Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019 Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

April 27, 2019

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
777 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
Sunrise, FL 33325

My Dear Congressperson,

First, let me congratulate you on your iron discipline.

It must be brutally tough for you, a true daughter of the desert and, yes, if truth be known, a sometimes “stiff-necked” one, to listen to all the bilious, Jew hating venom spewing forth from the mouths of your fellow Democrats.

Certainly not since Wilson was President and Kennedy was an Ambassador have big-time Democrats been so publicly hateful of Jews. You need not have a degree in History, which I have, to remember the liner Saint Louis was turned away from sanctuary status by a Democratic President. It pains me to say that the 900 Jews on board got an express train connection to Auschwitz, remember?

On the other hand, a political party that helped found the KKK, and, despite super majorities in both Houses, refused to pass or even consider anti-lynching legislation but did pass the Davis-Bacon Act, the single most anti-Black Federal law passed in the 20th century, can be excused for going back to its roots.

But that’s not why I write.

You said 2 days ago, in re “offshore drilling”, that “these reckless and foolhardy goals [Presumptively, absolute energy independence] must be abandoned forever.”

It poses a bit of a quandary, what with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and if she isn’t a Guinness Book nit-wit boobette I don’t know who is, giving us 12 years to live unless we power trans-oceanic trains by harnessing cow farts – God’s Holy Trousers but she is so dumb she makes my hair hurt! – plus being a Jew-hating bruja but I have a plan to help you square the circle of energy.

Approximately 25% of the gasoline consumed in this country comes from the Gulf of Mexico.


May I suggest that you show us the way, that you throw down the gauntlet, that you challenge us to follow your lead – Isn’t “I Love a Parade” the marching song of modern American Liberals? – by giving up gasoline one week a month?

Wind power, some of which will come from harnessing Elsie’s bovine eructations, solar power, except at night cuz there ain’t no sun at night, and maybe will power because I’m sure you know that “If wishes were horses beggars would ride them” will get you back and forth from the swift completion of your appointed rounds.

Then, next month, you can focus on coal.

25% of the electricity generated in this country comes from coal.


 [As an aside, Tom Steyer, who sounds like Moses coming down from the mountain carrying those tablets, made a gazillion dollars selling “dirty” coal with “dirty” being defined as coal which, because of its sulfur content, could not be burned in this country, to China and India. Neither country shares our devotion to clean air and clean water. Steyer, who constantly hectors us on his virtue, is a friggin’ hypocrite who should be flogged.]

May I suggest, and this is so simple it is sublime, that you give up A/C one week a month?

Please lead by example. 

Plus, a lot of drowning polar bears, yes I know that they kill and eat baby seals but that’s their life style and haven’t we imposed our cultural White privileged will on to many others, will thank you.

Kevin Smith

PS – It is a self-evident fact that a lot of Democrats hate Jews but now they hate Catholics too. Catholics are being slaughtered all over the world because they publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ. A lot of Catholics feel uncomfortable with that sentence but that doesn’t stop the filthy WOGs, this century’s version of radical Islamic terrorists, from killing them. I can’t tell you what to do with all the Jew haters in your Party but for the sake of my fellow Catholics will you at least condemn their martyrdom?

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