Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 4, 2013
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: A new trend in journalism – ONE SENTENCE EDITORIALS!


Thank you very much for making pre-dawn activity easier. Your idea of reducing all those words, words, words to one thought is sure to sweep the industry.

In its entirety…

“There simply aren’t enough good-paying jobs to keep
poor and low-income families from going hungry.”

What went wrong?

4 years ago we borrowed a trillion dollars from meretricious Mandarin moneylenders. Then we used it for “shovel ready” jobs that the Dear Leader then told us weren’t quite “shovel ready”. Suddenly the noted Italian economist, Professor Vivaldi, began trumpeting the arrival of the “Summer of Recovery”. He just finished his 4th encore. Then we arranged to have a health care system designed by Martians with snakes for brains. It gets better. Then we had Pickle Boat Willie and his dim cousin, John the Gom, design a website that makes your hair hurt.

But wait. There’s more.

Just before this jerry-rigged Rube Goldberg thing-a-ma-jig collapses into the Black Hole of Absurd Incompetence send out a Medusa-like South Florida harridan with a voice that can cure Shingles, answering to the name of Little Debbie, to look behind the curtain and yammer like a Banshee in heat that the Tea Party did it I think that means that the statute of limitations has run on G.W. Bush.

I think that’s what the rest of your editorial said. It did, didn’t it? Jeepers, if it didn’t it should have.

Kevin Smith

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