Monday, August 10, 2020

July 24, 2020 “A Republic, if you can keep it” Is what Ben Franklin said when asked what had come out of the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention in 1787


July 24, 2020

“A Republic, if you can keep it”

Is what Ben Franklin said when asked

what had come out of the Philadelphia

Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Among Franklin’s other achievements were his octogenarian Parisian boudoir pole vaulting exploits. The end of Franklin’s sacrifice was that Frog Admiral De Grasse put 100 ships of the line between Cornwallis’s escape or relief. Either way, the British band played 

“The World Turned Upside Down” as Cornwallis sent a subordinate to surrender his sword

to George Washington. That’s when the lights went on all over the world because of the beckoning beacon on the “shining city on the hill”.

He also said “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”

The future of beer is more secure than the future of the Republic. My son makes a prize-winning brew called “Poppa’s Lithuanian Amber Ale”, featuring a picture of his Poppa, great grandfather Felix Milwid from Vilnius.

Obama, “clean and articulate” as Slow Joe Biden said, promised to “fundamentally transform the nation”. He said he would close Gitmo, America’s adult sleepaway camp for Radical Islamic terrorists, the kind who blow up buildings and behead Christians, in a year. 11 years later it is still open.

Being Liberal used to mean that you were open to ideas. I am willing to sit quietly and listen to an explanation, any explanation, of “Fast and Furious”. Apparently, giving guns to divers frito bandidos in Huejutla to see how long it would take to get them back to Chicago – duty free - where it would kill an infant was supposed to make us more free and secure. Also, what ever happened to the apostate Muslim film producer who produced a film that led to the good citizens of Benghazi mutilating and killing 4 Americans. Wide-Bottomed Hillary promised the survivors at Dover AFB, while the bodies were still warm that the US would “get” the killers. Did we? Are they in Gitmo? Will Judge Judy try them? Pay-TV?

I just got a Face Book request from Mayor Petey Bootygoogoo to send him money so he can do away with the electoral college If ever there were a chilling effect before hitting the slippery slope that’s it.

What did the DWEMs, when they were alive and figuring out just what the Hell was going on, unanimously warn us about? 

One word


Mob rule

Franklin also wrote a tract called “Fart Proudly” so we know he would be wearing a MAGA hat.

The suddenly popular Alexander Hamilton said, “Your people, sir, are a great beast.”

Once the electoral college is gone the next target is the Senate.


Texas has 2 Senators as does Delaware and Rhode Island The King Ranch in Kleberg County, Texas is bigger than both of them. Fair? Of course not. It wasn’t meant to be. Originally, The Founders had Senators appointed by state legislatures. The idea was simple. Legislation should not be passed in the heat of the moment. The Senate or an upper house gives time for a bit more reflection. Take it away and you have a never-ending series of Ox-Bow incidents.

The modern American Liberal Trousered Apes who prowl as Democrats will fundamentally transform this country after November.

It is time for Captain Horatius to guard the bridge.

Kevin Smith


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