Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Senator Bill Nelson

February 4, 2009

Senator Bill Nelson
3416 South University Drive
Davie, Florida 32207

RE: Capitalist oil or Communist oil- What’s the difference?

Senator Nelson,

The Cubans are coming! The Cubans are coming! Only this time they are bringing the Chinese and the Indians [not the Comanches]

They just announced that they will begin drilling for oil by summertime, 2009. Since they are incapable of doing this themselves they have hired Chinese and Indian drilling companies to do it for them.

You have been adamantly opposed to drilling in American waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Cuba, a sovereign nation, will drill in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico within 50 miles of Florida’s most pristine beaches.

It would seem Logical to me that if Exxon or Chevron, both American companies, can’t drill there because of concerns for the environment then Cuba can’t drill there either. I have almost 20 years experience in drilling oil and gas wells. Things happen. Where Cuba will drill has the potential to foul both the Gulf and the Atlantic coasts of Florida.

In the end would not the United States Navy be the best way to enforce American wishes on an oil thirsty world?

If there is a reasonable alternative, one that has a chance of succeeding in keeping our shores pristine, could you share it with me?

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