Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson

April 18, 2012
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
10100 Pines Boulevard – B Building
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025

RE: “Kids Say the Darndest Things” – So do members of Congress

Madame Congresswoman,

Your Congressional website quotes you thus:

“I have buried so many young black boys – It is extremely traumatizing to me.
Black boys and men are valuable to society.
They should not be shot dead for no reason.”

Even though your CV alleges that you were a teacher I shant comment on either the grammar or the composition of the above. You have a long ride between Miami and Washington. Perhaps some time with Strunck & White or Jacques Barzun might help. It would seem that a retroactive “F” might be in order.

It has been 19 years since my last gun fight. One police officer was dead before he hit the ground. Another was shot in his sternum. I helped him live. He later danced at my daughter’s wedding. I know what guns can do.

My question is simple.

When you attend these “traumatizing” funerals is there a different protocol for a “young black boy” being shot by a “young black boy” then there is for a “young black boy” being shot by a “young white boy”? Does “Amazing Grace” have different choruses depending on the race of the alleged perpetrator? Perhaps you could tell me the percentage of “young black boys” being shot by other “young black boys” versus being shot by “young white boys”?

If we are going to have “conversations” about race would it be intemperate of me to ask when the subject of the disintegration of the Black family will begin? Is there any chance that the heavy hand of the government, any government, will be included?

By the way, I really do like your hats.

Kevin Smith

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