Wednesday, February 21, 2018

February 11, 2018

State Senator Gary Farmer
111 E. Las Olas Blvd #913
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Some comments on your insipid, inane, maybe vacuous, maybe all of them but how can I “paint the lily” of your moronic mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel?

Senator Farmer,

“As we fight for a world free of racial divides…” God’s Holy Trousers, but you actually said that. Shall we count the ways – I daresay reductio ad absurdum – of the Logical lunacy of your addle-brained, ca-ca filled modern American Liberal premise, said premise being perfected at the thriving Balloon Juice, Rainbow Stew, Unicorn Co-Op, the one staffed by community activists from Caracas and Harare?

#1 – At least Dixie Highway runs on a North/South axis. Isn’t it time for that ill-named street to go? At the very least, no government vehicles can use it.
#2 – Plantation, Florida. Plantation, Florida? Really? Didn’t slaves live on plantations? Are we condoning slavery, like the New York Times did in 1864 by calling for a negotiated end to the Civil War? Plantation High School’s nick name is “The Colonels”. The Colonels”? Is Mel Brooks in charge of this production? [I was going to say Swift but I don’t want to overload you and your staff.] I had 2 relatives who traveled 3,000 miles to help free the slaves. They both fought at Gettysburg. One of them is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”. I find that name extremely offensive.
#3 – Carl Vinson, John Stennis, Richard Russell, and Sam Ervin had at least 2 things in common: They were all Democrats and they spent their entire adult lives trying to stop little Black boys from going to school with little White Girls. Vinson and Stennis have nuclear powered, nuclear armed war ships named after them. Russell has a ginormous office building named after him. Ervin is a hero to the shit-for-brains modern American Liberals because he “got” Nixon. Scuttling is off the table because we may need the ships shortly. How about changing the names? The U.S.S. O.J. Simpson and the U.S.S. Willie Horton has a certain euphony, don’t you think? How about the Al Sharpton Senate office building? I think that would bring us together.

“A world free of racial divides”

If it weren’t for non-sequiturs, eclectic indignation, and tautologies developmentally disabled Democrats, people such as you, would need strict instructions, negatively enforced, to piss in your boot.

Kevin Smith

P.S. Did you nod in approval when the Taliban blew up the 2,500-year-old Buddha statues? How about when al-Qaeda razed Palmyra? Did those meet your criteria for cultural cleansing? Have you ever read Orwell? Excuse me. Have you ever heard of Orwell? And it was late in the afternoon of July 2, 1863 in the Wheat Field at Gettysburg. They were both members of The Irish Brigade, the New York 69th Regiment. 

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