Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PS – They are still opposed to anti-Semitism but don’t much like Israel anymore so it made it OK for the Obama gang to interfere in their election in 2016. “Collusion”, like Russia? Don’t be silly.

October 1, 2019

Didn’t Sarah Bernhardt, the one-legged French diva, make a very good living having annual world-wide farewell tours?

Me too, sort of, ‘ceptin’ I ain’t a Frog.

Having said adios to the NYT 16 and ½ years ago, having done my last puzzle, in ink, of course, in ink, as witnessed on an American Airlines flight from DFW to FLL by Miami Herald Big Boss Man Tom Fiedler, I found myself being called back to it, like a half-assed Ulysses cruising down the narrow channel.

I may be edging up a bit too close to the dark side, to close to the flame of enriched concupiscence, to close to the siren-like sermons of the wily Screwtape, but 3 weeks of the New York Times has made me want to jump the unreachable horizon – Utopia? Look it up – and land in the sunny uplands of an “undiscovered country”, a land filled with altruistic balloon juice communes that is larded with eternally harvestable rainbow stew vineyards.

Thank God I remembered that Orwell commanded us never to forget that the “the solid world exists. Stones are hard. Water is wet” and “if that is granted all else follows.”

Put differently, I have yet again avoided the modern American Liberal trap of “fairness”, however it is defined. And, to experienced mALs, it is a moveable feast.

Sunday’s Times has an Op-Ed written by a rabbi whose Lithvok grandparents were killed by the Nazis. Part of the story, the saving of some 8,000 Jews by a Japanese diplomat stationed in Vilna, was not fleshed out as it should have. Wallenberg got a stamp and a plaque in the UN. This guy’s story should be on Broadway a la Atticus Finch, Esq.

The Book Review mentioned 2 books about the Green New Deal. I will not mention their names out of respect for the trees that were felled to print those puppies. Pop Quiz. Didn’t Global Warming end the last Ice Age? And more importantly, why didn’t someone, perhaps a privileged White scientist apologizing for the sins of his forebears, tell the Obamas who, in a masterful display of niggardliness, little tin box kitchen economics, and saving tuitions by sending their daughters to the really fine DC public schools, saved $15,000,000 dollars that they used to buy a house on an island that the overwhelming consensus of good scientists, like the ones who believed in the Steady State theory, “know” will soon be a Motel 6 for peripatetic blue fish, tired striped bass, and sundry bacala. One more brick on the load of an upscale Black couple, both of whom fit the definition of “clean and articulate” Black folk, as given to us by Slow Joe Biden 

Would it be sour grapes of me to point out that Michele Obama got a $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a friggin’ week raise when, having failed in the private and public law sectors, she got a job at a Chicago hospital in charge of 3rd shift bed pans? Her husband got an earmark through the Senate that gave her employer $1,000,000. The hospital gave her 20% of it. Good deal all around. She was so proud of her country that she shit in her motley pants. All right. I’ll lay off.

Comes now the real reason why this time hasta la vista siempre New York Times. 

It involves the French tennis court, 1864, Leon Trotsky, Walter Duranty, concupiscence, and the perfectibility of man.

The head choppers of the French Revolution had disputes over how many head and how quickly to cut them off. They met in a tennis court to work out the details. It would serve as a working model for the Swansea conference about the vile Juden in 1942. The ones who wanted to cut heads off on the spot met on the Left side of said court. The ones who wanted to wait for Madame deFarge’s ruling met on the Right side.

In 1864, the NY Times so hated Abraham Lincoln, they called him a baboon, that they supported George MacLellan who wanted a cease fire with the South that would have left slavery in place. 

Trotsky wanted world-wide revolution before the proles were ready for it. It put him on Stalin’s shit list. It took 12 years for Stalin to put paid on that bill but he put a pick ax into his head some 7,000 miles away from the Kremlin.  

Walter Duranty, the 1932 Pulitzer Prize winner for Foreign Reporting, had 2 jobs. He was the Moscow Correspondent for the New York Times. He also was a bought and paid for agent of the KGB. While Stalin was killing between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 Kulaks, with Kulak being a synonym for Jews, Duranty said “Elephant? What elephant?”
Hitler noticed that nobody in the West cared. FDR recognized the USSR in 1933 and the rest is History.

Concupiscence, as refugees of the Baltimore Catechism know, is the genetically endowed inclination of man towards evil. You may want to see what T.S. Eliot, the only American poet buried in Poets’ Corner who also earned a varsity letter in college, has to say about evil. Let me just say that the Times does not agree with him. Moreover, if a secular anathema were possible, he would be on the first train.

Wasn’t it Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings who teamed up on “Reasons to Quit”? “Exit stage left; pursued by a bear.”

Kevin Smith

PS – They are still opposed to anti-Semitism but don’t much like Israel anymore so it made it OK for the Obama gang to interfere in their election in 2016. “Collusion”, like Russia? Don’t be silly.

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