Monday, February 4, 2019

February 3, 2019 Sarah Blaskey – The Miami Herald

February 3, 2019

Sarah Blaskey – 
The Miami Herald

RE: Congratulations on your Page 1 story – and above the fold to boot! – on the rise of the “alt-right” and how the “chilling effects” of too much time on the “slippery slope” of latent Islamophobia will surely lead us down the path of having MAGA hats welded on to our heads. As ably reported by you, chronicling the return of unbridled billingsgate in once irenic Hallandale, in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Blaskey,

I cite, in its entirety, your comment on Laura Loomer, the Svengali to Right – Wing puppet, Hallandale Councilwoman Anabelle Lima-Taub

“Proud of the label ‘Islamaphobe,’ Loomer clarified that she sees
her fear of Islam as rational. She calls Islam ‘the biggest threat to
Western Society.’ [In reality, most terrorist attacks are carried
 out by nationalist extremists.”

Pop Quiz

Did any of the murdering thugs who flew planes into
buildings on 9/11 shout “Luther Akbar”, suggesting that
 they were Norwegian terrorists?

You, in the same article, said that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group known for dispensing more heat than light and a group that atoned for its most recent libel by paying its victim’s legal costs and several millions of dollars in compensatory damages, wrote “Muslims are depicted as irrational, intolerant, and their faith is frequently depicted as sanctioning pedophilia, coupled with intolerance for homosexuals and women.”

Would you think me an Islamaphobe if I were to point out that while Soldiers and Marines became used to IEDs in Afghanistan they had a much harder time understanding “Dancing Boys”? In addition to racing camels, they serve as sexual vehicles for tribal elders. Didn’t Iran hang a man convicted of being a homosexual last week? Is the practice of cliteroidectomies on 8 to 10-year-old girls practiced by Baptists or Buddhists?

What do the years 732, 1571, and 1683 have in common? If you said rape and pillage and the end to Western Civilization, as it was then known, by radical Islamic terrorists, you know your History. 

What in the name of the Great God Jehovah were the idyllic Muslims doing half way across Europe before they were stopped at Tours in 732?

In 1571, the Muslim Merry Pranksters were stopped at Lepanto. They had promised to stable their horses in the Sistine Chapel. Was that a misunderstanding?

If it were not for Jan Sobieski, King of Poland, the 17th century version of radical Islamic terrorist would have conquered Vienna. Forgetting everything else but remembering that the Taliban, radical Islamic terrorists on steroids and writ large, outlawed whistling in Afghanistan when they had the whip hand. Let’s try to think about life with neither Bach nor Mozart.

Speaking of things cultural….14 centuries after the Prophet announced his good news where is the Muslim Dante? How about a DaVinci? Michelangelo? Shakespeare?
Handel? Madison? Dickens? Tolstoy? Kipling? Pound? Eliot? Kemmons Wilson? Walter Boeing? Bryant/Lombardi? Gates/Jobs?

You will not have to be in the shower to count Nobel Prize winners with identifiable Muslim names. About 1000 years ago, they turned inward. They ate their own seed corn. I don’t want to say there was incest but a lot of them can look through a key hole with both eyes.  

Do you know if the Hallandale Library has ever had an exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe photos? How about a tableau featuring “Piss Christ”? A presentation of “Corpus Cristi”? Does it stock Dick Gregory’s excellent bio. If you want the title SASE.
I won’t ask about the Mohammed cartoons. That would be prima facie Islamophobia, right? 

Nat Hentoff, my pal, wrote a book titled “Free Speech For Me But Not For Thee”. See if you can get a copy. Of course, you know that “a little learning is a dangerous thing” so beware of “shallow drafts”.

Kevin Smith

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