Saturday, December 3, 2011

Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer The Sun-Sentinel

December 3, 2011
Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel

RE: “Interest Trumps Ideology” – Some comments on your article today on why the country would be better off if Herman Cain were to be strapped to a rocket flying in pursuit of the Pioneer space probe.

Mr. Lyons,

“…especially my small but earnest fan club that
Routinely blows up my online comment space…”

Curses! “Outed” again!

I felt honored when George Soros came to my house and told me that he had my name on a list that said I was a founding member of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”. I immediately fessed up. I also told him that I was a devoted disciple of Edmund Burke and a proud hoplite in the Milton Friedman phalanx.

Your major premise – Blacks are more dependent on the Government – must Logically end with said government being the be all and end all of life. It is a premise against which men have argued since the first days of the agora. It is a premise against which free men and men who wish to be free still argue.

If, as you say, Blacks “are just looking out for their interests”, would not Logic dictate that Blacks should be in the forefront of the fight for school vouchers? We can stipulate that American education, particularly when it is modified by the term “inner city”, a euphemistic term for Black, no, just doesn’t work.

No school district in the universe spends more money per pupil than Washington, D. C. The modern American Liberal mantra of more money equals better schools seems not to be working for residents of Section 8 housing

Have you seen the big yellow school bus pull up in front of the White House?

President B.O. and the Missus, both residents of public housing, have decided it is neither in their best interests nor in the best interests of their daughters for them to attend public school. What’s $70,000 for day school tuition when the guys wh mow the lawn carry Uzis? [I still have an ongoing investigation into whether and Kennedy ever attended any public school anywhere, anytime in the 20th century.]

Is that what you meant by self-interest? I must ask if you are a closet follower of Ayn Rand.

I have long held that the English teacher and the Chemistry teacher should be held to the same standard as the football coach. Further, the universal ethic common to all successful sports teams, the one that rewards performance and punishes failure, is anathema to the union thugs who have huge chunks of the American education system by the “embarrassing short and curlies”.

American Blacks who march lock step to the constant caterwauling of heads up their asses condescending Democrats are acting and voting against their own self-interest.

“The gray geese are flying tonight” is a code that tells all members of the Douglas C. Lyons – Senior Editorial Writer Fan Club to meet at noon at secret place #3 to swear in new members.

All this and before breakfast!

Merry Christmas or a non-denominational Season’s Greetings as the spirit, a culturally neutral spirit, moves you.


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