Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019 I don’t know about the 2016 election but the Russkies, f

April 25, 2019

I don’t know about the 2016 election but the Russkies, famed neither for their nuanced subtleties nor gossamer-like Noel Coward lyrics, are in the 2020 election with both stumblebum feet.

I can see where it would take a disciplined Boris & Natasha, known for their deft dexterity, to convince Wide-Bottomed Hillary to stay out of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin and to spend time in Arizona while eschewing any last minute blitzes in North Carolina and Florida.

My time in Texas taught me that “there ain’t a horse can’t be ridden and a rider can’t be throwed”.

Now I see where a United States Senator, a man who wants to be President, a man never signed both sides of a paycheck,  a man who spent his honeymoon in Moscow, a man who thinks that making rich people poor will make poor people rich, a man for whom the term “horse’s ass” was coined, says that imprisoned felons, people like Sirhan Sirhan, and please don’t tell me that you don’t know who he is, Willie Horton, Paul Manafort, Bill Cosby, and Charles Manson should be allowed to vote. [Spare me the “aha” moment. I know Manson is dead. I’m from Hudson County. Death has never been an impediment to counting Democratic votes.]

Bernie Sanders, welcome to the 10 ring!

At this point, I would usually quote some DWEM – That’s “Dead White European Male” for those who did not have a thickly White privileged education – starting with some Greeks, a few Romans, a few Englishmen, no WOGs, and even an odd Yank or two.

I will not do this.

I will turn to the sayings of Frank Paladino, ditch digger extraorordinaire, who may in his profession have some contemporaries, but absolutely, positively no peers.

His language is as simple and direct as Trollope or Hemingway. He has one phrase that fits all, particularly when said by a public man who wants his hand, his heavy hand, on the tax code and his itchy finger on the nuclear trigger, particularly when it comes to reconfiguring the 2nd Amendment.


The beauty of old words is that they need not be subject to quotidian subjectivity. The best current example is Kate Smith singing, in 1931, “That’s Why Darkies Were Born”. Modern American Liberals, and let it be said that they never let you down, rose to the bait just like the dumbest trout in the creek. As I heard and then read the lyrics, I can say that there was no racist intent but rather a back-hand put down of it. And, if it were racist, how did the [one] ethnic music moguls - Send a SASE for the name – get Paul Robeson, who was later to win the Lenin Peace Prize, to record it?

“Dad died”, “It’s a boy”, “Not guilty”, “The biopsy was positive”, “Bingo”. No wiggle room there, right?

Not only is Bernie Sanders full of shit, he has shit for brains. Should pedophiles be given 2 votes to make up for past injustices? Maybe it’s time for Lani Guinier’s past injustice voting remedy to get another look

Frank Paladino, now back in the People’s Republic of Manhattan, wouldn’t even blink 


Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking of “Russian Collusion”, are we sure the Rosenbergs are still dead? I know, I know their treasonous, traitorous tuckises were strapped onto Old Sparky and given a 50,000 volt send off. But Julie and Ethel are like vampires. Their power comes, in part, from the fact that very few people believe that they exist. Dig them up to be sure. Put a silver bullet into each ear, Drive a cross into their hearts. Marinade them in garlic.  Overkill? I think not or they’ll be handing out palm cards on election day.
“Curley’ Biden”, named for the smartest Stooge, just announced. Didn’t he ride with Roosevelt, the one who shot the bears, no the one in the wheel chair, during the Cuban unpleasantness?

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