Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Street
Miami, Florida 33172

RE: To Hell with boycotting Arizona! Deport it! Some comments on your unlinkable op-ed in today’s Miami Herald about bigoted White folk suggesting that some people can still “give sodomy a bad name”.

Mr. Pitts,

“Perhaps the right wing’s proud embrace of
ignorance and intolerance has grown so toxic
they demand to be confronted.”
The Miami Herald

Assuming that Governor Brewer vetoes the same sex barrel bunging bill will Arizona still have to perform penance to atone for their **********r one of our more sensitive minorities?

How about Barney Frank, AKA “Primo Tight End Wedgebuster”, in stiletto heels with his mauve skirt slit from ankle to hip tattoo, leading the chorus from “La Cage aux Folles” in a stirring rendition of “I Am What I Am” in lieu of the National Anthem?

Maybe we’re not ready for that.


I read today where a lot of “Ignorant and intolerant” Black ministers want to gather 1,000,000 signatures to impeach Eric Holder’s Black ass because of his support for same-sex marriage.

If memory serves, Minister Louie Faraloon gathered 1,000,000 Black men in Washington to bellyache about the unfairness of it all. 1,000,000 was the final count, right?

It seems that these “ignorant and intolerant” holy rollers, craven Uncle Toms all, are doing Whitey’s bidding by saying that a wedding invitation that says Mr. & Mr. may not be Kosher.

You say “Boycott Arizona because the sun shines in California”.

“Eclectic indignation”, the one gift that modern American Liberals must possess lest their intellectual construct collapse, has allowed you to send an inconvenient truth down the Kumbaya memory hole. The people of California overwhelmingly rejected same sex marriage. It is a dirty little secret, one that modern American Liberals chose to forget, but wherever same-sex marriage has been on a ballot it has always – no exceptions – been rejected.

Is there an upper limit on the number of states we can boycott?

Thank God President B. O. found those extra 7, or was it 8, states. We can boycott states that don’t even have a name yet!

But speaking of another matter…

Would it be “ignorant and intolerant” of me to point out that since Roe v Wade between 35% and 40% of the abortions performed in this country have been done on Black women?

That’s no less than 550,000 a year, every year, since 1973.

On the other hand, same-sex marriages could solve that problem, no.

And I could get to see my nephew, James, in Phoenix without incurring the wrath of Pitts the Holy and being subjected to the typically foetid Pitts billingsgate.

Kevin Smith

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