Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 4, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: “Fairness”

December 4, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Fairness” – Exactly what in the name of “fairness” do you mean by “fairness”? Some comments, some of which may be considered “unfair” by those who are unfamiliar with Logic and routinely ignore the hard-learned lessons of History. Your editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel is like 3 fingers of Cardhu.


I will be on Sistrunk Boulevard today on route to this month’s second surgical encounter. Sistrunk Boulevard was named after a famed Black obstetrician, not a famed bald Black NFL defensive lineman. 

Speaking of “fairness”, how many Black people do you know who own municipal bonds? There are women living in and around Sistrunk Boulevard who are Black single parents who have children in need of a good Ritalin program who live in Section 8 housing. How many of them own municipal bonds?

The interest on municipal bonds is free from Federal taxation. Since it is “a well known fact” that the overwhelming majority of bond owners is White why should, as Senator Lieawatha Warren says, “hard working Black middle class residents of Sistrunk Boulevard” – no slackers or Welfare Queens there, right? – have to make up the short-fall in Federal revenues caused by White privilege exploiters?

That doesn’t sound “fair” to me.

Does it sound “fair” to you? 

I forget if you were in favor of the $700 million dollar + school construction bond issue. It turned out that it was as smart as giving your testosterone loaded son a case of beer, a quart of Jack in the Black to go along with the keys to the new Shelby GT. 

More on “fairness”.

Why are all the deeply Blue states caterwauling about the loss of the SALT tax deduction. To put a very fine point on it, all local taxes were deductible on your Federal return. The higher your tax bracket the more the SALT bite was lessened. That doesn’t sound very “fair” to the hard-working Black Mom on Sistrunk who has already been cheated by a bloated sub-par educational system. Where on the name of community activists everywhere is the “fairness” in that?

Will any SALT protestors be stopping traffic on Sistrunk Boulevard today because of “unfairness”?
Modern American Liberals scream bloody blue murder about stare decisis when it suits their purpose. I submit Roe v Wad while forgetting Plessy v Ferguson.

I suggest a “fair” way to increase Federal revenues would be to undo Gibbons v Ogden because of its existential “unfairness”.

Kevin Smith

PS – The last part of your last sentence – “…or spend it to make their lives better.” – is, as they would say in Bayonne, a pisser. “Shovel-ready jobs”, “cash for clunkers”, “Summer of Recovery” are less than 10 years old. Didn’t Donna Shalala tell us in1998 that we would all be dead from AIDS in 10 years? She did. Who can forget the hugely successful Department of Energy and its unbelievably successful Department of Energy? We, as a country, fought 2 wars in the 1960s. At least the one in Vietnam ended. The other one, the one against poverty, goes on and on and on and on. I ask, 54 years into it, are the poor less poor? Is housing cheaper? Can Johnny read better than he could 54 years ago?
It is proof positive that “Waiting for Godot” and “Seinfeld” will run forever.

It. “making lives better” bespeaks 2 traits common to modern American Liberals, particularly ink-stained wretches and wenches of the whackaloon, moon bat, wing nut Luddite and Lysenkoists who believe that Utopia is the second exit across the bridge to Nowhere.

#1 – Modern American Liberals believe right down to what passes for their double-helixed souls that man is perfectible, that human nature is malleable with the right stimuli.
In Lud; s case it was his generation’s version of a Molotov cocktail. In Lysenko’s case it was the Gulag. Thus, when a friggin’ moron suggests that the UN invade any country not compliant in the battle against Global Warming or Global Cooling or whatever, the editorial writers are silent. When Goldberg, a good billionaire who did not sink the Titanic, wants to organize flying squads of municipally authorized goons to stop us from refilling Bib Gulps there is a silence not heard since the day before and the day after Kristallnacht.

#2 – It’s called “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Deplorables know what that means. Others, people who believe like Goldberg that high taxes on the poor are a good thing because they it will make them modify their behavior while they wait for the arrival of government subsidy program for mandatory kale/endive/arugula enemas, may need a translation. For them, send a SASE 

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