Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Editorial Board The Miami Herald

December 7, 2009

The Editorial Board
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange – Jabberwocky writ large is bad enough and now you have found co-conspirators in this unholy antinomianalistic crusade against reason.


“Even though the newspapers’ editorial boards may disagree on
Numerous other issues, the evidence – notwithstanding the recent
Brouhaha about quashed scientific memos – does not change the
Reality about the need to reduce our carbon footprint.”
Page 1
Italics mine

I wish I could say that I thought what you wrote was funny. It’s not; it’s tragic.

What if your spouse had been diagnosed with a cancer that would have required radical surgery? What if one of the pathologists said he had mixed up the slides and may have come to the wrong conclusion? Would you still go ahead with the operation?

Only a barking mad loon would ever say that “the science is settled”.

Is anyone familiar with the Logical fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc? It’s been around since the world was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, and tomatoes were poison. I know enough about the Scientific Method to know that correlation is not causation.

In 1997 President Clinton offered a hot August day in Washington as proof that there was Global Warming. I guess it depends on what “hot” means.

Check and see if the Ptolemaic universe – as settled a science as there ever was – is still taught in Astronomy classes.

Find out if the Piltdown Man is still high on the list for the Missing Link theory.

Einstein said that he only had to be proved wrong once. Then, he is supposed to have said, he could “get on to other things”.

I offer you the same plan that I have been offering the Miami Herald since 1997. The term “carbon footprint”, the one you are so desperate to reduce, had not yet appeared.

Turn off your A/C.

Practice what you preach. You would have been 12 years into your campaign to make us better people. Surely your well intentioned plan would have paid dividends by now. Plus, think how much money you would have saved on your electric bill.

Here’s something else you can do.

Go to the roof of your waterfront HQ.

If the icebergs are melting because of man and because of bovine, porcine, and orvine borborygymy tell me how high the water has risen. If all these icebergs are melting the water has to go somewhere. Where the Hell is it?

When St. Augustine was still in his formative years he said, “Lord make me strong. Tomorrow.”

The noise coming from the Amen corner occupied by charlatans, shamans, and profiteers nesting under the tent erected by Chicken Little is cacophonous. It is also wrong.

The world of Climate Change is filled with scientific Bernie Madoffs.

Your joining it doesn’t make it right. It makes you worse.

Kevin Smith

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