Sunday, October 19, 2008

Congressman Ron Klein

October 17, 2008

Congressman Ron Klein
800 East Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Drilling off the coast of Cuba

Congressman Klein,

Cuba Petroleo, the state owned Cuban oil company, just announced that they have 20 billion - 20,000,000,000 – barrels of oil in the North Cuba Basin. They expect to begin drilling in 8 months. The geologic structure is very similar to what is found in United States and Mexican waters in the Gulf. Cuba’s share of the Gulf of Mexico was established in 1997 when it signed treaties with the United States of America and the United States of Mexico.

Apparently the “Drill, Drill, Drill” philosophy espoused by Newt Gingrich, T. Boone Pickens and everybody who uses gasoline has taken hold and is flourishing, Alas, it is flourishing in Cuba, a country where for 50 years, try and try and try as it does, they have yet to overcome the three perpetual problems of any Socialist economy; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soon, very soon Cuba may be exporting oil. The mind boggles.

Two things:

#1 – I know that neither Exxon nor Chevron will be involved with the drilling of these wells. Whoever drills will not be answerable to the American legal system. From Key West to Pensacola the Gulf coast of Florida will be in peril. If there is a spill who will pay? Will the United States Navy take an active role in enforcing our environmental standards on a foreign company and foreign country? What will be the rules of engagement? A hearing at the United Nations? A suit at the World Court? An F-18 air strike followed by a Marine invasion?

#2 – If we are to assume the risk of beach befoulment shouldn’t we get some of the “good stuff”? Let me define “good stuff”: Increased domestic oil production, the creation of tens of thousands of new jobs, an exponential increase in tax revenues, both state and Federal, and the decreased dependence on foreign oil, sometimes from countries not overly friendly to us.

Would not common sense and the common good dictate that we adopt such a policy?

I care deeply about our nation. I care deeply about the future that awaits my grandchildren. If wandering manatees, peripatetic furbish louseworts, the odd whooping crane, Luddites and fellow travelers of Lysenko are disturbed…that’s too damn bad.

If Castro can do it so can we.

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