Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 19, 2019 “Curly” Biden [D-DE] is a horse’s ass of truly epic proportions.

June 19, 2019

“Curly” Biden [D-DE] is a horse’s ass of truly epic proportions. Biblical, Homeric, epic, Guinness Book-sized, Brobdanaglian, all are acceptable. Lest there be any confusion, he is named “Curly” in honor of the smartest Stooge.

Last week he announced that upon his inauguration, he would outlaw and then cure cancer. [I have a dog in that fight. Yesterday, I had my 12th Moh’s surgery for the removal of squamous cell carcinomas. I have had 4 melanomas removed and, on October 21, 2014 I was operated on for breast cancer. I am getting “long in the tooth”. If you can cure it, please do so. What if you lose? Where the Hell will that leave me, you poltroon? I just heard the results of my CAT-Scan on Monday. I have an “anomaly” on my lung that will require further testing. If you are on to something, send it to me overnight collect. FEDEX, not USPS, OK?]

This week, so far, he announced how much he liked working with Senator James Eastland [D-MS] “We got things done,” he said, as if no one was listening. Mussolini’s trains ran on time, didn’t they? Daley [D-IL] got the snow shoveled before he put the fix in on the election of 1960. That was the one the got the DC Vietnam Wall started, right? Yeah, that wall, not the one to be built in Texas.

Failure to mention a material fact is, under Federal Law, a crime.

The “thing” about Senator Eastland, a man known for rubbing the heads of compliant Nigrahs for good luck, was that his entire public life was predicated on and dedicated to one simple premise: No little Black boy would ever go to school with any little White girl. He was an early proponent of Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification, the theory that is the principal principle of Sanctuary Cities. Look it up POO – POO? Perpetually Outraged and Offended, you dolts.

Curly never mentioned that.

This morning, in a successful attempt to top himself in daily public inanities, he said, “Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama/Biden. He is squandering it.”

#1 - Trump inherited an economy that was being strangled, python-like, by regulatory dry heaves.
#2 – Like it or not, and if you listen to the ohmadauns running for the Democratic nomination for President, they like it about as much as Dracula would like a head first entry into a hot tub filled with holy water, Trump released the “animal spirits”, the ones made famous by the great Lord Keynes, modern American Liberals’ favorite economist. It is indeed fitting and proper to note that he was a good friend of Frederick Hayek and a death-bed convert to his school of economic thought.
#3 – Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Broward County’s favorite modern American Liberal brownshirt – She sent the coppers to my house over some First Amendment things, things like me expressing my opinion – used to go hoarse every June in the Obama/Biden era proclaiming and promising, like Beckett, that this year was finally, really the year of the “Summer of Recovery”. And like Godot, it never showed up. Watch out for the wake, class, This year it’s here. In spades. 
#4 = One of Smith’s great economic commandments is that rich people hire poor people to stay rich and get richer. Poor people work for rich people because they like to eat and maybe they can get rich.
#5 – Puritans, America’s first modern American Liberals, hated unsupervised group activity because the thought that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time drove them bonkers. Today’s version of tight-assed spoil sports, all of whom seem to be running for the Democratic nomination for President, think that if someone is making money it is because someone, disparately women and/or minorities, is not and, furthermore, polar bears are drowning. These are people who can’t wait for Son of Solyndra, Cash for Clunkers 2, and oodles of “shovel-ready jobs”, just like the last time. “The triumph of hope over experience” holds no meaning for them. 
#6 - “Such stupidity, sir, is not to be found in nature.”
#7 – Except when it is. 
#8 – “Curly” Biden couldn’t pour piss out of a boot. All of his shoes have notes attached to them, “Toes in first”. He is dumber than a box of hammers.
#9 – And he is still known to some of his classmates as “Cheesedick”

Kevin Smith

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