Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 22, 2019 Not quite 100 years ago...

January 22, 2019

Not quite 100 years ago – a bit less than a century – radical Protestant terrorists, taking a page from their ideological predecessors, radical Islamic terrorists, remembered for their attempted slaughter and mayhem at Tours in 732, at Lepanto in 1571, at Vienna in 1683, and at Omdurman in 1898, tried to kill my father’s 2 first cousins at Baytown, Texas. To my family’s everlasting credit and honor, they did the one thing men are bred to do, and they did it superbly well. “Men without chests” will toss the term “toxic masculinity”, into Gehenna. They, as their heretofore mentioned forebears did, fought back.

“And how can men die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers 
And the temples of his Gods?”

A century ago, in this country, Roman Catholics, my lanschmen, re-learned a valuable lesson. Shoot back. Shoot first. The Klan never came back.

It seems that Roman Catholics have forgotten this lesson.

It seems that, since Roman Catholics have become officially
deplorable, they have become easy targets for modern American Liberals. Let the record show that mALs regard us the way a gentleman regards dog shit on his boot.

I am sure there were many judicial and philosophical reasons why Judge Kavanaugh should not have become Justice Kavanaugh. A dialogue on Alexander Bickel, A.V. Dicey, and John C. Calhoun would have been noteworthy.

That he went to a male only, Catholic prep school, has a frat-boy first name, likes beer, and used to be pretty good at producing artificial sounds mimicking eructations were not subjects for Senate interrogation.

Justice Breyer’s wife’s family was/is a name at Lloyd’s. Thus, every case involving banks, insurance companies, or disputed contracts with financial consequences would have a direct impact on him. The subject never came up.

Justice Black, the hero of free speech, was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Today we have 3 Senators, Hecates all, who while they may not be “feckless cunts”, to quote Samantha Bee, most assuredly are miserable cunts and friggin’ morons, who say membership in the Knights of Columbus should be automatically non-negotiable grounds for disqualification for seats on any Federal Bench. Knights of Columbus? Bad. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan? The subject never came up.

Would Judge Kavanaugh have been asked prep school behavior questions if his first name had been Mordecai or Abdul? Don’t be silly. 

Now comes the confluence of Covington Catholic High School, the D.C March for Life, the Black Israelites who don’t like finocchios, an Iron Eyes Cody type beating what looks like a bodhran – Look that one up all you professional Irishmen – and a toxic, venomous media that is on constant watch for something, anything that fits their pre-determined narrative of White is bad and even marginally religious Whites are malum per se, execrable, and must be smashed and destroyed. Vide the Duke lacrosse team and the UVA fraternity rape case.

That the story was both untrue and false has become irrelevant. As Dan Rather proved in 2004 with the Bush 43 fake memos, a story can be “fake but accurate”. What does accuracy have to do with a story whose noble goal was to rid the nation of a public, pestilential pox? All the recipes for omelets begin with romper huevos. Like Buzz Feed last week, it has become an integral double-helixed part of the warp and the woof of the DNA of modern American Liberal journalism. Investigative journalists, and is that now a 4-letter word, work backwards from the agreed upon conclusion that Trump is Hitler and that Catholics should be disenfranchised and that those Kentucky kids should be keel-hauled with what’s left being flayed as partial atonement for all the sins committed by evil White folk. If we gave the “Trousered Apes”, universally known as our betters, their druthers, there wouldn’t be enough left for a decent chum basket.

As Ambassador Moynihan said at the UN to the Israeli Ambassador when the General Assembly voted to make Zionism the same as racism, “Fuck ‘em”.

This Catholic will not go gently to the back of the bus.

Kevin Smith

PS – Florida State University, aka “The Seminoles”, and why do they get to keep a per se racist Abo name while Podunk A&T, located in Bug Fug, Arkansas, has to give up a century old Noble Savage mascot because someone’s knickers got knotted, has abjectly, profoundly, and profusely apologized for doing a harmless parody on MLK, Jr, and on his birthday to boot. Maybe Alice was right when she said “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean.” I turn to the envelope marked free speec., the one where the fading spirit of Orwell lingers. “All speech is free but some speech is freer than others and some free speech isn’t free at all and if you don’t like that, shut up.”

Square this circle.

It is politically incorrect to have gone to an all-male prep school with the only thing that could make it worse would have been if it were also Roman Catholic. [BTB, don’t look for “Curly” Biden, aka “Cheese Dick”, to play up that part of his extensive working-class BIO.] Membership in or allegiance to the Knights of Columbus will soon be akin to having belonged to the Waffen SS. Don’t even ask to see cartoons of Muhammed as a goat humping paedophile but you must be happy to subsidize with your taxpayer dollars the production of Corpus Cristi, a play whose basic premise is that Christ was crucified because he and Judas had a lovers’ quarrel and Judas dropped a dime on him.

And to quote, as the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne, “This is some country. That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba!”

How about a Go Fund Me page to keep Congresschick Chiquita Ocasio-Cortez in the public eye? What a friggin’ moron! She just gave us 12 years before old terra firma goes belly up. She joins a distinguished line of modern American Liberals all of whom share certified friggin’ moron status. Margaret Sanger, Rachel Carson are emeritus friggin’ moron status. Paul Ehrlich, who said we would either starve or freeze to death and blamed it on the Catholic Church; former V.P. Alpha Gump who 30 years ago gave us no more than 10 years before we were sunburned to death and 20 years ago gave us 10 more years before we drowned and 10 years ago gave us 10 more years before he became a “sex poodle” and sold his TV network to the WOGs and Donna Shalala who, 21 years ago, gave us 10 years before we all died from AIDS. Talk about an A-Team. She’s got some big shoes to fill. BTB, all her shoes have a note stitched in them which says, “Toes to the front and go in first.” Also, some money will be set aside for a hysterectomy. Her line must end. The Buck v Bell rule applies, no?

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