Monday, June 4, 2018

June 3, 2018 Senator Gary Farmer

June 3, 2018

Senator Gary Farmer
111 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Numbers don’t lie but liars can count. Some comments on your mini Op-Ed on the sometimes sanctity of the will of the people in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Senator Farmer,
First, let me congratulate you for not shouting out like a half-assed Jeremiah that hurricanes are about to happen because June is here. And since this is usually accompanied by shouts of “Trump did it, the rat bastard”, you are to be doubly congratulated.

But that’s not why I write.

If, as you say in an achingly predictable modern American Liberal fashion, that when the populi vox – 71% in favor of Maryjane [that used to be a street name for marijuana] – that the matter is closed a la ex cathedra, why isn’t the same weight given to the 62% vote against same sex marriage?

71 for versus 62 against…. but that’s not how modern American Liberals think, is it?

Coach Bowden was wrong to let you pass block all those years without a helmet.

Kevin Smith

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