Monday, March 5, 2018

March 3, 2018
Mayor Jack Seiler
City Hall
111 S. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Mayor Seiler,

I have been following Mayor Schall and her decision to “nullify” Federal law, al la
John C. Calhoun, in Oakland. Also, I was awakened by a train at 3:17 this morning.

. And yes, there is a connection.

[By the way, I am positive of the exact time because of my digital clock. Should I thank former Vice President Alpha Gump for that also?]

If Mayor Schaal can tell the Feds to fuck off why can’t you put a SWAT unit on the border shared with Pompano Beach and stop the despoilers of my quality of life from honking their friggin’ horns?

Why not give a disabled senior citizen a good night’s rest?

Kevin Smith

PS – I know Justice Marshall said that no state can challenge the supremacy of Federal law but if Mayor Schaal can tell them to bugger off why can’t you?

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