Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 11, 2017

Congresswoman Maxine Waters
10124 South Broadway #1 
Los Angeles, CA 90003

Congresswoman Waters,

Live, you melanin-laced Hecate!

Stay out of Chicago and Baltimore. Black folk have a better chance of getting through the weekend at Simon Legree’s joint way down South in Dixie than at those two Black run abattoirs. Since you stay out of South Central LA, going there only to judge the looting contests. You should be safe there. Besides, the people who travel with you have enough weapons to take over a small African duchy.

Would it be racist of me to cite a Yahoo story about 15 deadbeat ex-NFL players? I ask that because only 2 of them are White with one of them being dead. The rest of them are, and I bet you guessed it, African-American. They have fathered some 69 children by close to two dozen women. #1 has 6 children by 6 women, a new record for monogamy for a goat.

I don’t want you to get shot. Since you were the one who gave us “Midnight Basketball” you are far too valuable to be exposed to random street violence. Further, when looking at video of feral urban Blacks looting in Watts you coined the phrase “alternative shopping”. Priceless. Beyond parody. Beyond the pale. 

Breaking news from Fort Lauderdale. No White looters. All those arrested are Black. Who says Affirmative Action doesn’t work?

By the by, has your husband looted any banks lately? It’s indoor work plus there’s no heavy lifting. He got his start sacking and pillaging a 7-11 after the Rodney King verdict, right?

Don’t wear any gang colors and always remember to shoot first.

Kevin Smith

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