Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 6, 2017

Michael Putney
The Miami Herald

RE: Specifically, all hail the Bramans for funding an art museum in Miami. Universally, all hail dead rich White guys for funding all sorts of good stuff.


A digression of sorts, one that takes me back to Bayonne.

I am without a phone or computer since Monday afternoon. And when was the last time you heard Spiro Agnew being cited in other than damning terms? It was he who was on the receiving end of a technological SNAFU approaching FUBAR when he declaimed “the perversity of inanimate objects” as the culprit.

The uptick is that I went back – temporarily – to newspapers. The Sun Sentinel is  D to D+ while the Herald is making progress to being B-.

And there you were praising the Bramans for spending their money on things other than undrowning polar bears, supporting the right to arm bears, 4th trimester abortions, and finding miracles attributable to Wide-Bottomed Hillary. 

Which brings me back to Bayonne.

I grew up thinking all libraries were as big and beautiful as mine was. As I grew older it became majestic. This was not a “shovel ready” job, financed by mendacious Mandarins. [Speaking of Chinese money-lending, Hillary spent her entire time in the Senate raling against borrowing money from the Chinese. When she was confirmed as Secretary of State she filled a plane with Monica Lewinsky wanabees to convince the same wily Orientals to continue to do so.] It was built and paid for by Andrew Carnegie.

Back from Holy Cross and into the land of counterpane
but my electronic escape routes have been restored

Thank God for wretched excess! Thank God he made it, kept it, and then gave it away.
One of the physicians who treated me today has a daughter at Vanderbilt. I told him to offer a minor te deum for dead rich White guys.

Caitlin the Fair, my eldest granddaughter, is on the Dean’s List at SCAD. And she had 3 5 credit courses! She has had several big sales. Maybe you could use your considerable juice to slip her into the not quite starving student section of the new museum.


PS – Leonard Pitts, who use to be one of my favorite polemicists, has devolved into a “one tool fits all” polemicist. Since his tool is a hammer, everything must be a nail. His universal nail is race with all its divers diverse diversions and divisions

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