Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 6, 2019 I’m baaack!

January 6, 2019

I’m baaack! And since modern American Liberals have declared the end of hate speech, the gloves are off.

George Carlin, late of Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, reminded us that there were 7 words, one of which was motherfucker, that cannot be said on national TV. The ironic beauty of his telling us this was that the told us on national TV.

Speech is either free or it isn’t.
The rabbit died or it didn’t.
The biopsy is malignant or it is isn’t
If comedy, or politics, consist of yelling Fuck you! the loudest, maybe it’s not funny.

The ancient line from Sophocles – Free men speak with free tongues – to James Madison – Congress shall make no law…. – to Congresswoman Pottymouth Tlaib – Trump is a motherfucker – is straight, plumb, and true.

By allowing modern American Liberals to expand, eclectically, the edges of the envelope labeled free speech we have become less free.

Maybe Trump is a motherfucker who stops at his daughter’s White House office for a hummer int the AM but why can’t I say that Barney Frank is a fat, cocksucking Jew who ran a male-only Knocking Shoppe cum ticket fixing bordello in this DC townhouse? He was.

If miserable skank looking, crack whore wanabee Kathy Griffin can walk around with a severed Trump head, I can say, that for her, the back-alley humping scene from Les Miserables would have been a day at the beach for her. 

By allowing modern American Liberal “Trousered Apes” to eclectically expand the edges of the envelope labeled free speech we have become less free. Burke, of course, was right. We either control our passions or they control us. 

Senator Barbara Mikulski was so ugly that she could make my cat shit. Donna Shalala hung out with her because she made her look like someone out of a Botticelli catalogue. The loser in the haunted house contest got to spend the weekend with Janet Reno. BTB, MS Shalala told us in August, 1998 that we would all be dead in 10 years from AIDS. 11 years of playing with house money with gas at $2.09 on Federal Highway they’re all starting to look good and it’s not even sundown.


News Flash!
It was suggested on pre-dawn local TV that Maduro, El Jefe Supremo de Los Cabezas de Ca-Ca [Caracas Branch] be allowed to show his support for Democracy.
Talk about Jumbo Shrimp!

How can you support something that never was? 

Empirical date show that while Democracy may have strong roots it has, always has, always will have, a troubled future. Quick! List 2 examples of successfully ongoing representative Democracies in Latin-American countries. I can’t either. I think it is safe to say today that Bolivar was right, is right, will be right, when he said, almost 200 years ago,


If we are “free” enough to call the President of the United States a “motherfucker” shouldn’t we be “free” enough to see cartoons of Muhammed? How about a discussion of whether he was or he wasn’t a goat humping paedophile? Shouldn’t the fatwa against Salman Rushdie be cancelled? It’s been 30 years since “The Satanic Verses” threatened Little Mo and Allah, the big guy himself. Both seem to have survived. Rushdie, the author, survived because Lady Thatcher commanded the SAS and the SBS to kill anyone who threatened him. If Samantha Bee, and send up a flare when she says something funny, can call Ivanka Trump a “miserable cunt”, what can I call Wide-Bottomed Hillary? How about Justice Ginzburg? I know modern American Liberals no longer regard anti-Semitism as a “hate crime” or even a crime at all but would I get some sneers from the shtetl If I were to suggest that she stay home at this year’s State of the Union address?  That way she can drink a lot of wine, soil her knickers, and tell Trump to fuck off before she falls down and nods off dreaming of Scalia’s hard salami. I’ll leave Nancy Pelosi out of this for 2 reasons: #1 – If I upset her, she may get another face lift despite the plastic surgeon telling her that one more and she’ll be peeing through her nipples and - #2 – out of respect for Dante. She will no longer be listed with the run of the mill miserable cunts. Her Patrician !% status demands that she be called fica miserabile. Send a SASE.
Maybe Yeats was right.
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.”
But then Eliot reminds us not to
 concern ourselves with the harvest
“but only of perfect sowing.”

Or maybe we can shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater?

Kevin Smith

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