Monday, August 15, 2011

Stephen L. Goldstein The Sun Sentinel

August 7, 2011

Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “3 Incidents Give Strong Message” – Some comments on today’s typical Jeremiad laced column and how the Republicans, those rotters, those bounders, caused them.

My dear Professor,

As to your first 2 incidents I suggest a possible response, not an answer, can be found in poetry.
“Honor and shame from no condition rise.
Act well your part. There, all honor lies.”
As to your 3rd incident, the one where the knuckle dragging, gun toting, snake handling, homophobic, racist, Koch Brothers financed, Tea Partying, Global Warming denying louts were able to overcome the oodles of cash from that great Hungarian-American George Soros, a man whose CV lists employment experience under the Nazis and the Communists, were able to impose their evil will on the country, doubtless to the disproportional detriment of women and minorities, my mind boggles.
All and all a good day’s work from the Nixon, Reagan, Bush stalkers, don’t you think?
As an aside, let me show you one of my unknown qualities. It is my attempting to fulfill a Spiritual Work of Mercy. Christ instructed His followers to “instruct the uninformed”. Whether you are able to differentiate between Caravaggio and Chiaroscuro is of no great import. Based on your writings you are abysmally ignorant of how the real world works. I reach out in the spirit of non-denominational charity to show you that, in the end, debits always equal credits.
The vote to increase the Federal debt limit, a vote similar to the one that Senator Obama and all, all as in 100%, of the Democratic members of the Senate voted against in 2007, has nothing to do with default. I tremble when I think you may call me a cynic if I mention that a Republican was President in 2007.
Try to imagine the Federal debt limit as the limit on your credit card. When you “max out” the card it does not – repeat – trigger default. As long as you service the debt, that means to the uninitiated that you are paying it down, you are not in default. No number of really wretched rascally Republicans can undo that. Got it? Want me to repeat it? There will be a test. In your case, it will be an open book quiz.
Alas, we live in a world where “stones are hard and water is wet”. This is hard for a fire breathing, non-thinking modern American Liberal to grasp let alone understand. That’s why you are able to write your last sentence.

“But we should honor everyone like them, living and dead,
by having the guts to take back America”
“Them” are your first two “incidents”.
#1 – Young victims of Progeria, a brutally cruel disabling and disfiguring disease are interviewed by Barbara Walters.
#2 – A friend of yours, a man already on the 18th green, a nonagerian who has had a stroke, has had his ticket stamped for the one way voyage to the “undiscovered country”.
Pray tell how will “taking back the country” benefit them?
Speaking of “taking back the country” I may be having a senior moment. Wasn’t there an election in 2008? Didn’t the country elect a man who never once in his adult life did anything save getting his wife a $4,000 a week raise as payment for getting her employer a $1,000,000.00 earmark?
Didn’t he travel to either 57 or 58 states and promise to calm the seas, reverse the tides, and cool the earth? Did not the country give him overwhelming majorities in both Houses?
Couldn’t some people say that the country was “taken back”?
What will you do if the ones who exercise “raw revenge” and “take back America” are the wrong people? What will the fire breathing, card carrying, mush brained, pointy headed modern American Liberals do if the people throw Bozo Barack out?
I had hoped that I would never have to compare another President to Jimmy Carter. That he was the worst President in the 20th century there can be no doubt, debate, or dispute. It only took the boob in the White House 3 years to have an insurmountable lead for honors in the 21st century. And he has 15 months to go! He could turn a 2 car funeral into a FUBARed train wreck.
He is modern American Liberalism at its best or worst. To an adult, even an “average” one, the words are interchangeable.
On behalf of all “decent, average Americans”, people like his “average white grandmother”, let him be gone.

Kevin Smith

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