Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News

December 13, 2010

Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20005

RE: “Yes, makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep is cheaper than them uniforms an’ there starvation cheap…” From our first multicultural poet.

Ms. Carlson,

The first time I heard the phrase “integrity adjustment” was when Mikey, the lawyer from Brooklyn, used it. He told it happened when something “owed to the ledger” became a bit more than a debit.

It’s been 10 years since we went through the Looking Glass in search of a secular holy grail, the perfect modern American Liberal chad. The 2000 election, remember?

“If ever there comes a perfect chad…”

It is indeed fitting and proper to note that the Florida recount would have been moot if former Vice President Alpha Gump had carried Tennessee, his home state. Despite having been raised in DCs Shoreham Hotel he was a loyal Volunteer at heart. When he was younger he worked – or so he said – in the tobacco fields and tobacco barns. Before he became a slum lord and a serial polluter he set a record that was worthy of Guinness Book of Records notice: He flunked out of two graduate schools in one semester. Put a bit differently that means after he flunked out of one he flunked into another one which he promptly flunked out of. The people of Tennessee are worthy of high praise indeed. After having endured him and his finger nails on the blackboard voice they could have sent him to “eat out our substance” as President. A major Te Deum should be sung in honor of their accomplishment.

[Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Barack Obama – What do they have on those people who vote in the Noble Prize elections? Are they from Hudson County? Are they from Cook County? Who gets it next? Barney Frank? Nancy Pelosi? Oprah? That there are more horses’ asses than there are horses’ heads was once a sign of American exceptionalism. Now we export it.]

You may wish to read the speech of November 11, 2010 by Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly, USMC. Beyond being a first rate example of Rhetoric it was given 4 days after his son, Lt. Robert Michael Kelly, USMC, was killed in Afghanistan.

General Kelly, USMC, has served in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Lt. Kelly, USMC, served in Afghanistan.

Captain Kelly, USMC, the General’s oldest son and the “best big brother ever”, is serving in Afghanistan.

By the standard that you set down 10 years ago, the standard that said military absentee ballots in Florida should not be counted because they are all “tax dodgers”, the three of them were “tax dodgers”. If they were one of them no longer is.

You can find him just across the Potomac.

“He shall not grow, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary him, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember him.”

He is, will be, on permanent patrol. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. That’s just across the Potomac. Should you wish to find out what he thought of the death tax pay him a visit. He won’t be going anywhere.

Kevin Smith

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