Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 3, 2019 Let’s start with Heraclitus.

October 3, 2019

  Let’s start with Heraclitus.

I’ll get to James Madison later.

It looks like it’s dog track time for Bernie the Bolshie. And, the ambulance pulled dup to a Medicare for All hospital he would be in the basement, on a slab, wearing a toe tag. 

Maybe, Deo volente, Wide-Bottomed Hilary will interrupt next week’s kaddish to say that she will start her 2020 campaign in Michigan or Wisconsin, maybe Ohio or Pennsylvania.

  But the spotlight now falls on Senator Lieawatha Warren. Who said chicks don’t have balls? She parlayed high cheekbones into tenured positions at 2 Ivy League law schools. What’s the word in Cherokee for big brass ones? Holy Geronimo, but she’s lucky she can stand up, what with the 4 stone gonads that she got the old fashioned, by lying.

Such was her hubris that she actually submitted a recipe to a redskin cook boob figuring no one would pay attention. After all, she was 10 feet tall and bullet. The recipe began with a pound of cold crab meat, some etouffee, a bit of remoulade and a jug of Corton Charlemagne. It’s what all the Plains Indians ate on the trail. Honest Injun.

For years, as she plotted and schemed her way to the top of her profession, she kept her tribe secret. Abenaki? Fugowi? Mohican? Only Manitou knew and she wasn’t talking. Tighter than a clam’s ass. 

“A man upon oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”

At some point, filling out the applications for Penn and Harvard, there was a line above where her signature went, that warned about perjury. “Nothing lost save honor.”

But here comes Heraclitus, one of the older examples of White Privilege. He said, “Character is destiny” which brings us up to James Madison who said, when asked what was the most important thing to look for in a candidate for any public office, “Character, character is all.” 

Notwithstanding that Lieawatha Warren’s public policy pronouncements are ludicrous, asinine, gravity-defying, and based on blivit which is defined as 3 pounds of shit in a 2 pound bag, she fails the basic honesty test. Could she lie straight in bed, even if the bed was in a teepee. The answer is no.

Too bad flogging was outlawed. 2 dozen, well laid on, for that modern American Liberal lying sack of eel shit, for starters. Next stop, strapado. She’s earned it.
One homeless man in NYC, and let me make it clear that the he did not take his pants down and shit in the street, knifed and killed 4 other homeless men. At this time there is no apparent Trump connection but it’s early.

In a bow to jabberwocky, Professor Irwin Corey, and just to prove, however unintentionally, that Orwell still matters, the spokesperson for the NYC Police Department called the alleged knifer “undomiciled”. I guess that means “homeless” also.

I began listening to Rush Limbaugh when Ronald Reagan was President – He called him Ronaldus Magnus – and he was beating the Russkies and saving the Western World. A bit later, the sound of Beethoven’s 9th filled the air when the God Damn Berlin Wall was torn down. Majestic, divinely inspired, remember? 

There are certain parts of Manhattan where Rush is a 4-letter-word. Those people don’t know why Oedipus went to Colonnus; I do. They don’t know about the 4 Source Theory of Pentateuch Composition; I do. None of them was ever banned from a NYC saloon for winning all the trivia contests entered; I was. Also, locally, The Sly Fox,, hwne Danny Chichester was running it.

I say this because “Modesty is an overrated virtue and I will have nothing to do with it.” Therefore, I will not tolerate condescending smirks from people who believe in Midnight Basketball and the perfectibility of man. 

I believe it was Rush who compared Trump to Rodney Dangerfield in “Caddy Shack”. Al Czervik, remember? Let me add Sam Kinison to that Honor Roll. 

Senator Lieawatha Warren? Mayor Pete Bootygoo? Are you serious? My brother the hunchback will straighten up first. He might carry, using Obama’s Newly Revised Atlas, 54 or 55 states. 

You heard it here first. 

Keith Ellison, former Democratic Congressman, and current Minnesota Attorney General, is card carrying, fire breathing Muslim – whether or Shiite or Sunni is irrelevant, kind of like the difference between a cobra and a viper, if you get my drift – whose co-religionists, when sheltered by Sharia law, regularly bind up finochios and fling them from the roofs of 10 story buildings . I must add violently to flinging to show the tumescent joy that the actual flingers feel when they are doing the actual flinging. Nevertheless, Ellison – Yusif the Goat Humper and latent radical Islamic terrorist to his pals in the soon to be formed Sharia Death Squads – has adopted a “Minnesota Nice” attitude to befuddle the addle-brained modern Americn Liberals who believe, still, that Muslims are peace loving, except for the “ones who did something “ on 9/11, folks who can’t wait to be members of the Rotary Club if the rat bastard Jews, all of whom are “descended from pigs and monkeys”, let them. O Yes, and “Death to Israel”.

He says that he will not enforce a decision from the 10th circuit Court of Appelas in re religious freedom. John C. Calhoun, long thought to be dead, along with his Theory of Nulllification, once thought to having been interred with a stake through its evil heart at Appomattox, is back like Dracula. This time a probably filthy WOG, one still pissed of because of Tours, Lepanto, Vienna, and Omdurman, is leading the charge on Christianity and Western Civilization.  And you thought it was about “Live and Let Live”. Normally, that would fall under the category of “Silly you!” but this time there is a beast at the gates and there is no smile on its lips. 

Advance at your own peril.
47 years after China was “opened”
People are being shot in Hong Kong, 
1,000,000 people are in adult sleepaway camps, 
and they are atheists.
This guy believes.

Kevin Smith

PS – Tell my why, if this country is so bad and Trump is such a shit, are people coming from all over the world and dying, literally dying, to get into it?

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