Friday, November 30, 2018

November 29, 2018 I was trying to find a kinder, gentler way of saying that Obama is full of shit...

November 29, 2018

I was trying to find a kinder, gentler way of saying that Obama is full of shit but since the diagnosis yesterday of melanoma #3 I am running out of cats to offer to Charon, the ticket taker of the one-way Stygian crossing. I will stop trying to add sugar to the medicine but he really is full of shit. I heard him say, without a tinge of humor or a hint of sardonic wit, God forbid, irony, and believing that no one else was listening, that he was responsible for America becoming the leading producer of hydrocarbons in the world, maybe in the entire universe, Fred Hoyle notwithstanding. Move your lying ass over Baron Munchausen. We have a new sheriff in town.


I know, I know, but you’re going to say why would you bring up something that an unknown DWEM, some of whom are dead for 25 centuries, to say that a Black ex-President is full of shit. To which I say, in a post-racial world, a world in which it is obvious that “the world has cooled and the seas have calmed”, why not? As my sainted mother used to say, “Shit in your hat and pull it down over your ears because you look good in brown.”

If Obama can claim to being the cause of becoming the world’s leader in hydrocarbon production because he was in the White House when it happened then he must be responsible for the decline in the life expectancy of the average American? Would not Logic dictate that he is also responsible for the massive increase in mass shootings? I would certainly so claim because It happened on his watch.

Am I boring you with Logic?

Here’s a tip.

It doesn’t care.

It sits out there, like gravity, like pi, like The Gods of the Copybook Ledgers, taking notes, keeping score. Say what you will, write what you want but “Stones are hard and water is wet” and there ain’t nothing you can do about that.

As a disabled senior citizen, albeit a highly literate curmudgeonly one, and how many melanomas do I get before they travel to my lungs and/or my liver before I am allowed to say that Obama is a lying sack of eel shit horse’s ass of Homeric, indeed biblical proportions, without being called a racist?

I’ll just die if you tell me I can’t.

Kevin Smith

PS – I just learned of a “Trousered Ape” attempt of removing a Thomas Hart Benton mural because it shows a member of the KKK in a way that the POO – Perpetually Outraged and Offended -  don’t like. The Frogs rioting because “Nude Descending a Staircase” wasn’t nude enough or the Taliban blowing up a 2,500 year old Buddha because it somehow offended Mohammed who wasn’t born until Buddha was dead a thousand friggin’ years are noteworthy – it’s like saying that Wagner was a Nazi even though he died 9 years before Hitler was born and besides, Mark Twain was right when he said that Wagner’s music wasn’t as bad as it sounds, but this is different. Thomas Hart Benton taught Jackson Pollack who was married to Lee Krasner. I spoke at some length this morning with a dear friend, a soul mate and potable companion, a physician, who treated them both. I worked for 2 years with Salman Rushdie’s wife. My oldest granddaughter, Caitlin the Fair, is an honor student at SCAD. My sense of the aesthete is greatly offended and I am not going to put up with this any more.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

November 29, 2018 Beyond parody...

November 29, 2018

Beyond parody:
 “449,000 Californians turned down jury duty because they were not citizens. The courts got their names from voter registration rolls.”
 Let me add that my last gun fight happened on June 3, 1993 in the Essex County Court House in Room 1104 with Judge Leonard Ronco presiding in a car-jacking trial. One Newark detective was shot and killed. One Essex County deputy sheriff was shot in the chest. I saved his life and prevented the gun man from getting into the courtroom. 2 and ½ years later Ralph Rizzolo danced with my daughter at her wedding reception at the High Lawn Pavilion in West Orange, NJ. One of the highlights, particularly for her Minnesota mishpuca, was Joe Finn, my classmate, singing and entertaining long into the night. Another highlight for the upper Midwesterners was a crystal clear, cold Christmas season night – Friday, December 15, 1995 – with a straight on 12 mile away view of the doomed World Trade Center. It was a view never available in Edina, Minnesota. 
Before the trial, John S. Redden, Esq., Deputy First Assistant Prosecutor, came to my house to tell me that there was a rumor that William Kunstler might be the defense counsel and would that bother me. I said, “Only if you didn’t give me enough tickets.” He was a no-show.
I was juror #2 and the Judge turned out to be a bit of a weasel.

Beyond ridicule:
Empty seats, disguised as rabid Clinotnistas to throw off the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy driven media, were at the Clintons’ first walking, talking tour. Sales of divers tsotchkes, such as mugs, shirts, hats, and personalized condoms worked for the Rolling Stones. Why not for Handsome Billy and Wide Bottomed Hillary? The only sour note was when she began to cough uncontrollably, of course uncontrollably, as she continues her national hacking tour to be Miss Emphysema. Big Bill, of course, was trolling for “a bit of the gobble”. Senior citizens rock!

Victor Davis Hanson – and you must read “Carnage and Culture”, it being his superbly elegant and rousing saga of how free men defend themselves, always against numerically superior overdogs, who would strangle them in their cribs. By the time you get to Midway, the battle that doomed Japan, you almost feel sorry for the Nips – writes in National Review about the uncanny parallels between Shane and Donald Trump. [As an amateur cinephile I must point out the continuing factual error of crediting Travis Bickle/
Robert De Niro with the classic line “Are you talking to me?” It was rather Shane/Alan Ladd talking to Chris Calloway/Ben Johnson in Grafton’s before the classic fight scene.
BTB, “Shane” should be a favorite of modern American Liberals. Alas, it is not and for the wrong reason. It is a story about the 99% versus the 1% and kind of winning. It is story about the working poor taking on the special interests and kind of winning. It is a story about “raging against the machine” and kind of winning, it is story of Horatius at the gate and kind of winning. It is a story about good overcoming evil with, dear to the hearts of mAls everywhere, man perfecting himself, a basic tenet of all statist public policy. However, the film’s love of the 2nd Amendment doomed it in the eyes, even if retroactively, of Pauline Kael and her pseudo-wanabes, Ditto for “The Searchers” and “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”. 

The search for the origin of the mask that Michael Meyers wore in all those Halloween movies has ended. The Israeli Antiquities Authority exhibited a 9,000 year old stone mask yesterday. It is his doppleganger. Which leads to another poser. It couldn’t have been his death mask so was he alive then? And how is this tied into Stonehenge, the Bermuda Triangle, and Sasquatch or are the Israelis just being “stiff-necked” again?

Not since Lard Kennedy’s concession speech at the Democratic Convention in 1980 at Madison Garden, the one where Jimmy Carter, the worst President of the 20th century, chased him around the podium so he could give him a French kiss, has a more unctuously untrue speech, one unburdened by facts, been given equal to the one given yesterday at the Baker Institute at Rice University by Obama, B.H. If Obama is the reason for the United States being the leading producer of oil & gas, the hydrocarbonic killers of polar bears, then I will be running back punts for the Dolphins this Sunday before accepting Maestro James Brooks-Bruzesse’s gracious invitation to play solo cello in place of the injured YoYo Ma. If memory serves the Big O obdurately opposed fracking on Federal leases, he opposed any and all pipe lines – Thank God we weren’t fighting the firiggin; Nazis. If it weren’t for “Big Inch”, look it up, they still would be speaking Kraut in Paree. As bad as that was he then made it worse by saying, and in conjunction with Wide Bottomed Hillary, that anyone opposed either to him or her were stupid, deplorable, racist, 
Homophobic, xenophobic, and, as if it couldn’t get any worse, shitheadaphobic. 

And speaking of oil and gas, isn’t it time for an investigation of Big Oil? It’s obvious that the cabalisitc cartel is cutting the price of gas to get Millennials to use some of the money they save by living in Mom’s basement because she rented out their bedroom to make ends meet to buy gas guzzling cars. I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to put up with it anymore. Bernie the Bolshie and Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez should get to the bottom of this. The Dems are going to have a majority in the House. Why not pass legislation outlawing profits? Why not make altruism the official policy of corporate America? Why not use the hugely successful Post Office as the paradigmatic template for a caring, humane society? North Korea, Venezuela. Why not here? “All them corn fields and ballet at night”, as noted British Labour leader Fred Kite, Sr. used to say.

I am watching as Mickey Cohen, Trump’s one-time daily lawyer, just took a plea and promised to cooperate with the Man in order to avoid being sent to SuperMax in Colorado where the specter of John Gotti still rules. So would I. I might even make some shit up. In year 4 of my 7-year trial in US Tax Court I was contacted at night by Vice Assistant Deputy Attorney General Moira Sullivan, Esq. I believe she was married to a New Jersey Superior Court Judge. Of course I knew that ex parte conversations were verboten, not to say forbidden. I mentioned this to her and, so help me God and on the eyes of my Texas Ladies, she said, “let’s keep this to ourselves”, like a child molester. She wanted the names of my contacts, particularly the lawyers, accountants, brokers, and bankers who directed me to my investors I joshed, partly, that she could give me credit against my geometrically expanding tax bill, $42,500,000. There was no direct answer. I did not file a complaint or even tell my lawyers because, by then I knew that even if I were to win, which I didn’t, I had already lost because the process is the punishment. I went along with a real life Seinfeld episode. One good thing to come out of it was Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Thurgood Marshall, possibly the Court’s best ever trial lawyer but one of its worst Justices – Read his concurrent opinion in Roe V Wade - noticed my name on the petition he had just voted against and, realizing he had no other worlds to conquer, resigned. Maybe there are no Trump Judges or Obama Judges as Chief Justice Roberts says but there sure as Hell are Black Judges. The next day Bush nominated Thomas and, if nothing else, it showed how civil modern American Liberals, the polecats, can be. 
Melanoma #3 was discovered yesterday. Its excision has been scheduled.

I see where Hauptman Muller is now investigating decades old Trump transactions. When I was in the witness chair I was asked about a transaction that was in no way connected to the matter at hand – 7 coal leases in Kentucky – and, as such, had no bearing on the matter at hand. In a moment tinged with humor Judge Powell told the government to move on. So, what’s new?
Obama led the drilling boom in America? I  am going to draw a line, a big red line, in the sand, and say I haven’t had such a guffaw since the pigs ate my little sister.

Kevin Smith

November 28, 2018 There is only one Christmas movie...

November 28, 2018

There is only one Christmas movie.

A Christmas Carol
With Alastair Sim

I revel when people call me Scrooge. [Let me digress. For 6 years – absent the 12 days of Christmas spent in London in 1985 – one of my delights was a raree performed on the mezzanine in the North Tower of the World Trade Center I did all the great lines of “A Christmas Carol” – “Are there no prisons?”, “I wish to be left alone,”, “You’d feel yourself ill-used if I were to stop you half a crown”, “Humbug!” – and yes, alcohol was involved. I did it one year with a 5-foot Teddy bear alongside me. The bear didn’t seem to mind.

In the movie, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” accompanies the opening credits. The most important line, the line that transcends and glorifies, is “God and sinner reconciled”. And that leads us to this morning’s History and Culture lesson. 1300 years after the appearance of Christ, Dante wrote a poem with the great opening line of “Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”.1300 years after the appearance of Mohammed, and because we are entering the holy season of Advent I will not call him a goat-humping paedophile, we still wait for a Muslim Dante. I suppose that just after he appears we will see and hear an Islamic Mozart or an unDervished Shakespeare. Yeah. Don’t forget that Tiny Tim turned out OK so all things are possible.
I never got to say, “It was said he could keep Christmas well, if any man alive knew how”. It is the greatest line of all. Sin, misery, hope, redemption. Dare I say it’s what Christmas is all about or is the cultural rot too deeply affixed to our souls, to our psyches?

No one does it better than Alastair Sim. You can make egg nog in May.

This morning I checked the Irish sports pages of the Jersey Journal. If you’re not from Bayonne you may know them better as the obituary pages. Not recognizing any of the names I nevertheless offered a Christian Kaddish for the happy repose of the souls about to begin the journey to the undiscovered country. It’s what old people do.

I then read of a complaint filed by a Black Hudson County employee against his supervisor. The supervisor allegedly said that his hair was “nappy”. I e-Mailed the author, one Xmcdonald with some questions. Alas, since I am technologically challenged it was returned. Enclosed is the text of the messages.

“Is truth an absolute defense against libel?” What if his hair is “nappy”? Exactly what is “hate speech”? Have you read Dick Gregory’s autobiography? Don’t ask for it by name. This was sent at 7:31 AM to

The next one was sent at 7:59 AM. It too was returned.

“Maybe you can help me. Governor-elect Ron DeSantis used the word “monkey” as a verb and was immediately branded with “R” as in Racist, today’s Scarlet Letter. Perhaps not as racist as Woodrow Wilson or Sam Ervin or Al Gore or Al Sharpton but definitely brandable using the single drop theory made familiar by “Show Boat” and codified by the Margaret Sanger inspired Nuremberg Race Laws of 1934. As a working journalist, could you send me a list of verboten words, almost verboten words, and used to be verboten words. As a disabled senior citizen, it would be most appreciated. Plus, what should I do about my “monkey” wrench?”

Anyone care to help me?

PS – To all Bayonne ex-pats. The Jersey Journal is now based in Secaucus. Speaking of Secaucus, I called a local pizza place for a late night pick up order. He told me he was shutting down but then he asked if, in fact, I was the Kevin Smith. I told him that indeed I was. In due course I went to pick up the pie, he told me that I wasn’t the real Kevin Smith. I showed him my non-racially motivated photo ID, a Florida license, and then I told him, in the best Bayonne tradition to shove the pie up his ass.

I bought a 12 pack of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, still the best non-craft beer in America. It was $3 less for the case then it would have been for 2 six packs. Act accordingly.

  Speaking of Margaret Sanger, I am going to yield to the pressure of my reading public and bring back my 3 prestigious awards. They are


I will start with 3 previous winners of the annual award.


Even though they are still dead – Deo Gratias! – their perfidy, treachery, intellectual dishonesty, and murder live on. Attention should be paid to them. As long as I draw breath their scandalous behavior will be highlighted. Armed guards, with bayonets pointed in, should be posted at their graves lest they escape and work their evil on the body politick.
Be aware that their proselytizing acolytes are everywhere. And they knavishly set traps for fools. Be advised.
Let me honor the first winner of the SMARMY BASTARD award. New Jersey Superior Court Judge Carole Ferentz was a meaner than cat shit, fat-assed Hecate who took great delight in humiliating lawyers and pro se defendants. If she were on fire I wouldn’t piss on her to put it out. And if you don’t believe me, strike a match. When I returned to her court room with a stay signed by a New York Appellate Court Judge she pfumpered a bit. I then explained, slowly and deliberately, very slowly and very deliberatively, that Article 4, Section 1 of the Constitution, the one written by James Madison, gave her no choice but to accept my petition and grant me the relief sought. She actually began to dribble and drool when I read the exact language. Wonder of wonders! 
I have long argued that if pre-existing conditions don’t count when applying for health insurance they shouldn’t count for auto – So what if you have DUIs – and homeowner’s – What’s a little arson? – but I missed the big one. Why should it count when trying to get life insurance? Let the race begin for franchises at hospices. As a concession to the insurance companies nothing less than a quarterly premium is acceptable. Age? No problem. In fact, why not a universal premium that averages all ages? Why should young folk get a better deal than old folk? Aren’t actuarial tables, like the Constitution, a living, breathing document? It should be, shouldn’t it? Another thing for Bernie the Bolshie and Chiquita Octavio-Cortez to work on, right?

President Obama, and how can I miss him if he won’t go away, claimed credit for America’s boom in oil and gas production. Next, he’ll be claiming credit for Chicago’s booming murder rate. Then he’ll claim credit for the burgeoning student loan default rate. The man has no shame. I don’t know whether it is genetic, racial, cultural, or ideological. I do know, and it is owed to the ledger to point it out, that production on Federal oil and gas leases was down in his 8 years. All of the increase came from privately owned lands and said increase is almost entirely due to fracking. Let the record further show I fracked my first well in Duval County, Texas. In addition to that famous fact, Duval County is where Honest Abe Fortas found the votes necessary for “Landslide Lyndon” to get to the US Senate and to begin the journey that ended with the Vietnam Wall in Washington, DC. That’s the wall with 58,515 names on it, with the names being limited to Americans killed in combat there.

I enjoy being the highly literate curmudgeon who points out that the number of horses’ asses should always, always equal the number of horses’ heads. Alas, it doesn’t. 
Take settled science, for instance. Ptolemy was numero uno for 15 centuries. That’s a millennium and a half. Along came Copernicus and Galileo and the only time anyone remembers him because the United States Navy named its PT boats after him. Ditto for Fred Hoyle. Has anyone ever heard of a sitcom called the Steady State Theory?

Kevin Smith

PS – Modern American Liberals regard pacts and accords, particularly on subjects dear to their hearts, as Holy Writ. Thus, when Trump blew up the Paris Climate shakedown, their knickers knotted. Flash, you nit-wits. Global Warming ended the last Ice Age. The Little Medieval Ice Age gave us cellos by Stradivarius. Look it up, you boobs  

November 27, 2018 The first mistake, the one that allowed all the others to be made, was letting Lee Iacocca...

November 27, 2018

The first mistake, the one that allowed all the others to be made, was letting Lee Iacocca, a superb Eye-Tie snake oil salesman, convince two administrations that if Chrysler went into the crapper, the world would end. And not with a whimper, but with a large bang.

Chrysler should have gotten one in each ear. Chaos in the market, which is why you have markets, isn’t it, would have been over shortly. GM and Ford would have filled the gap. Having let that window of opportunity close, we wound up with Government Motors financed by Mandarin money lenders 27 years late. r 

Chrysler never borrowed money from the American taxpayer. Rather, they had a loan guarantee from Sam. It enabled them to secure financing because their credit was worse than mine. [There aren’t enough months left in this millennium to bite into the $42,000,000 IRS-held chit. And that’s before penalties and interest.]

I’ll say this for Iacocca. He tried to get the Treasury to give back the warrants that were issued for the loan guarantee. Taking a shot doesn’t make you a bad guy. He had as much a chance of getting that past Donald Regan, Secretary of the Treasury, a combat Marine and head of Merrill Lynch, as dawn had of getting past a rooster.

“Fucking Jews” – A Somali man holding a Koran, symbolic of the more irenic elements of Islam, was heard to shout that as he was trying to mow down Jews exiting their shul. It is not known if he supports Trump.

Attention must be paid to Venus. It lies like low hanging fruit in the almost Southeast pre-dawn sky. But how can you mention Venus without mentioning Mars? Yesterday, after a 6-month trip, NASA landed a mini-lab on Mars. It is a tribute to American exceptionalism that the majority of work was done by the low bidder. I remember the glory days when we got to the Moon, and more importantly for the guys on the bus, and back cum recuerdos. No sense bitch slapping gravity unless you can come back and brag about it. Just like we did. It’s almost 50 years and there is still no race to see who will be #2. Maybe we should go back to show how easy it is.

It’s been several years since I asked the guardians of our freedoms at the Miami Herald and the Sun Sentinel to publish the Mohammed cartoons. Perhaps I was too quick and too acerbic when I pointed out that their modern American Liberal genetically induced caterwauling about “slippery slopes” and “chilling effects” seems to pause when it came to Islam. Let me paraphrase Orwell here. “All speech is free; some speech isn’t as free as other speech”. I used the example of “Piss Christ” to buttress my argument. “Piss Christ”, an example of taxpayer subsidized art, shows a vat of piss, and I don’t know if it is human or porcine, into which a crucifix is hung. And just think, Marcel Du Champ’s “Nude Descending a Staircase” caused a riot when it was first shown. It may have led to the Great War. Their silence is deafening. Perhaps Fascism, long familiar with a more enlightened and humanistic Europe, is coming to America. If so, it will be self-imposed. And, of course, it gives more credence to the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne who has been asking for decades why he never sees anybody swimming TO Cuba.

Does anyone else remember Sewell Avery? He ran a company called Montgomery Ward. There is a picture of him being carried out of his office. Still sitting in his chair, by several US Army regulars. It didn’t pay to piss off Harry Truman. [BTB, Montgomery Ward is a favorite of archaeologists who specialize in dead retailers. Too bad Sears and Lord & Taylor didn’t read the autopsy report]
President Kennedy told his kid brother Bobby to wake up J. Edgar Hoover and to have him send the FBI on a 3:00 AM raid on the home of Roger Blough, the CEO of US Steel. His “crime” was to raise the price of steel. Also, his father, Papa Joe, had told him that “businessmen were SOBs”. It didn’t pay to piss off JFK.
Now comes GM. It used to be known as General Motors but after we gave them enough money to end teenage bullying, lower everyone’s bad cholesterol, ban all GMO foods, and end the heartbreak of psoriasis, it is now known as Government Motors.
Modern American Liberals were quick to remind us during the Kavanaugh show trial that much weight must be given to stare decisis, except when it came to Plessy v Ferguson. If the past is prologue President Trump would be well within his rights to order an air strike, a few wings of A-10s would be enough to take out world HQ of GM in beautiful downtown Detroit. Besides, they’re used to gun fire. A dozen or so Apache helicopters would take care of any wounded stragglers.

The G20 is meeting in Argentina. That’s like a gaggle of hookers meeting for a novena in a French Knocking Shoppe. A word or two about Argentina: It is the birth place of Papa Francisco. His father was a successful businessman under Peron. That meant he knew of mordidas, of white envelopes followed by a wink or a nod from the inspector. And he’s telling us about business? Dulce nino Jesus! The boobies are running the hatch! But I digress. Argentina is a land blessed by God. On what the land and the sea provide it should be in the first row of nations. It is not. In almost 2 centuries of existence their only contribution to the Western canon has been the tango. And, truth be known, they stole that from the Eye-Ties. They will not be planning any Moon shots either.

Kevin Smith

PS – Late Breaking News! – The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of people over Mississippi dusky gopher frogs. One of the interesting contentions made by the government was that even though the friggin’ frog was never seen on the land so what ‘cuz it might show up later. T. Jefferson covered this in 1776 thus. “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance.” Move over furbish lousewort and delhi smelt.

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Why would anyone give a rat’s ass about the little fat gomer in North Korea?

November 26, 2018

Why would anyone give a rat’s ass about the little fat gomer in North Korea?

There is only one answer.

He has nuclear weapons.

Charles De Gaulle had one fixed idea, one undeviating North Star, to build his life on. That this raison d’etre was shaped and strengthened by his secondary school educators, the Marist Brothers, there can be no doubt. He, like Churchill, was destined for great things, that God put him on earth to save his country.

If it weren’t for Churchill he would have been another souless poilu in London in 1940. He created a persona out of nothing. After returning to France he waited for 15 years for Apellons a De Gaulle. [“All History is biography and all biography is anecdote”.] It is said that he wasn’t concerned about his bad breath because he was too tall to speak into most people’s faces. It is also said that after Kennedy’s disastrous meeting in Vienna with Khrushchev, the one that convinced Nicky that JFK was a cheese dick rich kid who would fold like a cheap suit, De Gaulle told Kennedy that he would have to criticize him publicly but if it came down to nut-cutting time with the Russkies he would be with us. A man not to trifle with.

De Gaulle got his country out of NATO and then he got nuclear weapons.

 All those little islands in the South Pacific finally paid their way. He wasn’t going to test his new weapons in Bordeaux, was he? Years after he died, the replacement head Frog got Russia’s attention by stating his defense national policy. If they feared imminent invasion they would use 1/3rd of their nuclear arsenal to repel the attack. If they were attacked they would go to zero inventory. Gromyko, in particular, was very upset by this. Since they weren’t in NATO, there were no restraints on them. This time they didn’t need Michelin to get the world’s attention.

Does anyone else remember what Mrs. Gandhi said, after successfully testing nuclear weapons, they would only be used for peaceful purposes? Pakistan, mindful of the fact there were no lamb volunteers to spend the night with the Lion King, said that they would eat dirt to get nuclear weapons. They did and then they did. The peace-loving Muslims in Pakistan don’t much love the peace-loving Hindus in India. In fact, when the English left, it triggered a blood bath that far exceeded the butcher’s bill that Hitler extracted from the Jews. And they did it in 4 less years. Not a place to be outgunned by your neighbor.  

An interesting codicil to the above happened in the glory days of the Clinton administration. Brooklyn Bernie Schwartz, the CEO of the Loral Corporation, and the founder of the $25,000 coffee with Big Bill and Spend a Night in the Lincoln Bedroom, sold a rocket guidance to the Red China. It took the 10 ring for its missiles from ½ a mile to less than 100 yards. Loral wouldn’t sell to either India or Pakistan. They did the only thing they could. They vastly increased their nuclear inventories. If our aim is off let’s try a rolling barrage It worked in WW1, didn’t it?

People with nuclear weapons fear 2 kinds of nations:
#1 – Those who have them.
#2 -  Those who don’t.

If treaties worked why did my wife’s father, my wife’s uncle, and my wife’s cousin “see the elephant” in 3 different oceans in 3 years? The Kellogg-Briand Pact, the Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty – I don’t know what the term is in German or Japanese for “laugh your ass off” but it was used a lot in Berlin and Tokyo – was supposed to prevent that, right? Incidentally, 2 Nobel Peace Prizes were awarded for the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Should they be “unawarded”, kind of like “unfriending”?

 While we are at it, there are a few more Nobel Prizes that should be recalled. Woodrow Wilson, because he was vile, bigoted racist who entertained the Ku Klux Klan in the White House. Paul Muller, because he discovered DDT. Antonio Moniz, because he perfected the lobotomy. Norman Bourlaug, because he pioneered in the genetic modification of food. And Rudyard Kipling, just because

If the Taliban can blow up 2500-year-old Buddha statues because they are somehow offensive to Allah – Do you think Allah ever met Nietzsche? – and if the POO, defined as the Perpetually Outraged and Offended, can tear down statues of soldiers who last fought 153 years ago and outlawing whistling Dixie, then Logic would dictate that the bounders, cads, and poltroons named above must go. 

Which brings us back to North Korea and then to Crimea. 

The only reason anyone pays attention to that fat, little twerp is because somewhere in his country, a country filled with starving people - and why doesn’t Chiquita Octavio-Cortez use North Korea as an example of a Socialist success? – he’s got a slew of little bombs with a big bang. How he gets them to their target is easier said than done but he already has finished the hard part. He has them. On to Crimea!

In 1994, after the Reagan-caused breakup of the Evil Empire, in a time when History supposedly stopped, the United States bought all the nuclear weapons that were housed in the Ukraine. [I’ll stop saying the Ukraine just after I stop saying the Bronx] In addition to de-nuclearizing the neighborhood, President Handsome Billy from Hot Springs guaranteed them protection against invasion. This never reached treaty status because that would require 2/3rds Senate approval and modern American Liberals don’t like that. Vide the Ukrainian Accord, the Kyoto Protocols, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Iranian Nuclear Pact.

Does anyone think Putin would have been pissing in their soup and giving them atomic wedgies if the Ukrainians still had nuclear weapons? I think not. The Russians are still like Senator Henry ‘Scoop” Jackson [D-WA] described them 45 years ago. “They’re like sneak thieves in a hotel. If they find an open door, they will go in. If it’s locked, they move on to the next target of opportunity.”

 Try to imagine a Senator Jackson in today’s Democratic Party. Bernie the Bolshie and Spartacus Booker would kidnap him. The moon-bat chick from Hawaii would give him a lava shampoo and Chuck U Schumer would plant white toast slathered in mayo as his preference for pastrami as proof of his anti-Semitism.

Kevin Smith

PS – After the hordes of illegal aliens who wanted to enter this country began to assault them, the Border Patrol – not ICE, the Federal agents that wing-nut Kamala Harris says is like the Klan – began to use pepper spray to defend themselves. I just heard Chiquita Octavio-Cortez - and wasn’t Plato, a true DWEM, right when he warned us of the dangers of unfettered Democracy? -  compare it to the Holocaust. On November 25, 2013 pepper spray was used on  potential felon at the border. I doubt if any Holocaust comparisons were made then. Could it be because Barack Obama was President? Only a deplorable post-racial stinker would think so.
It is said, and in the same snarling voice used when Judge Kavanaugh was being rubber hosed by modern American Liberal Senators and called a “serial rapist”, that Cindy Hyde-Smith, the Republican candidate for the Senate, went to a “segregated academy”. Maybe she did but the only Black people the first 2 generations of Kennedy whelps saw in their school daze were either janitors or pot wallopers. And, by the way, my offer of serious prizes still stands if anyone can find any example of any Kennedy snot nosed kid going to any public grammar school or public high school in the 20th century.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight, particularly if you live in a bad neighborhood

“Always keep your ax handy”.

November 25, 2018 El Alclade de Tijuana dijo “No mas”. The Mayor of Tijuana said “No mas”.

November 25, 2018

         El Alclade de Tijuana dijo “No mas”.
The Mayor of Tijuana said “No mas”.

He took no official position on whether or not everybody anywhere in the world had the absolutely unfettered right – A – to come to his country whenever for whatever reason and - B- and to demand that this country accept them, feed, clothe, and shelter and give them PTSD succor plus premium cable. He does note that they lacked basic personal hygiene habits plus they were crooks, rapists, and murderers. He did not comment on whether climate change had adversely affected them. He learned well from North American modern American Liberals who shriek at and hector the deplorables about the need for homeless shelters, AIDS clinics, pet refuges, mass transit, safe spots, and gluten-free zones with the solipsistic exception of NIMBY. NIMBY, for the uninitiated, is short for “Not in My Backyard”. Which is why the latest homeless shelter in Broward was built over a semi-toxic landfill, not on Las Olas or in Westin.

He did not tell them to go to Columbus, NM, like Pancho Villa did in 1916. President Wilson sent 10,000 men under the command of “Black Jack” Pershing to invade Mexico, track him down, and kill him. He also sent 75,000 troops to the border to secure it against invasion as the Constitution mandates. [Article 1, Section 8, Parts 11 & 15; Article 4, Section 4]

It is owed to the ledger that the mere mention of Wilson’s name must bring to mind Justice Thurgood Marshall’s comments on him, comments that I heard him deliver. “He was the most racist, bigoted President of the 20th century.” He didn’t get Villa but the country was never invaded again. 

Until now.

Which brings us to Antigone.

Antigone was written 2459 years ago by Sophocles. It must be noted that Sophocles was the quintessential DWEM – Dead White European Male. I met Antigone 56 years in South Orange, NJ. She was the daughter of an extremely dysfunctional family who, when her brother was killed, buried him indirect defiance of King Creon’s orders. For this he imprisoned her where she killed herself. Not exactly Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, is it? That the play is now in its 3rd millennium is testament to then never-ending, never solved dilemma of rights in conflict. She, as a mourning sister, had the right to bury him. He, as the King, had the right to prevent it.

What is our obligation when a stranger shows up at our door and asks or demands shelter?

Christ commanded us to “sell all and give to the poor”. Logic would dictate that we can only do that once. Once the well is empty who can say when it will be or if it will be filled again? Chesterton said that people underestimated God’s sense of mirth. A mother bear is not to be trifled with when her cubs are in danger. I committed a felony 41 years ago to protect my daughter, an act that I would do again for the benefit of her daughters, AKA, My Texas Ladies. 

The other person’s rights end where my nose begins. Let me “revise and extend” my remarks to include an addendum: persons’.  You can wear your hair as long as you want so long as you keep it out of my soup. Edmund Burke said that the conflict in any society is always between order and freedom. I can argue for the hounds while enjoying the exploits of the fox. Corey Booker, a horse’s ass of a United States Senator, alas, from New Jersey, said he was very close to his only “Spartacus moment” when he called Judge Kavanaugh a “serial rapist”. Let the record show that he is a Democrat. And further, that he has read far too much Howard Fast and Howard Zinn to engage in rational, big boy, conversation.

Europe is doomed because the arc of demographics has turned against them. Whatever the deficiencies of the children of the desert may be, and they are legion, breeding is not one of them. France in particular, because of its negative birth rate, Mediterranean exposure and the flotsam and jetsam left over from the time of Robespierre – and wasn’t Burke right? – has the quickest falling hour glass. Go and check les vins of Bordeaux because the end is in sight. Raisins have many uses. Fromage is neutral. Chateau Talbot is not. Remember that the Taliban outlawed whistling.

If you believe in nothing you will believe in anything.

Kevin Smith

PS - I wrote last week about Lt. William Sauer, USMC. He was a Marine aviator who was killed in his F-4 Panther in 1967. He was a classmate, a fraternity brother, and, most of all, a friend. I said of him that “He shall not grow old…and that I will remember him.” Let me add Lt. Brian Conlan, USMC who was blown up in a rice paddy in Vietnam in 1968 We spent many afternoons in the original Cryan’s on South Orange Avenue, diagonally opposite form Paul’s and across the street from Sacred Heart Church in Vailsburg. Cryan’s was distinguished by the hunchbacked midget cook who would stand on a wooden case to make hamburgers with hamburgers being the only thing on the menu. Along with Billy Sauer he was a good guy. Vaya con dios amigos!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

November 21, 2018 I cannot get through a night before Thanksgiving without the memories of our Bayonne kitchen – 50th Street, not 15th Street – as my mother began her Thanksgiving cooking.

November 21, 2018

I cannot get through a night before Thanksgiving without the memories of our Bayonne kitchen – 50th Street, not 15th Street – as my mother began her Thanksgiving cooking. She used a 10/12-inch see-through Pyrex skillet [“see-through Pyrex skillet”?] to prepare her stuffing. It was not an old family recipe. My Mom kept a tin of drippings from previous meals on top of the stove. If you were born when Truman was President you know what I mean. If you were born when Eisenhower was creating the missile gap it was Pam for the pan before there was Pam.

Onion, celery, bacon, an odd bit of ham from the back of the fridge – “fridge”? – with some shakes from a few spice cans using the Justin Wilson measurement method. My job was simple. Some loaves of unsliced white bread would appear on Sunday and they would be opened so they could become a bit hard by Wednesday night. I had to tear them into bite size chunks so the juices from the Pyrex would be absorbed. The bread would be put into a 5-gallon pot and mixed with the stuff simmering on the stove. “Stove Top Stuffing” before there was stove top stuffing. Into the ice box – I bought a broken-down ice box in 1970 for $5. I spent about $80 getting it refinished. I sold it for $450 when I was hot-footing it out of Jersey in 1996 – along with the turkey, with the size of the turkey being decided by the number of plates at the table.

And the aroma is coming back to me. Where are the snows of yesteryear?

I grew up in a library. Thank God Andrew Carnegie made all that money. He took some of it and built a magnificent one in Bayonne, across the street from where Amy was raised. 2 things of note about 700 Avenue C: #1 – The brick, intended for the construction of Bayonne High School, somehow wound up at an empty lot. #2 – Felix Milwid, great great grandfather of my Texas ladies, gave it to their great grandmother as a wedding present. Not your typical wedding present but a story that speaks well of Bayonne.

When I left Bayonne for Orange, NJ, I was pleased to find another Carnegie library. It was a smaller version of the one in Bayonne but it was an architectural gem. [I think the ugliest public building I have ever seen is Northeast High School in Oakland Park, FL. No owned Johnny can’t read. His latent sense of the aesthete is overwhelmed by banal mediocrity.]

I mention libraries because I went to the main library in Ft, Lauderdale last March. One of the benefits of being from Bayonne is that you have a 6th sense, an eye behind your ear, a double-helix infused feeling of what the Hell is going on. I found out that the esplanade by the front door is now Ground Zero for the homeless in Broward County. As I got to the front door, a door that was locked at 11:00AM for good reason, the personal DEW system went off. [DEW system? Does anyone else remember the string of Texas Towers in the North Atlantic?] Followed? Stalked? Who cares? I am a disable senior citizen with 3 titanium joints. Easy picking for feral vagrants. Not that day. I have an impressive cane that can be used for multi-tasking. 

I mention the above because in the almost six months since my interrupted library trip -  WARRIORBARDIT.BLOGSPOT.COM March 3, 2018 – it has gotten worse. To Hell with the mob coming to break into our country. We have one running rampant in our country!

I watched a bit of “The Great McGinty” last night. After a week of Jemima Abrams bitch about voting procedures, I turned to Hollywood for guidance. I have previously mentioned “Key Largo” where Thomas Gomez puts flesh on Joe Stalin commenting on elections. “Who cares who votes. It’s who counts the votes that matters.” Gomez says that you count them and count them and count them until you get the right number. Governor Scott went from 52,000 to 12,000 in the blink of an eye. McGinty is promised $2 for every vote he casts for Mayor Tillinghast. He earns $74 for his work that day. Director Preston Sturges served as a role model for the Coen Brothers. I get confused. Is it art imitating life or the other way around? Duval County 1948, Chicago 1960, Oregon 1998, Minnesota 2004. Row A, All the Way. Hot stoves, anyone?
The “wine dark sea” of confusion is rising.

Trump criticizes the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Chief Justice says there are no Trump Judges, that there are no Obama Judges, and surely there are no Bush or Clinton Judges. The modern American Liberals who make up the “loony Left”, as recently retired Senator McCaskill, [D-MO] pre-election described them, have spent 8 years in true venomous snarl mode criticizing the Citizens’ United decision. Presumably, Diane Feinstein, the meaner than cat shit Senator [D-CA]who called Judge Kavanaugh a “serial rapist” because she thought his judicial temperament was beyond the pale. 2 women have told me, and since they are broads they must be believed, that she tutored Monica Lewinsky on certain interpersonal body fluid exchanges. My sources must remain confidential. “Eclectic indignation” can be a bitch sometimes.

See if you can clear this one up for me.

Walmart is evil. Chick-fil-a is Satanic. Amazon is OK, even though they treat their employees like shit, as long as Jeff Bezos keeps pissing in Trump’s soup and gets a gazillion dollars from raging Socialist Mayor DeBlasio with full support from Governor Cuomo, a Papa Francisco Socialist. Where’s Dorothy Day when you really need her?

Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of Presidents not getting along with Judges, does anyone else remember FDR trying to “pack” the Court? The idea went nowhere but the Court never ruled against him, again. Look it up. I guess “the wish of the Prince has the force of Law” still applies. How about Andy “By God” Jackson telling John Marshall to shove his writ up his ass? Look that one up also.

November 20, 2018 You too? I forgot that yesterday was the anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

November 20, 2018

You too? I forgot that yesterday was the anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. I almost memorized it in the 6th grade at Saint Mary’s in Bayonne. Let us stipulate that no other 272 word speech has had the impact it has had. I offer the simple fact that we are talking about it 155 years and one day after it was given.

The beauty of the market, any market, is that it takes all the insanities and irrationalities floating around and crashing into each other and renders it into the most sane, the most rational thing in the universe. When you sell a stock the price you get is not yesterday’s, not tomorrow’s but here and now. The market allows for, indeed encourages, “irrational exuberance” because it gives you a place where you can back what you believe with more than your mouth. If you are not prepared to hear the umpire say, “Strike 3”, don’t step up to the plate. Penn Central, Pan-Am, Kodak, and maybe GE. If a country, if a culture, does not allow for “creative destruction” you wind up with Bulgaria. Napoleon warned that we should let China sleep because “when she wakes she will shake the world”. Mao killed at least 60,000,000 of his oriental lanschmen. He also mandated that the starving peasants empty their bed-side chamber pot into their back-yard miniature blast furnace. Gandhi and Nehru condemned India to 50 years of subsistence living because Gandhi, a “half-naked fakir”, thought that operating a hand loom was the key to prosperity. At least Nehru had the benefit of being a Fabian Socialist, and let me say thank you to the Webbs, deeply believed that the key to pots filled with lentils was to set quotas, raise taxes, export surgeons, and import cement plants. [One of the paradoxes that Congresswoman Chiquita Ocasio-Cortes will not address is why was Socialist India filled with poverty and why weren’t there any poor Indians in non-Socialist America. Both India and China have prospered greatly as soon as the obeyed the command that Moses gave to the Egyptian whatshisname – “Let my people go!”. The two Americans, one of whom was born in Vienna, who are still revered in Japan as the creators of the Japanese miracle that began soon after Nagasaki cooled off are Edward Deming and Peter Drucker. The miracle ended when the Japs bought Rockefeller Center and Pebble Beach Golf Course.  The first brought 3 generations of steady cash flow to the extended Rockefeller family because they overpaid. The second was given back to the seller in lieu of foreclosure. The mists of memory are dimmed but wasn’t Japan supposed to be ichi ban in the business world now. I am not sure what happened but the market sure as Hell has spoken

I was watching Jemima Abrams explain how she lost the Georgia gubernatorial race in simple terms: White folk don’t like Black folk and they put the fix via voter suppression. How dare those crackers ask for non-photo id? Phone bill, cable bill, rent receipt, just to prove that the address on the voter rolls and the home address agree. Why you would think that Lester Maddux [D-GA] was still in charge.  Next stop Minnesota. Congresswoman Fatima Nonporkus, whose swearing-in oath will include Death to the Jews, said that “all White men should be in chains because they will not submit to Allah”.
Women in this country secretly admire Horace Rumpole because whenever he referred to his wife Hilda, he always said of her “she who must be obeyed”. Next stop Orange County with a quick stop in the Cotswolds. “The evidence is circumstantial”, said the somewhat befuddled Bertie Wooster. “Yes”, replied the ever-handy Jeeves. “Like when you find a trout in the milk.” 8 Republican Congressmen from Orange County, California were turned out of office last Tuesday despite ending election day comfortably ahead. Next, we turn to film-noir. “It’s simple,” said Thomas Gomez in “Key Largo”. “Your candidate runs. You count the votes and he wins. If he doesn’t win you count them again. And again. And again. Until he wins. Rick Scott lost 40,000 votes in Broward County after the polls were closed. Only a cad would mention Duval County 1948 or Cook County 1960 or Oregon 1998 or Minnesota 2004. What strange force binds those distant places together? Simple. They were Democratic counties. When they opened the boxes, their guy did not have enough votes. No big deal. They counted them again. The media gives them cover because they say that this time they will make beer from rain water. And then it will be drawn to market by carbon-neutral, non-polar bear drowning, unicorns. “Morons, I’m surrounded by morons.”

Bill DeBlasio, Mayor of New York, modern American Liberal, Democrat, Socialist, Social Justice Warrior, hated, hates Walmart. Bill DeBlasio, Mayor of New York, modern American Liberal, Democrat, Socialist, Social Justice Warrior. Not since August 22, 1939 has the American Left done a 180 requiring perpetual chiropractic care. Suddenly, the American Left, people such as Dr. Seuss, Woody Guthrie, Lilian Hellman, everybody in Manhattan, thought that while Hitler had some rough edges – as did Stalin. Remember the Bukharin trial? -  he was an OK guy. Hey, try making an omelet without breaking eggs. Besides, Papa Joe Kennedy liked him, didn’t he?” Sorry about those stiff-necked Sons of the Desert on the MV Saint Louis. Sometimes 900 people fall between the cracks. Are there some of you out there for whom the date August 22, 1939 sounds like tinkling brass?
That was the day when Albert Speer began to draw up the bid requirement for Xyklon-B and Auschwitz. That was the day when Germany and Russia, Fascism and Communism, decided to start World War 2. [The above is owed to the ledger every time I get to stress it. If people can argue about statues fork a war that ended 155 years ago, I can stress one that began 79 years ago. Which brings us back to Amazon in NYC. That Bezos would have bidded on the crematoria in Treblinka there is no doubt. That Bergermeister DeBlasio would have helped him there is also no doubt. That he would have introduced him to his pal, Governor “Little Shit” Cuomo, there is also no doubt. Cuomo opposed “fracking”, a 70-year-old oil drilling practice – one that I used when I was drilling wells in 1974, a thing that has made this country the swing producer of hydrocarbons in the world and lifted us from the thralldom of people who shout “Allah Akbar” as they crucify Christians and blow up buildings. What would have happened if Chick-fil-A or Hobby Lobby said they were considering moving to NYC? Let me answer. Bastinado. Is there a polite way to say “friggin’ hypocrites”? No? OK. Friggin’ hypocrites!

Kevin Smith

Monday, November 19, 2018

November 17, 2018 Will someone please explain what “Diversity is our strength” means?

November 17, 2018

Will someone please explain what “Diversity is our strength” means? Take as many declarative sentences as you need. It sure as Hell sounds like bullshit to me.

Other than the cast of Seinfeld putting on a production of “Waiting for Godot”, directed by John Kennedy Toole, sets by the Marx Brothers, with costumes by noted couturier Willie off the Pickle Boat, there is no way to improve on the next 2 years in Washington, DC.

Every Democratic Senator – ladies included, plus Spartacus – not arrested for playing non-gender specific grab-ass is running for President, with a half a dozen of whom think they already are President.

Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez, holding a degree in train spotting from Boston University, but still not sure what to do with her thumbs, is, along with Nancy Pelosi, the face of the Democratic Party. Chiquita wants to make the Electoral College tuition free and if Nancy has one more face lift she’ll be able to use a urinal because she’ll be pissing through her navel.

The exciting prospect of 2 years of teeth grinding gridlock being raised to an art form is upliftingly exhilarating. Indeed, at my advanced age, it is positively tumescent. And who knows how many vacancies on the Supreme Court will fall into Trump’s lap? Justice Breyer, it is rumored, wants to bring back nocturnal power walking in the idyllic Anacostia section of DC. Justice Ginzberg is interested in senior citizen anaconda wrestling and Justice Sotomayor and Justice Kagan are engaged in a friendly competition involving tiramisu enemas and Junior’s cheesecake IVs. Lest you think any comments on Supreme Court eating habits are out of bounds please remember that Justice Thomas’s wife was aksed to load up his diet on milk, butter, and eggs because Black men tend to have more strokes than White men.

I issued an indulgence on January 23, 2016 which held harmless and sanctioned anyone from the temporal punishment due to voting for Trump. I petitioned the curia to make it detachable and fungible. That meant if you didn’t use it you could sell it to your neighbor. [Details are on my blog, WARRIORBARDIT.BLOGSPOT.COM, and there is no pay wall] I said there were 2 reasons for voting for Trump, #1 – He was not Wide Bottomed Hillary and #2 – He would get to pick the Judges. An absolute twin double, no? Almost as good as money from home.

Do you remember the knicker-knotting moment in the 2016 campaign when Democrats, and I think it’s time to bring back “men without chests”, a C.S. Lewis term. It was used to describe people with no core, with no fixed principles, whose flag, not surprisingly, was plaid. In other words, Democrats. Democrats wet their pants because Trump would not take a blood oath to abide by the election results. “Eclectic indignation” is back in bloom. Jemima Abrams, Slow Bill Nelson, and Bonzo Gillum are not abiding by the election results. That’s OK because they’re Democrats and 2 of them are Black and Oprah and Obama supported them and, as such, they were not supposed to lose. It was their destiny to win. Governor Scott Walker [R-WI] lost by less than 30,000 votes. If anybody could have put the fix in – Think Duval County, Texas in 1948 and Cook County, Illinois in 1960 – a sitting Governor could have. He didn’t.

The United States Constitution
Article 1 Section 8 Part 15
Article 4 Section 4
Read them

The Bayonne Bridge, my bridge, at one time the largest arch suspension bridge in the world, a bridge renowned for its perfect symmetry, a bridge that I walked and biked over and back many times, a bridge that was not high enough to accommodate the huge container ships that Globalization demands, was raised several years ago to accommodate the aforementioned dreadnaughts. It has suffered a blow form which it may never recover. You’ve heard of “The Ship That Died of Shame”? This is ‘The Bridge That Died of Shame”. Monkeying [“Monkeying” is a non-racial term. It is one that is rooted deep in marine architecture.] with an existing bridge is best left to very smart people, beginning with civil servants and ending with structural engineers. The option of lowering the river – the bridge actually crosses the Kill van Kull – was given short shrift. Nobody remembered that it snows in Bayonne. Nobody remembered that it only takes one vehicle to shut the whole Damn bridge down. Nobody remembered that if you raise the bridge you raise the angle of ascent. The result last week end was chaos. If Trump caused California to burn down because he left the Paris Climate Conspiracy I suppose it can be said that he caused the FUBARed SNAFU on my bridge, right?

Jews get shot in a shul and the shooter is treated by Jewish doctors and nurses in the emergency room and this is looked on a very Christian thing to do by all the warm and fuzzy modern American Liberals. The head ladron in Havana pulls 8,000 – repeat – 8,000 contracted medical personnel out of Brazil because its new President suggests that
Che wasn’t the nicest guy and the silence from American Progressives is deafening. Why is that? Don’t poor Brazilians have the right to universal health care even if it comes from Cuba?
It may be time for Doctor Brenda Snipes to take on for the side. The Dolphins and the Marlins have won 4 championships. How many coaches and managers have they had since then? Pay 19. You have to work maybe 5 times a year. It’s inside. There’s no heavy lifting. It’s not like you are making night landings on a carrier. You have all year to rehearse for Midnight Mass. And then you say any criticism of you is “probably” racist. Is stupidity, is incompetence found only in Black women who call themselves Doctor? Is it racism per se to ask it? Speaking of racism, Leonard Pitts, the HNIC of POO – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – says in today’s Miami that some wascally Wepublican White folk criticize Michelle Obama because of her arse. It is an example of racial indifference on my part but aren’t Jemima-sized backsides praised in the ‘hood?  More cushion for the pushing is the phrase, I think. Despite degrees from 2 Ivy League schools, degrees that took her 25 years to pay for, a feat that should have made her feel “proud”, her only commercial success, before charging and getting $4,000 for her to tell how hard it was for her to live rent free in DC for 8 years, was when her husband got her a $4,000 a week raise – repeat - $4,000 a week raise when she was in charge of midnight shift bed pan inventory at the University of Chicago Hospital. Also, did her mother live rent free in the White House for 8 years? Was she on any government payroll for baby-sitting her granddaughters? My dream book tells me to ask why, after 8 years of “cooling the earth and calming the seas”, California is burning down and the Northeast is snow bound in November? Did Trump do this in less than 2 years?

Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez is going to be a welcome breath of stale air in next year’s Congress. It is said that she has a degree on Economics from Boston University. The evidence of my own eyes suggests that her concentration was either in unicorn ranch management or rainbow stew marketing. Mensa material she ain’t. Beyond that and I’m searching for a word that shows that my contempt isn’t personal but I can’t get past stupid. And not just pedestrian stupid but Guinness Book stupid. The lap dog media will give her a pass because she is a Latina mujer, albeit light years from being considered a “wise” Latina.

Geraldine Felini Zuchini, having permanently dropped out, the field is now open for Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Jay Forbes Kerry, and John Edwards to come back in to the Presidential wading pool. Tom Dewey said the only thing that cures Potomac fever is embalming fluid.

November 19, 2018

I heard a physician, Marc Siegel, MD say this morning that peanut allergies have tripled in the past 10 years. Here’s where it gets tricky. In 8 of the last 10 years Barack the Beneficent was in charge. Causation or correlation? Hoc post propter ergo hoc? Quien sabe? 

“What news of the Rialto?” “It ain’t beanbag”

Doctor Brenda Snipes, the deservedly castigated and caterwauled Broward supervisor of elections, quit yesterday. She did this before a pitchforked mob carrying torches arrived at her house, just like the community activists who visited the Tucker Carlson home, with the intentions of pelting her with flaming bags of cat shit. Other than
“her brother is worse”, it is deuced difficult to find something good to say about her tenure.
“Tenure” is a word beloved of the laggards and shirkers who make up the Poverty & Educational Complex. It is a parasitic cabal that spends money in such an irresponsible way, and with no accountability, that it makes the Joint Chiefs of Staff green with envy.
One possible retirement gig is that she could team up with her Miriam Oliphant, her illustrious predecessor, another multi-degreed female educator whose main goal was to make pi 3.0 so as to increase minority test scores, and go on a national speaking tour as negative examples. It would feature 2 professional Black women who rose to prominence because they made modern American Liberals, and their fellow travelers, feel warm and fuzzy about themselves. The could serve as exemplars of “lateral arabesque” at best, and shit not cream rises to the top. “Exit stage left, pursued by a bear.” 
One of the strange things about the Florida Constitution is that the Attorney General can be of a party than that of the governor. Having the Governor and the legislature coming from different parties is, many times, a desired end. Having the AG and the Governor in pissing contests over petty quotidian things is stupid. It is the only thing dumber than the election of Judges. BTB, I did not vote for any of the Judges on the ballot because the making of a judge should not be subject to the whims of the electorate, particularly if the candidates for the Bench are not allowed the latitude given to candidates for the sewer board.  And of course, I voted against retaining any of the Supreme Court Judges. Worse than the perils of a democracy – “A Republic, if you can keep it” – are half-assed judicial elections.

A least it can be said of Senator Nelson that he conducted his public life with more than a modicum of probity and honor. And since I have 2 backhands, if I can find another
compliment to proffer, I will. Also, Gillum left gracefully. On the other hand, the calorically challenged losing Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Jemima Abrams, continues the modern American Liberal race to the bottom, with the bottom being the pit filled with “Trousered Apes” who disguise themselves as wannabe public servants. She says that she lost because she didn’t like the rules that were in place before the election and she couldn’t find a Judge who would change them after. Kind of like a baseball player having a knicker-knotted hissy fit because he wasn’t given a 4th strike. The real losers here are the American taxpayers. Like Al Sharpton, the Jew hating grifter whom Nancy Pelosi thanked for “saving America”, she too has a slew of Federal tax liens and defaulted student loans. The only chance the American public had of being mad whole was if she were able to weld herself to the Georgia $ mammary from whence the IRS could also draw sustenance. [Send a SASE if you want first-hand knowledge of what the IRS does when your tax liability is $42,000,000] A class act. I hope to hear from her in the future.

Kevin Smith

PS – Yet again more proof of William F. Buckley, JR’s prescience is made visible. After the Vatican 2 conference ended, he said “Mater si, magistra no”. 2 things of note to me, an imperfect Roman Catholic: #1 – Papa Francisco was raised in Argentina, Ground Zero for crony Capitalism. His parents lived and prospered protected by the aegis that Hitler lover Juan Peron provided. It is the only form of government and business that he has ever known. He was raised in a land rife with mordidas needed for putting the fix in. #2 – The just ended Bishop’s Conference in Baltimore makes me yearn for the cleansing hand of a Martin Luther. Absent, of course, the theological baggage he toted. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 15, 2018 “Down with this motherfucker.” Apparently, Robert De Niro didn’t get the memo from Wide-Bottomed Hillary, the one that said civility would return when the Democrats took over the House.

November 15, 2018

“Down with this motherfucker.” Apparently, Robert De Niro didn’t get the memo from Wide-Bottomed Hillary, the one that said civility would return when the Democrats took over the House.

Although I was trained not to construct universals from particulars, particularly when there are myriad particulars, London Lamar, a Black woman recently elected to the Tennessee legislature, is “pushing the envelope” on White people turning their eyes away when Black people, particularly public Black people, say stupid, really big-time stupid, things. “Boys will be boys” has been replaced with “Blacks will be Blacks”. Apparently, the quiet racism of low expectations of Black folk now rules. Maybe Lysenko was right. Although it’s been 153 years since more than 650,000 White men died – including  relative of mine - overturned the Dred Scott decision, the burden of being captured by Black men and transported by Black men to be sold to White men has proved to be a burden too far to be shed.  I mention Lysenko because of the generic imprint that slavery be seared into Black Americans. [Maybe the lack of “slave blood” is what caused Jesse Jackson to threaten to cut Obama’s “nuts” off. Maybe not.] That’s why it’s OK for London Lamar to say “Tennessee is racist” and people who vote for Republicans are “stupid”. I wonder if she thinks the people who voted for Lincoln were “stupid”? White folk, particularly sensitive ones, guys like me, are always looking for guidance lest we be branded with the new Scarlet Letter “R”, for Racist. I get them confused but was it Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton who used the term “hook-nosed diamond merchants” when discussing Jews? I know it was Louie Farrakhan who called Jews “termites” just before a bunch of them got shot at shul. And for this Trump, with a daughter who converted to serious Judaism and gave him 2 serious Jewish grandchildren is called an anti-Semite? Whenever I watch a slew of Maxine Waters’ constituents loot and pillage a 7-11 and I hear her describe it as “alternative shopping” I call the local hatch and ask if any of their boobies are missing. And somehow this is all my fault?

A bunch of White high school seniors in Baraboo, Wisconsin had a group photo taken of them holding their right hands up. For this, the POO – Perpetually Outraged and Offended – are, and can you believe it, outraged and offended. They are being investigated by the Wisconsin Attorney General, and thank God they don’t have real crimes to investigate, Saturday Night Live, The View, CNBC, MSNBC, the BBC, NPR, and the UN. If they had simply held their right hands up and made a fist they would have been hailed as speaking truth to power and showing solidarity with the Black Panthers – Remember them? – and they would have been on the righteous path to being inducted into the coven of Social Justice Warriors. 

Is there a racially neutral way to say that Doctor Brenda Snipes – I italicize Doctor because it is based on time in grade, enduring insufferable ennui, not scholarship. – the Black female supervisor of elections in Broward County is an incompetent jackass? She got the job because her predecessor, also a Black female multi-degreed educator, was abysmally incompetent and was fired. Protocol demanded that she be replaced with another Black female multi-degreed educator. No wonder Johnny can’t read. I’m from Hudson County, NJ. At least when they put the fix in there, the numbers added up.

Two things:
A – Perhaps not quite like Keats watching “when a new planet swims into his ken” but there was something big hanging out in the southeastern sky this morning. The rising sun chased it back from whence it came. Further study is needed, beginning tomorrow morning. Could it be the place “from beyond the stars” from whence our rights come? Maybe.
B – Our cousins, the Brits, are doing what free people always do when they are making up their minds.It’s in public; it’s not pretty; dishes may be broken; sometimes bad language is used; but in the end they decide. 5 years ago, I read where the EU sausage committee in Belgium, in Belgium? fined a British Banger company because the angle of its product deviated too much from the mean. That alone was sufficient reason to blow the whole kit and caboodle up. The thought of some tight-assed Walloon telling the children of men who beat the Kaiser and took Hitler to the mat caterwauling about how curved a friggin’ sausage can be is bonkers. As the Iron Duke said of Waterloo, “It was a damn close-run thing”. I am glad they appear to be getting out while the getting is good. Here the sensible and honorable thing to do is to get the lion’s arse out of that particular breach. Let Boris Johnson and Rees-Mogg duke it out to see who gets to put new curtains into 10 Downing Street. In the Roman Catholic Church it is called papabili

Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn. Congresswoman Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez is spot on right about Amazon welding itself to the public teat called New York city. Bezos has more money than God. That means no hot stove is safe from his corporate tentacles.
All of his looting of public funds is done in the name of “creating” jobs so the boobs who now rule the Democratic party, the ones who think that raising taxes and the minimum wage is the one sure way to the land of milk and honey only if you don’t count Cuba y Venezuela. At the end of the day he is going to get $76,000 for each job he                                  “creates”. Speaking of things done well, I “created” more jobs in the ‘80s than all the companies on the Dow-Jones Industrial Average. And it was simple. I had interests in energy entities in 5 states – New Mexico, Texas, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, and Canada. Oil, gas, coal, gold, and zinc. From Crossroads, New Mexico to Timmins, Ontario I hired people and I helped people start their own businesses. I did not do this for eleemosynary or altruistic reasons but because it made sense – dollars and cents sense for me – to so do. Also, and here’s the fun part, the companies on the DJIA in 1980 “created” no new net jobs in the ‘80s. In fact, there were fewer people working for them in 1990 than there was in1980. That made my approximately 420 – not counting accountants and lawyers – akin to what the New Deal thought it was but wasn’t.

I watched UConn, coached by Danny Hurley, beat Syracuse, coached by Jim Boeheim, in basketball at Madison Square Garden, last night. 3 things: #1 – If you only see one basketball game you must see it at MSG. Its collective memory survived the move from 50th street to 34th street. #2 – Coach Boeheim’s classmate, teammate, and roommate, Frank Nicoletti, was my lawyer when he was “of counsel” at Finley, Kumble before they imploded taking more casualties than this country took in Grenada. #3 – The father of the UConn coach, Bob Hurley, Sr – and thank God for Google but be sure to include “Sr” in your search – coached teams that had 2 common denominators: A – a Kamikaze defense that seemed to have 6 or 7 guys on the court and – B – And they knew what to do at the end of the game. Other than some faulty foul shooting – if your going to miss a foul shot make sure it’s the last half of a 1 & 1 – which can be corrected, the collective memory, the institutional memory, of 1000s of hours at the White Eagle Hall on Newark Avenue in Jersey City, just like Isaac Stern on the violin or John McPhee with a word processor, shone forth. Plus, his Mom looked great.

Kevin Smith

PS – I remember Pere Hurley would have foul shooting drills at the end of practice when everyone was tired, just like at the end of a game. And then they would only take 3 shots because there are no 4 shot fouls in basketball.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 14, 2018 And so, the question comes down to simplicity itself.

November 14, 2018

And so, the question comes down to simplicity itself. Is there a universal, perhaps better described by a term that drives modern American Liberals into mindless rage,” a gift from beyond the stars” or, for those less eloquent, “natural law”, right for anyone anywhere in the world to be allowed entry into this country? And are we, enshrouded by this right, obliged to accept, feed, clothe, nourish, nurture, provide premium cable, and surcease from the heartbreak of psoriasis to one, to all?
Walls work. Ask the Chinese. Ask Hadrian. Ask the East Berliners. Ask the Israelis. Ask the Hungarians Ask the people living in Westin where the fire house is walled. 
Reductio ad absurdum depends on whose Gore is being oxed, right?

Trump, il magnifico to his goombahs, said that the Frogs were starting to learn German before the Americans got there. [It is perhaps apocryphal but Pershing is supposed to have said “Lafayette, we are here” when he landed in 1917. I hope he did because it would put paid on the bill from our Revolution. Speaking of which, Burke’s comments on the French version are still valid. We had Madison and Jefferson; they had Robespierre and Madame De Farge. “That rice is cooked.”] I am not into “painting the lily” but Trump should have said “twice”. My son Sean called me from Paris on Bastille Day, 1982. He told me that he thought everyone could speak English but nobody wanted to. “Ask them what language they were speaking on D-Day” was my typically ugly American reply. The last time those “cheese eating surrender monkeys” won a war was when they gave a Texas-sized ass whupping to the raping, looting, pillaging radical Islamic terrorists at Tours 13 friggin” centuries ago. And if it weren’t for the Irish – check the names on the labels – Bordeaux would be producing Riunite, French Fries, and Boone’s Farm, maybe $2 buck Chuck.

Angela Merkle wants a “real, true European army”. Be sure you have plenty of film in the camera when German kameradan salute a Polish officer. Tell the Basque Rangers that the Russians are really Spaniards and they’ll fight like Spartans. I think it will still be best to keep Serbs and the Croatians in different regiments. Special duty for the stout Flems, the mighty Walloons, and the stern Montenegrians? Every body in Europe wanted NATO for 3 reasons 70 years ago: Get the Americans in, Keep the Russians out, Keep the Germans down. The worry, the threat, is not so much from the Russians, as their country is in decline, but rather from the radical Muslim terrorists – Did I just repeat myself? – all of whom were invited in like Charley Brown telling Lucy that he will hold the ball for her to kick. They will breed themselves into a majority and then they will make the Inquisition look like a day at the beach. Thus, we may live to see the end of History.

T. Woodrow Wilson sent 75,000 troops to guard the border after Pancho Villa invaded the United States. One of the marks of a sovereign country is the ability, the strength, and the resolve to secures its borders. For the same reason that I buy fire insurance, not because my house will burn down, but rather because I think it may burn down, so must it secure my borders. A brief digression – “Breathes there a man with soul so dead who never to himself has said, ‘This is my own, my native land’,,,” Some A-10s ready to hose down the mob trying to climb the wall, a picket line of Bradley fighting vehicles to pick off any stragglers and the lessons of the Pullman Strike are taught as often as necessary for them to be relearned. President Cleveland sent in the Army to break the Pullman Strike. When he read the telegraph telling him that there were casualties he wired back instructing to make sure that you killed enough. Article 4, Section 4 of our Constitution gives the President black letter law instructions on what to do.

I have been writing about Amy’s great uncle Corporal Leonard Putnam, a 42 year old piano salesman form Jersey City who was killed on Okinawa – his Presidential citation reads “in the Pacific area” – on May 25, 1945. He and his wife, Milly, had no children. As long as I write about him he will be remembered. I now mention Lt. William Sauer, USMC, a Marine aviator, who was killed in January, 1967. The day he died in his F-4 Phantom he was accepted into astronaut training. He was graduated from Seton Hall Prep in 1961 and from Seton Hall University in 1965. He was both a friend and a fraternity brother.

“He shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary him, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember him.”

“By destroying traditional social habits of the people,
by dissolving their collective consciousness into
individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of 
the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education,
by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart
rather than the qualified….liberalism can prepare the way
for that which is its own negation: the artificial, mechanized or
brutalized control which is a desperate remedy for its 
The Idea of a Christian Society
T.S. Eliot
Varsity letter winner at Harvard
The only American buried in Poets’ Corner

I fracked my first oil well in 1974 about 175 miles south of Houston. It was in Duval County, the place where LBJ got the well-deserved sobriquet of “Landslide Lyndon”. It was the place where the plans for the DC Vietnam Wall, the one with all those names of dead GIs, were hatched. Fracking has been around since 1947. Its first commercial use was in 1951. You run a pipe down to a “tight” formation, usually shale, and then you inject sand, dirt, flame, chemicals acid – Around the same time an American oil company contemplated exploding a nuclear device – anything to “fracture” the formation and release the trapped hydrocarbons. For a variety of reasons – Reagan decontrolling the price of oil, 2 oil guys named Mitchell and Hamm, slant drilling, Obama’s hostility to 21st
 century technology on Federal lands, et al – the United States went from sucking hind tit to being top dog in the energy exporting business. Sorry about that Iran, Russia, and Venezuela. It is owed to the ledger to say that quite a few guys decided to go where no one had ever gone before and bet stacks of Black chips to see what was below the Austin Chalk, the Bakken, the Marcellus both the Eastern and the Western Overthrust, and my favorite, the Permian. When it comes in you don’t win short money. One of the toughest tickets to score is the Petroleum Club in Houston on February 29, every leap year. The Rolex Presidential, be it gold or platinum, can account for 1560 days but not for 1561. Thus, the movers and the shakers, the guys who see what’s over the next hill, gather to set their watches. And that’s what makes the dog hunt in the oil patch. In fact, that’s what make the dog hunt all over. As my Uncle Adam once said, “Look not to the beneficence of the innkeeper if you seek a meal and a night’s lodging but rather look to his rational self-interest to secure both.”

“He was born with the gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.”

Kevin Smith