Monday, May 29, 2017

May 28, 2017

Eleanor Sobel
% The Sun Sentinel Editorial Board
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

Ms. Sobel,

Don’t you love it when upper middle class, somewhat dilettantish, modern American Liberal politicians, chicks who would vote for Dr. Mengele because of his strong stand on abortion, lecture – perhaps hector is the better word -  about the shopping habits of “deplorables”? I do.

Let me digress.

Only someone afflicted with near terminal eclectic indignation can babble on about the need for stricter photo ID laws when an inner-city youth wants to buy a 40-ounce malt liquor to help him get through the day. Would not Logic dictate that such due diligence be extended to the voting booth?

 Silly me! I almost forgot.

 As a card-carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, a lady who would rather spend a weekend in a sleeping bag with 2 rabid wolverines than be thought of as a racist, a lady who desperately wants manatee suffrage, someone who just knows that the 10% drop in public transit usage this past year was caused by Trump, such enforcement would be wrong and mean spirited and just one more sign of how really, really evil those rat bastard Republicans are.

Did I tell you I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey? Death was never a deterrent to universal suffrage, particularly when Row A All the Way was the signature of the Democratic Party.

Did you know that the Vietnam Wall began in Duval County, Texas? In 1948 Abe Fortas “found” 4,000 “lost” votes? I know it’s hard to believe but they were almost all in alphabetical order. You believe that was random selection, right? Anyway, after a frantic week of counting and recounting and re-recounting “Landslide Lyndon” got to the Senate, got to the White House, and the rest is, as is oft-times said, History.

Also, there are new rules for criticizing Walmart, the bane of Mom & Pop stores.

 The only mAL pols who can criticize big box stores, stores that inflict wanabee deplorables with the curse of low prices and unlimited choice, are those who never bought a book at Amazon.

 Did you get  your copy of “A Theory of Justice” at Borders?

Good talking to you.

It was a dark, dirty, and dangerous job but if I don’t do it who will? And if I don’t, in some strange way, the terrorists win.

Kevin Smith

PS – Do you know if the Sentinel, ever the lead dog in the pack fighting for social justice, ever took care of the brave matadors who sold their paper on the busy, life threatening streets of Broward County? It would have been the right thing to do. Readers won’t mind spending more for their paper. 

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