Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26, 2017

Secretary of State Dean Acheson, a man whose mustache was clipped hourly lest an errant strand mar his visage – it could be said that he was the poster boy for the modern American Liberal sin of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome – once famously [or infamously] said “I will not turn my back on Alger Hiss”.

[Alger Hiss, for those with selective memories, memories predicated on the principles of modern American Liberalism, one of which is “there are no enemies on the Left”, was a superbly educated [Johns Hopkins and Harvard Law School] career Federal civil servant who was a closeted Communist and a Russian spy. He was an ardent New Dealer who handed over U.S. secrets to his Commie masters for a decade. He accompanied the President of the United States to his meeting with Stalin, the Butcher of the Kulaks and one-time Hitler ally and accomplice. While there, and by any means necessary, he made known the plans of his country to his Bolshy masters. And that’s who he was. [Vide Witness and the Venona Papers]

Substitute Imam Awan for Alger Hiss. Substitute Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for Dean Acheson. Guess what?

Imam Awan, a suspected radical Islamist terrorist and an IT and computer employee of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, was arrested as he tried to make a mad dash for the border. He was fired by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz less than 24 hours ago. His first reaction was to get back to Kafiristan, the ancestral home of other technologically attuned radical Islamic terrorists. He is in the federal pokey awaiting arraignment and, hopefully, a one-way ticket to Gitmo, America’s adult Caribbean sleepaway rehab center.

I will bet a dime to a dollar that the first reaction from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, AKA the paradigm of irenic mAL Medusas, will be straight from her uncle, Sergeant Schultz, America’s favorite Wehrmacht stalag guard. “I know nothing and whatever happened Trump and Putin did it.”

If Debbie had a dick it would be fully and totally in the wringer from which no appendage ever returns.

Alger Hiss can’t be mentioned without mentioning Whittaker Chambers, without mentioning the Pumpkin Papers, without mentioning Royal typewriters, without mentioning bird watching, without mentioning dead Americans, without mentioning treason.

It was, as Winston Churchill said of a different dance, “a time of limitless peril”.

Hiss went to prison where, regrettably, he spent but 4 years, not for treason for which the Rosenberg treatment would have been an option, but for perjury.

Hiss was a stench in the nostrils of honest men and is still a pox on the body politic. He should be disinterred annually and flogged just to make sure he is still dead. A 24 hour, 7 day a week guard, bayonets facing in, should be assigned to his grave to make sure he does not escape like an ideological incubus and infect us mortally’

At least Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, South Florida’s favorite Nazi wanabee book burning thug, doesn’t have a mustache. On the other hand, it might be an improvement.

Kevin Smith

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