on the horizon, before I go.

#1 – You claim the killing of Osama bin Laden, along with the unannounced attendant collateral damage, to be a “spectacular success”.

Does that mean you have changed your views on capital punishment? Is it OK to whack some turbaned thug who is overseas? Does due process stop with our outgoing tide? Does that mean that the Nuremberg Trials were a waste of time? Should we have taken Patton’s advice in 1945 about shooting every burgermeister within 60 minutes driving time of any death camp? He also wanted to execute every field grade officer in the Wehrmacht.

How about if some gun totin’ feral urban youth – if you think that’s a euphemism you’re right – guns down a shop keeper? How about if he kills a police officer while trying to escape? Should we send Seal Team 6 after him or just wire his ass up to Old Sparky? How about digging up the Rosenbergs every year and fry them again just to make sure that they stay dead? How about public executions? Does this mean that you are in favor of the Bush policy of putting the bad guys in Gitmo rather than trying them in Manhattan? I probably don’t have to tell you that your guy in the Whiter House is in favor of it. If he didn’t agree with it he would have shut it down, right? After all, he’s had more than 3 years.

Here’s a good sign for you. I have the same position on same sex marriage as the official policy as the President.

#2 – Why not send George Zimmerman to the same place in Chicago where the unnamed 6 year old Black girl was shot and killed? Tie him down and have a contest open only to the Brothers to see who can cap him first. The winner gets a high school diploma and good gloves for his “Summer of Recovery Shovel Ready Job”.

#3 – Here’s an intriguing thought. How about having the grandson of an “average White woman” send his half-brother, the one who lives in a rent stabilized Section 8 mud hut in a changing neighborhood of Nairobi, a few bucks every week to get him indoor plumbing? Obama charges $35,000 a plate to have dinner with him. Send Olatungi Obama the scraps and he’ll be the next Mayor.

#4 – He and his wife are living testimony to the good life as proclaimed by the High Church of modern American Liberalism. Between them they have 4 degrees from Ivy League schools. The blue collar working stiffs of America lent them the money to do it. Despite having impressive educations they did nothing for the next 20 years. Then, with no more worlds to conquer, he was anointed President. He is still waiting for “the oceans to recede and the earth to cool” but Christ couldn’t get it done in 3 years either.

Is it possible that he a HORSE’S ASS of such monumental proportions that he couldn’t find his motley – motley, as in multi-colored, like Joseph’s coat – ass using both his hands and having a GPS Gorilla Glued to the phone booth where he is doing his damndest to find it? Let the record show that the rest of the horse is Appaloosa. No Black charger or White stallion here. There can be no doubt that his problem finding it has been exacerbated by Curley Biden’s shouting about his big stick.

#5 – As a proud founding member of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” I am pleased to tell you that your basic premise is correct. I know every time I introduce Logic to our conversation I am confusing the Hell out of you. Hell, it’s never too late to learn. You may qualify for a student loan. It worked for those two aforementioned layabouts. Just think of the possibility of “Hail to the Chief” when you come down from the mountain with today’s rules.

#6 – Since “God is not for man to scan; the proper study of mankind is man” your use of the feminine gender designation is acceptable. It is a step up from using “it”. I ask a small favor. If you could find it in your heart could you capitalize the first letter? H, S, or I. It would show that you are reaching out to some border line “bitter clingers”. Your vision of a post-pre-post racial society founded on the principles of a “Rainbow Stew/Balloon Juice” society may yet win some converts.

Paraphrasing the great Dr. Johnson, “The man is a dolt and that’s an end to it”.

Does that make me a racist?

Kevin Smith

Letter to the Editor The Sun-Sentinel

April 26, 2012
Letter to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: Why is my daughter being underpaid? Some comments on the horror, horror of having a uterus when it’s pay day as depicted on your editorial page cartoon on April 24, 2012/

Let’s begin with the obvious.

Are female reporters paid 23% less than male reporters? [The Tribune Company, your corporate parent, is in bankruptcy. Has anyone told the bankruptcy Trustee about this?]

Yesterday, my mail was delivered by a female. Is she paid 23% less than her male – mail? – counterpart? [If she is I suggest that a quick way to get the USPS deficit under control would be to fire all male mail persons]

Are female teachers paid 23% less than male teachers in Broward County? No wonder they carp about the FCATs.

Are the female members of the Broward County Commission and the distaff members of the Broward County Board of Education paid 23% less than the male members? [For clarity’s sake, male members mean the whole person, not the appendage?

I had a malignant tumour removed from my skull by a female surgeon 7 years ago. How does her pay compare to male surgeons?

I have appeared before 4 female Judges as a litigant. One was New Jersey Superior Court Judge. One was United States Bankruptcy Court Judge. One was a United States Tax Court Judge. One was a Justice on the United States Supreme Court. Were they paid 23% less than their prostate-laden counterparts?

Although they had the same title – Secretary of State – was Hillary Clinton paid 23% less than Colin Powell?

The disparity in Male/Female paydays in professional sports is self-evident. For years I have advocated a winner take all match between the male/female winners at Wimbledon. So far my plan has gained no traction. I doubt if my idea that the Baylor Women’s basketball team play the Kentucky men’s basketball team for a true national championship will ever take place..

My daughter has 3 children and she has two degrees.

She is in a profession that permits, indeed in some instances encourages, part time employment. Is she paid 23% less than her male co-workers when she is the operating room? Since she does not work a full time schedule would you or the cartoonist say that she is paid less than males in the same profession?

Like all modern American Liberals mantras than morph into shibboleths it is a solution in search of a problem. Should you be aware of any sexually based wage discrimination I know quite a few underemployed lawyers, of both sexes, who will file a suit in the appropriate venue within 72 hours of taking the case.

How about a cartoon about drowning polar bears?

Here’s a thought.

Turn off your A/C until Thanksgiving. Talk about saving green because you go green! In addition to saving the polar bears that make a nice living killing and eating baby seals you have the serendipitous satisfaction of the rapacious power company burning less coal. Since coal is the fuel that produces 50% of the electricity in this country you can decrease the consumption of this foul fossil fuel. Maybe you could get some of the deeply discounted Solyndra solar panels for your roof to run the elevators and PCs.

Try to get an all-female installation team to install them. Think of the money you’ll save. Maybe you can still get some of that “shovel ready” swag.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson

April 18, 2012
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pines Boulevard – B Building
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: “Kids Say the Darndest Things” – So do members of Congress

Madame Congresswoman,

Your Congressional website quotes you thus:

“I have buried so many young black boys – It is extremely traumatizing to me.
Black boys and men are valuable to society.
They should not be shot dead for no reason.”

Even though your CV alleges that you were a teacher I shant comment on either the grammar or the composition of the above. You have a long ride between Miami and Washington. Perhaps some time with Strunck & White or Jacques Barzun might help. It would seem that a retroactive “F” might be in order.

It has been 19 years since my last gun fight. One police officer was dead before he hit the ground. Another was shot in his sternum. I helped him live. He later danced at my daughter’s wedding. I know what guns can do.

My question is simple.

When you attend these “traumatizing” funerals is there a different protocol for a “young black boy” being shot by a “young black boy” then there is for a “young black boy” being shot by a “young white boy”? Does “Amazing Grace” have different choruses depending on the race of the alleged perpetrator? Perhaps you could tell me the percentage of “young black boys” being shot by other “young black boys” versus being shot by “young white boys”?

If we are going to have “conversations” about race would it be intemperate of me to ask when the subject of the disintegration of the Black family will begin? Is there any chance that the heavy hand of the government, any government, will be included?

By the way, I really do like your hats.

Kevin Smith

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pin The Tale On The Map

April 17, 2012
I officially disclose that Lord Barack the Beneficent is not – repeat – not the smartest guy ever to be President. Despite degrees from two different Ivy League schools I hereby declare him to be – A – not as smart as he thinks he is and - B – nowhere near as smart as the ass kissing toads in the main stream media believe and want him to be. Further, a strong case can be made for – C – him being as dumb as a box of starch.
He told us that Austrian was the official language of Austria.
Talk about “shovel ready: jobs in the endless “Summer of Recovery”!

All over the world landfills got their monthly quota in one wild, wet weekend of atlases and geography texts being exterminated with extreme prejudice.

New editions were rushed to press telling us that Belizean was the language of Belize. Albertan became the language of Alberta and Lichtensteinian became the language of Lichtenstein. New Ginny became the language of New Guinea while Old Ginny became the language of Guinea. Guinness was denied its appeal to make Guinnessian an official language.

Only 2 places resisted the call for change. Taking its cue from the Vatican’s refusal to make Vaticanian the new Latin Bayonne refused to print Bayonnian on its liquor licenses.

Graustarkia and Ruritania are ticked off because no one thought of them. It’s been all downhill since the last production of The Student Prince.

His next stab at geography came when he told us that that were “57 or 58 states”. Honest. He said that. Imagine if President Bush or Governor Palin had said that. The journalistic toads, servy boys all to the church of Modern American Liberalism, would have set Guinness records for going past arousal, foreplay, tumescence, and straight to severely randy knickers in their mad dash to scream DUMMY. God’s Holy Trousers but the New York Times would have declared a new holiday proclaiming “REPUBLICANS ARE STUPID”

Here’s a hint.

The number of stars on the flag equals the number of states. Always has. “Star spangled banner”. Remember? It went from 48 to 50 in 1959. You can look it up. You would think that somebody with his finger on the nuclear trigger would know that, wouldn’t you? If you did you would be wrong.

We have had an adult say that when Bahama Obama speaks he “gets a tingle running up his leg”. Another was awed because he was “watching over us like a God”. A 3rd scribe said he should be President because of the “perfect crease in his pant”. A Historian had but Yosama Bahama’s shadow fall upon him for him to proclaim that “he was the smartest President ever”. Had he but touched the hem of his garment the arguments concerning infallibility would have been over.

The rule to follow here is that people who believe in nothing will eventually believe in anything and anybody who says “Only gravity is holding us back”. He did say that “we are the ones we have been waiting for”. Thus was the meaning of solipsism expanded exponentially.

When he said he “would make the oceans recede and the planet cool” no one among us said “Huh”? No one said that he had no clothes on. No one said “Canute who”. Smart people had tears in their eyes. Really smart people said, “Fly Icarus, fly. This time we’ll all make it.”

Now this nit-wit speaks of the Falkland Islands, not as Las Malvinas, but as the Maldives. He’s only off by some 6,000 miles but who’s counting.

[As an aside, the 1960 Presidential Campaign gave us many things. The “Missile Gap”, TV debates, media bias, Daley of Chicago counting the votes over and over until he got the number he wanted inter alia. It also gave us some geography lessons. Quemoy and Matsu became the objects of many pop quizzes. If they were any closer to China they could get mainland take away. You wouldn’t need a bridge or a tunnel to get back and forth. All you would need is low tide. Their position makes the Falklands seem like they are within sight of Portsmouth. Senator Kennedy ended the discussion by saying “Any place is defensible if free men wish to defend it”.]

If it comes down to choosing between England and Argentina America would be well advised to remember several things:

#1 – Runnymede
#2 – Shakespeare
#3 – 1688
#4 – Samuel Johnson and Edmund Burke
#5 – Pax Britannica
#6 – Kipling and T.S. Eliot
#7 – Churchill
#8 – The presumption of innocence
#9 – Whisky
And perhaps as important as any of the above
#10 – 3 great Queens

On the other hand…

In the case of Argentina, despite living in a land blessed by God, a land not made habitable and arable by a fickle Gulf Stream, it has managed to make one permanent contribution to the Western Canon in almost 2 centuries of existence: The Tango. Think me not a cad if I point out that they stole that from the Eye-Ties. [Evita, one of the 20th century’s greatest Horizontal Tango performers, failed to make the cut, not because of lack of performance, but because of lack of longevity.]

This ohmadahn shouldn’t be allowed to handle sharp objects or operate heavy equipment.

I always believed that God both loved and blessed America.

He is going to have to prove it in spades between now and November.


Kevin Smith

PS – The Alien and Sedition Act was repealed, wasn’t it?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ruth Marcus The Washington Post Writers’ Group

April 16, 2012
Ruth Marcus
The Washington Post Writers’ Group
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20071

RE: What the Hell is that smell? – Some comments on your friend of the working girl column in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Marcus,

Only a die hard, card carrying modern American Liberal ink stained wench can say without wetting her drawers – I think – that what Hilary Rosen said about Ann Romney was wrong while it was also right. Shades of Dan Rather!

Some dead Greek said that “something cannot be what it is not” but what did he know anyway.

Let’s take a peek at some distaff modern American Liberal favorites.

#1 – What did Eleanor Roosevelt Roosevelt do to shine up her husband’s image with the working class? Other than setting the standard for turning a blind eye to a philandering husband that stood until Hillary Clinton got to the White House what exactly did she do? No wonder she and Hillary channeled post mortem.

#2 – Did Lady Bird Johnson bring her famous possum, armadillo road kill stew to Duval County where her husband with the legal help of Abe Fortas stole the Senate election of 1948?

#3 – Did Jackie Kennedy tell coal miners’ wives in Herndon, West Virginia of the difficulties in getting fresh endives and chard to braise? Did she tell them about the problems in having to choose between black truffles and its white Italian cousin? The ladies in Logan surely were impressed with the age old conflict between Burgundy and Bordeaux, right? Her lectures on Queen Ann furniture surely turned the tide for her husband. This was back when Kleagle Byrd was still burning crosses and harassing nigrahs, wasn’t he?

#4 – What particular working class life experiences did my favorite mad cap Gypsy lady, Tereza Heinz Kerry, bring to the campaign in 2004? Her complaints about Pratesi not making summer frocks were well known. Did she share them with voters in Ohio? I too wanted Asprey to open a store in this country but that couldn’t be in the Democratic Party platform. I know that you and your husband Jay Forbes Kerry had the first Burberry toilet paper in this country. I am sure the people in the panhandles of Florida and Oklahoma would have responded well to that if presented sensitively. Her speech at the Democratic convention lacked only her saying “Don’t Cry for me Mozambique”. She should have been allowed to bring her stuffed cheetah out. It wasn’t stuffed when she first played with it.

Put them all in a bag and you still wouldn’t get half of Ma Joad. Can you imagine any of them saying, “We are the people”? Not even Mel Brooks could stage that.

Although you get a super-sized IV of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” booster you carry a back pack sized inhaler lest you stumble onto the truth this time the ordure is curling my nose hair and “my short and curlies”.

You and your ilk are beyond hypocrisy. A monumental hubris born of confusing feelings with ideas, of making expectations rather results the goal, of “trying to make a society so perfect that no one will ever have to be good”, enables you to sneer with contempt at anyone who doesn’t goose step to your imbecilic dogma.

Dante is busy building a new circle for you.

Kevin Smith

I am glad that Bill Maher said “Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work”.

April 16, 2012
I am glad that Bill Maher said “Ann Romney has never gotten her ass out of the house to work”.
Since Maher, a lickspittle toad shilling for the Church of Modern American Liberalism, has brought up the subject of asses that makes all asses fair game.
Before I focus on the ass in the White House – hers, not him – I wish to praise some favorite asses from the past.
Alfred Hitchcock, Oliver Hardy, Jane Darwell, Aunt Jemima, and Orson Welles had at least one thing in common. They all had world class backsides. But they did things. They left footprints. We remember their asses fondly.
Bella Abzug had a classic ass.
It began at the L3 portion of her spine. It eventually covered both of her quadriceps. Richter took notice when she trotted. She stood up in layers. Her foundation garments were made of titanium. Her frequent bouts of diarrhea triggered a Haz-Mat response. Her proctologist wore a wet suit. She put her toilet tissue purchase out for bid. She had the first rebar hip replacement. Putting her ass in a sling required the services of a large animal vet. Say what you will about her liberal fascist policies she had a truly memorable Ass.
Barbara Boxer, less so.
The thing that she did to make it memorable was the way she scratched it. She didn’t just take a stab at it. She didn’t just wave at it. She had wee Black & Decker drills implanted into her fingers. Her knickers were made from thread taken from selectively aborted worms – Thanks, Dr. Mengele! – and Kevlar [happy pastel colors]
Modern American Liberals have a habit of having one photo define their public lives.
Senator Lard Kennedy wearing a neck brace after he drowned my neighbor’s classmate; Former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle Robert Byrd, a man who doubled as the Democratic majority leader in the Senate, twice using the dreaded “N” word on national TV and suffering no consequences from it; Jimmy Carter versus the killer rabbit; Michael Dukakis in a tank; Senator Jay Forbes Kerry in a rabbit suit; and Congresswoman Boxer walking up the stairs of the Senate scratching her ass as if her life depended on it.
She was going over to protest the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. She scratched her ass in a manner that made grown men weep. “What did it do to deserve that?” was the cry of photographers. She had a ribbed, multi speed ass scratcher. She had an intern on each cheek smoothing out her skirt lest it ride up to her neck.
Hopefully, I have established that I am not anti-Ass. I Iike a nice ass as much as the next guy. I was glad to see that Jennifer Lopez, for years the unquestioned owner of the most perfect ass in Christendom, now has some serious competition with the sudden appearance of Pippa Middleton. She has an ass worthy of being wrapped in purple and “setting an ashtray on it”.
I’m available for lunch if she ever gets over here. I have friends in Henley-in-Arden who can vouch for me.
It’s time now to focus on the ass du jour. It, all of it, belongs to Michelle Obama. Say this for her: She got her ass out of the house to work.
Despite degrees from 2 Ivy League schools she apparently was not overburdened by ambition. While feeling decidedly “unproud” of her country for not forgiving her school debts she managed to hook up, after a nationwide search, as the head of the Affirmative Action Bed Pan Study Group at the University of Chicago Hospital. The first thing her husband did for her when he was elected to the United States Senate was to get her a raise. One of the things she can share with – to cite Hilary Rosen – the waitress in the middle of Nevada is to have your husband get elected to the United States Senate. Once he is in DC he too can get you a raise. In Michele’s case it was $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week. That’s more than $200,000 a year. The math was simple. He sent her employer $1,000,000 – repeat - $1,000,000 to report on the medical consequences of shouting “DA BULLS” and “DA BEARS” at the next public meeting of Minister Louie Farrakhan.
The money got there just in time.
If you think supporting a crack habit is tough just try to score 5 dozen Amazon leeches form South of Carmenmirandaville every day.
She had long given up on small chain saws as abraders and ass jumping Sumo wrestlers as pounders to keep “it” under control, “it” being her ass.

Leeches were the best.

Not just any leeches.

Female leeches in estrus.

Male leeches with a blue veiner that a cat couldn’t scratch.

Lady Leech would fasten on to one of her Rubenesque fanny packs for some chow. Lord Leech would jump on her and penetrate them both. His goal was two-fold. Some chow and some trim. A win/win/win all around!

Lady Leech was purring. Lord Leech was reaching for his smokes. Michele kept her ass in check until noon.

Sometimes Lady Leech had the cramps. Sometimes Lord Leech had a flaccid stinger. That’s why you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many leeches.

Once her husband becomes unemployed she is going to set sale and size records in the Wal-Mart Spanx/Spandex aisles.

She is going to get an ass that coyotes could nest in.

Thank God she flies in a wide body jet. Put her ass in an F-16 and it would be non-stop to the end to the end of the runway.

I understand that the Secret Service calls her Moon Pie when she is walking towards them and Jemima when she waddles past them.

I was sitting in a kitchen in a house on 30th Street in the Holy city of Bayonne some 20 years ago. I was with the father of the quarterback we were going to see play that night. In the dining room was the quarterback’s mother dancing with his youngest sister. The song was “Achy Breaky Heart” by Miley’s dad. In the kitchen the quarterback’s father, his sister’s father, and the dancing Momma’s husband, a man known for his wit, his repartee, and his Noel Cowardesque salon palaver said, “She’s got a pretty nice ass for a 45 year old broad with 3 kids”. That she did.

Ann Romney has 5 kids and about 15 years on the Bayonne paradigm. Her ass looks OK to me.

If Michele gets a PET- Scan it will take 12 gallons of industrial strength KY jelly to get her into the tunnel. It will take a block and tackle and 6 mules to get her out.

I am glad to see that the “ass” debate is taking on Lincoln/Douglas stature. Next stop Burke/Fox.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Letter to the Editor The Sun Sentinel

April 15, 2012
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “I know that my redeemer liveth” – Some comments on your breathtakingly, egregiously stupendous opinion page in today’s Sun Sentinel


First, the column on “bullying” by Noelle Nikpour

“All History is biography; all biography is anecdote.”

I solved a bullying incident involving my daughter the old fashioned way.

My daughter was being harassed and threatened by another girl who was 2 grades ahead of her. The principal – AKA ”Roland the Worm” – did nothing. I drove my car onto the lawn of the house where the bully lived. I told her father who was standing behind his wife that if my daughter were harassed, threatened, or bullied from this day on I would beat him so badly that he would not be recognizable. Further, I told him I would take my chances with a jury.

This may not be a universal solution but it worked for me. Besides, it’s what a father is supposed to do. More importantly, it worked for my daughter.

Second, the lamentations of Big Stein.

I find it the height of hubris that a modern American Liberal carps about legislators lacking “guts” because they don’t agree with his thunderbolts of wisdom. All it would take to be transported to the land of milk and honey would be the repeal of the laws governing gravity. That will happen as soon as he elects half plus one plus a governor who subscribe to his views, such as they are. He has his work cut out for him so give him some time off to proselytize.

Stein cites 30,000 as the number of gun deaths a year. It is a numbing statistic. My last gunfight was almost 19 years ago. One police officer was dead before he hit the ground. Another was shot in the sternum by a .357 magnum from 7 feet. He lived. He also danced at my daughter’s wedding. I know what a bullet can do at close range.

I offer another statistic.

1,500,000 abortions since 1973. 58,500,000 total. Between 35% and 40% of them are performed on Black women. 6% of the population has killed as many as 25,000,000 people. That is a numbing statistic. A case for government sponsored genocide could be easily made, no? Where’s Al Sharpton when we really need him?

2 small points: Alas, they are both like baby turds in the punch bowl because they are inconveniently true and they pop up from time to time.

A – Switzerland has the highest gun ownership rate in the world. It makes Southern West Virginia and the South Bronx look like Vatican City. It also has the world’s lowest crime rate. We all can’t move there but perhaps we could replace the national anthem with guys in short pants yodeling. What was it that Harry Lime said about the cuckoo clock?

B – In a way exclusively available to board certified modern American Liberals, people who still believe that Julie and Ethel didn’t do “it”, Alger couldn’t have done “it” and that the world would have been a better place if Henry Wallace had been elected, he picks and chooses his facts. For any student of the Founding Fathers his reference to Thomas Jefferson is like finger nails on the blackboard.

It was James Madison and George Mason, his lesser known buddy, who snuck in the part about guns. On a lighter note, Ken Jenne, Broward’s ex-sheriff and ex-con, was the only public official to advocate the repeal of the 3rd Amendment. You may want to look that one up.

On to Steverino.

#3 – I am not a fan of tinkering with any part of the Constitution Since modern American Liberals insist that it is a living, breathing document I might make an exception for Professor Goldstein. I refer to the part about Bills of Attainder. Why not see if flogging, bastinado, and the return of the strapado while listening to hip hop rap at 124 decibels have any saving graces? He would be a good start.

About the vote in Bush v Gore…

The vote on the equal protection portion was 7 - 2 in favor of Bush. The 5 – 4 vote was on a procedural matter of whether or not to accept the case. It is a sublime irony of the highest order that if Robert Bork had been confirmed in 1987 he would have voted against accepting the case. Beware of what you wish for.

Once again facts intrude on Stevie’s tired polemic.

In the years between Bush v Gore and Citizens United 1/3rd of the Supreme Court changed.

Stevie says that Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan will “never” [his term] vote against Obamacare [my term]. I guess he doesn’t know – maybe he doesn’t want to know – that all the above named Justices voted with the majority on certain parts of the Citizens decision.

Incidentally, if the Court has been made better by the addition of a “wise Latina” do you think it has been made better by the addition of 2 “wise Italians”, not to mention 6 practicing Roman Catholics?

Stevie’s sobriquet,
is one that he never fails to renew.

One more question plus to Big Stein and Stevie before we move on to Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, today’s target of opportunity.

If Mrs. Romney is unfit to comment on anything because her wealth would preclude her from knowing anything of the real world why wasn’t the same standard applied to Madcap Gypsy Lady Tereza Heinz Kerry? The easiest way to commit suicide would be to jump off her billfold. She gave her husband a $7,000,000,000 yacht as a tip, presumably for services rendered. Which of life’s lessons could she have offered to the single mom, a woman of color with children in need of a good Ritalin program, who is being exploited by the low prices at Wal-Mart? I know that Jackie Kennedy helped her husband in his campaign in West Virginia by telling the coal miners’ wives in Logan that their husbands would appreciate water cress or arugula in their baloney and relish sandwiches. Little things like that, plus Poppa Joe’s swag, swung the election

#4 – Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is known for her lavish hats. It is rumored that she wears them when she showers. The real reason she wears them is to keep her brains from falling out.

She picks “Timothy” as her paradigm for feral Black youth – urban style. The woes that “Timoth” must endure are caused by the dreaded Florida FCATs. It is a state wide standardized test to see if – forgive me – the students are learning anything.

Once “Timothy” fails his FCATs he won’t be able to get a high school diploma. Because of that he won’t be able to get a job. Then when he is confronted with White America’s racist insistence on a photo ID to vote “Timothy” will turn to a life of drugs, crime, and the Homeric fathering of children.

She says “not every child needs a college degree”.

I say nay.

Let every “Timothy” who gets past the abortionist’s death hook be given a Bachelor’s degree when his birth is registered.

Later, if he can get a high school diploma to go with it, “Timothy’s” future will be secured.

I understand that Congresswoman Wilson was a school principal. I pity those children. It’s too late for them but let’s start with a new rule: The History teacher, in fact all teachers, must be held to the high standard imposed on the football coach. It’s too late for her. Her tale implies that all that is needed is more teachers being paid more money and the problem will be solved. We will not just see National Merit Scholars but we will see Nobel Prize winners two stepping to Elgar. It sounds like the “shovel ready” jobs plan. How has that worked out?

The Logical progression of her column is since umbrellas cause rain blue skies will be the result of banning umbrellas. Maybe it is the opposite. Maybe twice as many umbrellas – no government can ever cut back on any function – will mean half as much rain spread out to preclude dry seasons. Maybe. I think. All that is needed is a plea for the poor polar bears and the return of Midnight Basketball.

How many “Timothys” has she consigned to the Gahennas of ghetto life? The difference between her and an abortionist is that she only kills the spirit.

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

God bless America!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Anthony W. Orlando The Sun Sentinel

April 8, 2012
Anthony W. Orlando
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Howard Zinn & O.J. Simpson – There is a connection. Some comments on your amusing column of April 6, 2012

My dear Professor,

I saw a yellow ribbon tied around some Easter flowers and it dawned on me that you had gone past the verbal incontinence required, indeed demanded, of ink stained modern American Liberal wretches.

You say that Republicans, rich rotters all, are opposed to students having lunch. Perhaps they are acting as a Trojan horse for advancing Michele Obama’s crusade to make tofu available by IV for all fat assed pre-teens. [How pre-teens wind up with fat asses when Nancy Reagan is on TV every day demanding that they not be allowed to eat is a horse of a different color]

You say, as if no one would notice, that “we can afford to pay the average millionaire an extra $265,000 if Ryan’s tax cuts become law”. Of all the terms that could be used to describe millionaires “average” is the least descriptive. Further, who are the “we” who are going to be signing those checks? Are these funds coming from the famous $ tree that your mother told you about? Are there any golden egged geese nesting in this tree? Does the tree produce that nutritious “rainbow stew” that modern American Liberals speak so highly off?

Your C.V. proudly proclaims degrees from 2 prestigious institutions .Perhaps they now have an on-line program containing Payroll 101. It is empirically self-evident that not only did you miss it the first time around but that it is an extra galactic concept to you.

On Easter Sunday it is important to note that the One who can “create” things does not sit in the White House.

The most important thing to remember about pay checks is that it takes 2 signatures to make them good. Everybody knows that the signature on the back must match the name of the Pay to portion. It is payment for services performed. Alas, and I am sure that Republican racism is to blame, anyone cashing the check demands a photo ID. The signature on the front is by the person who caused it all to happen. If he is an “average” millionaire he pays people to help him stay rich. If he wants to become an “average” millionaire he pays people to get him in front of the curve and out from underneath the lion’s paw.

Here come’s your Damascus moment. You are going to be knocked off your horse. I hope on the way down you get a good look at his ass. I hope the only thing that is hurt is your pride. Pay attention. I’ll type slowly.

Before the government, any government, can create, invest, pay, endow, subsidize, assist, inter alia, it must first take. The government takes from its citizens in 2 ways:

#! – Taxes
#2 – Borrowing

It is so simple that even a pointy headed intelectuloid should be able to get it. If you tax something you have less of it. Beginning with the Emperor Augustus History tells us that if you want to increase tax revenue you decrease rates

#2 causes inflation, a debasement of the currency that leads to cruelest of all taxes. Muggers leave their calling cards in the guise of broken windows, stolen purses, and fat lips. You know that they have been there. The government dare not tell the citizens the true cost of the bread and circuses they have been providing. The government picks your pocket. They don’t have to be in the same room. When your money loses its value sellers demand more of it. Interest rates reflect the lenders’ knowledge that even if the loan gets paid back the money will be worth less.

It was an article of faith for mush brained modern American Liberals that the deficits and the borrowing to finance them under Bush were evil. That Obama has borrowed as much in 3 years as Bush borrowed in 7 years is an inconvenient truth that has been consigned to the memory hole.

Mong, the mendacious Mandarin moneylender, may yet close that account.

You say that if you are unemployed for one year your odds of dying “increase 50%”. It its 2 years the odds are “100%”

Even a blind hog sometimes finds a truffle.

You may have stumbled upon the solution to the deficit, Medicare, Medicaid and whatever else bothers the nation.

I modestly propose that in 30 months we will all be farting through silk.

Fire everybody. Thin the herd. Herbert Spenser and Margaret Sanger would have loved it. The fewer people drawing water from the well the further it will go. Social Darwinism, like Midnight Basketball, never got a fair shot. As a bonus the polar bears will benefit from lessened carbon dioxide production caused by fewer people. Hire them back in 30 months.

Apparently the only form of Darwinism that is not one of the sacraments in the church of modern American Liberalism is the Social kind. Go figure.

But that’s not why I write.

Your usual clap-trap – Free “Balloon Juice” for all, Nuke WalMart, Send us more Kennedys, Is Pelosi dumber than Biden or is it just a coincidence that when both of them are in the same zip code cats pee uncontrollably, tax the oil companies more and the price of gas will go down, and I hope nobody notices that Obama wants to be the engineer on the next train to Auschwitz – has already been discounted by the marketplace of ideas.

There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, perhaps not, about a British sailor being court-martialed for beating a German prisoner. In his defense he said that when Klaus cursed the King he did nothing. When he cursed Winston Churchill he did nothing. “But when he opened that porthole and spit in our ocean I poleaxed that Hun.” Not guilty.

You toss in a throwaway line saying that Howard Zinn is a “great Historian”. The ghosts of Herodotus, of Thucydides, of Gibbon, of Dumas Malone just shuddered. If Zinn is a “great Historian” O. J. Simpson is a great husband. That Big Bill Clinton, the King of the One Eyed Trouser Snakes, humiliated and abused his wife there can be no doubt. What he didn’t do was filet her. That’s why Simpson noses him out.

You can read all his books or you can remember his mantra “Whitey did it” and save yourself money and time. His anthem is “Imagine”. Just imagine.

I have been reading History for a very long time. What you say is as patently offensive as it is untrue.


PS – How do you cut the taxes of someone who doesn’t pay them?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun Sentinel

April 1, 2012
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: A new profession in your golden years? Some comments on your column in today’s paper.

My dear Professor,

Have you ever thought what you would do if the Tribune reorganization fails and the Sun Sentinel is liquidated? How about if Rupert Murdoch buys it? I know you were a big time investor in Solyndra. Your 401K probably looks like a 101K.

For years, “The World’s Tallest Midget”, sometimes accompanied by “The World’s Smartest Bear” in non-rutting season, has made a good living going on tour like a rock star.

They played on the circuit that includes county fairs, bah humbug mitzvahs, tractor pulls, bachelorette parties, Midnight Basketball awards ceremonies, Kumbaya sing offs, inter alia.

You could tour this fair land as “The Best/Worst Example of BDS”. For the great unwashed, that’s Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Allow me to recapture some words – Sacred & Holy – that have been hijacked by the turbaned thugs who have also hijacked our planes.

Today begins the holiest week in Christendom.

The Founders pledged their fortunes and their sacred honor to America.

It is indeed fitting and proper to speak of our rights, particularly in a week that all religions honor. Our rights were not given to us by a benevolent government. They are ours from birth “from beyond the stars”. There is no more sacred place than that. 26 centuries our Hellenic forebears said the “Free men speak with free tongues”.

Thus, I claim the right, indeed the duty, to point out all the turds that you have floated in this morning’s modern American Liberal punch bowl.

#1 – The story of Bush v Gore begins with the sliming of Judge Bork. For that the late Senator Lard Kennedy should get your thanks. The Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 to accept the case. It then voted 7 to 2 to deny Gore’s petition thus sending VP Alpha Gump back to perfecting the Internet, “Releasing his shakra”, and breathing new life into the ozone layer. If Bork had been confirmed he would have voted against accepting the case. Be careful what you wish for.

#2 – If Albert Arnold Gore, Jr, the son of Albert Arnold Gore, Sr, AKA Armand Hammer’s Bag Man, had carried Tennessee, his home state, he would have been President even if Bush had pitched a shutout in Florida.

#3 – If President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs had carried Arkansas, his home state, Thumper Gump and all the baby Gumpsters would have had a 4 year lease on the White House.

#4 – It is one of those inconvenient truth for modern American Liberals but the New York Times said that the Florida vote totals were 100% correct. What the Hell do they know?

#5 - Gary Stein, your ideological bunkmate in today’s paper, says that he wants “no more Nazi references”. At the height of the Schiavo matter it was something that the hate filled racist eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, would have loved. Any chance she got for culling the herd of “defectives”, defectives being defined as mentally deficient people, homosexuals, disfigured people, Jews, gypsies, and non-Caucasians she would have leaped at. Hitler so admired her writings that he used them for the basis of his 1934 race laws. Later, her work was used by the defense at the Nuremberg trials.

#6 – I thought the Stand Your Ground act was passed by the legislature and then signed by the Governor. Thanks for telling me that he bypassed the legislature and used his executive powers to pass it. I guess he wanted to pass it so he could see what was in it. How long has the legislature been absent from Tallahassee? How long has it been since we had an election for state wide offices? Why wasn’t I told?

#7 – The Constitution guarantees each state a Republican form of government. Look it up. Don’t blame legislators for voting as they promised their electors they would. Next time, if there is a next time, get more of “your people” to vote. When they get half plus one of the Houses and they elect a Governor they can pass Don’t Stand Your Ground. Until then you have my permission to carp, kvetch, and caterwaul about what those people have done in the voting booth

#8 – I congratulate you on your ability to write things so egregiously ignorant of History that my fingernails curl backwards.

“Even the most cynical among us never imagined
The degree to which ballots were routinely tossed.”

To me, the highlight of the 2000 recount was when a man named Daley, a son of Emperor Richard the First of Chicago, got off the plane and said, straight faced and without wetting his pants, “Let the recount begin”. He would have continued the tradition begun by Landslide Lyndon in 1948. I for one believe that the recount in Duval County, the one that showed 201 of the 203 votes cast in one district were in alphabetical order, was not a fluke. Somebody won the big LOTTO last night, didn’t they?

One of the great accomplishments of Mayor Daley in Chicago was that no one died around Election Day. Modern medicine, a caring political machine, and the need for last minute absentee ballot names precluded death. The following year, the not quite dead, were early voters.

It is said that Daley’s heavy thumb on the scale for Kennedy in 1960 haunted him. If Nixon had won Johnson would not been able to say that he “personally approved the bombing of every shit house in Vietnam”.

#9 – One thing more before I go. You say…

“George W entangled us in a war in Iraq…”

One of the perpetual mantras of modern American Liberals is that had Bush been impeached he could have used diminished capacity as a defense. I have heard of people flunking out of Yale and Harvard. I seldom hear of people flunking in to them. If he was so God Damn dumb that he still thinks that Manual Labor does his lawn how was he able to euchre 3/4ths of Congress into voting for it?

Modern American Liberals, particularly those infused with terminal non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome, should have known better.


PS – Lord Barack the Benevolent has borrowed as much in 3 years as W did in 8. Mush brained pundits said it was terrible and immoral then. Why is it OK now?

Gary Stein The Sun Sentinel

April 1, 2012
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “I’m sorry…not.” – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

Reagan is still dead. Tebow is too young. That leaves us with The Duke.

“Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness.”

I suppose a quote from Woody Allen or Sean Penn or the ghost of Rock Hudson could be used to keep this “fair and balanced” but I think both of us would be sorry.

I agree with the major premise of your column. “If I have offended you” puts the entire apology into the murky world of the subjunctive. Modern American Liberals have no choice but to begin any apology with that caveat. As “Men without chests”, believing in nothing, they are forced to believe in anything. Thus, their favorite color must be plaid.

Speaking of “Nazi references”….

On September 18, 2001, then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz sent Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges, guns, and the full majesty of the law, to my house because of something I wrote. Agent Mineva said that not only should I stop writing to her but that I should stop writing to all public officials.

That doesn’t quite rank with Kristalnacht but can I use the terms “chilling effect” and “slippery slope”? What if they had seized my files? Isn’t that what the Nazis did?

Speaking of “Nazi references” and “apologies” I consider it a touchstone of American political and, more importantly, American moral life to see where all the modern American Liberals stood on August 22, 1939. You remember that, don’t you? Stalin and his good pal Hitler decided to bury the hatchet. The first place where it was buried was in Poland’s neck. Has anyone ever apologized for that?

For one day short of 2 years and 2 months Hitler had more friends on the American Left than Doctor Suess or Woody Guthrie. Even the Rosenbergs did a little goose stepping. Alger Hiss became a fan of Wagner. Richard, not Honus. It was like Guernica never happened. Orwell almost had nowhere to go.

As a country we have apologized to our non-Macaca Indians. We have apologized to Japanese Americans. There are a lot of Americans soldiers buried in Africa, Sicily, Italy, and Western Europe. Has anyone ever apologized for that?

How about an apology at the Democratic convention?



April Fool!

Kevin Smith