Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Scott Israel and the high dudgeon he has caused to the ruling class in Broward County as expressed in your unlinkabe editorial in today’s paper.

October 23, 2019

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Scott Israel and the high dudgeon he has caused to the ruling class in Broward County as expressed in your unlinkabe editorial in today’s paper.

Ms O,

Your oh so predictable editorial supporting the return of Scott Israel to his elected job of being the High Sherriff of Broward County is predicated on one word, with said word being pique. You qualify it by saying, naturally, that it is Republican pique because Democrats are, by nature, piqueless. There is scant mention that maybe he lost his job because fish stink from the head. However many times you go to the video tape you can’t hide the fact that the 2 mass shootings happened on his watch.

Rutgers and the Washington Redskins – I can still say “Redskin” in your paper, can’t I? – fired their head coaches because of their failure to perform. The Republican Governor looked at the accounts of his stewardship and fired his grossly incompetent ass. There may have even been some mention of the common good, even, forgive me, the collective good.

[Another Republican Governor fired the duly elected Broward County Supervisor of Elections, and I must add that she was a beautiful, multi-degreed Black woman who, when she opened her mouth, made 2 things happen: #1 – Instantaneous confirmation that she was dumber than a box of hammers and #2 – She could not find her lovely ass using both of her hands. That she sent a policeman, a man with a badge and a gun, Broward Deputy Sherriff Joe Kesseling, to my house because of something I wrote to her, is a subject for a different time. The first thing he said to me was “You are not in trouble”. I said, “You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I’m not in trouble?” Let the record further show that she was continuing the Broward modern American Liberal tradition of sending policemen, men who are now urged to swear allegiance to John C. Calhoun’s incorrect Theory of Nullification when it comes to enforcing Federal law, to harass, intimidate, and silence their critics like then State Senator Little Debbie when she Sent 2 Florida Department of Law Enforcement deputies, also “men with badges and fucking guns” because of something I wrote. If a play and a movie can be made about an Argentinean putan maybe one can be made based on reformed modern American Liberal author Nat Hentoff who published a book with the intriguing title “Free Speech for Me but not for Thee. Let the record show that I did not walk around with a severed head of Debbie, Debbie nor did I call her a “feckless cunt”.]

Speech is either free or it isn’t. You’re either pregnant or you’re not. It’s either Strike 3 or Ball 4. The biopsy slide is either malignant or it is not.

While it is true that Congress is our only “protected criminal class” it is also true that they are immune from the negative consequences of what they say. At least Sullivan v the New York Times got into several courtrooms before the Supreme Court tossed it. The Founders, in their ultimate wisdom said that whatever members of Congress say, however egregiously libelous, cannot be reviewed in any other place. Talk about an unfettered soap box! I spent a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon in Hyde Park trying to convince my listeners about the many sterling qualities of the Great Reagan. The weather was so bad that even my family left me. 

Which brings us to the soon to be fired Boca Raton high school principal. He committed the unpardonable sin of questioning whether German Socialists, aka The Nazis, killed 6,000,000 Jews. [Barry and Lieawatha, call your offices] Would it bring my toes to the line of anti-Semitism if I were to ask if a lot of Jews lived in Boca Raton? If there are isn’t it be time to get rid of Shylock?

There is an untenured professor at the University of Virginia, the one that T. Jefferson started, who was fired for saying, based on empirical data observed, surveyed and recorded by an arm of the Canadian government, that its polar bears are not only “enduring but prevailing”..

Alas, that did not fit the modern American Liberal narrative – Narrative? Tawana Brawley. The 1980 Bush October Surprise that was investigated in 1990 by then Speaker 
Foley because, as he said, “there was no evidence”. Bush 45 going to war to secure Bush 43’s gas pipe line rights. The Duke lacrosse rape case. The UVA fraternity rape case. Russian collusion. The incredibly shrinking, non-shrinking ozone layer that dictates that polar bears are drowning because of aggressive A/C practices by people who were “lucky in life’s lottery” and gas guzzling SUVs. Is there a better example of White Privilege than having your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter by having unregulated thermometers and an Escalade screaming at 7,000 RPM? 

And of course, Wogette Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib can call the President a “motherfucker” and nobody says Jack Shit.

Does that mean, and I am “bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden”, since you ended your screed with the ominous term “shivers” that we are headed to the notorious “slippery slope” reached by continuous exposure to the fatal “chilling effect”?

“Free men speak with free tongues”

Kevin Smith

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