Monday, November 26, 2018

November 25, 2018 El Alclade de Tijuana dijo “No mas”. The Mayor of Tijuana said “No mas”.

November 25, 2018

         El Alclade de Tijuana dijo “No mas”.
The Mayor of Tijuana said “No mas”.

He took no official position on whether or not everybody anywhere in the world had the absolutely unfettered right – A – to come to his country whenever for whatever reason and - B- and to demand that this country accept them, feed, clothe, and shelter and give them PTSD succor plus premium cable. He does note that they lacked basic personal hygiene habits plus they were crooks, rapists, and murderers. He did not comment on whether climate change had adversely affected them. He learned well from North American modern American Liberals who shriek at and hector the deplorables about the need for homeless shelters, AIDS clinics, pet refuges, mass transit, safe spots, and gluten-free zones with the solipsistic exception of NIMBY. NIMBY, for the uninitiated, is short for “Not in My Backyard”. Which is why the latest homeless shelter in Broward was built over a semi-toxic landfill, not on Las Olas or in Westin.

He did not tell them to go to Columbus, NM, like Pancho Villa did in 1916. President Wilson sent 10,000 men under the command of “Black Jack” Pershing to invade Mexico, track him down, and kill him. He also sent 75,000 troops to the border to secure it against invasion as the Constitution mandates. [Article 1, Section 8, Parts 11 & 15; Article 4, Section 4]

It is owed to the ledger that the mere mention of Wilson’s name must bring to mind Justice Thurgood Marshall’s comments on him, comments that I heard him deliver. “He was the most racist, bigoted President of the 20th century.” He didn’t get Villa but the country was never invaded again. 

Until now.

Which brings us to Antigone.

Antigone was written 2459 years ago by Sophocles. It must be noted that Sophocles was the quintessential DWEM – Dead White European Male. I met Antigone 56 years in South Orange, NJ. She was the daughter of an extremely dysfunctional family who, when her brother was killed, buried him indirect defiance of King Creon’s orders. For this he imprisoned her where she killed herself. Not exactly Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, is it? That the play is now in its 3rd millennium is testament to then never-ending, never solved dilemma of rights in conflict. She, as a mourning sister, had the right to bury him. He, as the King, had the right to prevent it.

What is our obligation when a stranger shows up at our door and asks or demands shelter?

Christ commanded us to “sell all and give to the poor”. Logic would dictate that we can only do that once. Once the well is empty who can say when it will be or if it will be filled again? Chesterton said that people underestimated God’s sense of mirth. A mother bear is not to be trifled with when her cubs are in danger. I committed a felony 41 years ago to protect my daughter, an act that I would do again for the benefit of her daughters, AKA, My Texas Ladies. 

The other person’s rights end where my nose begins. Let me “revise and extend” my remarks to include an addendum: persons’.  You can wear your hair as long as you want so long as you keep it out of my soup. Edmund Burke said that the conflict in any society is always between order and freedom. I can argue for the hounds while enjoying the exploits of the fox. Corey Booker, a horse’s ass of a United States Senator, alas, from New Jersey, said he was very close to his only “Spartacus moment” when he called Judge Kavanaugh a “serial rapist”. Let the record show that he is a Democrat. And further, that he has read far too much Howard Fast and Howard Zinn to engage in rational, big boy, conversation.

Europe is doomed because the arc of demographics has turned against them. Whatever the deficiencies of the children of the desert may be, and they are legion, breeding is not one of them. France in particular, because of its negative birth rate, Mediterranean exposure and the flotsam and jetsam left over from the time of Robespierre – and wasn’t Burke right? – has the quickest falling hour glass. Go and check les vins of Bordeaux because the end is in sight. Raisins have many uses. Fromage is neutral. Chateau Talbot is not. Remember that the Taliban outlawed whistling.

If you believe in nothing you will believe in anything.

Kevin Smith

PS - I wrote last week about Lt. William Sauer, USMC. He was a Marine aviator who was killed in his F-4 Panther in 1967. He was a classmate, a fraternity brother, and, most of all, a friend. I said of him that “He shall not grow old…and that I will remember him.” Let me add Lt. Brian Conlan, USMC who was blown up in a rice paddy in Vietnam in 1968 We spent many afternoons in the original Cryan’s on South Orange Avenue, diagonally opposite form Paul’s and across the street from Sacred Heart Church in Vailsburg. Cryan’s was distinguished by the hunchbacked midget cook who would stand on a wooden case to make hamburgers with hamburgers being the only thing on the menu. Along with Billy Sauer he was a good guy. Vaya con dios amigos!

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