Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber

October 17, 2008

The fat lady just sat down. She’s the one with the Viking horns, the long blond pony tails, and the spear. When she heads for the front of the stage you reach for your parking stub.

She started to stand up. She changed her mind.

The Deus ex machina was Joe the Plumber.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama – I looove three names, don’t you? Think Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy – couldn’t put Hillary Rodham Clinton away in the later primaries.

Joe the Plumber, and by now the thugs who work for Senator Barack Hussein Obama and the toads and weasels who carry his water in the media will have found out that Joe the Plumber is a troll who eats little kittens, tells mother in law jokes, and never heard of “Angels in America” save to say that he knows it’s probably not about Angels, knows the hard way that if you tax something you have less of it.

Joe the Plumber asked Senator Barack Hussein Obama not the obvious question, the question that gives politicians the chance to sound like Mother Teresa minus the religion, the one that gives them the opportunity to talk of shared sacrifice, of fairness, of helping the children. The obvious question would have been “What are you going to do for me”? Rather, he asked “What are you going to do to me”?

To his credit Senator Barack Hussein Obama told Joe the Plumber that if he does well the Internal Revenue Service will, without any risk, stick its man hole sized hand into his pocket and “spread the wealth”.

Senator Joseph “Curley” Biden, a man who believes in selective Globalization what with his hair being from China and his teeth being from the Duchy of DuPont, told us it was “patriotic” to pay more taxes

. Interestingly, he excluded himself from this burden. Also, the burden of helping those less fortunate than him – it’s called charity – also is not for him. Perhaps he didn’t want to dilute the value of his donations and contributions but claiming them on his tax returns. I don’t believe that and if you do then, as the Iron Duke said, “You’ll believe anything”.

You do not “create” jobs by passing out $3,000 tax credits for each new job “created”. If you start a new business – plumbing, soft ware, making sausages, you name it – “tax credits” are about as useful as tits on a bull by the time you reach your third payroll.

“Tax credits” come into play when you file your first tax return. If you are showing a profit in your first year of business you work either for Tony Soprano or your business is playing and winning by filling inside straights. If you do the latter enough times the former will be retained by the casinos to monitor your business methods.

In the real world, a world that Joe the Plumber lives in and one that Senator Barack Hussein Obama has no idea of or why would he be caterwauling about the price of arugula, Joe the Plumber knows genetically, instinctively, or, as Edmund Burke said,” Unfortunately, experience is the only school where some people ever learn” what works for him.

He also knows the difference between gross and net.

James Burnham once had a list to determine who was a modern American Liberal and who wasn’t. If you believed that the United Nations was good and that Alger Hiss and the Rosenthals were railroaded and that higher tax rates got more revenue for the government you got your membership card. Today, the typical modern American Liberal looks a Subchapter S tax return and sees only one number that counts to him. Gross income.

Senator Joseph Curley Biden says that no plumber in his neighborhood – Did you know that his neighborhood is known as “Chateau Country”? – “makes” $250,000 a year. That’s true for the unstated reason that there are no plumbers in his neighborhood. If Joe the Plumber has 1 truck, an astonishing insurance bill, and why does Joe the Plumber need a lawyer, 2 part time assistants, and a big pile of inventory in his garage his $250,000 a year is not a lot of money. Since Senator Barack Hussein Obama has already told Joe the Plumber that he will tax the bejeezus out him to “spread the wealth” – Don’t you love it when politicians tell the truth particularly when they don’t want to? – why should Joe want to put his hand into that particular meat grinder?

Joe the Plumber knows this.

That’s why the fat lady sat down.

That’s why there is one more act to come.

Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


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